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So that’s what drew Kit hither:
Q: How can we contact or engage the moderators?

feetwetPresumably one of the roles of moderators is to correct users that are performing clearly erroneous reviews. I thought the two users who rejected this edit could probably use some guidance, which AFAIK can only be provided by mods. So I tried to find some means of contacting the moderators. Th...

I know why Andrew didn't get the ping, of course.
Well, I think I do. Maybe mods always get pings. Not sure.
@FaheemMitha MS says they can basically use your data for anything they like, and give them to anyone they like.
I use Windows at home, because I couldn't deal with a smaller ecosystem.
I use lots of things that are tied to Windoze.
[ SmokeDetector ] Chinese character in title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信1534584698办理莫道克大学大学毕业证成绩单学历认证Murdoch University by rordang1 on english.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, chinese character in title: 办理澳洲悉尼科技大学毕业证(QQ微285347871)成绩单学历认证 by dickxv on english.stackexchange.com
@AFamiliarFace Hello. Are you the new Smoke Detector?
@tchrist It's spam time...
@Cerberus For the nonce.
I’m in the middle of a big commit.
Owner was expected to be absent till later today.
Normal owner.
Yeah, Smokey only listens to users in the Tavern. Here he’s read-only. If you want to get help, change config, etc you have to do it there.
TPTB will put a full block against this soon.
Against the sinospam.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 8 mins ago, by James
@Shog9 this is the 2nd day of Chinese degree mill spam on english.stackexchange. While we all have slightly more flags than yesterday, could you possibly work your regex magic? Please?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Some random reactions on the web:
> And, again, this isn’t unusual in this day and age. Whether you love it or hate it — actually, it’s more like you’re indifferent to it or hate it — many operating systems and services now function this way. What’s new here is Windows is jumping on board. Many of these features were already present in Windows 8 and 8.1, too.
> -- is it just me or is it crazy that we don't really know what other sources of information might currently be hoovered up in Windows 10. Unlike andriod/iOS we pay a licence fee to use windows 10 when we buy a new computer. In exchange I expect to have control over my data.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Normal Human
Aha, Chinese is now blacklisted network-wide, presumably with exception for language sites.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Shog9
Exceptions are: SO, meta.SE, chinese.se, japanese.se, ja.so, and anime.se (and their associated meta sites)
So I think that's done now.
@tchrist Hmm and what is ja.so?
Me dunno.
Yes, you can't see yourself in the Tavern from here, nor vice versa.
There are 3 chat servers: one for Meta.SE alone, one for SO, and one for everybody else.
Normal Human is Math, a native speaker of Russian. Braiam is a native Spanish speaker who lives in the Caribbean somewhere I forget.
You can tell he's a native Spanish speaker because of his placement of "here" in "<insert here relevant xkcd about git commit msgs>". I feel like it has to go right after the verb there in Spanish, not way down at the end as we would do it English. I may just be tired.
Need to sleep now.
@tchrist Hmm my guess would be that it is "more possible" to put here there in the Romance languages than in English. But, in this case, it might just be that he started with insert here then patched on the subject afterwards.
3 hours later…
@skullpatrol Thanks!
@Cerberus I am twelve and what is this?
np pal @DamkerngT. :-)
Yeah um about that map, NYT. It sucks.
How can everyone be least and noöne be most.
Hahaha now you're just making shit up. Pineapple rain.
Purple rain?
Some of those aren't made up
About the 'you' map, it's all about you, how different you are from all the rest. And it seems like you're different from everybody, just a little more than the south
@Mitch but that's my question. If I'm using something nobody uses, how am I slightly differently different from some people but not others?
I am exactly equally different from everyone!
As soon as there are more than one shade, one of them must be deep red and another deep blue.
Okay what the heck. Where's the option "rubbernecking is the activity (slowing down and gawking) that causes the traffic jam, and I do have a word for the traffic jam itself, and it's traffic jam"?
How can anyone possibly check "I have no word for [word]"? That makes no sense.
Well then conplain to the NYT that instead of more similar they should label it less different.
I have no word for word. That would just be too many words
I have no ... Whatever it is you call it.
Dan Brown?
Haha. I wouldn't know.
Renowned brain Dan Brown wouldn't know
I don't know why I'm even still doing this. This is so fricken rubbish.
Why can't I tick off two options?
It never occurred to the NYT that a word can mean more than one thing?
Supper is the evening meal and dinner is eaten earlier and also dinner is a supper in a more formal setting.
Like WTH
Oh and yeah, I don't really use the word supper. That's three options I'd like to check.
@Cerberus That's so comforting.
@tchrist If it's our Braiam (U&L), he's in the Dominican Republic.
@RegDwigнt Same. I'd say they have fallen well short of the mark in describing the possible uses of both words. For one thing, there should be a choice that suggests dinner is sometimes used for lunch and supper for dinner, or something like that.
@Cerberus maybe look for non-MS alternatives. I don't use MS and manage.
And now this.
How about "it is a truck and a trailer and a semi, and I will even use lorry occasionally to make fun of Matt"?
@RegDwigнt All of the above.
@Robusto yeah.
The LEGO Big Rig is the LEGO big rig. It is not the LEGO semi.
Even though it's clearly a truck.
The Brits can't have country & western music because if they did they'd have to sing about "lorry-drivin' men" and that's just silly.
And I only don't use 18-wheeler because it's a bit of a mouthful and I'm lazy.
@Robusto lorry-drivin chaps.
I use 18-wheeler when I need to distinguish a particular type of truck.
Yeah that's because it is quite particular.
@RegDwigнt lorry-drivin' blokes.
As opposed to, well, truck.
"He was run over by a truck." "What kind?" "18-wheeler."
He was run over by a big rig. What kind? A lorry.
That does sound like British humour.
Explains Cameron and the Queen.
So anyway. Let's click on submit and learn that I'm from South Dakota.
> Sorry, an error has occurred. Keep this link to save your answers and view your map later.
Yeah fuck you New York Times.
Anyway. I'm from South Dakota. I don't need the NYT to tell me that.
I have no opinion whatsoever of trucks
Except 18 wheelers. Don't get caught in their blind spot!
I am perplexed they never asked about coke vs soda.
They just took all their questions verbatim from the original site.
That's like way more telling than truck vs. semi.
Huh...are you sure they didn't have a coke pop coda question?
Well, they had none for me.
Perhaps fresh out?
I never knew there was a 'coke' option.
It's not like Kleenex or xerox
Except for the toner solution
@Mitch Not sure which "original site" this quiz is based on, but if it's the same that we all did here a couple years ago, that one had like 153 questions, and yes, coke vs soda was one of them.
And you could select for yourself which questions you wanted to answer.
It was not a one-way sequential bore.
Oh. NYT originated it? I thought it was somewhere else and NYT just appropriated it
It said at the bottom it's based on research by two linguists. From 2002 or 2012, I forget.
Maybe they edited it greatly to make it better. I'm sure these are not new difficulties you're finding
There's the data then there's the visualization
There's the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The wind, the willows, and all those weird talking animals
And the piper at the gates of dawn.
And gnome
The human gnome project.
I see you've had your HGP vaccination
Haha, I just closed a question @AndrewLeach tried to salvage by editing and answering.
Serves him right for trying to salvage the unsalvageable.
Q: Can someone please explain this joke?

PaladinCan someone please explain this joke to me http://bash.org/?5300 ? I don't get it, probably because of low english skills. [Spoiler used so it doesn't appear on the front page.]

You guys get ups too early.
Who says I ever got up. I'm at work.
You gotta get up to get down
@MattE.Эллен You lorry-drivin' bloke, you.
by george!
Next up: whaling songs of Nantucket, c. 1850.
You Underground sandwich eater, you.
we're sailors of the Moon,
we carry a harpoon,
but there ain't no whales,
so we tell tall tales,
and sing our whalin' tune.
@MattE.Эллен Do Brits still call men blokes? Chaps?
For relatively big values of "c."
@RegDwigнt But does the narwhal bacon there?
They also say things like "queen" and "parliament".
@RegDwigнt Hush.
Those Brits are queen as folk.
@Robusto the narwhal only bacons at midnight. Even Kevin knows that.
No time was specified.
I now realise just what I've been missing while I was away from Chat.
@Robusto I give you one moment in time.
@AndrewLeach your undergarments?
@AndrewLeach You'll have to be more specific.
Crap, all they have is soy milk for the coffee this morning. nerd rage
They oughtn't to be able to call this crap "milk" of any kind.
Yeah, soy milk is so incorrect it's not even grammatically correct. When are they going to serve estoy milk?
@RegDwigнt Only some of the time, and by choice.
@RegDwigнt When you are become milk, destroyer of worlds.
Oh phew that's pretty soon actually, just a week before the next raptchah.
@Cerberus So this is what they mean by "free" . . .
And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know my device location, data from my calendar, the apps I use, data from my emails and text messages, who I call, my contacts and how often I interact with them on my device will be gathered by Cortana who also learns about me by collecting data about how I use my device and other Microsoft services, such as my music, alarm settings, whether the lock screen is on, what I view and purchase, my browse and Bing search history, and more.
Music: Lee Greenwood, Lyrics: Tim Rice.
@RegDwigнt Why do you hate our Freedom™?
Because hating your freedom is free!
No. You owe me $3,000 now.
And not hating it costs me my device location, data from my calendar, the apps I use, data from my emails and text messages, who I call, and my contacts.
BTW, you're not allowed to use Freedom™ without paying royalties.
@Robusto you are free to believe it.
@Robusto I know. Which is why I used freedom instead.
It's an Indian brand.
Keep it up, and you'll get a taste of what we did to the Indians.
You will give me a name that does not describe me one bit?
You think I'm unaware of this?
I will tell you for $3001.
You can't know that. You'll only know for sure for $3001.
Knowledge is overrated.
Not by Donald Trump, no it isn't.
Vote Trump!
Well, yes it is. He just spews whatever comes into his head.
And he's leading the G.O.P. pack! By a significant margin.
One thing in his favor: he called the other candidates puppets for going out to be interviewed for the presidency by the Koch brothers. And he's certainly right about that.
Speaking of Louis CK:
Who's Koch brothers?
Are they more like Coen or more like Wachowski?
More like Mario
Don't taze me, Luigi.
@RegDwigнt They plan to pump $1 billion into the Republican campaign for president if they can find a suitable stooge.
Because money is speech, after all, protected by the 1st Amendment.
Okay now I'm confused. "Taze" looks equally strange with a z and an s.
I am unfazed by that assertion.
Also untazed.
And untased.
Why the fuck is nobody, including the Koch brothers, amazed that you can pump $1 billion into a presidential campaign?
What the fuck do you need that for.
But don't feel bad. I couldn't decide between "tea cosy", "tea cosey", and "tea cozy" yesterday. Ultimately, I didn't give enough of a fuck to care.
Build a road and a school in every city. And you'll still have 0.9 billion left.
You think that won't get you elected?
@RegDwigнt Believe me, people are up in arms about that. But the Supreme Court so decreed, and so it stands. Actually, the five conservative stooges on the SC decreed that. And so it stands.
I don't mean that on a legal or technical level.
I mean that I am amazed nobody notices the pointlessness.
I mean it on every frickin' level.
You could literally drain $1 billion down the loo, and that would be more fun.
Would last longer, too.
And then you could have Tim Robbins crawl in and collect it all.
And then repeat it all over again.
Endless fun.
Perpetual trip.
@RegDwigнt Sorry, but the military already does that every day. Think of something new.
Well. I'm pretty sure they've not thought of the Tim Robbins part just yet.
Don't be too sure. If he could be weaponized, they sure would.
Hey Lockheed Martin, I'm talking to you.
A fully weaponized Tim Robbins would be amazing.
@Robusto so far the only test they seem to have run successfully was making him storm the charts on one internet database.
I wonder if they let him storm Ho Chi Minh City next.
Fascinating how he looks both too damn old and still way too young at the same time.
He always had a boyish look to him.
This just in: The WSJ article has finally loaded now.
And this is what I'm getting.
Thank you wall fucking street journal.
It's one thing that I'm not paying in general. But it's a different thing entirely that I will never pay for a service so shitty it takes minutes to load literally one and a half lines.
You want my money, you better show me just how fast you want it.
What a fucking commie. Expects everything for free. Hey, comrade, fork over a few wheelbarrows full of roubles if you want to keep reading.
What the hell.
That is so not what I said.
Read again.
I'd give them fifty wheelbarrows had they asked for them in a speedy manner.
@RegDwigнt I'm just messin' with you. Doesn't matter if it don't sequitur too much.
@Robusto lol no Amanda Seyfried wasn't in it.
Don't get me started on Siegfried.
Or Roy.
I start on Siegfried several times a day, every day.
Tanks, but no tanks.
@asef: I think an "Exactly!!!" with three exclamation points rather merits a check mark, don't you? Click the arrow and reward mike32 for helping you out. — Robusto 9 secs ago
Or, as Mari-Lou calls it, "another drive-by poster." Maybe not in those exact words.
@Robusto exactly!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!
Too bad I can't give you a star or anything.
Well you can have my old Chucky puppet.
Once I obtain a Chucky puppet and make it age.
@RegDwigнt Until then you could always borrow John Gruden.
I don't know no Gruden.
But anyway, yeah, you wanna have him, you can have him.
I'm not married to him.

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