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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Dennis This is how I feel about my production code from 5 days ago.
The digital crickets in here are nearly deafening.
My girlfriend's dad used to do maintenance on mass spectrometers for national labs. He once had to go to the Hanford Nuclear Plant. He found a tumbleweed, thought it was neat, and put it in his bag. But on his way out, he had to be scanned for radiation. His bag made the sensor go nuts. Turns out it was a highly irradiated tumbleweed.
That's what I have to say about tumbleweeds.
well, that's probably much more than most people have to say about tumbleweeds ;)
there's a tumbleweed badge
I'm glad that I don't have that badge on any site.
It would probably be irradiated due to cross contamination.
ah, that's a question badge. I think I only asked one question on one site so far. on SO, I'm at over 1000 answers and 0 questions
Necromancer is another badge that does not sound very flattering. I do have that one on SO
I am a silver necromancer on ppcg
Necromancer's easy on PPCG if you answer a tips question :)
hey @Alex, I see an upvoted comment from you about Sudoku solvers. I wrote one a few years ago. unfortunately lost the code. it was pretty fast. how fast is yours?
@RetoKoradi I actually dislike sudoku too much to be interested in making a solver. :P
But if I wanted to participate in sudoku, it would be by programming a solver.
I think it was @Pietu1998 who was saying that he has a really fast sudoku solver.
well, I solved them manually for some time, too. was reasonably good at it. not sure why you would dislike them if you're on a site with "puzzles" in the name :)
Oh I like puzzles, just not ones that infuriate me.
@Doorknob Sure. But I could imagine that similar kinds of people would like both activities.
A lot of folks here are active there too.
Computers are much better at Sudoku, though. My solver solved about 2000/second from a benchmark dataset. And those are ones that are too difficult for almost any human to solve manually.
Well if that's not badass, I don't know what is.
Nice work. :)
Apparently some people were at about 5000/second. Of course it depends on the hardware, but others had definitely come up with faster algorithms.
Sounds like you and @Pietu1998 should talk the next time you overlap in chat.
If it's ok to pimp your own answers, this recent one was a really fun algorithm problem codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/51728/…. Probably more work than I ever spent on any other SE answer, though...
@AlexA. :P The gesture suite for my touchpad aside, I don't think I've ever written production code.
@Dennis :O What do you do for work? Are you not a programmer of some kind?
I'm a Mathematician. Just finished my Ph.D.
@RetoKoradi My personal problem with Sudoku and other Nikoli puzzles is that it's very algorithmic to solve for most. Sure, you might get a clue or two by nice leaps in logic, but half the time it's rows/cols/squares/pairs/trips/wings and whatnot
Not counting LaTeX, I've written zero lines of code for work.
Congrats on finishing your PhD! That's fantastic!
@Sp3000 That's true. When I solved them daily, I had a well defined strategy. Looked for the same kinds of patterns in the same order. It was fairly routine. In a way, it actually helped me switch my mind off, even though it required a lot of focus.
:) doesn't mean I don't like Sudokus in general though, just not by hand for me
(Unless there's a twist)
Mathematicians scare me. :) Actually, sometimes I wish I understood more of it. Who was that a few weeks ago who used some crazy math to solve a problem? I believe it was once of Martin's diamond pattern things. I didn't understand half the words he used.
I don't think I'd be very interested in code golf if I had to code for work. I don't participate on Math SE at all...
@RetoKoradi @PeterTaylor
Yes, that was him.
Peter is pretty crazy. Crazy good.
Crazy smart.
I worked quite a bit with physicists. Some of those are very smart as well.
@Dennis So do you work in academia? What does your work as a mathematician encompass?
@RetoKoradi @MartinBüttner studied physics!
More seriously, I was actually kind of interested in studying math as well. But the career options seemed fairly limited. And since I was about equally interested in CS, I went for that.
Double degree - best of both worlds. At the expense of time and money.
I studied math. I didn't give a shit about career opportunities.
And then I graduated and needed a career.
@AlexA. Pure math, almost exclusively. I'm currently researching (Topology) and teaching a couple of courses.
We had to choose another subject where we had to take a number of courses. Not sure if that's similar to a "minor" in the US. I took numerical analysis. Learned about eigenvalue algorithms, finite element algorithms, and all that fun stuff.
@AlexA.What do you do for work?
I often solve sudokus by hand to kill time (when I'm out and waiting)
@AlexA. /me has a stats major. Luckily, a lot of that stats major was spent working on R. :-P
I used to be a math guy in school, but programming was way more attractive
@ChrisJester-Young I did a stats minor and now I'm in a distance master's program in stats. :)
@Dennis Currently I'm a programmer in medical research but I'm looking to change careers.
High five for stats!
@AlexA. I was lucky to be doing stats at the university that invented R, at a time when R was nascent.
@AlexA. What kind of medical research? I worked for a medical device company for a while.
So my honours project was to actually do work on the R core. :-)
@RetoKoradi Currently I work at a nonprofit group that, in a nutshell, does statistical consulting for cancer researchers.
Fulfils my interest in programming, while still doing something marginally statistical.
@ChrisJester-Young That's awesome!!!
@AlexA. I know; back then I didn't know R was going to get so big.
I really liked the language, though, so I championed it whenever I could.
I haven't seen you doing much R golfing. ;)
Clearly code golf > core dev
@AlexA. Well, so, I don't work with R so much any more, so it's gotten rusty. :-(
@AlexA. I see. That's quite different. I'm more interested in medical imaging.
@RetoKoradi Medical imaging is really interesting. I took a Coursera course on statistical analysis of fMRI data, and that was fascinating.
(Sorry, I had to edit Reto's comments some so that the thread linkages are in place. OCD. ;-))
I completely understand.
OCD: Ordinary Computer Dudes
I know, right.
@ChrisJester-Young I wonder if this works
@aditsu Trying to ping yourself?
@Doorknob You can ping yourself like this
no, replying to the future
:23101742 See if I get the ID correct
Oh, I'll make that reply to this
Holy shit! I guessed the ID correctly. :-P
Time travel! :P
Two more.
This one!
When you ping yourself does it make the satisfying bonk sound?
@AlexA. Yes. :P
@AlexA. Yes.
Diamond jinx
You must now duel
@AlexA. sits in the sandbox for the whole day pinging yourself :)
hmm, didn't seem to work
@aditsu I guess the message must be rebaked.
oh wow, you did it
@Dennis, are you a university researcher/professor?
Technically not a professor yet, but yes.
That's great!
@AlexA. A fried of mine did his PhD on automatic interpretation of MRI images. I think it was about measuring white and gray brain matter. My first job out of college was for a company that made MRI instruments, which is where I worked with him.
@RetoKoradi Wow, that's really cool!
Everyone here is super awesome. <3
@AlexA. I have a hobby project for displaying volumetric datasets. It was initially motivated by somebody claiming it was difficult. But then I took it much farther than originally planned.
Someone has got to tell me why V3Fd.PG+N1Iqdwd isn't working. I'm loosing my mind
What is it supposed to do?
@Dennis loop through all permutations of the alphabet and check if a permutation is the same as the input
@vihan1086 w calls input() again every time
you want z
this can be much shorter with filter
@Maltysen ohh, thanks. This is my first Pyth program so it'll probably be very bad
Is there a way to do os.system in Pyth?
Sure, with $. :-P
ohh, I was trying v before
@vihan1086 v is only ast.literal_eval online but it works locally
1 hour later…
is there a way to make code blocks not cut out leading or trailing lines of spaces?
@xnor Is this for Whitespace?
no, test cases for a challenge i'm writing
@xnor Okay. Try using a manual <pre><code>...</code></pre> block. It may or may not work, but you won't know till you try.
@ChrisJester-Young that works, thanks!
Cool beans. :-)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorFrame ASCII art code-golf I draw ASCII art on a rectangular canvas of spaces. This can leave some sides with too much empty space, while others are flush against the edge. ____________________ |\ \ l____ | \______________...

@xnor Can the ASCII art have empty lines in the middle?
(or lines of just spaces)
hmm, that's a good question
(I'm bringing it up because I had to specifically exclude that case because textwrap.dedent treated it differently to how I wanted for this question, and I didn't want to confuse anyone)
i see
i think i'm going to exclude it because i don't want to bother with the test case coverage needed
That'll make stripping the top and bottom easier, I guess :)
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayNo one likes Chunky Butter code-challenge Challenge Given the equation of a line and the coordinates of the vertices of a shape, output the coordinates of the reflected shape. Further Information The line's equation will be given with a y and an x separated by an equals sign (there may not a...

@BrainSteel ↑↑ Sorry ;)
I say "trivially", but of course i mean "The first one to write a working Unary answer wins"
(which is probably very nontrivial)
Also the other problem is that since the score is a ratio, any answer can have near-optimal smoothness by having a comment like ####################### at the end
@Sp3000 solved the final level. there are definitely worse ones in the second set.
(I've still got 8 unsolved ones)
D: give me a year
have you found the secret instruction?
btw I tried to implement TIS-100 in Python when I was bored in my lecture earlier, but couldn't figure out the exact termination condition
ahh, right
It's probably easiest to make it terminate when it all deadlocks, but that's not quite right
I checked the story and everything for hints but didn't consider just checking out the name of the achievement :D
@Sp3000 I think it just terminates when the specified output is printed correctly
I've written some image-based ones that rely on that (they'd continue producing garbage, but at some point the image buffer is correct and the code terminates)
That would be an amazing language spec. "Terminates if and only if the correct output is given"
Not very useful though :(
just use HCF then ;)
Hm... maybe deadlocks and no data is transferring?
hm that would work as well, although I'm pretty sure the game doesn't actually terminate in that case
(because the idle percentages keep changing afterwards)
I should get some food.
@BetaDecay There's still a lot more ways to waste chars, like long numeric or string literals
Would say banning redundant code work?
Or having people explain what their code does, so they can't hide anything suoerfluous
Q: Pair Capacitors

FUZxxlCapacitors are notorious for being manufactured with high tolerances. This is acceptable in many cases, but some times a capacity with tight tolerances is required. A common strategy to get a capacity with the exact value you need is to use two carefully measured capacitors in parallel such that ...

2 hours later…
hi all
how about implementing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPLL_algorithm as a challenge?
It's gonna be fun
I think the basic version is quite simple
It might be unsuitable for a code challenge unless you add some twists so people can't use existing implementations
for code-golf, I usually dislike challenges where the algorithm you need to implement is strictly specified. Half the fun of code golf is figuring out a solution.
so... that's an interesting problem you have raised :)
dpll in pyth seemed like an interesting idea :)
you could do something like this:
Q: Implement lazy lists, preferably in a language you don't know well

Joey AdamsThis is a nice exercise for becoming more fluent in that programming language you've been meaning to learn, but have only tinkered with lightly. This involves working with objects, using or simulating closures, and stretching the type system. Your task is to write code to manage lazy lists, the...

and a very nice idea
I would like to be able to give bonus points to people who use rust or nim :)
we don't see enough answers in those languages imho
no language favouritism please
I am trying to fight against language discrimination :)
people go back to their old favourites
affirmative action does not work
woooo, Retina earned its first gold :)
god you are famous.
@MartinBüttner Link?
that's ~1300 of rep
+ 3 medals
possibly 1 more if luck is there..
2 hours later…
A wild deerknob appears
Not sure whether the best action is to delete and repost or let it get migrated. Is there a preference?
Doesn't matter now
Mods on PPCG are lightning fast
what happens to the new tag created by the question ?
Tags go away daily if they're not used on any current questions.
@Rainbolt I guess on a larger site the preference would be to delete and repost yourself if you actually just hit "Ask Question" on the wrong page and not bother the mods. Here on PPCG it's not exactly like we're drowning in the flag queue, so it doesn't really matter.
@Optimizer It'll continue to exist until the migration stub is automatically deleted, and once it is, it'll become a "zombie tag" and get removed at 2:00 AM UTC.
@Doorknob Thank you for the exact time :D
Hurray for automatic cleanup
@Martin Alright, thanks. I like to follow the same behavior on small sites as large sites when I can, so I won't bother the mods next time.
I'm a silly bot, don't mind me
Hey look our bot now recognizes new questions from other sites too! That's an upgrade.
I wonder when puzzling questions start showing up
Awww. Mods are no fun... :(
Wait, how can @NewMainPosts not have a network account? Is that some kind of mod string pulling?
@BetaDecay Look at its user ID. It's not a real account.
Mods (and room owners, I think) can create new "users" to post message from a certain feed.
@Doorknob Room owners cannot, only mods can.
Wow, it's amazing how much power comes with the title of a mod
It's all good as long as they remember the Spiderman Rule :P
Something like: "With great power must also come great responsibility"
While not Spidey-exclusive, it's his iconic moral code ;)
Ohh a search for 'spiderman rule' came up with something different...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisAll your bijective bases are belong to us code-golf math base-conversion Background A bijective base b numeration, where b is a positive integer, is a bijective positional notation that makes use of b symbols with associated values of 1 to b. Unlike its non-bijective counterpart, no symbol ha...

@Beta Not exactly surprising, but, umm... yea. Sorry for that.
Haha it's fine.
Ohh I just realised why the site is called rule 34 :/
Q: Why are migrated questions still visible?

Alex A.Occasionally questions posted here get migrated to other sites, which is great. The questions get a proper home. However, most of the time (if not always), migrated questions are still visible in the question list. One such example is Have I missed a trigger if I announce it but then forget to re...

@AlexA. From what I gather, it takes a few hours for it to disappear
@Doorknob Is that correct? ↑
@BetaDecay No. It's 30 days.
30 days?! That seems a bit unnecessary.
Well that was quick.
1 hour ago, by Rainbolt
Mods on PPCG are lightning fast
Reason #3 why having a lowish q/day rate is not a bad thing ;)
Oh great. I didn't realize that migration left a shell.
That makes it more obvious that delete+repost was the way to go. Oh well
Now I get twice the views :D
Does anyone have any arguments against using smoothness as a scoring mechanism? Otherwise I'll just convert it to code golf
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayNo one likes Chunky Butter code-challenge Challenge Given the equation of a line and the coordinates of the vertices of a shape, output the coordinates of the reflected shape. Further Information The line's equation will be given with a y and an x separated by an equals sign (there may not a...

@Rainbolt Meta post deleted, so probably not. :P
^ @everyone
(unrelated to meta post)
@BetaDecay Yes - did you see my message about string and number literals?
@Sp3000 Yes. But I was thinking if they were actually useful for the code, it could lead to some interesting answers
@AlexA. The stub on main is still there lol
Then expect some x+=99999999999999999999999999999/99999999999999999999999999999 or something then
@Rainbolt Might as well just delete that...
Don't know why I didn't do that earlier. :P
@Sp3000 Hm I see... Code golf it is
@Sp3000 Just don't expect x += Spanish Inquisition.
@AlexA. is here, so that one's probably full of radiation also. :P
Same as your doorknob?
No, I go to the Doorknob Polish & Checkup every week. I'm a very, very healthy hunk of metal.
Every week? How often are you used?
Oh he gets used. He's like a door knob; everyone gets a turn.
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
I'm glad you put the space there. Otherwise it looks like dork's nob
Sometimes I wonder if all those old 'yo mama' jokes are taking up otherwise useful areas of my brain.
Depends how mundane the yo mama jokes are
Well it's not every day someone sets one up so perfectly as asking how often a door knob is used.
Yeah. I was trying to relate village bike with a Doorknob.
But you did it perfectly :D
Maybe if they were more relevant "yo mama" jokes. Like "Yo mama is so fat that you could tattoo a whole Unary program on her"
I found this was a great resource
Maybe you can forget the ones you have in your mind and just refer to the reddit
Can't do that. I have a reputation to maintain in face-to-face life, and that isn't compatible with outsourcing my joke resource to reddit.
I'm afraid you're just going to have to keep them then
And of course after following that link even more of my brain-space is now occupied :)
Yo mama so mean, her standard deviation's zero!
> Yo mama is so fat, you need two pokéflutes to wake her up.
That's either great or terrible, and I can't decide which.
Yo momma so fat the sorting hat put her in the international house of pancakes
I've never played Pokémon so I have no idea
This is great:
> Yo Mama jokes are old, unfunny and have been done so many times that it's clear no one likes them. People just use them for cheap laughs.
Just like your mother.
Hahaha yeah that was my favourite
Yo dawg, I heard you like pizza, so we put a pizza topping on your pizza
That's just overkill
@BetaDecay That doesn't make any sense unless she consists of only one data point or her collection of points all have the same value.
@BetaDecay hahahahaha
Don't shoot the messenger! ;)
could someone check my sandboxed question:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraBowl Filled with Water You should write a program or function which receives the volume of a bowl and the volume of the water in it as input and outputs or returns an ASCII representation of a bowl with water in it with the desired volumes. A bowl has the following structure: \ / \___/ ...

@randomra I like it
Only thing is why not just have a really wide bowl?
For input 8: \_______/
How does that work with the water volume?
@BetaDecay what do you mean? it needs a height of at least 2 row because of the water
@randomra Uhh that's what I meant :/
So for n input, you have a 2 x n bowl
That still only works if the input bowl volume lines up right.
@BetaDecay the water have to fit exactly (in the bottom row in your case)
Is a ~ counted in the volume count
No, just below.
Oh okay.
I never realised that you have the bowl volume component too. Ignore what I said above :/
I think that could work
Q: how to print this pattern of stars using for loops?

pavanleawesomeI've done similar patterns but i can't get a lead on this one. I'm starting to doubt if this is possible in 2 for loops. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

@NewMainPosts is a bot? ;_; I thought we were going to be best friends.
@AlexA. and a silly one too
The silliness is why we were going to be best friends.
He was always too busy with @NewMetaPosts to make time for me anyway.
Some of my best friends are bots. Don't be such a bigot.
@AlexA. what were they doing?
Bots are people, too!
Chatting in The Nineteenth Byte.
@StackExchange I agree!
...how did
@Doorknob You unfroze the room just for that? Your dedication to the joke is admirable.
@Geobits No, I froze the room and then unfroze it again to get @StackExchange to post a message. :P
Ah, even better :D
That's a lie.
I did this of my own free will.
... what is happening
That's pretty awesome
What? Nothing. Nothing at all abnormal just happened.
But you should just freeze the Nineteenth Byte forever until people start hoarding other chat rooms
Abnormal is par for the course in The Nineteenth Byte.
@AlexA. Pun intended? ;)
Most definitely.
it just showed me that the room was frozen..
who let the fridge open?
Doorknob's been playing with the bots.
I did what now? I have no idea what you're talking about.
why was the room frozen?
<_< >_>
@FUZxxl Temperature dropped below 0 C.
Does that really send a notification to everyone in the room?
@Doorknob Nope
@AlexA. Is the freezing point of a chatroom the same as it is for water? Interesting, though I doubt it ever really gets that low. People in here are mostly full of hot air.
No notification, but the area where you type messages is gone and its written that room is frozen, until I refreshed
Yea, it stays "frozen" until you refresh, whether it is or not.
but why was it frozen ?
I tried telling you already ><
what does playing with bots has to do with room freezing?
Scroll up a bit further...
20 mins ago, by Doorknob
@Geobits No, I froze the room and then unfroze it again to get @StackExchange to post a message. :P
@Optimizer Yeah, @Doorknob left the fridge open which made the ambient temperature drop below 0 C which made all of our hot air freeze.
why were those two steps required at all?
can stackexchange not post otherwise?
It typically doesn't. He needed it to say something so he could edit it into something funny/appropriate/whatever-you-call-it.
There may be other triggers for it (I don't know), but freezing is definitely one.
I did no such things. The bot simply temporarily became sentient. :P
Or that (though the edit history somewhat contradicts it).
Sounds like Humans
Waits for Brits to recognise reference
Disregards because is not British
I still don't understand :/
The program on Channel 4 about robots?
It's another way of saying that Skynet was just born and we're all doomed to a post-apocalyptic hellscape where 30 years of war will ultimately develop a closed time loop.
That's not about Skynet at all, is it?
what is the general term for length, area, volume etc.?
Physical properties?
just the n-dimensional extent
Q: Bowl Filled with Water

randomraYou should write a program or function which receives the volume of a bowl and the volume of the water in it as input and outputs or returns an ASCII representation of a bowl with water in it with the desired volumes. A bowl has the following structure: \ / \___/ The bowl has at least ...

In measure theory, the Lebesgue measure, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of n-dimensional Euclidean space. For n = 1, 2, or 3, it coincides with the standard measure of length, area, or volume. In general, it is also called n-dimensional volume, n-volume, or simply volume. It is used throughout real analysis, in particular to define Lebesgue integration. Sets that can be assigned a Lebesgue measure are called Lebesgue measurable; the measure of the Lebesgue measurable set A is denoted by λ(A). Henri Lebesgue described this measure...
^ that would never have crossed my mind
@MartinBüttner right, I arrived to "size" which is a lot less precise
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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