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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I think today should be the day I deactivate my facebook account
@whatsisname As opposed to any other day?
today especially
there is this news story about this local dentist that went hunting in africa and shot an apparently popular lion
and stories about it keep popping up, and the people that are commenting on it are downright psychotic
@whatsisname The one who was being used for research with the GPS tracker on it?
Because yeah, every time I've seen it, the comments seem to go right off the deep end (for whatever value of deep end the person subscribes to)
@whatsisname Yeah, it mentions he had a GPS collar and was being tracked by a research group in that article.
anyways I don't think seeing those kinds of comments benefits me in any way, so I should just cease facebook activity, cuz it keeps putting that sort of insanity in my face
too much hunting around here. It's kinda weird and creepy.
@whatsisname Knowing when to say "okay, enough of this crap" is a good skill, I think.
just unsubscribe from people, I have perhaps 1/3 of the people I am friends with that I actually see posts from
it disturbs me knowing that the people behind the comments are real people somewhere
@enderland This is what I do a lot.
in a way that ordinary internet trolls do not, because people posting this crap on facebook/news articles are often sincere in their insanity
> US Congress has opened an investigation into a blast at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland, that is suspected to be the result of a drug-cooking operation gone wrong.
Not going to where crazy people are helps ones own sanity. If you go off by yourself, be sure to be sane.
^-- if NIST out here had any drug cooking operation gone wrong, that would just mean Boulder got really ... well, like Boulder.
I think the facebook commenter saying the dentist and his family should be murdered is not trolling
People seem to forget about other people via text and lack of non verbal/ written to help signal "ok, you are being crazy" prevents helpful feedback.
@whatsisname the part that gets me is when people fbook post it is associated with their REAL person, too, at least the random anonymous posts could be kids screwing around
@whatsisname welcome to America; many of it's inhabitants aren't joking, but you'll sleep better at night if you just tell yourself they are.
it reminds me of the times i've spent doing election-related canvassing and how demoralizing that is
@enderland: right, and that's what all these crazy comments are from
@whatsisname eww, that does sound terrible. Count me out.
@JimmyHoffa: Minneapolis has a newly ranked-choice election system, and recently i did a thing where we went around door to door to show people the ballots and how the ranked choice works, etc
nothing to do with candidates, issues, etc, just the mechanics of the voting system
@whatsisname lots of people yelled at you for being pro-choice?
no, but I did have a guy ask me what we thought we should do about ISIS
and I'm like "what?!?!"
I'm pro-determisim
some people got really annoyed when I refused to say which candidates I "supported"
public class VerificationProcessor: IVerificationProcessor
	public Task<IVerificationResult> IVerificationProcessor.Execute(IConfig config, VerificationRules rules, ...)
		var result = new VerificationResult();
		var processor = this as IVerificationProcessor;   <------
		// Do stuff with processor
		return result;
Unless you want to start debating if electrons have free will... Which is a valid interpretation in some quantum mechanics theories.
"I support voting!"
@whatsisname I feel bad for solicitors who show up at my door, it's not their fault I'm surly and angry at them for bothering me; I've been too lazy to go buy one of those No Soliciting signs. Frankly in my case, it should say something more cautionary than just "No Soliciting"
at least the people there, while often incomprehensibly moronic, at least weren't crazy with deep-seated violence like the facebook commenters
@RobertHarvey - umm wut?
@MichaelT but everybody knows those are all just commie theories, in the proper quantum capitalist mechanics theories the electrons will is for sale at a fair market value
Basically: if we have free will, so do electrons.
@JimmyHoffa, yeah, when canvassers show up at my door I'll usually let them give me their thing, and ask them a few questions just to give them the chance to speak about it
@MichaelT sounds a little too red to me
even if I disagree with what they're doing, I at least acknowledge the person is passionate about it
The free will theorem of John H. Conway and Simon B. Kochen states that, if we have a free will in the sense that our choices are not a function of the past, then, subject to certain assumptions, so must some elementary particles. Conway and Kochen's paper was published in Foundations of Physics in 2006. They published a stronger version of the theorem in 2009. == Axioms == The proof of the theorem as originally formulated relies on three axioms, which Conway and Kochen call "fin", "spin", and "twin". The spin and twin axioms can be verified experimentally. Fin: There is a maximum speed f...
@JimmyHoffa I'm either green or yellow depending on your color model.
@whatsisname I would only feel more guilty if I wasn't rudely rushing them off - they're only wasting their time at my door and I figure they've better things than spending pointless air molecules staring at my mug
Eh, a moderately friendly response is probably way above average even if you do usher them off ASAP
A market economy is an economy in which decisions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on supply and demand, and prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system. The major defining characteristic of a market economy is that investment decisions and the allocation of producer goods are mainly made by negotiation through markets. This is contrasted with a planned economy, where investment and production decisions are embodied in a plan of production. Market economies can range from hypothetical laissez-faire and free market variants to regulated markets...
@MichaelT So basically, if information can be transmitted instantaneously in some way, then the whole thing collapses?
@JimmyHoffa: even if they're wasting their time, you don't have to tell them that, and while they're talking about their thing they're enjoying themselves
High school English teacher told of college roommates (mixed gender) answering the door for door to door types naked. Jehovah witnesses only showed up once.
@whatsisname you have got to be kidding me - solicitors actually enjoy what they're doing?
> will be retiring from [redacted] as of April 30, 2016, with his last day in the office August 25, 2015
@enderland That's a lot of banked vacation time....
the times where someone asks them some relevant good questions is the time they enjoy it
Although most companies just pay that out
I have no idea what happens at that point, but srsly dude take vacation!
My father had 10 months banked when he retired. And then he earned some more significant vacation when that was up.
@GlenH7 most companies don't allow that kind of banking these days
Neither I, nor my father work(ed) for a company
@JimmyHoffa yeah, mine has a limit on how many days can "roll over" each year
I blame the IRS for all of those issues
Companies used to let employees accrue a lot more vacation than what they currently do now.
well, I'm in the UK
@GlenH7 and companies used to hold onto employees for years, give pensions, and healthcare used to be worth a damn, lots of things used to be, I don't think the IRS is to blame for the numerous used-to-be's that all invariably benefit corporations
my megacorp still offers a pension for salaried folks...
@Ixrec the IRS has its reaches, you cannot escape!
@enderland ...sadly, this is true
Puts big numbers in balance sheets that annoy accountants. Makes for larger hits when they lay people off and pay it out. Makes for protracted periods where less can be done when someone is on vacation for a month or two.
@JimmyHoffa On accruing vacation time, it is actually the IRS's fault.
They changed how they wanted those hours accounted for and the hours became a liability to the companies. As that affected the bottom line, out they went.
@GlenH7 perhaps initially; but if whatever they did was reversed tomorrow- no one would get more vacation allasudden. Corporations wouldn't go back
course retirement age going up affects this too, if you are 65 right now with 40 years service at my company you get a crazy vacation amount (35+ days I think) but mine will top out at 25, even if I hit 50 years service
@JimmyHoffa Different issue there
@enderland haha "crazy vacation amount" == 35+ days... or the absolute minimum in much of the world
You used to be able to roll over a lot more vacation hours from one year to the next. It was actually in the company's interest as they got more work out of you "this year."
@JimmyHoffa well plus holidays, you're talking basically 10 weeks off a year or 20% of the year
@enderland ...so 2 more weeks than the bare minimum in most first world countries
At 4 weeks of vacation/year, I can start banking all but two weeks each year.
my first job I had only 10 days vacation, now 20 with ability to do unpaid time off
i can't imagine only 10 days now
or 0
Employer^^, I only had 3 after a full year and a half working there.
Days. Not weeks.
I've been 10-15 at each job I've had, this job it's 15 but there's zero buckets so that's sick also. Last place was 10 days sick on top of the 10 days vaca and 2 floating personal days.
I think last job was the most I ever had if you accumulated it all
that sounds rough
eh, I haven't used PTO in ages, it's always been for family doctor stuff - some day I'll go on vacation again
If you don't know where to start then post this on programmers.stackexchangeUnknownOctopus 57 secs ago
@Duga This strikes me as terrible advice.
@AshleyNunn indeed it is
Wretched advice for a low quality question
@Telastyn Does that make any sense? This is how my predecessor was implementing interfaces explicitly.
Seems like he didn't quite understand what "explicit interface implementation" meant.
Basically, he was using explicit interface implementation to create "containers" for different class responsibilities.
@RobertHarvey it's a bit overboard but it does make sense. I wouldn't do it - but I do know why somone would do it
The idea there is: working only with the facilities made available publicly by using that processor variable, it constrains him to working with the guaranteed portion of the object. There'll be no hacky add-on pieces just for that little bit of processing without them being added for all implementors. Same reason the person used explicit interfaces to begin with; to constrain the coding possibilities. Frankly I never use explict interfaces because they just cause problems...
@JimmyHoffa In this particular case, there's only one method on IVerificationProcessor: Execute. According to the code, he's calling it recursively, so I guess he wants to hide all that from the rest of the class.
If I don't want something visible to consumers I won't make it public...
@RobertHarvey wait what
Execute(). It's being called recursively using that processor variable.
@RobertHarvey no that doesn't make sense, that wouldn't compile - or rather it would just stack overflow...
Well, there are exit conditions.
VerificationRules has a Children member.
No Children is the exit condition.
It's a hierarchical rules engine, in other words.
@JimmyHoffa yeah... the bright side is we (Americans) theoretically make more ;)
oh that's perfectly fine then
@enderland if only I could pay for things with theoretical money
@JimmyHoffa =P I guess
@RobertHarvey so it's looping and the exit condition is the end of the traversal. Makes perfect sense to me. The cast to it's explicit interface just guarantees if the interfaces signature ever changes compilation will break and it'll let him know. It's a habit from the other coder probably - a very thorough and expansive coder... not my cup of tea but it's not without reason
I'm a fan of shortened code, the code base you're in was written by people who were fans of comprehensive convention
I bet they put interfaces on their dumb property bags too, aye?
Lots of classes implementing IEquatable<> and IComparable<> ? Manual implementations of IXmlSerializable ?
Questions that ask "where do I start" are typically too broad and are not a good fit for this site. People have their own method for approaching the problem and because of this there cannot be a correct answer. Give a good read over Where to Start, then address your post. — gunr2171 32 secs ago
@RobertHarvey - not from that example. Generally speaking, relying on explicit implementation is a smell. Fragile and easy to miss/forget.
like doing crap in explicit conversion operators.
@Telastyn that's only a problem if you have implicit implementation too - but since there's no way to guarantee implicit implementation isn't also there... I completely agree, explicit implementation is really not good. It has reasons, just not ones I would agree are anywhere near worth the problems
ah, yeah, probably true.
@Duga whee! Another false positive from a link to my meta post about where to start. Thank you for the warm fuzzy.
@MichaelT It's from the same person.
@MichaelT He's one of the room owners in SO Close Vote Reviewers
Still a warm fuzzy.
(Has he seen the "explain this code" essay?)
Q: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users

durron597You're on Stack Overflow and you've found a question that seems to be about improving code. You are trying to be helpful, and you put a comment in the question: You should try asking on CodeReview.SE instead. —YourName 2 minutes ago … and suddenly, out of nowhere CodeReview.SE users swoop i...

Q: How to ask "how to understand some code" questions

MichaelTOften we find questions along the lines of Help me understand this C program #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello World"); } Well, that one may be a bit simplified - but its not an uncommon form for a question that is asked here. How should one prepare and ask a "what does this c...

@MichaelT That should really be on MSO.
@JimmyHoffa More interfaces containing one method ("Execute" or "GetSomething") than I am comfortable with.
But as you pointed out, they're mostly guarantees for method signatures.
Task<IVerificationUnitOfWork<IEnumerable<IExternalData>>> GetCandidates(IVerifyConfig config);
@RobertHarvey yeah - it causes bloat, increases maintenance cost, has all form of negative side effects like that - but I don't classify that sort of nasty as the ignorant/reasonless sort, so it at least indicates the system was coded by folks with some forethought rather than people flinging vermicelli at a computer to make spaghetti
@durron597 mso was less receptive and harder to find. Gnat wrote a version on mso- note it isn't not in a site faq and not as often referred to.
I can't figure out what this line of code does:
 var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "e");
@RobertHarvey that code looks like the start of a joke
@RobertHarvey it's creating a parameter expression with a generic type and the name "e" (I think that's name and not value...)
Yeah, apparently it eventually gets used in a "computed" lambda expression, as in e => { }
So the e is an arbitrary letter.
@MichaelT Most sites don't have nearly as well maintained as programmers does.
Woo, expression trees!
Expression trees are great.
@Telastyn yes - but they perform horribly if you recreate them often. Create a few of them - and make them parameterized so they can be reinvoked with different parameters or you're going to hate everything about everything.
@durron597 nor policy essays written with intent to explain the consensus.
Alternatively - use dynamics and simple manual call-site generation to do exactly the same thing as what people usually use expression tress for with less code and an easier to cache system (just cache callsites rather than some complex expression tree key)
It appears that my predecessor implemented a whole bunch of "Fetcher" classes that re-implement EF CRUD.
They get plugged into a Fetcher Factory.
@RobertHarvey Thanks!
those new feed items are just begging for close votes
@Ixrec good call
wasn't quite sure about the "uniform distribution" one but eventually decided to leave a comment and VTC as unclear
I managed to work out what he's trying to say with his example but it remains underspecified
1 hour later…
@JimmyHoffa - oh yeah, all true. But the idea is you make them once at startup, compile to delegate, then run as expected.
@JimmyHoffa Sorry about the late response - I was engaging in a respectful silence for the brave souls risking injury or death to establish national standards for drug cooking.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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