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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 8 commits. 813 additions. 153 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 13 commits. 286 additions. 317 deletions.
[ShearOfDoom/Cactus] 1 closed issue.
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper\‌​] 4 commits. 236 additions. 246 deletions.
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Saved ckuhn203/VBEX
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Saved Hosch250/MeekSTVVoteCounter
Saved Hosch250/ResxEditor
Saved Hosch250/ResxTranslationHelper
Saved Hosch250/Rubberduck
Saved Phrancis/GroovySwingPostgres
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11 hours later…
This thing is awesome: boxcar2d.com
8 wheels max ftw
@Phrancis What would you say is the most important thing to do with Cardshifter right now?
Is @maaartinus around today?
2 hours later…
@SimonAndréForsberg once we get the WebGL version working without crashing, we can post it on reddit to try to get more players and feedback
@bazola I think we should perhaps improve the GUI before we do that though
some artwork would go a long way to making the game look good. theres only so much you can do with boxes, words, and numbers
1 hour later…
@Simon work on the multiplayer server for UTTT and Battleship, and have a bot fight with maaartinus. And get rid of that reload spam when things are saved
@SimonAndréForsberg I could see going one of two ways right now. I agree with @bazola that improving the UX to make it feel more like a real game would go a long way in attracting players
Artwork for Mythos would be relatively easy to get, since there's plenty of public domain and CC images just on Wikipedia for the different deities/characters
Code-wise, though; I could see that improving/Groovy-tizing more of the core components of the game would be a good thing too. Go back over some of the earliest game code like the ECS stuff, and simplify (and document) to make the code more maintainable and easier to implement new things
But, I think we agreed for 0.7 that we should really improve the GUI, and I'd be all for that. If you guys can find a way to get card images on there, I can volunteer to do the actual graphical part in Photoshop and get images in a format that's practical and economical enough to use for a TCG
Game code-wise, I think it would be reasonable to perhaps just improve the proverbial "low hanging fruit" and just implement some of the issues related to moddability, and keep core refactoring for later. The main moddability/card issues are documented in comments principally in the Greek cardset
Jay had come up with so many effect types we don't support yet, so I opened issues for each and commented the issue # in the cardset
@SimonAndréForsberg Now I am.
@Phrancis I think targeting those issues is what I will likely do next in Cardshifter.
Hey @maaartinus, I was wondering if we should have another go at that Ultimate TicTacToe communication?
@SimonAndréForsberg Sounds good
On an exciting note, our very own GreyFox is getting married today!
I'm going to attend the wedding in a few hours, should be fun :)
Give him them our best wishes!
@SimonAndréForsberg Sure, we can... in a few minutes.
Your server is down now, isn't it?
yes it is, I'll start it up
okay, @maaartinus. It's up
@maaartinus Wohoo, I see action!
I'm playing....
Replay is 00,21,84,85,88,78,57,75,56,72,58,77,35,08,07,05,27,65,17,33,10,30,20,71,44,53,70‌​,40,50,80,62,43,51,76,41,13,42,25,14,15
O has won.
was your bot X or O? :P
or did you play against yourself?
right, you were playing against yourself...
Two random bots and a GUI plugged in, so I could see it playing. But it's backwards, I have to make an GameActor which gets started from the GUI and creates a connection to you.
I guess, I must start with letting my GUI support different bots. This sounds like a lot of work.
@maaartinus it isn't that much work really.
at least not if you do it right.
That's it! If I do it right.
I always have such things in mind these days.
Didn't I write something about that in my answer to your first UTTT question?
You surely did, but IIRC you didn't write how, just that there should be something like this.
I'm finally back! :D
@Lokkij Hey nice to see you again!!
What have you been up to?
I've been on holiday in Belgium for a while
Antwerp is a cool city
Hey, welcome back @Lokkij.
What's been going on in CardShifter land?
Hmm... Antwerp... I think that's where Jeroen lives.
@Lokkij fixed a couple of issues recently. otherwise, not so much I think.
Ah alright
@maaartinus Now you can play against '#AI_UTTT_Idiot' as well. that's one of my AIs. I believe your AI will easily beat it.
@Phrancis I still have a list of some okay CC fantasy art left from a now dead project if you're interested
(brb, eating)
@Lokkij Is that art you made yourself?
@maaartinus A hopefully easy approach: How about having two comboboxes, one for each player? Whenever the selected value of the combobox change, you do: actors[comboboxIndex] = isOn ? new ActorAssociatedWithComboBox<>(INITIAL_GAME) : null;
@Lokkij Made a new cardset the other week for Mythos... introducing the Hindu set!
I played quite a bit with random/probability effects on that one
@SimonAndréForsberg I'll try it when I'm done with my ActorChooser.
@SimonAndréForsberg Probably something like this. I'm not up to the task yet (woke up one hour ago, it's too early to switch my brain on, still booting).
@Phrancis Nope
@Lokkij Well, I'm not sure it would fit for either of the mods we have now (would have to see some of them them to be sure) but there's nothing stopping us from making another mod with them, if you'd like to
If there's an overarching theme of sorts that might work well
Oh, @Lokkij - Simon also revamped the game rules config, and I added documentation throughout as well. For instance: github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/blob/groovy/extra-resources/…
Oh, while you were away, we also had our first moderator election on Code Review :D
@Phrancis right. that is probably the biggest news since last time
@Phrancis right. that too.
Hey @SirPython
Hello @Phrancis!
How's it going?
It is going well. And you?
Good good
@Lokkij @SirPython you just missed something kind of important for Cardshifter, might be a good idea to read from this down just a bit
5 hours ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@Phrancis What would you say is the most important thing to do with Cardshifter right now?
Would certainly like to hear your ideas/suggestions as well
I don't know much about the code, but I think that something that really needs to be improved is the GUI. When I was playing a few days ago, I was clicking around randomly because I could hardly read anything that was on the cards.
I agree improving the UI is critical.
Sadly, it is not something I am familiar with.
Mhm. I wonder if perhaps we could split up the work a bit. The GUI is Java rather than Groovy language, I know @bazola and @Simon are familiar with libGDX
If we figure out how we want images, they can probably show me how to write the code for each cards once we figure out how we will do it
You know, I could, in theory, also do stuff
23 hours ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@skiwi I'd like to see more practical progress with Cardshifter, not theoretical progress.
@skiwi What kind of stuff would you hypothetically be interested in doing?
@Phrancis Mostly backend stuff, and perhaps AI
I know I'm not bad at implementing GUI's either
(I just suck at designing them)
I can probably help with design, I've already put some ideas/templates together (remember that PowerPoint?)
I don't think I remember anymore
Funny how I need to click on "View Raw" to view the non-raw version
I do remember some of those pictures now, yes
Most look reasonable, except the game design is a bit off imo
There's no place to place the cards :D
It does look nice, so that's good, but then only 3 cards fit on the board, that's less good
@skiwi It was mostly proof of concept, I didn't expect it to work out just like it is, but perhaps help nudge us in that kind of direction
It's a step in the good direction, definitely
Not sure if it's enough to start working with yet though
Not really able to do it myself yet either unfortunately
So yeah, what do I think is the most important for cardshifter right now? Definitely the UI. Better UI --> better play experience --> more interest in the project and quicker/more fun playtesting
and pinned ^^
I'd personally prefer, for me, to focus on the core moddability stuff, and leave the GUI up to others.
Me too xD
Though that's mostly because I'm not experienced with Java and have never touched LibGDX
The hard(est) part about the GUI will be to make it moddable, but I think the best solution for that is to just implement something, write as ugly and non-flexible code as you want, and then we'll look deeper into making it more moddable later on.
The beauty about the client is that there's nothing restricting us to only having one client. I'd be interested in seeing a pure HTML/CSS/JavaScript client, as that is something that I think is easily moddable. LibGDX can be tricky stuff for those who don't know it, but has the advantage of supporting the most platforms.
@SimonAndréForsberg As in, from scratch HTML/CSS/JS, or extended from libGDX?
@Phrancis as in, from scratch HTML/CSS/JS. LibGDX does not support HTML elements and CSS like that.
If anyone is interested in writing a HTML/CSS/JS client, remember that there are other options than pure JS out there. There is for example the "Dart" language, and many other alternatives as well, that compile to JS.
Hmm. Well the good thing for that is it would allow us to "Groovytize" the rest of libGDX, if we wanted to
Since supporting the GWT version is a PITA
I think so, yes. Not entirely sure how much that would be possible. I haven't played around with Groovy and Android, or Groovy and iOS.
I'll gladly volunteer to help with HTML client to the extent I can. Just don't know much about the backend stuff, but I can probably do quite a bit of front-end
The only bad thing about having more clients is that... well... there's extra work, as there are more clients.
I think that would be manageable.
just imagine the potential of a HTML/CSS client, you could specify the layout with CSS!
And we could just host images and stuff on a web server. Actually, libGDX (excluding GWT) supports external images as well
@SimonAndréForsberg Is that supposed to be a plus?
So perhaps it could be in the cards (pun intended) to include an image link as part of a card's attributes in the Groovy cardsets, and have the clients just parse that link and download the images at run-time?
Maybe have CSS setups parsed in the mod Game config files...? Wonder if that would be possible, but if it were, it would allow HTML version to look different for each mod, if we wanted it to
@skiwi got any other suggestion for how to specify the layout? :)
@Phrancis CSS setups parsed in the mod Game config files - how exactly?
@SimonAndréForsberg Honestly, not sure about the "how" part. I imagine we could probably use the existing Tomcat setup for the website and have the Tomcat server retrieve information about the game from the Groovy mod files right? (cards, rules, etc.)
technically, yes. But I think it might be better to not be dependent on Tomcat. We could use JS AJAX requests of course to get any data we want.
@SimonAndréForsberg Not really
@Phrancis I doubt that's compatible with Grails 3.
Ah I see it's from 2011
Anyways, it would be neat if we could embed the HTML client into the web page, keep everything in one place
Perhaps including the CSS in Groovy is not a good idea, if we can do it from the client instead using JS or whatever then that would probably be better. I just don't really know what's available :)
I do think, if we can get images optimized for web, that might also work good for libGDX... since largely they would be small images we don't need very high resolution.
for me, I just don't have time to do much work on the GUI stuff. when there has been a bit of progress on it, I can help in making it more flexible. But I don't plan on doing much more than that.
I feel that I'm doing my part already, so I'd like to see others participate more.
^ I agree you have more than enough on your plate already
Time to go to the wedding, BBL
@JulianExcelTips @ExcelChamps woah there... write clean, testable code, avoid frail cell & sheet references, and use source control. Done!
4 hours later…
> It is up to the clients to be sure to make legal moves. When an illegal move is made, client should be informed and then disqualified.
> or save replays to files and the summary of the replay to a database.

What saving method is best probably depends on the game. Possible options for file format could include JSON and Groovy DSL....
> I'd suggest an unstructured format simply joining all the moves, just separated by newline. Something like this works universally for all games, assuming their turns contain no newlines. The client can simply reply them the way it plays received moves. So for UTTT you'd use something like "0 0\n1 1\n4 5...".
Monkevening :)
@Simon Nick (GreyFox) said thank you for the wishes!
Purple, handsome!
> Provide both clients with information how much time they spent thinking. This would allow a fair match between them. Obviously, there's the network and server delays which make this value imprecise, but with clients aiming at e.g. one second per turn, this can be ignored.
T'was a good time, very hot and humid though!
> Have the option to add time limit to games, so that AIs or humans can't wait forever before making a move.
> related to, but not a duplicate of, #15
@skiwi appears to have left, but I was just thinking a bit ago perhaps he and I could try our hands at HTML/JS based GUI. @Simon you said perhaps JS AJAX would be a good place to start? I just want to do some reading and see if I can come up with something or at least an idea of the different parts that would connect with each other
@Phrancis I don't know how much time @skiwi has these days. But maybe @Lokkij and @SirPython would be willing to work on that also? @bazola would more like to work on the LibGDX side of things, I'd guess.
You could use JS AJAX if you would want to perform a request-response communication with the webserver.
For most communication though between the client and server, Websockets should be used.
I could try that, yeah. I can't say I've done much with JS, but I'm always willing to learn
(also, I'd prefer to use a JS variant like coffeescript or livescript)
@Lokkij fine with me!
@Lokkij I personally don't have a preference one way or the other, do you have experience with either, pros/cons or something like that?
I've done some livescript and I like it (functional tools! :D) but the community and surrounding stuff is much smaller than coffeescript (which is very similar)
Bigger community I think would be a big Plus for me
Where does Grails enter the picture?
@Phrancis for a HTML/CSS/JS client? It doesn't have to enter that picture anywhere.
Looks like IDEA supports AJAX and CoffeeScript, sweet
Is there anything IDEA does not support? Brainfuck!
So... help me fill in the blanks maybe? Let me make a little something here real quic to illustrate...
[Browser] -> [HTML/JS] -> [???] -> [???] -> [...] -> Server -> Core -> Groovy mods
CoffeeScript looks pretty neat, lots of syntactic sugar it appears
Looks a bit like Groovy, if you ask me
@SimonAndréForsberg I am experienced with JavaScript if that is any use.
@Phrancis [Browser] -> [HTML/JS] -> [???] -> [???] -> [...] -> Profit!
@Phrancis [Browser] -> [HTML/JS] -> [Websocket] -> Server -> Core -> Mods
@SirPython it most likely is.
Is Websockets something that the current game server can handle as it currently is?
Mat's Mug vs. Simon André Forsberg: 230 diff. Year: +1120. Quarter: -384. Month: -384. Week: +41. Day: +41.
200_success vs. rolfl: 2707 diff. Year: +1961. Quarter: +2295. Month: +2295. Week: +20. Day: +20.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 2874 diff. Year: -2902. Quarter: -1306. Month: -1306. Week: -41. Day: -41.
200_success vs. janos: 16131 diff. Year: -3469. Quarter: -548. Month: -548. Week: -245. Day: -245.
@SimonAndréForsberg How could I help?
@Phrancis yes.
@SirPython team up with @Phrancis and @Lokkij and write a HTML/CSS/JS-based client for Cardshifter.
or CoffeeScript-based.
Ooh. That sounds fun.
(I'm off to bed, I'll catch up on this discussion later)
@SimonAndréForsberg So basically a webpage rather than the JavaFX GUI thing?
@SirPython correct.
with the possibility of declaring cards with HTML and CSS.
Where in the repo has this been started?
It has not yet
I'd recommend making a new repo for this
In fact, I'll make one right now
Alright cool
So, any of us could run the server on localhost and then write code to connect to it then?
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Ping: Approachable is better than simple.
@Phrancis correct. Cardshifter listens for Websockets on port 4243.
Is the JavaScript going to use Websocket? Or XHR?
We already have supports for Websocket
From MDN: Note: The WebSockets API (and the underlying protocol) are still in active development, and there are many compatibility issues across browsers at this time (and even among different releases of the same browser).
From what I've seen about the Websockets API, it is stable enough to use.
XHR doesn't continually listen for incoming data, it's more of a request-response scenario. For Multiplayer games, it is very frequent to get incoming data without explicitly having requested it.

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