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Notice the lack of a CR account ;-)
@MartijnPieters FWIW it was already discussed at MSO, eg in Be careful when recommending Code Review to askers and in 10+ questions linked to itgnat 41 secs ago
@nvoigt Also, to add on that, the question (in it's current format) would be downvoted heavily. We can't review some code that "should periodically prepare some data". This seems the O.P. isn't sure about the working of the code, which is off-topic to CodeReview. Also, it is "some data". How can we review that? — Ismael Miguel 34 secs ago
@Quill I know swedish :)
@jacwah I'm considering learning it after Japanese, the language is really nice
Q: Asynchronous operation in WPF application

gastoI am writing an C# WPF application, which should periodically prepare some data and send them to WebService in background. Here is my excerpt of code where I call operation asynchronously. Please verify whether the code is correct. MainWindow.xaml.cs public partial class MainWindow { System.Wi...

@Quill it's Swedish, but not for "gossip" :)
@SimonAndréForsberg 'Twas a joke
@Vogel612 joins in ARGGHHHing
dances around a maypole
@JohnSnow for the watch
@JohnSnow But it's already july
@Timo slow clap
But summer seems to finally be arriving now
fertilizing thought for stuff for you to CR?
was raining here today (in britain) so, can confirm, summer is arriving
Blue skies here
Blue skies now, but this morning there was more water than there is in my shower
That's what I'm used to, but now it's... WARM
There's a big shiny thing in the sky
perfect weather for sitting inside at lunch and code-reviewing
Or bringing your laptop outside to code-review ;P
Our laptops are cabled in work.... no Wifi :-(
@nvoigt I was recently elected a moderator on Code Review. Somehow I feel that you would be interested in a question on our meta about What is a Code Review?. I'd also like to invite you to come chat with us in The 2nd Monitor. I promise that we are really quite friendly. — Simon André Forsberg 54 secs ago
@Vogel612 Then by all means update your help, because this question can easily have 5x yes on your on-topic scale. It simply misses a single bracket, an error that could stem from copy/pasting the code snippet here. I have not found anything on CR help that says it has to be self-contained. — nvoigt 10 secs ago
hi :)
Hi @nvoigt. Many thanks for coming!
good afternoon @nvoigt
As you might see, we have a little comment scanning bot that triggered the reply-comments. We get quite a lot of inaccurate suggestions to post questions on CR.
first off, I feel a bit misunderstood in regard to "shoehorning people"... because this has been maybe my second or third link to CR in like three years...
so I'm not exactly sending hordes of people
@nvoigt we get quite a lot of people (inappropriately) suggesting code to be migrated to CR. That moderator has been taking a lot of action regarding these migrations.
@Duga dammit, Duga
Whilst you're, individually, not sending lots of people - I can assure you the mod and @Duga see a large amount of inappropriate migrations
Also can I ask that we stop commenting on that SO question as its a mis-use of comments and all parties are here
Is code included directly in my question?
Am I an owner or maintainer of the code?
Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code?
Do I want the code to be good code?
To the best of my knowledge, does the code work as intended?
Do I want feedback about any or all facets of the code?
@nvoigt That comment was done by a SO moderator. And it was the close vote / question that he thought was "shoehorned". That comment is supposed to try to stop people from "voting to close because it belongs at site XYZ" (which is, in fact, not a good close reason as it doesn't say anything about why the question is off-topic in the first place)
apart from a copy/paste mistake, that's 5x yes
@nvoigt you need to get 6x yes.
@nvoigt which question is the 1x no ?
lol, okay, I cannot count... 6x
It's not a case of code being 'perfect' because if it was perfect we wouldn't need to review it
@SimonAndréForsberg the working clause..
@SimonAndréForsberg "To the best of my knowledge, does the code work as intended? "
Which is probably the biggest reason we reject migrations
The thing is, @nvoigt, that there is a difference between questions of the form "Does this code work?" and "This code works, how can I do it better?"
In this case, hypothetical also applies...
@DanPantry and the biggest reason we close questions overall.
this, OP put placeholder comments in place of real code
You have to use your best ability to determine whether a question should be migrated or not - just because someone says "can you make sure there are no msitakes" doesn't mean it should be migrated :-)
Indeed, as the mod said, code can be on topic (or off topic) on both SO and CR
you should only vote to migrate if it is CLEARLY off topic on SO and clearly on topic on CR
@DanPantry actually I'd say "Can you check" is off on CR
@Vogel612 Yeah, checking for mistakes is a definite "this code doesn't work as I expect" -> Off
@Vogel612 that might be true, but the code-working-issue is a much more important issue.
Generally speaking if the code doesn't run on its own and doesn't function as expected it doesn't belong here.
well, if you look into the history, I first made that a comment saying that if he wanted CR he should go to CR.SE. Then I had to pick a close reason... and really what to pick? What would I pick to close something that says "works, but can you double-check?"
The problem is that even then, the question is not in a state to be migrated to CR
hm, that feels pretty proxy to me. There was nothing unclear.
Even though the person who asked the question said he wanted a review, that's not what he was actually asking for
while it is a little proxy, the context required for judging the working state justifies it IMO
also close reasons don't have to fit 100%
he was asking for someone to verifyw hether his code works (which off topic right off the bat)
a good 70% is enough.
@nvoigt "This question appears to be off-topic because there is no specific problem here. Code that is not known whether or not it works should be compiled and tested. Stack Overflow is not a debugging service"
maybe we have different grasps of the english words (meaning I misunderstand, en-* is not my native language): "verify" to me means it works, but I'm not sure it always works, so someone should have a look. To me, that would be a CR.
Off topic on SO because there's no specific question
Off topic on CR because it doesn't wrok
> but I'm not sure it always works, so someone should have a look. To me, that would be a CR.
I can understand the confusion, but we only review working code.
@nvoigt as mentioned in my comment under your question: verification is a step before codereview
Its one of the 6 things listed in the help center and you need to get 6 big ticks for us to review your code
a codereview is not the correct tool to check whether code "works as intended"...
there's automated testing for that
I mean, we sometmies can catch bugs like potential race conditions.
but if there is a clear flaw in the program, or you're unsure because you haven't run it, then it doesn't belong here
hm, then "Correctness in unanticipated cases" is a source for misunderstanding in the help center.
hmm. maybe a little
I don't really see the misunderstanding personally
it doesn't really apply here
it depends on how you define "unanticipated cases"
The code in question wouldn't work in an anticipated case
Because it won't compile
Why do you think there is a clear flaw in the program? The fact that he missed a bracket while c/p-ing ?
And even if it did work, OP did not list an anticipated case in the first place. So we have no frame of reference for what the code is actually meant to do
He missed out the map method, for one
Yeah... I know. But where do you state the code posted here has to be self-contained?
@nvoigt c/p-ing usually doesn't involve all that much selecting and reselecting..
He has a space in one of his method names that could not be caused by c+P
and that method name is also missing
usually you just go "Ctrl A, Ctrl C, Ctrl V" ... finished
@nvoigt compiling and self-contained (and what we expect) is all different things
@nvoigt " If you want a code review, you must post the relevant snippets of code in your question."
if you're missing great dirty chunks of your program then I'd expect that to be at least mentioned by the OP
And a "snippet" is self contained?
@nvoigt CR is not about "self-contained"
and OPs code is neither
if you put up an MCVE (SSCCE) here, you'll get your question closed
because you stripped so much context, that the code becomes "hypothetical"
@nvoigt For me, when the OP asked for "Please verify whether the code is correct." is an indication that the OP has some doubts whether or not the code works. That is the main reason why we don't want this question. If you have doubts of whether or not the code works, it should be tested a bit more before you ask for a review on it.
well, I will not compare a SO post against your guidelines every time, especially not your unwritten ones I have to know. I will simply stop mentioning CR, I guess that works for all of us.
> well, I will not compare a SO post against your guidelines every time,
With respect, why the hell are you offering to migrate a question to OUR site if you don't give a rats ass about OUR guidelines?
@nvoigt these aren't unwritten
Personally, if I had no doubts, why would I need a review? How does that make sense?
@nvoigt Or you could comment like "This question might be a better fit for Code Review, but please check their help center first" (without making it a close reason)
@nvoigt if you have no doubts, that is the one very best reason to ask for a review
Here is an example of code that, whilst still a snippet, is not an MVCE and is a good reviewable question, because the code works.
@nvoigt Here on Code Review we find ways to improve your code. Make the code do the same thing in a better way, help you clean up formatting, variable naming, performance, memory usage... but the code has to do what it is supposed to do before we do all that.
Albeit it took the OP a few tries to get it right.
@DanPantry calm down, calm down :)
ok, sorry for the delay, our build server just broke down...
but it seems it's the whole cluster, so I don't have to do anything about it :)
@nvoigt lol
Lets just agree on the fact that since I cannot or will not make a 100% sure that a posts fits this site, I will not recommend it.
If there's any doubt, it's better to just leave a comment
It's not my intention to flood you guys with crap you don't want
@nvoigt sad, but maybe the better option :(
@nvoigt We have nothing against comments on SO mentioning CR (that was how I myself found CR 20 months ago). But when you do, please don't do it as a close vote. And I'd highly recommend that if someone tells you that the question is not a good fit for CR, try to learn from what they said, remove your comment and move on.
You shouldn't use moderator flag / close votes unless you are 100% absolutely sure the question needs moderator attention
@Mat'sMug You never replied to my reply to this comment... so I'm not sure if I made the difference very clear or if it just got lost.
uh... I wasn't aware a custom reason triggered a moderator... I though just flagging does this
@Duga Did I miss the comment fest on SO?
23 mins ago, by nvoigt
first off, I feel a bit misunderstood in regard to "shoehorning people"... because this has been maybe my second or third link to CR in like three years...
3 links in 3 years is certainly not "flooding"
No one is annoyed at you for 'flooding' us with people. I feel maybe the moderator was a bit unfortunate in his wording
no, it's not, but I can see that if everyone did it, it would be
@nvoigt technically, it doesn't. Martijn Pieters just seemed to stumble upon your close-vote-comment.
@nvoigt but when people do make comments, we see those comments here, and we try to educate users about what is and what is not on-topic here.
Not just that though. Also what is and isn't on-topic on SO (what should and shouldn't be voted to close there).
The flooding may even be non-personal. Yes, we get a lot of comments on SO to migrate to CR lately, which may be considered a flood. However, it's rarely the same person doing it over and over again. We warn them before it goes out of hand and Martijn tends to help as well.
And once in a while, their suggestion is correct.
Hello, @MartijnPieters
@nvoigt: my concern is that you first should close the question as off-topic on Stack Overflow for Stack Overflow topic area reasons.
The question could have been unclear or too broad.
If it is on-topic for Code Review only comes into play if it is first and foremost off-topic for Stack Overflow.
I do understand your need to get good posts. But personally, I'd rather help the on-topic SO posters, than spending the same time figuring out how off-topic a post exactly is and if that is good enough for CR.SE.
@nvoigt then just go for the SO part
@nvoigt: then just vote as off-topic for a proper reason.
@nvoigt You're missing the point. You should be doing exactly what you're saying. Just focus on whether or not it's on-topic for SO, and if it's not, find an SO close reason.
Don't even bother with suggesting a migration in that case, just close it.
@MartijnPieters which is the same around here...
@nvoigt thats your choice, and your perogative. However, it's a really bad experience for a user to be told their code is off topic and VTC on SO and told to migrate to CR, which they do, and then get told its off topic here too.
It leaves that user with a bad experience of SO and CR and they still have the problem they need to solve.
Three people messaging the one guy is a bit overkill ...
@page Neither Stack Overflow or Code Review is a debugging service. I'm sorry to say it, but it is up to you to make sure that your code works correctly. If you have a specific problem then you can ask a question on Stack Overflow about that specific problem, "Please verify whether the code is correct." is not a specific problem. — Simon André Forsberg 59 secs ago
@MartijnPieters I did that. I first wrote a comment about CR maybe being beter suited and then proceeded to close-vote... but no reason fit. It was clear, it was not broad, it just was not an SO question, but review. Anyway, we are running circles here. I will not do so again and focus on the good posts.
@nvoigt I disagree the question was clear there.
@MartijnPieters I'm assuming that you'll take care of cleaning up the comments here.
It was easily closable for either unclear or the we are not a debugging service reason.
In my understanding, he was not asking for debugging. "Verify" in my book says "works, needs review", not "broken". Anyway, case closed. I will need to attend to our build server when the cluter is back up :) have a nice weekend.
And you, @nvoigt, sorry for the misunderstanding. We're not scary people, :-)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow is not a debugging service. If your code has a bug, describe that bug here and we will help you resolve it. If your code does not have a bug, then your question is probably off-topic for Stack Overflow. — nhgrif 13 secs ago
@nhgrif: Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
Is just fine.
Hmm, yeah, good point.
Here's my code, tell me why it doesn't work and how to fix it. pastes irrelevant parts of the code
The code isn't short and there isn't a specific problem description.
@JohnSnow best served without error message
@Vogel612 respond with HTTP 418 :-)
@nvoigt It seems like your idea of what a "code review" is differs a bit from ours :/ This is pretty much why I started our meta question about "What is a Code Review?"
@Vogel612 Happens way too often
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow is not a QA service. If your code has a bug, describe that bug here and we will help you resolve it. If your code does not have a bug, then your question is probably off-topic for Stack Overflow. — nhgrif 2 mins ago
@Vogel612 Or, better yet, served ONLY with error message.
I changed "debugging service" to "QA service" because that more fits what he's actually asking..
@nhgrif: I've already closed the question for our standard reason.
He's not saying "this has bugs, but I can't find them so I need a 'review'". He's asking if it has bugs. Which makes it off-topic for SO because he hasn't identified the bugs, and off-topic for CR because he can't confirm that it works as intended.
That's fine, I just figured I'd leave my comment as accurate as possible.
He doesn't even mention the word "review"
@nhgrif frankly, the question is way too vague to make any kind of sane deductions as to what they want.
we get too many of those to bother with custom close reasons.
Fair enough.
lol, load up a valve software page, get 200 js errors
Eh, if I found it at random and it weren't receiving so much attention, I may not have bothered with the custom close reason.
@Quill 200 javascript errors? 200 is not divisible by 3. Half life 3 confirmed
Many thanks for dropping by, @MartijnPieters. Well handled.
But perhaps primarily as an example to @nvoigt on how to do it if he really thinks none of the pre-built close reasons apply.
np, off to nuke some more socks over lunch.
@Simon André Forsberg I do not ask for debugging and correcting errors. I presented the concept of a solution and ask for an assessment of the concept. — page 22 secs ago
I still have no clue what he wants...
You could invite him here
If he wants to talk about it. We can help him figure out what he needs to do.
It sounds like he needs to ask here... but before he can do that, he has to be able to confirm that it works.
@nhgrif his question is on SO though, and I don't think he has enough rep to chat. I'm not quite sure yet how to give someone chat access without having the rep.
@nhgrif @SimonAndréForsberg they need explicit write acecss then
should be under "room" > "control access"
seems like room owners can do that too
but how do I find his chat user?
@SimonAndréForsberg ask in TL, I wouldn't know..
@DanPantry You're using those two words... Word and Compiling
@skiwi word is so slow, it feels like it is compiling. Every bit of Microsoft software I've used since coming back from Linux feels very bloated and slow. :-(
Welcome, @page
Hello @page
Hello @page
I'm trying to get Qt to work with DPI and scaling
@skiwi lets go to the NTh monitor
I'm not sure @page has write access yet.
@SimonAndréForsberg I can't add that user..
because that requires mod rights.. would you?
@DanPantry Why? I don't have time :D
@page We'd like to talk with you about your question.
trying a superping
@skiwi I don't want to talk over Simon and stuff :-)
@SimonAndréForsberg Isn't it @@
^ go here @SimonAndréForsberg
@Quill the rendering is the same
@Vogel612 thanks for clarifying
There we go
@nhgrif ^^
okay that was harder than anticipated .. I'll be off to work ...
@page I can't see any way your question is on-topic for Stack Overflow. It might be a fit for Code Review however.
The problem for Code Review is this comment:
> Please verify whether the code is correct.
@nhgrif and that it doesn't compile..
(and the hypothetical code, which has only gotten worse)
I suppose Stack Overflow is a place to exchange ideas.
(Okay, I didn't notice those points, but sure.)
Perhaps you could explain what exactly you're trying to ask, and we can help you figure out exactly where & how to ask it?
Please verify whether the code is correct.
I'll shut up now, I'll entrust to you folks to help this one out :)
I ment please tell wheather my way of thinking is correct or not.
In that case, it's very possibly a Stack Overflow question, but you need to present it better.
The way you've presented it makes it look very much like you're having us check for bugs. Instead, you're trying to ask about a concept.
It is not hypothetical code but part of real code which I wanted to discuss
Uh, guys... the question exists here too:
Q: Asynchronous operation in WPF application

gastoI am writing an C# WPF application, which should periodically prepare some data and send them to WebService in background. Here is my excerpt of code where I call operation asynchronously. Please verify whether the code is correct. MainWindow.xaml.cs public partial class MainWindow { Syste...

In which case, your post most likely needs to be about 90% plain-English. And the code should be a pseudo/hypothetical example of the problem you're describing. Only enough code to illustrate your concept.
But you need to put more effort into the plain-English part of the question if it's the concept you're trying to ask about.
ok. I will follow rules.
May I correct a question?
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow is not a QA service.
^^^ yes it is, oh, QA is not Question & Answer?
Quality Assurance?
Q&A != QA
@SimonAndréForsberg Sock?
@page You can edit questions, yes.
It's already put as off-topic
This is a question for codereview.stackexchange.com, not for stackoverflow. — user3707125 8 secs ago
If you had an actual implementation from an actual project, you could probably get answers regarding your concrete implementation of the concept (or whether or not the concept is even any good as side thoughts) here on Code Review. But you have to present your question in the correct way.
Found another copy:
Q: Asynchronous operation in WPF application

pageI am writing an C# WPF application, which should periodically prepare some data and send them to WebService in background. Here is my excerpt of code where I call operation asynchronously. Please verify whether the code is correct. MainWindow.xaml.cs public partial class MainWindow { System.Wi...

@page Edited questions get dumped into a "reopen queue" where users can vote to reopen the question if it has been made to be on-topic.
Moreover, I must recommend that in the future instead of asking on all the sites, you instead read the help centers, determine which site is the right one, and ask your question in the right way for that site. Here is our help center.
In like 30 minutes, sunrise on the ISS over the Pacific ocean. Then it'll be crossing over the southern part of Canada this morning. If the skies are clear, we might be able to see the Great Lakes.
For some reason I imagined you were in space then @nhgrif. Imagine that, monkeys in space
It's going over Australia now.
Kangaroo Island. Adelaide.
@nhgrif According to rules I was asking for Best practices and design pattern usage
According to Code Review's rules?
For Code Review, you run into these problems, @page:
- Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code?
- To the best of my knowledge, does the code work as intended?
@Vogel612 says your code doesn't compile (which makes it off-topic). @SimonAndréForsberg says it hypothetical/example/stub code. I agree. And the "Please verify whether the code is correct." implies that you don't know whether or not the code works as intended (which would be hard to know if it doesn't compile and it's actually just example code).
I think there is miscommunication about the definition of 'correct'.
He's not asking for debugging, he's asking whether it's 'up to best practices'. Which is asking whether it's correct.
For some values of correct.
Perhaps. I already stated that there may be misunderstanding. I'm just saying what his phrasing implies to many English speakers. But there are two far more glaring problems. We can edit his English up a bit to make it on topic. We can't fix the other two problems.
Even if we assumed the best for that sentence or edited it to be more clear, the question is still off-topic for Code Review, without question.
Since it does not compile, it's broken and therefore off-topic, yes.
Even if it did compile, it's example code.
private void PrepareDataAndCallWs()
    // here is core of background operation
    // read data from database
    // open webservice connection
    // call webservice method
For SO, that could've made it MCVE. For CR, it's forbidden.
It's posted on 3 sites. It can never be good on all 3 sites at once and currently it's no good on all 3 sites.
A direct copy & paste can't be good on all three sites at once, no.
@nhgrif there used to be real code in there for rev 1 on SO
Q: Handling threads in server application after clients disconnect

LukeI'm currently working on simple HTTP server. I use Winsock and standard threads from C++11. For each connected (accepted) client there is new thread created. std::map<SOCKET, std::thread> threads; bool server_running = true; while(server_running) { SOCKET client_socket; client_socket = ...

I think Code Review would be a better place for your question. — jrenk 59 secs ago
Maybe. We're not really talking about what's on topic for SO any more though
@Duga He may be right, but the question is a mess.
Could someone write a review for this question?
Try asking that here:

 Web Development

Everything Web
@Timo if I get time today I will.
Let me see if I can finish this documentation. I leave work in 2 hours, so I'll see if I can do it before then.
@Timo I don't know JavaScript.
I'd refactor that though.
@nhgrif definitely.
syncQueries should be a set of three function calls. doJsonThings, syncData, then syncPictures
hey @bazola...
This should probably be posted on code review... — Ron Beyer 12 secs ago
I'm checking my inbox. I don't have an email from you. Should I check my spam folder?
haha :) still working on it, not enough hours in the day
@bazola Story of my life.
just watched the sun rise on the ISS

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