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Did he post it as an answer first?
Nope, neither
I'm voting to close this question, code review is off-topic here. This question may be on-topic at codereview.stackexchange.com but it's up to OP to determine that. — High Performance Mark 8 secs ago
Asking about it on Meta will net you at least 10 upvotes before it's solved
I just flagged it, too lazy to make a meta question
Time for me to start packing clothes and go party
@JeroenVannevel - get the neoprene sleeve?
@rolfl Yep, it looks sturdy enough to take a few hits
the bottom corners are extra solid
And the zipper works nicely as well
I'll probably bring it with me
@JeroenVannevel Somebody should make it a meta.
@Mast Go ahead, I won't
Oh, a zipper.... I prefer the ones with the stretch-over/fold-over flaps, no hardware at all then, just stitching. Still they are great for the $$$ can't go wrong, and the device won't be protected better by anything other than a steel case.
And, have a lot of fun.
@JeroenVannevel Point is, should it be a meta.SE or a meta.SO
@Mast It's on SO
Lol, minimum temperature for the next 10 days in Cordóba is 16°C
That's T-Shirt weather in Belgium
And the middle of their winter
@skiwi Fixed it.
Guess I'm switching another pants to swimming shorts
Let the games begin:
Q: User with less than 50 rep making a comment

MastThis user made this comment. However, he has only 1 rep. According to this, you still need 50 rep to comment. I smell a bug, what's going on here?

@Mast Let's see what happens there ;)
@Mast A moderator must've converted it to a comment.
@Jamal Somebody suggested the system may have done it automatically.
@Mast It was the FBI that noticed.
Possibly, though I've never seen that happen before. It sure would be nice, considering SO is full of link-only answers.
I have done that before.
@Jamal Neither have I.
There is no deleted answer. If the system did this, it converted the answer into a comment on the fly (which would be a great feature). — Frédéric Hamidi 28 secs ago
Then I was wrong.
@Jamal I haven't received a notification about receiving an answer though
Does such a feature even exist? On-the-fly conversion?
I've seen people asking for it, but I'm not sure it was implemented.
There is no deleted answer on that question
Maybe it was a top-secret test?
Q: Answer appears automatically converted as a comment

MichaelI posted an answer (pointing to another question already asked) but when I hit submit, I saw my answer appear as a comment to the question instead. I tried it a couple of times and still the same result. The answer gets eaten up and is transformed into a comment. Is this a bug?

@skiwi Or Kim-Jong Un has finally gained access to the Internet.
@rolfl Ah, so it is a feature.
@QPaysTaxes Yes, we are. Dare to edit them and we'll take our upvotes back.
Sorry, I don't speak Italian.
Indeed. But I only know about it because every unplayable baroque piece for organ is named "toccata".
Like "you have to touch your keyboard very fast and stuff".
And that song is a remix of Bach's Toccata & Fugue in D.
Q: New to VBA and my file needs to be more efficient/cleaned up please and thank you

xiong liI am new to VBA and new to Stack overflow so my apologies to anything I may state or do incorrectly. This is my code I made that extracts data from a .csv file stored on the web. My sheet called 'New Data' stores this data for 2 days. I store 2 days worth of data so that when I run it next time, ...

@CaptainObvious Stack Overflow?
@QPaysTaxes No.
@QPaysTaxes VBA is VB Applications. For inside Office programs (Excel for instance) and such.
So basically you were asking if a language was part of a framework.
nope, not like Guava. VBA is more like a plague
It creeps into Office documents and before IT knows it there's half a million lines of code running every day right under their nose
Very Bad Artifact
@Mat'sMug It's fun for home projects though.
Perhaps it changed, but Excel didn't have support for case-switch statements in the past. VBA to the rescue!
Now, if you're on the business side of things, VBA is a goddamn savior. It lets you get the job done without having to wait 6-8 weeks for IT to deliver something that won't work as needed anyway
Q: Even Fibonacci numbers under any given number

menakaConsidering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed any given number (ex- 4,000,000), finding the sum of the even-valued terms. Fibonacci sequence 0,1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... function EvenFibonacciNumbers(){ var value=parseIn...

@CaptainObvious In combinatorics there are techniques for finding equations to replace recursive algorithms.
@Donald.McLean I'd think implementing his first point would solve his second point.
However, if you want to do this efficient, do it in C instead of JS.
This question belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comShiva 29 secs ago
@Mat'sMug lol
We may have 5 mods? Any chance we'll get 5 close reasons.
@QPaysTaxes Well, part of why I'm a mod there is my job. But not being an actual astronomer, some of the technical questions are beyond me.
The main reason I'm a mod on Music Fans is because they were short of volunteers. It's a slowly developing site.
If you don't get a great response here, you may want to try the Code Review Stack Exchange. — Alex 35 secs ago
@QPaysTaxes It's not a competition, it's about willingness and capability. Oh, and patience.
Try codereview.SE if this code actually works - otherwise what's the particular question? — Raystafarian 5 secs ago
Q: jQuery Plugin for Dynamically Sticky Headers and Footers

Kevin BoucherI am creating a jQuery plugin to be used to stick the headers and footers of tables (or other list data) to the top and bottom of the viewport while scrolling. (i.e. scrolling down the page, the header sticks to the top of the viewport and footer is always visible while table is in view) Example...

@Mast I think they also look at personality. Polite and respectful mods can help bind a community together. Abrasive, abusive, confrontational people, not so much.
@Donald.McLean I hope they do.
@nhgrif I hope so.
Q: VBA Macro to move data across workbooks

AeiI'm new to VBA and am trying to write a macro to move data from an exported file to an excel template. The code below works, however I have to add many more ranges of data and am worried it will be hefty to run. Sub MoveData() Dim fileName As String Sheets("Cover").Select ...

Q: C++ A star algorithm

LevonThis code is the 'answer' to this reddit challenge. This is the code: and thanks. Vector2.h #pragma once struct Vector2 { int x, y; Vector2(int, int); Vector2(); Vector2 operator +(const Vector2&) const; }; Vector2.cpp #include "Vector2.h" Vector2::Vector2(int _x, int _y)...

@MarioGarcia Because you have working code you might get more love over on Code Review Stack Exchange... — Chrismas007 47 secs ago
Q: Adjacency List with array data

ViralI came through a question on stackoverflow, which shown array structure like below, array (size=4) 0 => array (size=3) 'id' => int 1 'name' => string 'Anniversary' (length=11) 'parent' => int 0 1 => array (size=3) 'id' => int 12 'name' => string 'New a...

It bothers me so much when people don't try to catch a specific error, and just have an empty catch/except block.
Q: Ruby refactor a lot of nested iterations

asiniyI have a big number of nested iterations in my method @product_params.each do |id, item_attributes| item_attributes.each do |something| ... .each # a lot of .each here What is the common way to refactor this huge amount of nested iterations? They seems very dirty...

Wow @Jamal You nuked that one almost instantly.
A: Private client-server chat

Ethan Bierlein First off, don't use 1 over True in while loops. While 1 works, using True is much clearer. Secondly, you have inconsistent indentation. While in Python 2.x, this doesn't affect much, Python 3.x will throw an error. Never use try-except without a specific error to catch. There could easily be an...

@HighPerformanceMark: no, code review is not specifically off-topic here. It may be too broad for Stack Overflow, but please don't bandy around non-existing close reasons. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 52 secs ago
Q: Comparing FFTs to deduplicate IVR recordings

WillI've got a Python script that traverses two file trees, checking all .wav files for duplication. I'm still an undergrad, and have never worked with audio before. I'm not entirely sure this is going to be a valid comparison. I lost the SO answer I was using as a guideline, but the general idea ...

@CaptainObvious FFT with Python, I like the guy already.
[VM] (scriptId) was renamed to VMscriptId a while ago. I'll keep the answer in its current state to not invalidate the question. The latest codesearch link is: cs.chromium.org/%22VM%5C%22%20+%22Rob W 47 secs ago
Q: Proper interface implementation

inquisitorI'm trying to understand when and when not to extend classes while also correctly implementing an interface. I'm looking to see if my approach is correct. An interface // A very basic interface public interface DocParser { void parseDoc(File file) throws MyException; } An implementation ...

Q: Is solution to comparing 2 ints without using comparative operators a good one?

cswI was looking for questions that might be asked in a technical interview and I found this one. "Write a function that determines if two integers are equal without using any comparative operators." I'm using java and my solution was to wrap the ints in an Integer object, convert that Integer to...

Both are off-topic
That's some of the cleanest PHP I've ever seen, well done! — Phrancis 11 secs ago
Busy VBA day. Good thing I'm off work. =)
Should really be on Code Review. — cybermonkey 28 secs ago
@QPaysTaxes I'm eager to read it
@QPaysTaxes Hello :)
@Phrancis The cleanest PHP is no PHP
Q: Resx Translation Helper, V.2.0

Hosch250First, I implemented the changes suggested in my last question, then I changed my entire code base to support editing 1-N Resx files. So, this question covers the main window. In particular, I wasn't able to remove all the code from the code-behind, and I have not been able to find a way to do ...

Q: Confused about what is an acceptable question

inquisitorMy thread was closed with a very vague reason. I'm a member on multiple stackexchange sites and haven't had issues before with creating a thread. If my question is off-topic I would say the title of the site is not very accurate. Proper interface implementation Can someone tell me what is w...

@mjolka ResxTranslationHelper 2.0 is done.
@QPaysTaxes here I go reading it, give me 5 minutes
Read it (it took less than expected). +1.
@QPaysTaxes Did this comment add anything to the conversation, that wasn't already said?
@inquisitor So it's hypothetical code, then. That's off-topic here -- we deal in real code. — QPaysTaxes 8 mins ago
@SimonAndréForsberg sure, but I wouldn't say that there was an objective reason for closing my question. My code is stub code because it's a very large project and the details of my code are useless given the context of the question. My guess is that there are just mods here that are eager to use their Internet powers whenever possible, but whatever. Thanks for your time. — inquisitor 1 min ago
I'm reopening it just so that it can be re-closed by five user votes.
Sorry, you can't vote again.
Q: Resx Translation Helper, V.2.0 Remove Files Window

Hosch250Related to Resx Translation Helper, V.2.0 This is the code for the Remove Files window. I was able to keep code out of the code-behind here, but I have a feeling I botched something else. IDisplayOpenFiles.cs: public interface IDisplayOpenFiles { object DataContext { set; } event Eve...

Q: Appropriate Way To utilize AES in variables

xXspynXxI am writing a program that needs to retain specific data but that should not be easily readable. I am in no way very skilled in Crypto but I wrote this class that takes all of the data in and then returns the AES encrypted strings. Now my main question is, is this an appropriate way to encrypt t...

@200_success I don't think that's a very good idea. I understand your intent of doing so though, but I hope my reply to that comment is clear to the user.
That's about my answer too, but, note that the "Implementations" are not implementations, because they don't "implement" the interface either. The code is hypothetical, not even trimmed-down real code. — rolfl ♦ 16 mins ago
It will fail to compile, BTW.
besides, even if there are five community members that VTC, it can still be considered as "five users just wanting to abuse their powers"
Why is a thing?
Like, the tag...
1 more vote to close it.
does tend to indicate bad questions.
Oh dear...
@SimonAndréForsberg the rules should be reasonable and flexible. They shouldn't be applying the same rules to every question because every question is not the same. I'm not putting up 4k lines of code when I have a question about the overall design of my code for a specific use case. That makes no sense and is unreasonable and silly request. — inquisitor 37 secs ago
That was some Meta Effect, too.
If this is working code, you might be better off on Code Review. — Mike McCaughan 15 secs ago
@QPaysTaxes Nope, brought over from SO.
@QPaysTaxes calling the new user "annoying" doesn't help anyone here. "Misguided" perhaps? Or "Lost in the Stack Exchange jungle"?
Under a different account!
@QPaysTaxes How does calling a new user "annoying" help anyone?
Hi @inquisitor
Welcome to chat.
@QPaysTaxes well... I guess you are not then ;-)
QpaysTaxes, I'm new to this site, but not to StackExchange
@200_success I wonder if the migrated post could've been merged with the other post, since an account is associated with it. No need to have both questions here.
About that @inquisitor , your account has revealed some sort of bug ;-)
@QPaysTaxes I hope you will get that some day. For the record, I've also been 16 once.
@Jamal I've requested an account merge, so I left the duplicate question there as evidence.
Hello @SimonAndréForsberg thanks for addressing my question - although I think we will have to agree to disagree
And, kick time
@200_success Alright
@inquisitor It's not that your question is bad per se. It's just that Code Review is not the place to ask it, because that's not what we do here, unfortunately.
Q: How can I convert this code the use breadth

AlederSo I am trying to code a crawler but I am wondering how I can covert the code to breadth search instead of depth. I'm very new to java so please be nice. import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.S...

Q: HTML: How to properly link and redirect to internal files (same root folder)

keewee279I am new to HTML and this is probably a beginner question but I couldn't find a proper guideline for it and just want to make sure I use it the right way from the start. I have a root structure for a website that looks as follows (shortened): file1.php // main file file2.php // main file file...

Now you got to use the new CM contact system. :-)
So, @inquisitor, reading through the question of yours there was a few questions that popped into my head. For example, I thought "How's JavaDocParser and MyDocParser different?" Then I also question things like: "Nothing is being returned from the interface, how on earth are you handling that then?" and also: "Why would you want to use a JavaFile class?" on Code Review, we want to see the big picture, and try to improve a lot of what your code does.
I just looked at it and said: Hmmm, won't compile.
@inquisitor It's fine to disagree, but probably recognize that you're a new user, this appears to be your first question, and all of the established site members disagree with you.
I would have closed as off-topic: Broken code.
You've got to be kidding me
Fall off you bike again?
I do wonder how your question, @inquisitor, would fare on Stack Overflow (I bet that there'll be at least one asker on Stack Overflow that would recommend you to Code Review, because there are way too many SO users who are a bit misguided about CR)
@rolfl Luckily not ;)
This is more a question for the code review site imho,. — Maarten Bodewes 1 min ago
So they updated Grails from 2.4 to 3.0, but they never bothered to update the test plugins or something
@Duga Thanks for illustrating my point.
@Duga Nope
@SimonAndréForsberg the rules should be reasonable and flexible. They shouldn't be applying the same rules to every question willy nilly, because every question is not the same. I'm not putting up 4k lines of code when I have a question about the overall design of my code for a specific use case. That makes no sense and is an unreasonable and silly request. — inquisitor 14 mins ago
@MaartenBodewes Absolutely not. Please read Code Review's on-topic guidelines. — 200_success 13 secs ago
"I have a question about the overall design of my code."
Pure design questions typically indicate the code isn't implemented yet.
@MaartenBodewes No, this does not belong on Code Review. Please read Be careful when recommending Code Review to askers. Important thing to keep in mind: Questions containing the word "problem" does not belong on Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 30 secs ago
Maybe it is, but we've no way of knowing that.
design = programmers.SE, typically
@RubberDuck its a fully functioning program, I was looking to improve its design
@RubberDuck yes, I've seen that, and I managed to get @inquisitor here to chat to talk about it more.
Yup. Just wanted to point it out.
Going on a walk, BBL.
@inquisitor Code review is for improving the implementation of the design. Things become very broad when questions are about how the design should be improved,.
BTW, @inquisitor, welcome to The 2nd Monitor, and CR.
If I were you, I'd just post my code and if the design is bad, someone will probably tell you.
2 mins ago, by inquisitor
@RubberDuck its a fully functioning program, I was looking to improve its design
That happens with me all the time.
Also, this is not quite accurate...
@SimonAndréForsberg I will concede that more of my code here would have added clarity. The interface does return more than what I showed. The JavaDocParser and the MyDocParser handle differently file types in the docParser function. I didn't want to use a JavaFile class, I just don't know enough about properly designing code to know what makes sense.
// A class that uses the interface
public class MyDocParser {

   public void parseDoc(File file) throws MyException {
       // doc is parsed
That will not work ^^^ and cannot
and it lies... ;-)
the parseDoc method does not @Override anything
And MyException should be called something else.
You did not even copy/paste that from your real code and trim out the "irrelevant" stuff.
@rolfl that was a made up name. I didn't take it from my actual code because a lot of the work I do is proprietary and cannot be released to the public.
And, there's the problem
Now, @inquisitor, about your actual suggestion to use the JavaFile class: Why would you want to do that? Does the JavaFile class contain any more properties that don't already exist in File? It feels like a "class just for making a validation", which isn't nearly sufficient IMO to make it a class of its own.
The File class is already sufficient for you to do everything you need to do, all you need to do is to verify that it is a Java-style-file (remember that file extensions can be essentially anything, really)
and I would recommend that you do this validation while reading from the file, if you encounter something unexpected, well, that's what the exceptions are for, right?
@rolfl I agreed that you all were correct in my needing to provide more information. I think your constant badgering me is now just beating a dead horse.
We prefer to kill zombies, not horses.
@SimonAndréForsberg but wouldn't that be an oxymoron?
What would be?
@SimonAndréForsberg "We prefer to kill zombies"
(zombies are only mostly-dead, not dead... ;-)
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergMeme: Zombies Originator: retailcoder (lol.upvote or Mat'sMug) Cultural Height: During The Mission Background: In a (successful) attempt to motivate the community in reducing the number of unanswered questions, a Call of Duty was made in which every unanswered question (no upvoted answers) is ...

hahahaha... now i see
@inquisitor I also recommend you read:
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

Thanks for the help everyone. Apologize for my lack of understanding and i'll try to create better suited questions for this site in the future.
@inquisitor I am sure that you can get plenty of up-votes if/when you come back with an on-topic question.
I also hope that you read my message above about why you shouldn't use a JavaFile class.
@SimonAndréForsberg oh I did, and I appreciate your message. It's given me something to think about. Thank you!
good good
Welcome back at any time.
@Jamal Ah, looks like another instance of someone thinking "Code Preview"
Busy day indeed. Seems like a coincidence considering elections are arriving.
Q: how to give a button more functions

JozefI'm a learner and want to know how i can give a button more functions. I have made a input form where you can write whatever you like for ex name and after clicking submit or in my case klik mij. the text you wrote in the form will be displayed underneath. but i want that value to stay there afte...

@CaptainObvious Keep 'em comin'
I don't think I've cast this many close votes in a while.
You want to introduce an arbitrary delay on every query? That seems... counter-productive. And it doesn't seem like it would "force" the developers to do anything about it, it would just make everything slower. (Even when using async it will make everything slower.) It seems like an ounce of code review is going to produce better results than a pound of workarounds here. — David 1 min ago
@Duga lol
@skiwi right?!
@David yes i know.... its a price im willing to pay to have a non-freezing interface... as for code reviews, i have already try that... it didn't work as expected... people just didn't review as carefully as required... — Leonardo 58 secs ago
My mouse disappeared.... Most frustrating.
cat ate it
Must have.
> Daily Vote Limit Reached;
It's been a while. Feels good.
Lol. I actually don't think that was me.
Oh. Cool. That makes like 4 checkies today. Damn I'm productive when I'm not working.
^^^ just because
seems okay to me too
@QPaysTaxes I don't remember how to see the history of the post but most of the downvote I think where on the first version of the question which was awful (my opinion here)

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