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The footer has always been hardcoded on my main (non-blog) web pages
<footer><!--[if lt IE 9]><span style="font-size: smaller"><![endif]-->
</footer><!--[if lt IE 9]></span><![endif]-->
I'm working on replacing this with a PHP include() statement which references the footer in the website root directory.
This will eliminate redundant code and make footer changes far easier to perform.
!!/xkcd 327
superuser.com/questions/914986/… this question seems good enough to migrate if it qualified for migration? I am pretty sure it is all android based.
Instead it is being closed for being opinion? What is the opinion? that you should have more storage in your device to abuse ?
@Psycogeek I don't see anyone closing it as opinion based...
Then something else is funkey here?
Oh, I didn't see that [2]. Maybe just my rep level...
Doesn't work on IE8 :(
works at the original site it came from here. dont do squat on the chat page
Not on IE8 though.
you not missing anything :-)
Further proof that there must be something else i can do.
@JourneymanGeek Picked up some of the Sharpie permanent markers. I'm hoping they work :P
(I needed more permanent markers anyway...)
Also, apparently Artline is by Pelikan o.O
Also, apparently Sharpie has brush-tipped markers... the feed looks nearly identical to the Smiggle FPs
> like so much javascript, it's functions inside functions acting on other functions
@Bob: ;p
is off sick from work. Eye infection. So... I'll only be popping in periodicaly
don't suppose anyone can help me? vpnusers.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4650 - I feel like such a wally... really stressed and forgetting the basics :/
so tired and just need to get something working... :(
I help, GO TO BED!
How do you ping clients anymore when pings are all blocked (assuming your talking about "pinging" and not some other communications method expected tow rok in this situation)
-expected to work
@Psycogeek pinging isn't blocked, but, not really sure how the return is working...
there just isn't a route in the table
If the server can be pinged, that itself requires 2 way communications alone doesn't it? send out a blip server responds, clent gets to see server responded ?
In all probability I dont freaking know :-) @bob be all good at this stuff.
route print
route add
wait, that's not right
you shouldn't need a gateway from server to client
What is output of the tracert ? or where does it end or something?
"Are you using SecureNAT?
(If so, why don't you use the Local Bridge function instead?
The performance of SecureNAT is lower than Local Bridge, and it consumes
much of CPU time. You should not use SecureNAT except very limited situation.)"
I cant see how anyone could do this half-asleep, i am wide awake , and it is clearly inside the borders of Nuts.
If it mattered, the way to solution 100% cpu use (including failing with a weak cpu) and still use secure nat
>The kernel-mode NAT function may cause this problem.
> Please disable kernel-mode NAT in advanced virtual hub option
superuser.com/questions/915103/what-is-opuderm-skin-care <-- spammer. What is the deal with skin care products on Super geekey sites anyways, We Never See the sun :-) So we sure dont need wrinkle creams
1 hour later…
Why would a CPU fail within a week?
It should be able to run at 100% for years continuous.
@Hennes Manufacturing defect. Claim warranty.
it would be hard to kill an intel cpu, pound it with 5 volts, then remove the liquid nitrogen fast :-)
More often there can be other things wrong that could look like you have a dead intel cpu, but indeed overclockers do kill them every once in a while.
I do not usually OC. I might after my system slows down a lot and before I buy a new one.
But atm my old system is still blazingly fast.
"Venom, which stands for ” Virtualized Environment Neglected Operations Manipulation”, is able to break loose from the virtual machine and start affecting adjacent networks." venom.crowdstrike.com "The bug is in QEMU’s virtual Floppy Disk Controller (FDC). This vulnerable FDC code is used in numerous virtualization platforms and appliances"
Sort of funny, Who uses a floppy disk controller anymore ? The hackers , who noticed you didnt care about it.
Stephen Hawkings says that Computer AIs are going to become "smarter than humans" in a few more years.
i.sstatic.net/vYKkW.jpg NFW , I think steven does not realise just how much more a human processes
And if you did not see it infoworld.com/article/2922398/microsoft-windows/… Microsofts Tuesday destructo patching strikes again. Oddly it is mostly taking out windows 7 computers. Strange why anyone would want to nuke them :-)
the news at 11:32 with @Psycogeek!
Just be glad i didnt post a 2011 story :-) and think it was new
I have seen microsoft patching kick people in the nuts over and over again, when it came time that they should be upgrading to the new system before. It would be a class action lawsuit if it could ever be proved , and also be proved that it wasn't just accidents (over and over again).
While i sat there with perfectally operational, and crusty old systems, (manually updated) all the other people were throwing thier hands in the air , and running off to thier slave master to get the new stuff.
That is where you git this historically (histerical) opinions that "this OS version was BAD" from the same people who danced around and told everyone to buy it a mere 5-7 years before.
How something goes from "the greatest thing in the world" to the biggest pile of crap ever made :-) is not mystery to everyone.
thats the thing tho
microsoft are so provably incommpent when normally patching, no one could ever prove that end of life patching is delbierately sabotarged (or maybe just less staff/less experienced staff) working on the patches.
God my english broken this morning
That's right, you could even see in the files and install stuff, that it was new stuff for the new system, being shoved into the old system.
Those people that "deployed" mass repeat systems, and those locked down "deep freezed" kind of systems would also be the type of people wondering what everyones problems was.
ah ok
then i see how problems come about which may of been hidden for years due to something else masking them
Even trying to update a driver for a gpu card, or software where the programer had also moved on. anything that had much changes done to the OS method, could turn the old system to mud.
Your either happy with the way ALL of it is working now. . . or you will be switching to the new system.
Lol... ok, so they removed the GUI (by default) in the new Windows Server Nano. Now hold on a minute... wouldn't that mean that it then actually doesn't have any Windows?!?!? How can the operating system be called 'Windows' if it doesn't have any Windows? Like if all hWnd's resolve to a NULL ptr. A co-worker said that you can still have file handles. But the OS isn't called 'Files', it's called 'Windows'. Am I the only one who finds this funny? :)
like Xbuntu without X?
Kbuntu without the KDE?
Amiga had windows :-) now android has windows , Metro isnt about windows, so logically we should rename android to Windows, and because windows is all about being android, we call it android. Linux has had windows, but because they have to rename Everything in linux to be different, we will call it frames. Apple , we can just stick with peaches.
@djsmiley2k it's not so much incompetence as it is a whole lot of different hardware (and software)
In win8?
I'm sure they thoroughly test their patches as much as is possible, but they can't possibly test every possible configuration.
Same goes for every freely-installable OS, really.
OS X is restricted to a very specific set of hardware, so they only really have to worry about the software incompatibilities.
superuser.com/questions/915191/… why grafic design sends this one here, when they would be the "experts" in such matters. I check thier help and indeed it is off topic. Why do they would want to Restrict thier users like that, how they ever get out of beta :-)
Sorry we are graifc design, not grafic design software issues, we only stand around in a tiny circle jerk , of non-expanding vertices.
They should rename this place to Stack Exclusion
Q: Photoshop Pencil Tool Won't Draw

NotoriousWebmasterI've been struggling with this for some time now. The tool is set to pencil tool. The color is set to black. The layer is at the top of the layer stack. But still it won't draw a simple line. Interesting thing though: if I bump up the size of the pencil tip and draw back and forth, I get some ra...

yet they do answer it...
Sounds like he needs to clear the settings on it ;D
I was having the same discussion/arguement in gaming.se l,ast night
They are obcessed with not answering things
ah well, flagged it.
it did look like it was possible that some setting in the program was effecting it.
Although i wouldnt doubt somone saying that there might be a "drawing" issue, when his video is done very very quick.
as in slow graphical update/cpu update drawing issue>?
as apposed to 'drawing...' issue? :D
well it is called "direct draw" :-)
Yes and he also indicates that it does not happen all the time. So there is all the usual memory leaking, the history saving for undo, whatever other programs are running, which can include a virus scanner that goes nuts everytime a new thing arrives in ram, and whatever else can happen ??
Q: Permission to make symbolic links in Windows 7?

karolrvnHow can I grant a particular user the permission to create symlinks in Windows 7? I've searched through "Group Policy" and Google, but haven't found anything. On a side note, is there a way to search through everything in Group Policy Editor? The filters only seem to work on particular subtrees...

@OliverSalzburg I kinda want to know why it's restricted by default.
Probably some weird implementation detail that somehow allows you to bypass security settings..? :\
Oh, here
Q: Why do you have to be an admin to create a symlink in Windows?

ripper234In linux every user can create symlinks, but in Windows I need an admin command line, or mklink fails. Why is that?

> Symbolic links (symlinks) can expose security vulnerabilities in applications that aren't designed to handle symbolic links.
Backwards compatibility bites again.
@Bob Humm, so far it's not even working :\ Maybe I need a full reboot
I hate mmc so much >:(
Okay, this doesn't work
And my stupid Chrome profile is broken O__o
My problem solved by Brandon Donnelson's answer: In addition to the above, the user running "mklink" cannot be an administrator. — Jonathan Hartley Jan 8 '12 at 18:42
A: How do I create a link in Windows 7 home premium as a regular user?

Brandon DonnelsonI found only a non administrator can do it. Add non administrator to create symbolic links and runas non administrator. You'll have to add a person of with non admin privileges. Then you give permission to the target for the non admin, so he can do the runas mklink.

That is just...
I'm willing to bet that you have the privilege and are able to but mklink specifically checks for admin + UAC.
You could probably DIY a symlink tool...
still stupid though
@Bob The core problem I'm having is related to unit testing code that creates a symlink
And the test fails due to this
So now I have to create an unprivileged account, add it to the policy and run the test suite through that user?
Or run the suite as Administrator?
Is the answer there referring to making links FOR a user with a user with admin ability?
> New Products On Massdrop: Mayflower Electronics O2+ODAC(revB) Combo, Astrotec Lyra Earbuds, xDuoo UA-05 DAC/Amp and more!
I'm not entirely sure that sentence is in English.
@OliverSalzburg There was something about privileges but I'm too tired to think of it/look it up
Meaning to mess with another users account? because stuff like that has occured before. I somehow doubt it applies to the "admin" original, and instead to what in these new systems is more like a psudo admin power user thing.
And I seriously need to allocate some time in the near future to write a "desktop shortcut blacklist"
People who create shortcuts on my desktop without asking need to die
I never auto-sync anything. Ever. (The only exception is xmarks, and even then, manually)
I feel very strongly about my desktop ;D
@ThatBrazilianGuy I sync to my own server.
See: reasons I avoid Chrome
I might someday setup a server for xmarks.
I will move away from Google services when I have other problems solved :P
Like shortcuts on my desktop and creating symlinks O__o
@OliverSalzburg How is "people" able to create shortcuts on your desktop?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Installers
Adobe and Google love doing it
Without asking?
Simplify your life with our added 80 features, 212 page manuel , 128bit coded error messages , plus a fine array of actual bugs .
What's the point of installing shortcuts on desktops?
There's only 2 scenarios for desktop icons: those who care won't accept new icons, those who don't care won't even notice them amongst their bazillion icon mess.
When I used Windows daily, I had 4 icons on my desktop. 2 of them being the Recycle Bin and Windows Explorer.
Now I had 5 on gnome, yesterday I removed all five and use only gno-menu
This symlink annoyance is turning out to be the first real reason I can accept for disabling UAC
probably should make that an easy button. Die Easy
/me actually has a kill button on his script he's writing atm
I might not be the best at math, but this feels inaccurate:
Looks fine to me, but i only look at the pictures.
Works just like the fuel guage , on the ford, now that the screen has "touch" you just tap on it a few times :-)
So I'm trying to work around this symlink problem by using node-windows. And the recommended way to install it uses npm link ...which uses symlinks O_o
The needle will get all unstuck
So you had one simple problem, and your adding javascript stuff to fix it? I would almost think you were american. dropping 20,000 1,000pound bombs on iraq to catch bin laden in packastan
While simeltaniously sending 300billion in arms to the ally packastan
user image
they just go Z
Debian install isn't communicating with the DHCP server on my network. How can I tell if the NIC is even being detected during the installation?
Just installing the Windows 10 Preview build that came out yesterday, on my Lumia 930. Not tried Win10 on phone yet. I wonder if Continuum is working yet? What a killer feature!
Would be a lot better if everyone had bluetooth keyboards and mice at their houses though.
And Miracast capable TVs.
that's a game as far as I know :DD
It allows you to connect a TV/monitor remotely and bluetooth mouse and keyboard to your phone, and it works like a regular Windows computer. I think only Modern Universal apps work though. I think you get the full Start menu and everything.
Finished updating now.
wow that's pretty cool
shows how stupidly overpowered phones are these days too
1 hour later…
I really wish more laptops had something like Lenovo's Conservation Mode...
The only reason my old laptop's battery is still usable four years in is because of the way I manage the charge level.
I try to keep it around 40-50% and remove it when the system is plugged in for an extended period of time.
I still do this on my current laptop.
Q: Alternative to Lenovo "Conservation Mode"

harley_woopI have a Lenovo Y50-70, which I am doing a clean install of Win8.1 on (A new SSD) The Battery software that comes with it out of the box contains a very useful battery conservation mode. This stops the battery being charged beyond 60%, which obviously helps with the health of the battery, makes ...

I am consistently surprised by the sheer number of flags I am able to raise every single day, especially with the help of the 10k tools...
@Psycogeek Nice!
3 thigns I just learnt
1. any tme you're putting a screen protector on, a pizza delivery will arrive
2. milk bottles are really strong if you drop them on tiles
3. the smell of pizza means putting a screen protector on is extremely difficult
4 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
1. any tme you're putting a screen protector on, a pizza delivery will arrive
how do you change permissions of reg values themselves rather than the entire keys
also why is firefox closing whenever I open a new tab
and when I go to downloads > open / open containing folder it simply sits there and does fuck all
thats been a problem is V8.0 !!!
OH yeah also ctrl + T or even ctrl + W sometimes doesnt even work
@snipe You can only change permissions on the keys, as far as I know.
1 hour later…
@djsmiley2k Well, pizza is 5x more expensive than screen protectors, so...

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