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Let's test this out on more advanced things:
This certainly doesn't provide a worthwhile answer. (I'll mod-delete it after a period if nothing happens from here.)
2 hours later…
I'll just point out this comment:
@Behaviour: That was a radical edit. Did you talk with Bozo in chat? — Eric Stucky 2 days ago
Definitely some users are unaware of "improve-questions-efforts". (I am not sure how to call it.)
I'm aware that some users were interested in doing this; I wasn't aware that anyone was making any concerted effort to do so.
2 hours later…
@EricStucky I have most frequently seen Fundamental do this. But maybe there are other users who do the same thing.
Should we add to the room description?
8 hours later…
@MartinSleziak I concur; thus I've done so. :)
room topic changed to Reopen? Undelete? Close? Delete?: Sorting things out when the usual review process does not work. [close] [delete] [duplicate] [reopen] [undelete]
@ArthurFischer I've down-voted, but I'm not entirely sure what I should do as a <20k user--I can't vote to delete answers yet.
I bet you have nothing better to do than edit my questions so thy don't look like complaints LOL :D — adoion 5 mins ago
I do this often. And it's richly rewarded, too. ^
@Fundamental Are you looking to reopen that question (I'm inclined to believe you are, given that you edited it)?
I wish there was a way to filter chat messages by tag...
An experiment: use the starboard for active requests, unstar when completed.
@Fundamental reopened

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