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@Rapitor I held the glove in fire for over a minute, it was on fire, but nothing else happened. 1/10, would not play again
So now I need to decide if I want to buy a cheap bass...
@Wipqozn It seems it might be a PS4 problem.
@Chippies Now I'm tempted.
I have an electric that's been sitting around, gathering dust for a few years now.
I know few tunes, but I wouldn't consider myself proficient at all.
@Yuuki I can play Pop Goes the Weasel
@Yuuki the difficulty goes up and down dynamically, although I believe I read in 2014 you can set to stay in one difficulty, which, if true, I would recommend
since it's basically like guitar hero, but with a real guitar, the spikes in difficulty can catch you off guard and it will just throw you back in the easier difficulty, which you may have already perfected
@OrigamiRobot strings on a bass are really expensive, last I've checked (long ago, in a different country)
where guitar strings were the equivalent of 10$, bass strings were 30$ and above
I get to tell the rest of the team today that tomorrow is my last day working with them
@James The best way to do this is with pants around the knees, facing away from the group, while bent
@Sconibulus LoL
I think Ill just do it with a huge grin on my face :D
Well, Steam, now you're just being a dick.
Q: Whisperknife Trickster Rogue: 800 Hit points or 200 Power?

ScientificaI'm new in Neverwinter I'm a Whisperknife Trickster Rogue. I just completed "Form of The Dragon" task and can have eather 800 hit points or 200 Power. Please can you tell me, in your opinion, which is better?

@Sterno ? :o
@3ventic he can't seem to add it to his cart
Now it won't even let me log in
Did you try disabling enhanced steam?
@Chippies How does it even do difficulty?
It was showing things as "not available in my region" that I could buy in the Steam client
@OrigamiRobot I can't speak for Rocksmith 2014, but in the original one, you start out playing few notes and then as the game notices you're hitting most of them, it increases the amount of notes and perhaps adds or switches to chords
it usually starts with a bass line, cut down to a note every few beats (probably not the word I'm looking for)
every few measures?
does that sound more correct?
I'm not very good with my musical lingo
Beats are more frequent than measures. Most pop and rock music has 4 beats per measure.
They have so many songs I want :(
@StrixVaria oh okay, I guess I did mean beats then
Now it's just spinning on a white checkout page
although it possibly starts with like, 1 note per measure
then gradually increases
You have all the money, Steam. You can afford better servers.
I would have loved Rocksmith, if only it didn't require their proprietary audio interface
I had the game pirated with a crack that allowed me to use my own audio interface, but the drm would kick in after few minutes of playing the game and it was the worst
if it didn't require that proprietary interface, I probably would have bought the game last year when it was on sale
Now it's time to play the Steam "cull the wishlist" game. Any game on my wishlist > 70% off that I'm not buying right now is not a game that should be on my wishlist.
@JasonBerkan that seems like a good game!
I cleaned my wishlist this morning before the sale though, so I'll pass, but I'll have to remember it for the next big sale
I was just looking at my wishlist, which isn't even that long, and see games on there that I don't think I've ever heard of and don't remember adding.
Q: Armor of the Old Gods Bug--It Keeps Coming Back!

C-Pound GuruI finished the quest: No One Escapes Cidhna Mine a while ago. I made the mistake of asking Aela to hold on to the Armor of the Old Gods, which she promptly equipped, even though she already had the Thieves Guild Armor equipped (which has a better Armor rating-33 vs 24). Now, she looks great when...

Is the dark souls 2 season pass worth it's money?
@StrixVaria True.
Q: Is There Any Reason to Start with the Original Binding of Isaac?

Shay HacohenI really want to play The Binding of Isaac but I'm not sure which version to get, so what I'm asking is this: Should I just get Rebirth? Is there any reason for me to want to play the original one first?

@StrixVaria I don't know, I kind of like the idea of a "game's season" because I go through games pretty quickly. by the time the season is done, I am pretty much done with the game. unless it's really, really good
@Rapitor I just prefer games that release content patches for free instead of requiring more money again.
@StrixVaria oh of course. that goes without question.
but if we got everything for free, game devs wouldnt be in the black
It's a model that used to work.
@StrixVaria That's a myth nowdays
when you are call of duty, and you still do that shit as well as microtransactions (look at you customization packs). That is not ok.
To me, you can only justify paid DLC if you actually need the cash.
Welp. I just found a way to spend $25 on games...
Q: What is the difference between a chain and a link?

meme scientistWhat is the difference between a chain and a link? I've been working on doing a Ken lp > lp > lp > h srk, but every time I try my hardest to get the 3 lps out and into srk, the srk gets blocked. Someone told me that if you do the lp's too fast it becomes a chain, but if done properply it becomes...

Guys, should I get Portal 2? It's $10
@RPi_Awesomeness Yes.
I just gotta decide whether I get that or HL2...
@RPi_Awesomeness Portal +portal 2 is awesome.
But play portal first though.
HL2 should be free by now
@Arperum Play the original?
Portal is great. Portal 2 is great. Half Life 2 is great.
But, Portal/Portal 2 are probably better by today's standards than Half Life 2 is.
@RPi_Awesomeness Yup, if you haven't yet, play the original first.
@RPi_Awesomeness original Portal is great and Portal 2 sort of continues the story of where 1 left
@StrixVaria Half Life 2 Ravenholm is great
HL2 was one of the first games with physics puzzles, because shooters before it didn't really have complicated physics, and they definitely spent time showing that off.
HL2 is extremely overrated
@RPi_Awesomeness no.
@Chippies A man after my own heart!
@Rapitor Why are you so wrong?
HL2 was great when it was released, I'm thankful for all it brought to us, but it's just not that great
@RPi_Awesomeness I will give you Portal 1 for free
I don't understand the hype about story being great, because it's not
@StrixVaria someone's gotta be the devil's advocate
@StrixVaria ikr... i think we can safely say that any Valve game is great
the gameplay was alright, but mostly gimmicky with the physics puzzles, because it was a new thing and they had to show them off
@OrigamiRobot I will gladly take it :D
If you look at HL2 compared to today's games, it doesn't hold up, I agree.
If you look at HL2 compared to what was available at the time, it was revolutionary (as was HL1).
@RPi_Awesomeness You are Paradigm something on steam, yes?
@OrigamiRobot Oui
@StrixVaria it was revolutionary for all the reasons that don't age well in videogames
it had mechanics no other game had at the time
it brought us the great source engine
which still manages to hold up with newer engines
but as a game, it's just not that fun
especially when the mechanics of HL2 are available in plenty of other games nowadays
@RPi_Awesomeness enjoy
@OrigamiRobot :D
@Chippies Isn't CS:GO Source?
That's been sitting in my inventory for ages. Glad I finally have someone to give it to
@RPi_Awesomeness it is
so is CS:Source
and a million of other games
@Chippies My problem with the game is all the driving is so boring.
@OrigamiRobot What was it? HL2?
@OrigamiRobot I actually enjoyed the driving (I didn't beat the game, so I probably have missed the boring driving)
@StrixVaria Portal 1
@RPi_Awesomeness Call of Duty is a frankenstein'd source
@OrigamiRobot Oh nice.
@Rapitor O.O
@Rapitor or quake 3 engine, depending on how far we go
@Chippies Gross. I take back everything.
4 mins ago, by Chippies
I don't understand the hype about story being great, because it's not
39 secs ago, by Chippies
@OrigamiRobot I actually enjoyed the driving (I didn't beat the game, so I probably have missed the boring driving)
@StrixVaria should I quote the part where I said it's boring?
actually I didn't
I should say it then
I didn't beat the game because it's BORING
Yeah, I've been watching people play through Black Mesa & HL2. Cool games, but I wouldn't spend more than $5 on either.
the gameplay is way too monotonous for me to care
There's just a huge part of the game where it's just "driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions, driving, ant lions"
I got through what I think was ravenholm
or maybe not, idk, there was also a graveyard with zombie-crabheads
So. Y'all think CS:GO will go 50% off, or should I grab it for 33%?
and then I just stopped playing
@OrigamiRobot That's Episode 2
@RPi_Awesomeness you should stop throwing your money at things you probably won't play
@Batophobia Guess what else I didn't enjoy!
actually.. that's more directed for @Sterno
it's basically a game about running and shooting
@Chippies every FPS.
@RPi_Awesomeness Here's how you approach Steam Sales. You wait until a game is a daily deal or voted deal, and then buy it at that price. If it never goes to that price, you buy it on the last day of the sale at its basic discount.
@Rapitor it lacked anything else, imho
@Rapitor Oh, I'll play CS:GO
@StrixVaria Ah :) (Almost every single message in this discussion was starred. I removed the stars to clean up the stars list --bp)
also, I was very disappointed when encountering a glitch like this in a game nearly 10 years after release by a company like valve
When you first get the buggy and you're going between little outposts and houses and the lighthouse, it's great. But then you get to the desert area and uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@OrigamiRobot ugh that part
Total War Rome & Medieval II are both on sale twice
Is Rome II significantly better than Rome?
So the New Deals Every 12 Hours section has no counter for the refresh?
@StrixVaria All my complaints about HL2 can be summed up by "desert and ant lions"
And in all fairness, maybe my hatred for those parts is warping my memory of how much time they took.
@OrigamiRobot No that game has some long-ass sections.
I have tried playing through HL2 twice and both times I got bored
the story I've seen was "hey, you're the famous guy from that other game, those guys are after you. Go!"
and that was at least 3 hours into the game
the one time I played it the only thing that went through my mind constantly is "why do so many people want a third installment of this?"
@Rapitor or "why is this considered the best game in history of video games and saying otherwise is considered blasphemy"
I acknowledge and appreciate the things it brought to us, but that's mostly credit to Source engine, not so much HL2
Anyone played this thing?
I'm not even certain I would've considered it enjoyable back when it came out either. I was too busy with Unreal and Quake :P
@Chippies the same could be said about the unreal series and the Unreal engine, but you don't see droves of people going ballistic over it.
@Rapitor I guess HL1 was the really good game that raised the bar for storytelling and game mechanics and game engines
and that's where HL2 got the hype from
HL2 was a novel thing when it came out. It was a long, playable shooter, and it was the launch title for Steam, which was promising big things.
@MadMAxJr steam was forced down people throats and they hated it
@Chippies and look at it now...
I have been assured Steam is just a fad many, many times by a friend who is hyper-critical of digital rights management, and hugs his physical copies closely.
we probably wouldn't have steam if valve gave us a different franchise on steam launch
origin and uplay is going down the same path. people are slowly tolerating it more.
maybe not so much uplay...
but i don't hear as much crying over origin
@Rapitor people tolerate uplay because they spent 60$ on their games and they have no choice
I'm glad we never ended up with a game that required steam, uplay, and GFWL at the same time.
I can't complain about Origin as much, but that's probably because there are no games on Origin that I care about
Dawn of War 2 was teeth-grindingly unbearable due to TWO levels of meta-DRM systems at once. Steam + GFWL was the worst.
whereas there are quite a few games I'd like to play, but they require uplay
@Chippies There are by definition no games on Origin that I care about.
@MadMAxJr Microsoft actually understoon GFWL was a terrible thing. it was a neat idea to have your gamertag work for xbox and PC, but ultimately it didnt work
@MadMAxJr I'd've said fuck it to any game that used either uPlay OR GFWL after that.
@Rapitor I partook in the grand experiment that was Shadowrun and the crossover play between Xbox and PC. That was hideous thing
@MadMAxJr idk about dawn of war, but how about Steam + GFWL + securom? Batman: Arkham Asylum/City had those before they got rid of it all
Turns out when you pit dedicated mouse and keyboard players against controller players, things get skewed.
I don't think they did any more cross-platform titles in GFWL after that.
like i said. neat idea, bad execution.
Theoretically you can have a mix of kbm and controller players in literally any multiplayer PC game...
it looks like they are trying it again though. as your gamertag works with windows mobile and windows 8 and the like.
@Frank I still say that for any game that uses uPlay
@Unionhawk there are ways to use kbm on console as well
@Batophobia After Anno 2070, so do I.
Anno 2070 is the one that only allows 5 installs, right?
unless it's an RTS... you can handle any game well enough with controller on PC.
depends on what you find most comfortable
@Rapitor I could see Point & Click be annoying for controller
we need incrementals with controller support
Or any game that ever involves typing
@Chippies mario party?
"tap A to win"
I don't know the series as Mario Party. I know the game as 'Friendship Ender'
Q: Get SAS working on a probe in KSP 0.90?

CirdecIn KSP 0.90 (beta), command pods only provide SAS when a pilot is onboard. A probe command pod like the Stayputnik doesn't have a pilot aboard. I tried adding an SAS module to my Stayputnik probes, but this doesn't enable SAS. How does one get SAS working with a probe in KSP 0.90? There's a simi...

@MadMAxJr So that's why they are adding amiibo to the new Mario Party....
@MadMAxJr better known to me as "F*CK YOU CHANCE TIME"
I played Mario Party on Wii once with my wife and it was so boring
I feel like the only thing going for Mario Party is that it's fun to have people rage over the game
the series has been on a downhill spiral..
but not everyone rages over a game
I haven't bought a Mario party since... 8?
the gamecube ones were pretty decent. but N64 ones were the best. (1 was bad for your health, though)
8 was alright
8 was decent, I seem to recall 7 being slightly meh
@Chippies You must not be very competitive
I don't know. It really doesn't matter
The game doesn't end until a controller is lodged firmly in drywall.
@MadMAxJr 50 turns. people will die this night
The game requires an understanding that being good at Mario party isn't like some skill to enjoy.
I would love that as a turn ticker on Mario Party. "Turn 12, 4 players remain...."
Mario Party 11, now with heartbeat monitor!
Good is irrelevant when rng is that much of a factor.
could you imagine if the new mario party is doing the smash bros route and doing 8 player?
This hat. I like this hat. It suits me.
there may be riots
Player 3, you look stressed. Have a star.
And you can only get so mad at rng
@Unionhawk when rng is out to get you.
RNG, because getting rolls of 2 and 3 for 11 turns in a row is truly random!
you have all the coins? here's bowser communism!
@Batophobia I guess I'm not, I'm pretty calm anyway and I don't rage ever.
you needed a 6? fuck you heres a 1
The game truly does teach kids that life isn't fair though, so it's got that going for it.
raging doesn't help you win, unless you rage so much, everyone else just quits
that it does
@Chippies You must be the best monk at your hilltop monastery.
@Batophobia so good, all the other monks left
Player 4, you've worked VERY hard to achieve your goal of getting 10 coins! Lets spin the wheel of prizes for your work. And your prize is... giving half of your coins to player 1. You're so generous player 4!
@MadMAxJr does "very hard" mean "mashed A button the hardest" ?
@Chippies That or 'Won the minigame by not pushing anything and was looking at your cell phone the whole time'
are there any interactive games in mario party where you actually do stuff that matters?
or can I just toggle the turbo mode on A button and leave the game running and simulate a game of mario party with 4 players?
Woah woah woah, don't bring 'stuff that matters' into mario party talk. That has no place here! </sarcasm>
@Chippies luigi doesn't even have to play
There's actually a youtube compliation of someone playing as Luigi and winning several mini games by not doing anything at all.
@MadMAxJr oh yeah, I recall seeing those
It's almost some kind of zen thing. "You do not have to work to win, only observe how others fail."
Lemme scribble that on a notepad.. Need four philosophers to play Mario Party.
@MadMAxJr the winner is the one that tries not to lose the least
Like that one smartypants webcomic that did Dungeons and Discourse with the idea of philosophers trying to play D&D
Q: Which facility upgrade unlocks maneuver nodes in KSP

CirdecWhich facility upgrade unlocks maneuver nodes in career mode in KSP? The beta announcement hints that maneuver nodes are now unlocked with a facility upgrade: Are there any perks for upgrading? The building in question will upgrade visually, both from the outside and the inside. More ...

@Batophobia what's with the robot petting the kitten?
Descartes would ponder if the minigames exist or if they are merely a demon manipulating your thoughts into perceiving you are playing a minigame.
I noticed it wasn't mentioned by anyone
Rng doesn't look at how well you're doing or anything. It just generates random numbers.
Pseudorandom especially in the case of the roll
"it's just a game" can be said about most games, but Mario party is, in the most pure sense possible, just a game.
@Unionhawk is it more "just a game" than Go Fish?
The only memory I have of Mario Party is a blister in the middle of my palm and broken N64 controllers.
@Lazers Would upvote if I were not at work.
yesterday, by Batophobia
Does The Talos Principle actually have the kitten in the game?
That kitten is what made me look at the game's store page
@Batophobia Yes but the game actually looks good.
Yea, I put it on my wishlist since it looks Portal-ish, but ultimately the kitten started my interest in the game
Good marketing.
yesterday, by Origami Robot
@StrixVaria I only looked it up for the potential kitten.
@OrigamiRobot 10 minutes after mine :P
You two should fight to the death about this.
... I wasn't trying to inb4 you
Did I win?
It would be pretty hard since your message is what brought the kitten to my attention
oooo it has Steam Workshop
Gentlemen, we have moved on from teaching robots to love. We are now teaching robots to think cats are adorable, gentle creatures.
I also know how to hate.
Steam redesigned the workshop pages, I like it
@MadMAxJr oh is this the chappie movie?
I also know how to forget about the cup of coffee I got hours ago and let it go cold without ever having any...
I think they're talking about the Talos Principle ad.
> College athletes are worshipped and venerated in America. Aren’t they just students that are playing a sport? When they are treated like professional athletes, this baffles non-Americans.
I can't even begin to wrap my brain around this...
@OrigamiRobot That's because they're essentially professional athletes. To consider some of them as "students" is laughable.
They play sports to get money. The only difference between them and actual professional athletes is that aforementioned money goes to the college, not the "student".
Professional college athletes also tend to suspiciously start passing classes they previously had trouble with.
"I get idolizing this person for playing a sport, but that person? WTF?"
The whole US college sport thing is completely nuts to any outsider, what the hell does college education has to do with professional sports?
@MadScientist If college sports freak you guys out, I can't wait until you see how crazy Texans get over high school football.
@MadScientist Ticket sales fund the institution.
Students often go to college on a sports scholarship for having done well prior to university. Promising college sports stars are groomed and shaped for professional team scouts to find them. During this process the college rakes in the money from the student performing well in the name of the school.s
@OrigamiRobot These days, it's less "fund the university" as it is "fund the football program".
I remember back when I was at OU, I overheard that 3 professors got sacked and the head football coach mysteriously got a raise.
@Yuuki If the football program wasn't profiting the school in some way, it wouldn't exist in the way it currently does.
My highschool was rigged. The entire first stream of the football team was in advanced placement computer science. We had three assignments over the course of a /year/. They did none of the work and were given straight As. FOOTBALL
Q: What's the difference between a Steam Wallet Code and a Steam Gift Card

kecI read the Steam description of the difference in their knowledge base, but it didn't actually clarify anything for me. In both cases you end up with a code that one can use to add money to one's Steam wallet, correct? I have a slight preference for a wallet code instead of a gift card because I...

I protested the lack of work (an unpopular idea to the students) to the principal and I was informed it's not an issue. SPORTS
@MadMAxJr And then, presumably, they all took the AP test and failed
@murgatroid99 They passed the course with perfect grades.
They were commended in the school paper for being athletes who don't ignore their studies. :|
@MadMAxJr The AP test is a separate thing, not controlled by the school or teacher
The AP test is independant of the school course
Hmm. We weren't issued that in my class.
My graduating class was in 2000, so I'm not sure what standards were in place.
@MadMAxJr It doesn't really count as AP if you don't take the AP test
Well that would further explain how I was getting shafted in my public education, if that was required.
@murgatroid99 On that note, does AP comp sci exist?
@OrigamiRobot yes
I took it
I thought it was only for more "traditional" courses.
There used to be 2 classes, but it was reduced to one class 4 or 5 years ago
@OrigamiRobot There are a bunch of different AP classes. I think my sister took AP Environmental Studies
What? Someone is not participating in the test initiative as a test participant?
Are you not aware that for your participation you will be rewarded with some cake?

This doesn't look suspicious at all. #winterbash

2 hours ago, 12 minutes total – 12 messages, 6 users, 9 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Yuuki

@murgatroid99 There are 6 things here that I didn't previously think would be on there.
Hmm. I didn't get college credit for the class either, so yeah. Not what it said on the tin and rigged for SPORTSBALL guys to look good on their transcripts
I'm gonna stop being angry about 15 years ago now. :P
@MadMAxJr that makes sense. You don't actually get college credits for the class. You get credits for your score on the AP exam.
Q: Basic Lag In Condensed Areas

RetroBasically, this is what happens to me in all games. I try to turn down my settings, or make my screen smaller, but it still lags! Its not my computer or anything, and everybody else does fine, and this happens in most games I play. The game I'm talking about know though, is Garry's Mod, although ...

@OrigamiRobot Why would you only give him Portal and not Portal 2?
@Powerlord because #lifehacks
Anyway, I'm disappointed that they didn't offer AP Comp Sci. Only AP class they offered where I went was AP Calculus.
and I hated the instructor for that class.
@Powerlord because a while ago it was given out to everyone for free and if you owned Portal, you got one in your inventory
So, did the Steam Winter/ɹǝɯɯnS sale start yet?
Ooh, SpeedRunners
I have that, but I've been trying to convince some friends to get it.
I kind of want to buy stuff because it's on sale, and I kind of don't because I already have enough games I don't play
@murgatroid99 What you need is A Plan.
writes an app to schedule game playing time
'cause that's totally a useful app.
@Yuuki #modabuse
@Powerlord You should write an app to schedule your app writing time
@badp You would know, you're the expert.
@Chippies eyes Microsoft Project
@Powerlord but it just... doesn't feel the same... it's not your own creation... you know?
nudges towards notepad++
@Chippies Yeah, but this is for my "paid work" stuffs which is controlled by people other than me
@Powerlord I'll just end up playing Rebirth anyway
My personal time I'm completely whimsical and do it whenever.
@Powerlord well that's no fun then
@murgatroid99 Well, I meant scheduling it by both when you're going to play it and which game you're going to be playing.
I may also work on personal projects in my spare time at work. Maybe.
Also, going home time.
Q: Destroy a Headquarter without shooting it?

TrudleRIs it possible to destroy a HQ with only shooting all the other buildings? Reason for this question: The HQ receives damage, if other non-defense buildings get destroyed. I read the following rule and asked me, if this would be a rare possibility: "When a building in your base is destroyed, the ...

@OrigamiRobot Because I have crap internet and it's still downloading :P
2.3GB takes ~10 hrs on my internet :P
"I even purposely held-off on my review in case it blew-up or the sound went out or it started summoning the undead, etc.. "
lol, great review man, xD
Q: Does the Terraria android 1.2.6715 need internet connection to run?

Tomáš ZatoEverything bellow doesn't contain much more information. Title is all you need I have big technical problems with buying things over internet, but when I discovered new terraria version for android has been released I was really excited. I really like the game and I decided to figure out how to ...

@Powerlord are there other known causes of TF2 crashes?
@RPi_Awesomeness I have no idea what it's causing TF2 to crash Steam (and hang itself in the process) but it's really annoying.
I just almost bought Defense Grid 2, thought long and hard about it, and then realized I had an unredeemed Kickstarter code for it
@Sterno i've done that with humble bundles... #plzsendtehlifehack
@Sterno :D
Steam isn't being very downloady now
But I guess I don't really need to download my games to get started not playing them
I can't help but wonder what other unredeemed games I have now.
Google Play is giving away new Linkin Park album and Lord of the Rings movie for free
oh fuck off TF2
I can't play the game like this
@badp Having issues?
@Batophobia wut...
@Batophobia 1.49$ and 3.99$ isn't what I call free...
Google Play seems intent on letting me know it exists
@Batophobia not here
America, land of the FREE
except when you're sick

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