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@SimonAndréForsberg Well I'm an intern still, there are lot of stuff going on there, It's interesting. Hopefully I'll become permanent.
> You've earned the "Constable" badge (Served as a pro-tem moderator for at least 1 year or through site graduation).
Q: Radix sort (LSD) and Counting sort

LemonPiI'm reading CLRS, and to practice, I rolled my version of radix sort and counting sort. I was looking at some reference implementations, particularly the LSD one from rosetta code, and mine performs significantly better (~10 times), especially on 64 bit inputs and if the maximum input range is k...

Q: Compare string of characters to see if they are the same. Looking for a simpler way

William WermagerI was able to complete the problem doing it in this manner, but I would assume there has to be an easier way. Sample input: abc cba Output: Both strings of characters are equivilent. Or abc, acc Output: Different import java.util.Scanner; public class StringTest { public static void ma...

Q: PHP/Powershell Active Directory Password Changer

WerezwolfHi all would love to share this Active Directory Password changer script. Comments and Testing is appreciated for things i have overlooked since this is my first AD Script. This comes in two parts PHP and Powershell. This is being run on a IIS Server with PHP 5.4.x with Fast CGI and Powershell ...

@Jamal Congrats @Jamal!!!
A: Using "Next" as a Return Key

nhgrifMake sure your text fields have their delegate set and implement the textFieldShouldReturn method. This is the method that is called when the user taps the return key (no matter what it looks like). The method might look something like this: func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) ->...

A: Swift I have four textfields and one submit button, how can I make the button active only when all textfields have a string

nhgrifWe need to look at the text field after its text has finished changing. None of the UITextFieldDelegate methods actually call back to the delegate for an event like "didChangeCharacters". Instead, we can create an IBAction for this. Right click on one of your text fields to get the pop-up me...

Thanks, Mr. Claus.
Q: C++ thread-safe Phoenix Singleton class template with Boost

PatrickPGrettings, I've implemented the phoenix-singleton as a class template with boost inspired by "Modern C++ Design". The code compiles fine with MSVC 2013 - and it seems to work, but I'm new to multi-threaded programming and Boost. Are there any pitfalls in the code? Improvements? Any feedback is h...

@Jamal already?! Congrats!!
Counting Alphabits doesn't make sense? Fine. But it doubled the number of views, and summonned 2 new answers in 10 minutes. Meh. What do I know about good titles anyway? codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/29140
Q: Kaprekar's constant

Reticulated SplineI'm new to Python and as a first exercise, I've written a function (module?) to calculate Kaprekar's constant using Python 3. I'd like some feedback on whether this is Pythonic enough, and if I can improve it. import collections def kaprekar(value): print("Starting value: %d" % value) ...

I had to side with the "Alphabits", I feel it spoke to the point quite naturally :)
I'm considering developing a SQL Management Studio type tool for OS X/iOS
mind you I made the edit quite early, it's not right to attribute the views and new answers to my edit.
@nhgrif interesting.. such a tool doesn't already exist?
Well, there are some okay ones for OS X, but nothing for iOS that I've seen that looks decent.
Not for Sybase/TSQL... Is there? Even on OS X?
Plus a new feature for iOS 8/OSX Yosemite is Handoff.
So my idea is... if you have both the iOS and OS X app, you can start writing a SQL script on your iPad, then with handoff, you pick up where you left off on your Mac without having to copy & paste and email.
that's actually nice.
That would be kind of cool. I do feel writing any kind of code on iPad would be... awkward... but if it became a thing, that certainly would become useful
Or you could write and execute the script on your desktop, then hand off to the iPad, and the iPad loads the results your desktop had loaded without re-asking the server (which might mean a different result set if a table changed).
You could of course re-execute the query.
Or you could check some of the server stats (current connections, recent expensive queries, etc) from your iPad.
@nhgrif SSMS runs off the Visual Studio shell. It would be nice if you could make it feel somewhat like XCode (that's what the IDE is called, right?)
Q: Haskell Pure Fixed Length Queue

recursion.ninjaI am modeling an infectious disease with an fixed incubation period. I choose a queue to keep track of when people will become symptomatic. I imagined using some operations like so: queue' = enqueue numberOfPeopleWhoJustGotInfected queue (numberOfPeopleWhoJustBecameSymptomatic,queue'') = dequeue...

A: Kaprekar's constant

JaDogg I've written a function (module?) If it is in a file of it's own it can be considered a module. import collections def kaprekar(value): In here you are missing the shebang and also a doc-string for the function #!/usr/bin/env python """kaprekar module Author : Your name Dependen...

anyone knows Json.net? I can't tell if this extension method is useful:
Q: Object to object mapping verification - is this extension method useful?

Chris McKeltIn our .NET tests we use NSubstitute & ExpectedObjects. Testing object expectations involves hand crafting large anonymous objects and when new properties are added we need to go back to these anonymous objects & update them. Attempting below to get a fluent Object to DTO builder - which fails ...

(my 400th answer!)
@Mat'sMug what even is the purpose of OP's code?
@mjolka not sure. I just reviewed it as is, assuming it accomplished something that Json.net didn't already do...
I've never written a line of C#, but while we're using line breaks... this would seem quite readable, maybe?
properties[property.Member.Name] = source
    .GetValue(source, null);
Q: Advanced Air Calculator - How can I clean the code and add some more features?

Jimmy PI have expanded a lot on my last project and had a lot of fun doing it. It was great to build out all the code. I am new to JS so these types of projects are really helping me learn. Please be honest about where I can improve the clean the code. I learnt about the helper functions after I posted ...

Monking @all
Q: insertBST exercise

j-aI'm just learning Haskell on my own, and did an exercise to implement insertBST. Is this idiomatic Haskell? insertBST :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> BST a[String] -> BST a insertBST _ v Leaf = Node Leaf v LeafString insertBST cmp v (Node left nvasList right)ss = case (cmp v nv) of EQ ->...

Q: Is this idiomatic Haskell? (gather first letter from each string in a list of strings)

j-aI'm learning Haskell on my own, I'm wondering if this is idiomatic Haskell? In particular: is it a common pattern to "wrap" the result in a list in order to make a function total? (that's what I ended up doing to ensure the function was total and no compiler warnings about not matching a pattern...

Q: How to refactor a function to use accumulators?

justmylogs(define (encode ht s) (cond [(string? ht) (if (string=? ht s) (list) false)] [else (local [(define try-0 (encode (htree-zero ht) s))] (if (not (false? try-0)) (append (list 0) try-0) (local [(define try-1 (encode ...

@CaptainObvious I think this one is off-topic.
Monking @janos
Monking @Heslacher
codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/70374/insertbst-exercise doesn't look like valid haskell to me -- can anyone confirm?
Don't know haskell.
left a question for the OP, morning @mjolka ;)
thanks @janos :) morning / evening
ah right, evening for you already down under
aye, ttqw. adios!
very nice python answer by new user:
A: Random Distribution to fit an Average Python

Renae LiderIf you want to express the field or distribution in a wave form, you should consider doing a Fourier Transformation on the function. Now, I must admit that I haven't understood exactly the sort of distribution function you are looking for. Numpy already has implementations for Gaussian distributi...

^^^ should be encouraged!
9 months on CodeReview != new
nevertheless upvoted
true. I need better words: low-rep
Q: Aid this newbie in learning a bit more about C++?

Gabe EvansAs a newbie programmer, I decided to try my hand at making a program whose function actually might be useful to someone, somewhere. Synopsys: This utility takes a text file, reads it out to the user, displays its length (in bytes), asks the user if they would like to alphabetize, randomize, or...

Q: Insufficient "How to ask"

maaartinusAs a newbie coming to CR and asking the very first question you can see There's nothing about broken code there and many new questions seem to get closed quickly because of it. Moreover, it names no alternatives, so as a newbie with a problem I'd probably ask here anyway. Additionally, this ...

Q: Bank simulation using ArrayList

rick112358Problem Statement: Design a BALANCE class with account number, balance and date of last updation. Consider a TRANSACTION class with account number, date of transaction, amount and transaction type. Check whether the amount is available or not in case of a withdrawal. Transaction object ...

Congrats on reaching 20K, @konijn!
Q: Creating a Mini Statistics program in C

Himinguiand1930I am getting a few errors from a program i wrote. I am trying to make a program that can find the number of items in the data, the high and low values in the data, the mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation. My item counter is in an infinate loop. the output is either 0.0, -1.#j #...

Q: Asynchronous task and close sql connection

Ivan-Mark DebonoThe following code compiles correctly: public ContextStatus Commit(string userName) { var status = new ContextStatus(); var task = Task.Run(async () => { status = await CommitAsync(userName, new CancellationToken()); }); task.Wait(); return status; }...

Q: Batch: How to merge all the files the next day

userEvery day there are images that I need to process/merge. These files are from an ftp site and the first batch of images(2-3) are processed in the morning while the second batch of images(2-3) are processed in the afternoon until evening. The script below shows how to merge images, saved the outpu...

Q: My non path-specific batch script only works from certain paths... why?

Berit LarsenI've made the following batch script: ::@ECHO OFF echo %date% %time% Starting File Splitter set year=%date:~-4% set month=%date:~3,2% set day=%date:~0,2% set hour=%time:~0,2% set minute=%time:~3,2% set second=%time:~6,2% set folderName=%year%-%month%-%day%-%hour%-%minute%-%second% set folderNa...

Q: Check whether all checkboxes are checked and then execute a function

Abraham JagadeeshHow could I make this code dry? $("#btnSubmitToCheckOut").click(function(event) { var isSelected = []; $(".age_agree :checkbox").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { isSelected.push("true"); } else { isSelected.p...

Q: null checks in view. I don't feel good about it

user3633222It's really a nitty-gritty issue for me, and I have been here many times before. But now I thought I would ask you, how you are doing this :) I have a basic viewmodel for a view: public class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel { public User _User { get; set; } } my base class looks like this ...

Q: Web Service implementation on the client. Are my web service methods valid?

Rhys HamiltonI will be creating a web service as part of a group project for university, which will be developed using Java within the Eclipse IDE. Having no prior experience using web services, I managed to find some tutorials that were useful, but struggled to find enough database code examples which suit...

Q: Simple Bash Log Backup Script

gr8odinsravenI have developed the following script to zip and then remove all files with "*.log" extension in the file name that were modified yesterday. It's definitely not 100% at the moment, for example it misses files from yesterday that have a modified time of 00:00. Any suggestions would be appreciated:...

Coffee time.
Q: Factory object with a dependency on a bean

Luis SepMy problem is quite straightforward. I want to build a factory, but the kind of object returned depends on a value read from a bean that is somehow a cache. So of course, I can't call the bean's method from the static method in the factory: public interface FinderService { public String find...

Q: Improving excution time for list and sampling in Python

sangheestyleHere is my code for generating edge list based on Price model algorithm. I think there have two points to reduce execution time a. use proper data type b. use faster random sampling Originally, I used list instead of numpy array and then changed from extending array till c x n to setting initia...

@Morwenn You're fueled by coffee?
@skiwi Not really fueled since I do nothing all day. But I like drinking some.
@Morwenn So you're just wasting coffee?!
@Morwenn That is a sin !
@skiwi I'm not justing wanting coffee. I am currently drinking coffee.
Coffee helps me relax.
I swear I'll never drink coffee... Until I can't resist it anymore, but I don't want to become addicted to it
Oh, I'm not really addicted. Sometimes, I don't feel like drinking coffee anymore and for some weeks I only drink tea or infusions.
#justsaying ;)
@Vogel612 I have nothing to say or ask about coffee. I only drink it. I'm not even able to differentiate most of the different kinds of coffee.
Q: Should tea be included with this as well?

MuzProposal: Coffee Brewing coffee and brewing tea requires a lot of overlapping skill sets and interest. A lot of people who are coffee lovers are also tea lovers and most cafes sell both. Or better yet, it could be things like "brewed beverages". Otherwise there's only a limited number of quest...

That's like... major sin ^ asking that there
@Morwenn Beginner or learner ;)
Seriously, I would have more questions to aks on HairRemoval.SE.
@Morwenn ... Fashion.SE anyone?
@Vogel612 Well, I have a rather unique sense of fashion...
there's one for everything
I have none...
I just take what's at the top of my clothing stack and wear that..
Right now, I am wearing a kilt above a sarouel. Also, I have a slight V-neck shirt with some strass skulls on it, a hoodie and a black & grey scarf.
Q: Fortran: increase performance of a spate of 2x2 matrix multiplication

RolandHello stackexchangers, I would like to improve the performance of the piece of code below (in Fortran). It gives the good results but the profiling tells me that it is where it spends most of its running time. Basically, it increments over a time window (j loop) and performs a spate of 2x2 matr...

Q: Wrapping around window.console

CrungmungusI'm working on an old application written in JavaScript. It's absolutely littered with console.* messages some of which are useful for development purposes. At the very least I'd like to switch these off when a production flag is set. I would also like to stub off any unsupported console methods...

@Morwenn I don't know what a sarouel is, but it sounds like a unique combination
a little against the current fashion, but definitely not without charme..
Isn't the kilt somewhat moot then?
I'd probably have skipped that...
Well, I can lift the sarouels up to the knees and the fabric will drop 10cm to 20cm. Having a kilt on makes the overall thing appear slightly layered.
And it's comfy.
Finally, some things start to work
I love looking into my old agenda... (Not), was trying to figure out what I had done a few months ago... All I see there's written is "Presentation"
Q: How can I use Enum to count the correct, wrong and unanswered questions?

Mr.777I have written a code for following problem: Write a program to grade a short multiple-choice quiz. The correct answers for the quiz are: C 5. B A 6. C B 7. C D 8. A Assume that the pass marks are 5 out of 8. The program stores the correct answers in an array. The sub...

@Mat'sMug what is SSMS? And Apple's ide is called Xcode, yes.
Oh wait, SQL Server Management Studio?
ding ding ding ding ding... correct!
Q: Clean up Rails routes.rb constraints

DaniG2kI'm trying to think of a better way to write these routes in my routes.rb file: Rails.application.routes.draw do root 'home#index' s = /section1|section2|section3|section4/ y = /\d{4}/ m = /\d{1,2}/ resources :articles, except: [:index, :show] # The slug will replace the default p...

Q: Close Scanner if no input (Java)

AlanI'm in very early stages of learning some Java coding. I'm asking for this review because, although the code below works, I'd like to know if it's an ugly way of achieving it. What I want the code to do is take input from Scanner and reprint it, except if the input is empty, ie, just hit the retu...

2 answers. one a nonsensical repetitition of the first question paragraph, another a verbatim copy of what seems to be the answer help
lol wtf indeed @Vogel612
I commented one with a link to MSE sandbox..
but still flagged offensive..
Oh, I flagged it "not an answer".
@Jamal Re:20K, thanks!
@Morwenn I voted to delete
Q: Streaming hacker news posts

padHacker News recently released an official API. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to get the newest posts submitted. I wrote a script to provide a faux streaming-api like method (like praw reddit's submission_stream) so that I can simply put it in a loop and do something like make a gtk-notificatio...

wtf close-reason?
> This question seems to be off-topic since it's aboutf
Q: ostream wrapper for network logging device

arcomberI want to be able to write logging data out to a network device with the same ease as using std::cout. So I implemented an ostream wrapper below. The wrapper uses the C file IO functions to simulate writing to the device. I am looking for feedback on whether or not I have implemented the ostre...

I must say I am loving this SE site a lot. Still a lot to learn concerning reviews and such, but the general vibe is really cool.
@Nihathrael did you find the relevant meta about the rejected edit?
I definitely get the point though and agree that it's better to point it out then just to correct it.
Hello all!
@RubberDuck Hello duck.
@Nihathrael the problem with that is, if you point it out (in an answer) and then change it, your answer loses the connection to the question
That's why actions after recieving an answer are restricted ;)
We actually kind of discourage changes to code in questions once it's been posted at all. Code Reviews take time, and a lot of people move the code to an IDE to work out their review.
So, I copy the code from your question, go away and work up my review, but in the meantime the question gets edited and my answer no longer makes sense.
Welcome to the 2nd Monitor btw!
Right, I did it the same way. Thanks and hi!
So what's your posion @Nihathrael? , , ?
java and python mainly
Right on man.
Anything's better than .... =)
I am question more why Apple called it "Swift" rather than "Beiber" or something. Heaven forbidden your new language be decently Google-able.
Monking all
You can ask the same thing about google "go" though
during the first weeks it was basically impossible to find their page on google
Well, imagine if someone created a new programming language called C nowadays...
Unless your going to give it some weird new word as name, the word is going to be in use a lot already anyway. So might as well call it something that sounds cool
"Struffple" sounds like a decent name.
Scrapple would be a fun one. Come back with API documentation and yummy breakfast recipes in the same search.
I still like lolcode though..
also... malebolge will always give results for Dante's Commedia Divina
Q: (PHP) Nested foreach's

ChilionI have the following arrays: Array (db_values) ( [0] => Array ( [system_name] => object_car_brand [value] => Alfa Romeo [id] => 136 ) [1] => Array ( [system_name] => object_car_model [value] => Spider [id] => 137 ) ) Array (db_at...

I just got a "the queue has been cleared!" on SO for the Low Quality Posts queue. There are still 20k posts in the queue.
Oh, it just dropped from 20k to 0.
@Morwenn Yeah. I was getting that on suggested edits yesterday.
@Morwenn did you use all your votes??
Have you guys seen this mess?
Q: Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

Shog9I'm getting really sick of finding folks arguing about votes, only to see that the bickering started with a comment of the form, -1, because [some perfectly reasonable criticism] As has been discussed many times, voting is anonymous for a reason; folks who give up that anonymity do so at th...

@Vogel612 I didn't.
@RubberDuck the meta-guys are all quite pissed
the userbase consensus seems that the block is bluntly speaking BS
and that shog is being a ... for pushing it through with the meta-question being a fake
Yeah. I think Shog9 might have gotten more than he asked for.
OTOH it seems that there is no actual way to implement non-blocker warnings for comments
because there's no technical support for it..
+1 for #5. In the long run people would stop explaining their votes and users never know what they're doing wrong, so they never get better, and site quality tumbles. — RubberDuck 2 hours ago
ya that answer is by far the best
it disproves the underlying misconception
Ya know, considering the system actually prompts you to explain why you downvoted.
... when I (anonymously) downvoted this question, a little blue tooltip encouraged me to explain to you why. Do you see the irony here? — David Schwartz 8 hours ago
Q: Python: fastest way to extract a subgraph

metoGiven a huge graph, I want to traverse it, in the fastest way possible, and extract a subgraph with the following properties: the starting node is specified the maximum number of elements and max depth can be specified if there are more links than the number specified, I want to save the inform...

I used up all my comment-upvotes there..
HNLMS Abraham Crijnssen was a Jan van Amstel-class minesweeper of the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNN). Built during the 1930s, she was based in the Netherlands East Indies when Japan attacked at the end of 1941. Ordered to retreat to Australia, the ship was disguised as a tropical island to avoid detection, and was the last Dutch ship to escape from the region. On arriving in Australia in 1942, she was commissioned into the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) as HMAS Abraham Crijnssen and operated as an anti-submarine escort. Although returned to RNN control in 1943, the ship remained in Australian waters...
> Ordered to retreat to Australia, the ship was disguised as a tropical island to avoid detection, and was the last Dutch ship to escape from the region.
Interesting meta post
Wouldn't that data be better collected and analyzed by someone who doesn't have a bias one way or the other and isn't emotionally involved in the outcome?
That would be the scientific approach I believe
@xDaevax But there is no such person around...
and TBH it's not really worth the effort..
@Vogel612 true, that is an ideal scenario, but I left a comment to that effect on the question anyway. At least the bias should be admitted. I'd rather have a mod who said: "I hear what you're saying, but I don't care", than have a mod who tries to justify the reasoning with BS.
I think a mod who says: "I hear what you're saying, but I don't care" either should take a timeout, or should rethink his approach to moderation
Better to be up front about motives than encourage a culture that twists reality to prove a point
@Vogel612 100% agreed. That's why I think it should be out in the open.
OTOH "I hear what you're saying, but I don't care because [...]" is a horse of completely different color
Yeah. That's not what happened though.
Q: Simple spec testing DSL

mjgpy3I wrote a very small little DSL for spec testing: (ns funky-spec.core) (def described-entity (ref nil)) (defn it [fun & v] (assert (apply fun (cons (deref described-entity) v)))) (def it-is it) (def it-is-the it) (defmacro describe [value nest] `(dosync (ref-set described-entity ~value) ...

@Vogel612 Only if the "don't care because" part is objective, and not based on a personal bias. Given proof that those types of comments are detrimental to the community (not just annoying to the mod), then it makes sense.
I am actually surprised at the intensity of the discussion though, I didn't think this was that big of an issue.
@xDaevax not necessarily.. things like: "Because I evaluate other problems as more pressing right now" is completely subjective, but definitely a valid "I don't care..." thing
@xDaevax It's not really about the issue at hand..
@Vogel612 That's fair
people are arguing against the principle...
There's a lot of: "If you do meta this way, why do it?"
Seems like the argument is against the implementation (and how it was implemented), not necessarily the principle
And I understand..
Maybe I misread the tone though
Point being, this is already live
and there's so many people who say it's nonsensical
Yeah. There was a lot of "Why post the meta if you've made up your mind?"
@RubberDuck I completely understand that
Which I agree with.
There were cv's on that one: "Not seeking input from the community"
and I would've voted if I could have
Right, why bother with the pantomime of "I"m collecting data" if the outcome of said data collection is likely to support the emotional investment or bias of the implentor?
there is no I'm collecting data there...
This is an interesting side-effect of working in a community of passionate people (which I think is a good thing).
Healthy discourse is actually a sign of a great community IMO.
but If there's no acceptant person on the other side of the discussion, a heated discourse is only detrimental
I wonder, what should be the CR stance on this? Our community is nowhere near as huge as SO, are they any steps we can take early to prevent us from getting to that point?
I don't understand what you're getting at..
Anyone else having speed issues in here?
@skiwi how big was this ship?
what question are we talking about?
@Vogel612 What could we do in our community to be proactive and try and encourage an environment where there is an accepting person on the other end of the criticism to avoid the +1 -1 blocking / filtering at all?
still don't understand what you're getting at..
You shape the community by changing yourself...
that's not a very big ship at all, how could you disguise it as a tropical island?
-> Be someone who is accepting..
Lead by example then. That makes sense.
Anything else is ... a lie to yourself..
only through interaction can humans change....
does that sound like an old man??
@Malachi why am I invading the star-wall even though you are here?
what are you talking about, Willis?
6/10 starred messages have my signature!
I am not really here I was just reading about that ship, War stuff intrigues me.
you are the one of the 2 people that are talking in the room right now.
and none from you! shame on you malachi, you should lighten the mood a bit ;)
@Vogel612 starred by me
@Vogel612 starred by me
thank you for your patronage
@Vogel612 I don't know what question we are talking about here
51 mins ago, by Vogel612
... when I (anonymously) downvoted this question, a little blue tooltip encouraged me to explain to you why. Do you see the irony here? — David Schwartz 8 hours ago
@Vogel612 lol
Well, it all depends on our values. I personally think we do a great job of giving positive feedback on bad Qs & As.
I rarely see anything of the form "-1 this answer sucks because....", but we tend to be nicer in general there than SO is.
But that obviously doesn't mean that you can't say "-1" and still be nice.
Getting ready for my second CR question. Not as nervous as an SO question, but still fanatic about detail.
To me @SimonAndréForsberg has been a great example of how to nicely downvote for a good reason.
Q: Setting error reporting based on config

Donny public function setErrorReporting() { if($this->debugMode == 0) { error_reporting(0); } elseif($this->debugMode == 1) { error_reporting("E_ALL"); } elseif($this->debugMode == 2) { error_reporting("E_ALL"); // Also log errors } I want to change...

A: Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

MalachiI think that the Internet world is too easily influenced by Facebook, General progression of thought process when encountering a question/answer good or bad. I like that answer "where is the like button" "oh here is an upvote button" "This is better than Facebook, I can tel...

love the Comment , lol
plus one for shameless CR plug (Go MODS!). <-- Purposeful example of a non-useful comment. — xDaevax 1 min ago
I couldn't help myself
+1 on your plus one Comment
and BTW.Work
someone downvoted and didn't leave me a "-1 for ..." comment. that isn't right — Malachi 8 secs ago
lol, good fun
+1 for that answer, @Malachi - I think the Facebook analogy is good!
Laughing so hard right now..
> Perl is the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.
Q: Array Won't Print All of The Elements When Compiled

JoeWhen I compile my program in Visual Studio 2012 it will print the first element to the screen, but then will wait for the user to press enter before printing the next element. I want the program to print all of the elements in the array at the same time. Below is part of the program: int expired...

Heya folks.
Hey there
Java question. integer division. You cast the nominator and/or denominator to float to return a float. I read on a SO answer that one should better use doubles instead of float but didn't provide a reason. Is there one?
doubles are larger
and thus more accurate
since you got more bits to represent stuff.
if you want a perfectly accurate decimal number, you should use BigDecimal though..
since doubles and floats both suffer from floating point arithmetic quirks
Q: Error at JOptionPane row and outFile.println row (61 and 63)

MarI have this project and I'm stuck at the end...row 61, 63 have errors. Can somebody help me? Thank you Create a Java Project to be named PayRollProject using NetBeans IDE that allows the end user to read two values from a given input text file payroll.in (provided to you) (Question 6 of Lab R...

aaand already nuked
Q: Amateur RPG Fun

Amateur ProgramerI am looking for this code to look neater, and if possible, less bulky. I am new to def and to dictionaries, so I think throwing a few of those in here could shorten the code. Here is the code for the RPG. """ Task list: fix bug where you can sell potions you don't have allow player to leave ba...

@CaptainObvious Damn that's a lot of code. And it's Python too. Imagine the same thing in Java lol.
wtf, my Windows crashed so hard my mouse totally disappeared
Also, their code could use a ... print("Hello traveler, what can I do for you? A drink? Or the lates rumore?")
Oh and it was making continuous beeping sounds as well
@Phrancis I bet I could at least decrease the line-count in Java drastically....
@skiwi Windows or the mouse?
@Phrancis Windows
a lot of code indeed, and lots of if/else glory :)
@skiwi has anyone recently dismantle and reassembled your machine?
@Malachi Not as far as I know/hope!
I hear weird beeping and I just get out of there.....
Q: Superior improved stack implementation using a linked list

morbidCodePlease review my hopefully improved stack implementation As suggested by some answers to my previous code, some of the methods here (E.G. push() or peek()) can be overloaded to provide versions of return by value or return by reference, but they look almost the same so I did not add it here. Re...

Q: Snakes and ladders random world builder

MohamadI wrote a random world generator for the classic Snakes and Ladders board game. Snakes and Ladders is a dice game played over a grid, usually 10x10. You win by reaching the last square first. The board has ladders and snakes that connect specific squares. Land at the base of a ladder and you cl...

The real question is: what should I eat for lunch today since I didn't have time to pack?
@xDaevax You may be able to Google that
Fast food is always an option, albeit not very healthy.
Or if you have a menu, then you can draw a random number.
"Chinese" food always sounds good, but never is about 2 hours later... :/
Ain't that the truth.
Has to be
Q: how to transfer a file from client to server in the form of byte array.server has to create the file with same file name

Kulasekar Reddy this is my client code package com.tcp; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOEx...

Welcome to CodeReview! I don't even understand what your code should do, much less can I check whether it works as intended, please clarify the purpose of this code. While you're at it: Does this code work as designed? — Vogel612 9 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
Q: Is there a better design pattern for a SDK?

Robert SnyderAt work I decided it would be better to reverse engineer a SDK for one of our pieces of hardware. Because it is work related I can't share the exact code.. but I can give enough of a gist of the code with the following question in mind. Is there a design pattern that better reflects what I want t...

Hello, Human.
Okay guys. I'm drawing a blank on a name. I could use some help.
I built a way to pick up comments and put them into a task list in vba. Because, ya know, COM I need to roll my own own configuration. This is what I came up with.
				<Item text="'NOTE:" priority="0" />
				<Item text="'TODO:" priority="1" />
				<Item text="'BUG:" priority="2" />
MagicComments is a terrible name. Any other thoughts?
In Eclipse these things are called Markers
in VBA, 25 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
Actually could be <ToDoMarkers>
Another upvote here? New user cannot vote yet.
Q: Improving the site description on our take-a-tour page

200_successOur tour page says: Welcome to Code Review Stack Exchange Code Review is a question and answer site for sharing code from projects you are working on for peer review. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. With your help, we're working tog...

Q: Snakes and Ladders random world generator second implementation

MohamadThe following is an implementation of a random world generator for the classic Snakes and Ladders game. This is a follow up to this question, where I reviewed my own original implementation. I am asking for a review of my review. The world rules are: The head of a snake can not be on the last ...

A: Improving the site description on our take-a-tour page

RubberDuckLet's focus on getting important ideals of the site across to potential new users. We expect the code to work, and we expect it to be yours to share. Welcome to Code Review Stack Exchange Code Review is a question and answer site for seeking peer review of your working code. It's...

Q: Python: URL Web Crawler for wikipedia stuck in loop

Dominik SchmidtI'm currently coding a program that's supposed to create a list of all english wikipedia articles. It currently works fine for a few seconds but then it gets stuck in an infinite loop on one url/wikipedia article Also it has another bug where the queue just randomly contains a '' if the queue i...

Q: Is this the correct usage of ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>?

JustinI need to make a simple class that tracks how many clients are listening to a specific item, will be referred to as building hence forth. I will have a timer running that will check which buildings are active and send updates to them. While this is occurring, client will be able connect and dis...

@CaptainObvious BURN IT
@CaptainObvious Unroll yourself!
Q: Treap with implicit keys

saadtaameI implemented an implicit treap and tested it a little. It works fine but I'd like to know if there are ways to improve/simplify things and/or if some parts are incorrect. Later, I'll augment code to allow for more operations (interval reversal, shifts, etc..). Treap node. struct Node { int v...

Q: Prefer simplicity over testability?

cb_devCurrently I try to create some unit tests for a project, which provides access to some webservice methods. It's interface is rather simple. I have a class "WebService" which offers methods like "CreatePDF". Here's a little example: The Model: The model contains a number of properties, which eac...

Q: set javascript variable with a compound statement including ifs in Pentaho

John KeeganIm using Pentaho to move some csv data into xml data and I need a little javascript help. im setting up larger elements that will get compiled under larger elements later, one element has name information, but I want to leave out the middle name element if the csv file is null in that field. v...

Q: Spring MVC OneToOne mapping is not working

user1210Query: How to validate OneToOne object in the Spring MVC? i.e. return an error to the JSP page from Spring MVC BindingResult if OneToOne mapped object is inputted null? In the following class, if user input doesn't input a column (say recipe name), then BindingResult returns the error defined in...

Q: Are void functions faster than normal int functions in C?

AwesomehaircutI'm an amateur programmer in C and i'm wondering if or why running functions as void instead of int yields faster run time. For instance #include <stdio.h> int i; void recursive_function(void); int main(int argc, char **argv) { recursive_function(); return 0; } void recursive_function(...

Q: Short Drawing Programme

CaridorcYou just invited a liberal arts major to your house and you're telling him/her "You know, I am a great programmer and I can do x and y and z..." He/she quickly gets bored and asks you: "If you really are a great programmer, can you make a programme to let me draw, I just need to dra...

Q: Short Drawing Programme

CaridorcYou just invited a liberal arts major to your house and you're telling him/her "You know, I am a great programmer and I can do x and y and z..." He/she quickly gets bored and asks you: "If you really are a great programmer, can you make a programme to let me draw, I just need to dra...

Q: StreamIterable - create an iterable from a Java 8 Stream

Duncan McGregorThis seems like an easy thing to mess up, so I'd be grateful if you could think of any edge-cases that I've missed. public class StreamIterable<T> implements Iterable<T> { private final Stream<T> stream; public StreamIterable(Stream<T> stream) { this.stream = stream; } @Override ...

Q: Game stats storage / display

Nick UdellI have a simple game where you try to go as high up with rockets as possible. I currently store 2 statistics about your playthrough: Current altitude Highest altitude These statistics are stored in a Dictionary<string,float> where the string key is the name of the statistic. I have two tasks...

Q: removing padding from column transposition c#

user2520014I have done a column transposition (see first part below) and i'm working with bytes to transposition an image (for encryption purposes) because I am using a 2D array I have had to use padding to fill the remaining contents of the array I am struggling to find a efficient way of removing the padd...

anyone here that knows about SQL Membership for ASP.NET and the Web.config file?
nevermind it was an easier search than what I thought it would be
Q: Outlook distribution list hanging up on contact items query

PhrancisI was working from some tutorial on MSDN to learn to make some macros for Outlook. I have this subroutine that gets hung up with a Type mismatch error. Upon stepping through error handling after Stop and Resume it goes back to Next and finishes the query. Looking through the result set in Immed...

(Yes, I'm learning some VBA, it's for work lol)
@RubberDuck and others, what do you think of this wording?
> **Code Review** is a question and answer site for seeking peer review of your computer code.
> We're working together to improve the skills of programmers worldwide by taking working code and making it better.
> It's built and run *by you* as part of the [Stack Exchange](http://stackexchange.com) network of Q&A sites.
> Our sister sites include [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/tour), which answers general programming questions,
> and [Programmers](http://programmers.stackexchange.com/tour), which answers conceptual questions about software development.

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