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@waxeagle actually, I thought of that when I was writing a nomination... I've got some IRL responsibilities that I feel I would be neglecting if I took on any more responsibility. I'd like to think I would turn it down. Not like I've acted here in a way that I'd be a suitable candidate anyway.
@Ben As are many other sinful "life styles"
@Flimzy lol of course not, but that bit at the beginning is mostly for comedic effect.
Indeed, sexuality is a very complex subject
@Flimzy Forgive me, but I take offence at that even though you probably don't mean anything derogatory with that statement.
@Ben What do you take offense at?
which statement
"as are many other sinful "life styles""
First of all, is something a sin, when you do not know that it is wrong?
@Ben yes.
I'd love to stay and continue reading, but I'm about to leave on a 12ish hour trip. So...I hope to see you all on here in the evening! :)
for example, if you don't know when the sabath is... is is sunday or saturday? And you lived you life working on the sabath, is that a sin?
Or if you were never told of god
and you didn't believe him because, you were ignorant of him
is that a sin?
@Ben the sabbath is a tricky example....
See Leviticus 5:17
It's still a good example isn't it?
safe travels @ElendiaStarman
I pose that a sin is one which is done with malignant intent and defiance of god.
I did not become gay in defiance of god
@Ben: That is certainly one form of sin. But obviously not the only.
according to who?
@Ben Are you familiar with teh terms omission and commission?
@Ben: I just gave you one scripture to reference
@Ben: But I can also give you an analogy that I think is useful
It is possible to sin not only against God, but against people... any time you hurt someone you are sinning against them...
Is it possible to hurt someone without meaning to or even knowing that you hurt them?
If it is, then surely it is also possible to sin against God without intending to or knowing that you do.
If god will damn a man who did not live in a time and place where he could hear of god in the first place to believe, he is not just.
In fact, it's even possible to sin against someone (hurt them) when you are trying to be kind.
@Ben: I don't think God ever damns anyone for living in a time and place where they could not hear of God.
@Ben: Many people have killed others, thinking they were doing God a favor... I would consider that an example of sinning against God while believing they are doing something for Him.
Then explain to me, what will happen to all those living in the Americas before they were discovered?
@Ben 2 things. 1 its only by grace any of us are saved. 2. God is capable of revealing himself through nature. I believe there are folks who are not part of the Judeo-Christian belief system that we will see in Heaven because they were convinced by nature. Melchizidek is actually the best example I can think of
So then you are now admitting that God can reveal himself in the other religions of the world
@Ben: The ones that reject God's salvation will spend eternity apart from him. Those that accept it will spend eternity with Him.
in particular... what of the religions that have no problem with homosexuality?
God can reveal himself however he chooses.
@Ben not what I said. Actually those folks would likely reject their local religions
No no we're coming back to a good point here.
The view of any religion on the issue of homosexuality (or any other issue) has no bearing on God's design for the happiness of humanity.
I content that the homosexuality is a sin thing is something people added to gods word
it's a possibility
@Ben can you prove that?
of course not, but you can't prove that God is against homosexuality except by citing a SINGLE verse, every other verse that talks about it is referring to it.
I think that "homosexual behavior" is something God told us not to do, because he designed us to be most fully fulfilled in a happy heterosexual relationship, and homosexual behavior gets in the way of that sort of happiness.
@Ben what verse are you talking about?
Ben: There are many verses that indicate God's plan is heterosexual marriage, even if there is only one verse that is cited to specifically "forbid" homosexual behavior
In Exodus
@Ben Ok, thats not the one I would use.
I do not recall the specific verse, it is when god is laying out all the rules for the people as they are going through the desert
That's the only one.
Everything else is referring to that
This might sound offensive, I don't mean it that way...
@Ben Take a look at Romans 1:24 and following
But I don't think anyone chooses to be a pedophile either...
But that sort of behavior also gets in the way of a truly fulfilling heterosexual marriage relationship.
@Flimzy Flimsy that doesn't help your case, and I'm really inclined to delete it.
@Flimzy of course not, that is a violation of the child though.
that doesn't compare
Of course anyone who is a pedophile has a lot of issues to work through before they can have a healthy marriage
homosexuality doesn't always necessitate a rape
@Ben I'm not saying it does.
If you'd rather use another example of adult sexuality, that's fine
But paedophilia does.
Not necissarily
Q: Does God create some people Heterosexual and others Homosexual?

CalebIt is quite common for people who claim to be homosexual to say that God created them this way. Some way even go so far as to say it was a misfortune that they were born into: "Unfortunately for me, God made me gay." This line of reasoning usually continues with "so I can't do anything abou...

@Flimzy yes it does. In the US at least its always stat rape
Many pedophiles never have sex with children...
My grandfatehr was a pedophile
he never raped anyone
nor touched any children sexually
But he did lust after them
@Caleb if that goes on to talk about conversion therapy, I've lost all respect for you. Conversion therapy asks a homosexual to be that which they are not, and they will NEVER be happy that way.
So I don't think you can say that pedophilic (is that a word?) acts necessitate rape
@Flimzy I'm not seeing how this is helping you.
any more than my own lustful thoughts mean I'm raping the woman I see walking down the street
@Flimzy It does, children have no capacity to give consent. It's always rape.
@waxeagle Helping me with what?
@Ben: Did you honestly just ignore everything I said?
@Flimzy any kind of argument. its a false comparison.
@waxeagle I don't think it is...
The comparison is that nobody chooses to be sexually "different"...
but all forms of sexual sin get in the way of a healthy heterosexual marriage, as God intended
@Ben First of all I posed a question not an answer. Second I've never heard the term "conversion therapy", but if it has anything to do with the Christian concepts of regeneration, repentance, being made into new men, etc then there might be something there. Maybe you can do a write up.
@Flimzy This is a flimzy comparison
@ben: That's a new one! I haven't heard that 8000 times already!
Q: The importance of prayer

dancekThe site hits public beta soon. We will have many difficult situations after that. We should remember to pray for this community, for one another and for those passing by. Especially, we should pray for those that cause us the most trouble. And when we are most at each other's throat's, we shoul...

The point is... Homosexuality isn't wrong because God wants to make homosexuals unhappy... it's wrong because it gets in the way of our greater happiness.
@Ben did you have a look at Romans 1? I'm curious what you think about it.
Forgive me, I got distracted
@Ben Thats ok, I understand. I'm merely trying to point you to where the Christians who actually think a bit more are coming from.
You don't think I've been confronted with this before? or that I've not thought about these things?
I left Christianity and became agnostic for 2 years while thinking these things through, and then came back
And it's unfortunate that many people are afflicted with various sexual "abnormalities" that make that difficult.. but would expect a pedophile, or exhibitionist, or anyone else with unhealthy sexual tenancies, to not act on his urges, and seek Christian counseling--not necessarily to "cure" him, but to help him deal with his temptation.
Besides, this is Romans, written well after the fact of Exodus
@Ben i don't doubt you have. However you did mention that you had only heard one verse. I suggest its more than that. However I will not condemn you. Any man who claims not to struggle with sexual issues, even in the context of a heterosexual relationship is lying.
of course it uses the thoughts of the time, they were vilifying Rome
which was all about rampant pedophilia.
@Ben true enough. They were addressing the culture in which they were living.
In a lot of ways you could read this as propagando on the war of the sinful state of Rome for the cause of Judaism.
I think its still a sin, but its also really not any worse than any other sin (particularly sexual ones). And we all commit those. If God's grace is sufficient for my sin, its certainly sufficient for yours.
If you are truly defiling the other
then yes
It is a sin if it's a transgression on the other.
Many sins don't hurt anyone else directly.
However if two consenting adults participate in a loving sex. I do not think it becomes a sin just because the participants are of the same sex.
@Flimzy another flimzy argument, you can't say that just because not all sins directly hurt others, that this action that doesn't hurt anyone is a sin
you could go on a slippery slope with that
I didn't say that.
"ANYTHING that god doesn't directly advocate is a sin!"
You're putting words in my mouth.
I didn't say that, either.
No I'm drawing them out to the logical extreme to show you it's a bad argument
It's not a bad argument, and that's not the logical extreme, either.
@Ben I'm not saying the act of sex is a sin. I'm saying that we as humans nearly always use it for selfish reasons and it ends up being sinful because we are selfish creatures.
I just illustrated for you that it was
It's a true statement... the Bible gives many clear examples of sin that do not directly hurt anyone.
You illustrated that your straw man was a bad argument.
@waxeagle Then all sex is sin, not just homosexual sex.
Even keel
@Ben I'm a total depravity advocate, anything we do that isn't a sin is only by the grace of God...
The bible says that lust is sinful.
@Flimzy Oh yes and all homosexual sex is pure lust isn't it?
That's not what I'ms aying at all.
What is your point?
I'm offering lust as an example of a sin that doesn't directly hurt anyone.
also the bible doesn't claim lust is a sin, it's one of the SEVEN deadly sins, as created by a monk iirc
Coveting your neighbors wife or ox are other examples of sins that don't directly hurt anyone.
@Ben coveting is the 10th commandment, it explicity mentions coveting a neighbor's wife.
Ben: Jesus says it's a sin.
yeah that's envy more than lust
Matthew 5:28
I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Christ even uses the word lust.
@Flimzy This assumes a couple of things
@Flimzy that won't be a problem for male homosexuals
That you are wed.
or that you do not intend to marry
And it's in the context of several other "sins of the heart"
and also what dancek said
Christ also says not to be angry with other people
@Flimzy it doesn't hold water, because I don't lust after anyone but my fiance.
and not to swear oaths
@Ben: Well, lusting in general is considered wrong (for certain definitions of lust)... there's a question about that.... but that is another topic
My point is that there are many examples of sin that don't directly affect another person
So you can give examples of sins that don't directly harm others, except according to that passage they do
you can't then claim that homosexuality between two loving consenting adults is a sin,
I don't follow your reasoning.
All you have is that one verse in exodus, and it's more on preserving the people than saying it's a sin that will send you to hell
I have said anything about Exodus at all
Many of the rules laid out in the desert in exodus had to do with preservation of the people.
it's why in exodus it says of people who question god, you are to push them out of your midst
That may be so... I haven't studied those, so I can't comment.
but Christ says, invite them in
you know why?
Because you're not in preservation mode anymore.
I still can't comment on the Exodus verses.
If you want to keep explaining your view on them, I won't try to stop you... but I have no opinion on them until I spend time studying them.
There were the 10 commandments which everyone knows, but then there were like 300 little ones.... pains in the ass.
I'm generally aware of them,yes... but not specifically
I understand, I don't have exact passages to state either
Anyway, I really should sleep
Now that it's nearly 8am...and time to start the work day:)
It's been good talking to you... honestly... even though we don't agree on everything
I think that debate about the unknowable is healthy for ones faith.
I do not profess to know if it is a sin or not
I just don't think it is
Anyway, have a good day or night, or whatever :)
What's more important than deciding if it's a sin, is deciding to live your life, constantly becoming more conformed to the character of Christ
That's true of any issue of "is X sin?"
Thanks :)
until next time...
see ya
Q: Arguments for prosperity gospel

dancekProsperity gospel, as I understand it, is the teaching that God wants to bless us with wealth and health. I can't really see this in the Bible. For example, Paul writes in 2 Cor 12:7-10 (ESV): 7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a th...

@dancek Prayer of Jabez(sp?)?
1 Chronicles 4
> 9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez,[c] saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
@waxeagle didn't remember seeing that...
@dancek it was a huge fad a few years ago. I remember because my folks were the "prayer coordinators" at our church while it was going on.
@waxeagle gee...
(like 10ish years ago)
@dancek I haven't read it, but its one of the verses the prosperity folks point to. I'm more of a poverty gospel type :)
God is going to bless us wildly, just not on earth for the most part. God answers real material needs and he does choose to bless some of his people wildly on earth, but our real treasure is in heaven and it makes everything we are given on earth look pretty darn piddly...
All that to say, that's a question I don't have perspective on :)
@waxeagle that's really my experience too: it's been very long since I really lacked something
@dancek Honestly for most Americans, God has already blessed us wildly. If we really looked at what we needed we would live much more simply.
@waxeagle well, given what the economy looks like, maybe you eventually will be blessed with poverty :)
Frankly though, I live in Europe and with all the social security and such, as a student with a part-time job I have no debt and make more money than I need.
@dancek lol true enough :). I hope not, but if it happens I'm sure God will take care of us..
@dancek lucky duck. My wife and I went to a private Christian U and will be paying on our student loans until our kid is ready for college...
@waxeagle I know what you're talking about. I thought about doing an exchange semester in the States but it turned out to be very expensive.
Actually where I live (Finland) education is free (i.e. tax-payers pay for my studies). Might be a selling point for foreigners, too. Welcome :)
hello all
@Sotiris hi
@dancek yeah. the college i went to costs about 30k a year
@Sotiris hello
Is there going to be a big party in here when the site goes public?
@a_hardin lol if you are referring to the flag fest when the trolls show up then...Yes!
@a_hardin I'd rather ask if there's going to be a big party in Heaven when the site goes public.
@a_hardin that would actually be a good answer here meta.christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/263/…
what is the difference of tags interpretation and exegisis?
more people know what interpretation
someone said exegesis in small group last week, and another person said "what? ex-jesus?"
maybe they should be synonyms like they did with roman-catholic et al?
Q: Tag synonym for Roman-Catholic

RichardI am a bit short of the 1250 rep to create tag synonyms. But I'm thinking that we should create the synonym between these two tags: roman-catholic catholicism Could we (should we) synonymize those?

yes probably will be better
I thought Flimzy was going to bed...he keeps asking questions..
ooh... mod tools
@a_hardin enjoy them for the day. you won't see them again until 2k :)
yep :P
if I keep at it, I could see them again in 5 days :)
@a_hardin yup, or sooner if you collect a bounty or have some accepted answers
Q: What is Common Grace?

wax eagleThe term "Common Grace" is often thrown around in reformed circles. What is this concept? What is the scriptural basis for the belief?

another one I may make a Jeopardy question if it doesn't get a good answer in a day or two
Ooh if I play my cards right I can get civic duty tomorrow :)
peeks in
How is everyone today?
@HedgeMage doing all right
how was your weekend?
@waxeagle Very good, but very exhausting.
@HedgeMage I'm sorry. Are you anywhere near the chaos on the east coast?
Nope, I'm in Indianapolis.
@HedgeMage That's good.
The chaos was mostly baking related (we went to two parties, both of which I baked and decorated cakes for, I had a friend come over to learn to make pound cake, and a plumber come replace one of our sinks).
@HedgeMage wow. that sounds like a busy weekend. Do you do your pound cake in a cold oven?
@JonathonByrd Good morning ser.
4 hours to public beta
@JonathonByrd wow. and just about the time I have to go home :)
@waxeagle No, I've always preheated (but I use a heavy cast-iron pan, so that takes longer to warm than the thin stainless stuff most people have).
I'm glad it starts soon, the current question set is getting pretty old.
@HedgeMage gotcha. my wife uses a thin bundt pan and a cold oven...I think she has an Amish cook book that has the recipe.
@HedgeMage I'll be in Indy next week... need to make reservations
@ahardin Nifty... traveling for business or pleasure?
@Richard hello!
@HedgeMage Business. I'm working on a project with Lilly so I'm in town one week a month.
@ahardin Ahh. Well, if you'd like to grab lunch one day let me know.
hmmm apostles questions = can of worms
why post them all at once...
wow 2 more questions to 300
Q: Later life of apostle John

deps_statsI asked about the later life of the twelve disciples in a single question. I was asking about how those disciples ended their days and about every biographical fact that is not recorded in the scripture. The wisdom of crowds says that I must split this question for each disciple. This question i...

Q: Later life of apostle James the Greater

deps_statsI asked about the later life of the twelve disciples in a single question. I was asking about how those disciples ended their days and about every biographical fact that is not recorded in the scripture. The wisdom of crowds says that I must split this question for each disciple. This question i...

Q: Later life of apostle Peter

deps_statsI asked about the later life of the twelve disciples in a single question. I was asking about how those disciples ended their days and about every biographical fact that is not recorded in the scripture. The wisdom of crowds says that I must split this question for each disciple. This question i...

guys, what do we do to such posts?
@thephpdeveloper user was specifically asked to split them up...I just wish he had spread them out a bit
I was about to ask the same thing. The titles really don't represent the questions
@a_hardin true, probably should be edited to actually ask a question
And they'd be much more readable if they didn't have the disclaimer at the beginning
@a_hardin yeah, lets axe that. Ill take John
Q: What happened to the apostle John after the Biblical account of his life ends?

deps_statsThere is a legend that says that John traveled to Ephesus where he took care of Virgin Mary and that he lived there until the end of his life. Is this legend true? Are there any historical accounts that support the legend? Are there any other theories about the later life of apostle John?

Here's James
Q: Did the apostle James the Greater travel to Spain and was he martyred in Jerusalem?

deps_statsThere are some legends that say that the apostle James the Greater (brother of John) traveled to the actual territory of Spain where he spread the Word. Also there are some accounts that place his final days in Jerusalem where he was martyred. Is this legend true? Are there any historical accoun...

my title could probably use some work
@waxeagle Hey there! :) First time in chat.
@Richard welcome to the chaos :)
Thanks. :)
@ahardin Ill take Peter if you'd like
I just did Peter
Q: Was the apostle Peter martyred in Rome?

deps_statsThere are some legends that say that Peter travelled to Rome where he was martyred. Is this legend true? Are there any historical accounts that support the legend? Are there any other theories about the later life of apostle Peter?

feel free to improve my edits, though
great job guys!
Ooh, three hours until public beta.
3 hours, and we should get a surge in users?
@a_hardin I corrected traveled...but rolled back to your edit
I don't know if we'll get a surge, but we might have a few that have had to wait a week to join.
Ooh, markups work. Nice.
@Richard in a limited capacity, yes
@Richard poor guys waiting outside ><
@thephpdeveloper Hehe. How long did it take us to get to 200 for private beta launch though? Close to a year, wasn't it?
@Richard this is true. we will see what happens.
to think of it, have anyone seen the proposer around? Kramii
Why are we reopening stuff that was not constructive without any editing guys?
Q: Should someone continue to go to church if his thoughts are no longer aligned with what is taught there?

Răzvan PandaPlease take the rest of the post as just an example, the answers to this question should be generic and addressed to a person who is in a situation like the one described in the title. There could be a lot of people who are in the same situation and need advice and this question should be answere...

@thephpdeveloper he has been active
@waxeagle :D
@waxeagle well I agree with Nathan in the comments "nearly every question on a "Christian" site will likely solicit opinion, debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. The only topic which "shouldn't" is that Christ is both God and the Son of God, He died for our sins, and God raised Him up on the third day. Pretty much everything else is extremely subject to opinion and personal interpretation"
@thephpdeveloper Here's one of his questions: christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/1074/…
This site has opened up a lot of subjectivity.
@Richard ahh I see. Didn't notice that. I'll notice more of Kramii now on!
@thephpdeveloper I'm far more concerned that this question is long,rambling and not very good and it got reopened with no editing whatsoever. I don't care that its subjective...
@waxeagle How do you link questions like that?
@Richard just paste the link in its own post. you can reply in the same post, but thats it
Aah, ok. Thanks!
@thephpdeveloper You'd be surprised. Even that will spark debates within this site.
@JonathonByrd Agreed. Look at the LDS church and Jehovah Witness doctrine for obvious examples of this.
@JonathonByrd I wouldn't be.
@Richard Common Grace was foundational in my college experience. I asked knowing the answer fairly well, but your answer was excellent
@waxeagle Thank you. I hadn't heard of it until you asked. It's a fascinating topic and I feel more solid in my understanding of grace knowing about this concept.
There have been a few questions that I hadn't heard of until it came up as a question here. I think those are my favorite.
@Richard When you start from a framework of total depravity, Common Grace becomes a necessary explanation for how humanity has advanced at all. Its a wonderful concept and solid evidence for God having more mercy on humanity in general than we deserve.
four downvotes?
@Purmou I forgot to give you another one....im already out
@waxeagle haha...i suppose I got so many because I'm a bit more open-minded than some of the people on this site.
but the questionis
@Purmou lol. No. Its because you were wrong :).
wait, which one are you talking about then?
John 3:16 or amputees?
@Purmou oh teh amputees, hadn't looked athe John 3:16 one yet...
that one has one downvote
yeah, the amputees one came out a whole lot different than how I intended
and it obviously didn't come out well
though it intrigues me why the other answer has one upvote, and not just as many downvotes...
@Purmou you can delete it for a badge :)
let's do it
but either way
the other one is terrible too. Complete hearsay IMO...
isn't the badge for deleting your own answer with 3 or more upvotes?
apparently not
@Purmou yup. but there is a -3 one too. its called peer pressure
though is my John 3:16 answer bad? He asked for the scope, and of course that makes it open to interpretation...what's so bad about my taking the literal route?
@Purmou the issue is the interpretation of world is incredibly narrow. Its hard to justify in light of Christianity as a global movement.
(im for a narrow interpretation of world, but I interpret it as believers)
see, that's where I mean i'm open-minded
They should make a badge for deleting either +3 or -3 answer you gave. XD
must every answer please the die-hard Christians? Like it's been said many times before, the site's not a church.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū there are
peer pressure is -3, Disciplined is +3
and its any post
@wax well, is there one for the answers?
@Purmou no it musn't. However, you may end up with downvotes just the same
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū nope, its any post
that's worrying
@Purmou I hope I'd be considered a diehard, but I won't downvote a different view if it has backing.
@Purmou as the userpool increases voting patterns will change
@waxeagle I hope so. @ahardin I'm nowhere near die-hard...the reason most of answers aren't well-received is likely because I haven't even read the bible.
I've seen great answers still get downvotes on stackoverflow. That's why they have upvotes.
@Purmou that's going to be an issue here. I for one believe scripture interprets scripture. Basically you see the Bible as a complete document.
So I was reading e-mail, and saw a typo. I instinctively started moving the mouse to where the edit button should be. :P
@waxeagle I still don't understand why people are fishing for answers without references...some questions can't be answered that well, but more as advice. but if all the answers are advice than it's not a bad thing.
@Purmou I'm confused by this statement. Do you think all/most answers should be referenced or not?
@a_hardin Lol I keep wanting to upvote stuff all over the internet
@waxeagle of course i do, when it's appropriate
if no answers were referenced at all we wouldn't have a decent site here
@Purmou when is it not appropriate? for instance I think a good answer to the John 3:16 question should probably reference either a commentary or the greek.
which Richard did...and so I understand why my answer got a downvote. But, like, how would you reference a bibile verse to answer a question about a bible verse?
i'm just digging myself a deeper hole
@Purmou I'm kind of confused myself. Basically if you have a scripture you're confused about, you look at more, related scripture and see if you can figure out what it says.
@waxeagle yeah, you're right
(i can't even put what i'm trying to say in words)
the main thing i'm upset about is how my answer about amputees warranted 4 separate people to spend the time to come in and down vote it and completely overlook the even worse answer on the same question.
and that even got an UPvote.
that just
was a slap to the face
@Purmou lol, they were both awful answers. I can't explain voting patterns on the stack, they don't always make sense
I hope it wasn't because WA51 is well-reputed on other SE sites
@Purmou note likely. although at times prior contributions do come into play with voting habits, if someone has a generally good reputation you might give them the benefit of the doubt, if someone doesn't have a great rep then you might not. I try not to let it interfere with my voting, but it creeps in sometimes

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