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@YEZ :)
By the way, @YEZ, about that suggestion that I gave you earlier ( that somehow got three stars ).....better idea is to use a MarkDown editor, so you could edit your question off-line, which I actually did today :P
@YEZ On that answer, I have a suspicion that the person who posted the other answer (y'know, the one that got deleted) got a little sore and downvoted in spite....but who knows?
12 hours later…
Way to go @Community for stepping in to curtail the madness here.
@IsaacMoses wow. I'm sure glad the auto-protection rules were changed so that worked; until a few months ago I think we would have needed to get some of those deleted before it kicked in. Anyway, all cleaned up now. (You know it's a bad sign when the "flags" pane of the page has a scrollbar...)
@MonicaCellio Thanks for handling that.
1 hour later…
@IsaacMoses thanks for bringing it to my attention.
6 hours later…
we recently hit 12k questions.
@MonicaCellio @IsaacMoses I feel bad for those who can't see deleted posts. That was seriously entertaining.
@YEZ hey, they had about a 20-minute window... :-)
@YEZ wow! Thanks for pointing that out.
1 hour later…
@MonicaCellio I flagged this question because I can't delete it and asked it due to a memory lapse/mix up. I asked the question I meant to ask separately.
@YEZ thanks for bringing it up here (I was trying to figure out how best to do that, without revealing the confidentiality of the flag). Is the question -- even though it's not the one you meant to ask -- valuable? I don't know enough about the topic to be able to tell. If it is I don't want to delete it, but if you really want to disown it you can do that. Or if the answerer says he doesn't care, I'd accept that. Thoughts anybody?
Ever since I got 10K reputation I see a number 3 next to the review link on the top bar, even though there is nothing there when I click on it. Bug, or am I missing something?
@MonicaCellio Its not exactly a question that you would expect @YEZ to be asking, but I don't think the question is bad - it is conceivable that someone would generalize lemon to other fruits and ask this question. Not sure how disowning works.
@Yishai under the CC-SA license (what we all agree to in posting here), an author is allowed to disassociate content from his name. It's a "heavy" process in that it involves asking SE employees to go into the database and do something (we mods can't do it), so people shouldn't do it willy-nilly, but it's completely legitimate if you find yourself with a bad case of "asker's remorse" or the like.
(This sometimes happens when professional and hobby lines get crossed and people realize that their boss or parents etc can see something they'd rather they not see.)
So if the question has value (meaning we don't delete it) @YEZ can use the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page to request disassociation (include the URL of the specific post in that request). This anonymizes the post, it disappears from his profile, and any rep changes from it go away -- as if he'd never asked it.
Q: Could we have a Help Center page on disassociating posts?

Monica CellioAs a moderator I sometimes1 find myself needing to explain disassociation to a user, usually one who has tried to delete posts that he's belatedly realized are connected to him. It'd sure be handy if I could link to a page in the Help Center instead of explaining it anew each time. We have a pa...

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