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12:10 AM
I like that @Phrancis
Thank you. You think I did an OK job with sidechain and mixing in general?
12:50 AM
Haven't had any input on this...
Some characterization and story boarding ideas I had.
The Celescion:
They are an ancient alien race that came to earth to save it. After the wars were over, the Celescion took over a good portion of the planet, inhabiting it and building cities on top of the rubble to allow the human race and any other forms of life that came to the planet an escape from the aftermath of the bioweapons that engulfed much of the world.
Alien race that has come to seek sanctuary on earth due to a virus that broke out on their planet. They are mostly scavengers, and although not very violent, they can be very viscous if felt threatened.
@Jay1148 Planet Corp. humans?
Up arrow to edit message ;)
It hints at that towards the end of the description. At least I would assume they are humans if they believe the world should have still been left to govern by humans.
Tried to edit, but it did not take.
1:50 AM
Yeah you have two minutes to edit. But yeah, I like it so far, wondering what @bazola thinks?
6 hours later…
8:06 AM
@Phrancis i like it
nice use of filter sweeps
8:42 AM
9:39 AM
Monking @skiwi
3 hours later…
12:39 PM
morning all
2 hours later…
2:25 PM
@Phrancis @Jay1148 I definitely like what Jay wrote up. I think with a couple of twists it will be really cool. I am thinking up some more ideas for it this morning
3:05 PM
Awesome @bazola cannot wait to see what you come up with.
hey @Jay1148. Well I was thinking, what if the Celescion were a group of intelligent robots built by an advanced alien race that almost completely died out long ago. They are programmed to protect life in all forms. They crash land on earth, out of resources and fuel, and find a devastated wasteland. So they set about rebuilding where they can and making a safe haven for anyone who wants to live there.
The only catch is, you aren't allowed to kill anything, not even insects, or they kick you out. Bacteria are except from this, but only for practical reasons, otherwise they wouldn't let you kill those either.
And I was thinking the overall story would be that the first, more vicious aliens land on earth and start destroying things, and the governments of the world fight them as hard as they can with their tanks and armies of robots, but in the end both sides are mostly destroyed. So those government leaders abandon everyone else and hide in bunkers and highly advanced arcologies with the other rich elites who were able to survive
what we still need to answer in a way is, who is the player in all of this? what does the player represent? vogel made that point a while ago and I think it is a good one. In MTG you are a planes walker moving between crazy dimensions, and in Hearthstone you are a world of warcraft hero. Not sure what you are in YGO. so we need to have something like that too i think, or at least it would be nice
4:19 PM
Mooonking again
@Phrancis Were are you in this room? ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg Do you have experience with web services, yes right?
what are we up to, any news?
Code wise I'm not sure, but Jay and Bazola wrote some interesting story concepts just above
sounds interesting... just read it up there
I'm currently thinking about making a web server/service that will post commit messages to chat
because I really really want them
I'll need some of @Simon's help for that to act as my tutorial/guide, as I cannot learn everything in a few days
Could never get RSS to work huh?
4:31 PM
@skiwi Yes, I do
@Phrancis Nope and it doesn't show all I want
@SimonAndréForsberg What kind of server do I want to use, and for a start, how can I make an application that runs forever from the moment the server gets launched?
(That would be the bot that is connected 24/7)
@skiwi I assume a simple Java application can work. You just need to know the web service API for SE Chat
@SimonAndréForsberg Sorry was afk, but no I need a whole web server
I want a web service published as URL which a github post hook can call on
hence I was thinking using a web server is the best idea then
We're going to need a web server to host the TCG website anyways
I have a web server for that @Phrancis
4:43 PM
Oh good
Let me know whenever you want to tie it to the URL
@SimonAndréForsberg did you see this ;-)
Yeah I saw that
So would you want to think about my question again? ;) @SimonAndréForsberg
We can tie it to the URL whenever, the question is only: What content do we want on the URL right now?
I think for right now a blog-style content along with a few links to the Q&A and to github would suffice
@skiwi Sounds like using a web server is the way to go, yes. I'm just not sure about how interacting with SE API will work. I think that will be the hard part
4:47 PM
I was going to just make it with wordpress.org
@SimonAndréForsberg The hardest part for me first is how to get some kind of service up running 24/7 and interact with that one whenver a page gets requested?
@skiwi Well, that depends on how the bot is structured. If the bot can be a simple HTTP request to the SE Network, then that's no problem
If the bot only can be run in a web-browser (as JS for example), then that's a problem
I think it'll work with HTTP requests
but if I ever plan to extend functionality, I do want to have it 24/7 in the room (so send a ping or hey I'm here every 30 mins?)
@skiwi I think having it constantly in the room is best, yes
Can you give some advice on how to make it?
4:54 PM
Honestly, no. I don't know the StackExchange chat API, if there is one.
I'm afraid you are not getting what I want
If there would be a nice documentation, then that's no problem
I've got almost no experience with web services... What server/etc. should I pick and how do I inject startup scripts (that run inifnitely)
I don't care about the SE chat API for now
How are you going to post chat messages to this room without the SE chat API?
@skiwi I'd recommend using Apache Tomcat
@SimonAndréForsberg I first want some thing running even if it prints to console, then after that I can care about it
Tomcat 8 it is then
4:57 PM
Spring MVC is a framework for building web pages. A bit hard to get started with but once running it's quite neat
I don't need to show a web page though, all I need is an URL accepting POSTs to it
You can do that with Spring MVC
I can't think of another alternative of the top of my head
Hmm then I might just use that :)
Unless you want to use PHP of course ;)
Tomcat is only the server itself, right?
5:01 PM
It's a webserver, just like Apache
@skiwi for a manual web server LAMP is pretty easy to set up
Although you don't need the M
or necessarily the L
myself I am using ubuntu virtual machines and it was pretty painless following a basic tutorial
5:19 PM
@skiwi An alternative might be to use Ruby and re-use parts of the code for this bot
well i wrote a ScriptWriter.lua script that can produce this by passing in the new script name, its arguments, their values, and the values for other instance variables:
TestScript = {}
function TestScript:new(arg1, arg2, arg3)
  local instance = setmetatable({}, { __index = self })
  instance.arg1 = 100
  instance.arg2 = 200
  instance.arg3 = 300
  instance.1 = foo
  instance.2 = bar
  instance.3 = baz
  instance.4 = {}
and the call that creates it: local scripter = scriptWriter:new("TestScript", {"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"}, {100, 200, 300}, {"foo", "bar", "baz", "{}"})
5:56 PM
Anyone here selling time?
@SimonAndréForsberg I prefer Java for now ;)
no but i would love to buy time, theres never enough :)
I think I'm more interested in buying time
so let's see how to set this all up
do I want to use Java EE?
It better supports Java 8...
trying ot get it working in Netbeans though
6:08 PM
Good luck
it's something
and I know you cannot see it
why did I even click that link? Apparently I am not thinking today
Well, if you got that working, that's a big step.
now need to get something registered which runs since server start
like print somethign to ssytem out every second
for starters
Time to do some monkey coding... Use a library without having a clue about what it does.
always a challenge
6:26 PM
I'm not against reading tutorials, but it would cost sooo much time.
6:44 PM
my notes for the lamp server creation that I made so that I would have a reference of exactly how to set everything up were like 20 pages long, but I made them very verbose on purpose :)
Infinite loop during deploying: Bad idea.
Bad bad bad bad idea @SimonAndréForsberg
Even stopping the Tomcat server does not work.
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
When you stop Apache Tomcat, it attempts to interrupt whatever is running right now...
Oh dear, skiwi...
So now it's printing numbers, without sleeping.
In your catch you should do throw new InterruptedException or break or return or whatever
Your code there is absolutely crazy
It's usually okay
6:58 PM
it would have worked if you would do if (Thread.currentThread().interrupted()) break; at the beginning of the loop
My code is signaling: I do not want to deal with this interrupt I am getting, so I interrupt whatever code is running on my thread and it will deal with it.
But the problem is that whatever code is running on your thread does not deal with it
I forced Tomcat to close then...
Dealing with it = if (Thread.currentThread().interrupted()) break;
I'm going to remove that code either way :P
I got a startup script working and I can access it from anywhere.
I think it's a big deal already.
7:01 PM
Good @skiwi
Wasn't the issue that an InterruptedException can come from anywhere?
Or am I confused with the wait/notify lock
@skiwi In your case the issue is that when you catch the InterruptedException, you don't break the for-loop
7:51 PM
Are both you guys in the same time zone?
@Phrancis Yes
Is it... GMT +1 ?
I thought you guys might get a laugh out of this:
@Phrancis I've just read all kinds of weird.
8:12 PM
I'll say good night for now
night man
Bye Simon
good night @SimonAndréForsberg
8:36 PM
@skiwi you don't need a web server, you need a web client
the chat server is already the web server, you just need something to talk to it. It can be on a server, but the software itself wouldn't be a server
@DaggNabbit Kind of...
the chatbot itself is a web client indeed
but I do need a web server which accepts post requests form a github post hook
ahh, right
you would need both
and a sockpuppet account to be the bot
8:59 PM
setting up the server would be the least of your worries, though. The client will be the hard part, there is no formal API so you just have to inspect what your browser does when you chat and try to mimic it. You have to handle authentication and so on. And if SE chat changes, it'll break.
Erm, I need 20 rep to talk?
have your sockpuppet account write an answer and we can both upvote it
do it on SO with some crappy question nobody cares about
Tag me I'll provide 2nd vote
think about authentication when you set it up, though. Doing auth through something like a Google account is likely more difficult than doing SE's auth
I'll do the hard stuff tomorrow I guess
9:08 PM
I would focus on the client, there are a few servers for this already floating around. I found a Jenkins CI plugin and an NPM module
Just a manual test :(
First real test coming now
^ that one posted from my console xD
Bot not to be seen
9:13 PM
you need that cookie header probably
What's this?
Chat Login attempted.
fkey = be691b084fd65d45d51edd33ba6560d3
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="/rooms">here</a>.</h2>
dunno, didn't get that
how are you posting it?
via a post
yeah but
I see it sends a Location: /rooms header
9:17 PM
what does your code look like
private void joinFavoriteRooms() {
    try {
        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://chat.stackexchange.com//chats/join/favorite");
        Document httpGetDocument = httpClient.execute(httpGet, jsoupResponseHandler());
        String fkey = httpGetDocument.select("input[name=fkey]").attr("value");
        System.out.println("fkey = " + fkey);

        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://chat.stackexchange.com//chats/join/favorite");
        List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = Arrays.asList(
hey @DaggNabbit is 'test' and "test" both the same in Lua? both strings?
hm, double slash there
but shouldn't matter?
@bazola yes
@skiwi no, it shouldn't
@skiwi, oh maybe
try taking it out
it might be trying to redirect you to the url without the //
No difference I think
9:20 PM
@DaggNabbit if I give my scriptwriter this: local scripter = scriptWriter:new("TestScript", {"arg1"}, {100, 200, 300, 500, 600}, {100, 200, 300, "'test'"}) then it magically creates a file called TestScript.lua which contains:
TestScript = {}
function TestScript:new(arg1)
  local instance = setmetatable({}, { __index = self })
  instance.arg1 = 100
  instance.1 = 100
  instance.2 = 200
  instance.3 = 300
  instance.4 = 'test'
  return TestScript

function TestScript:set_arg1(newValue)
  self.arg1 = newValue
function TestScript:get_arg1()
  return arg1

function TestScript:set_1(newValue)
  self.1 = newValue
function TestScript:get_1()
  return self.1

function TestScript:set_2(newValue)
  self.2 = newValue
@skiwi is your client logged in?
If joining was succesful, then it would need to show up somewhere though
I don't know how I can test :)
I don't even know if logging into open id worked
@bazola interesting, you know you can also build strings and run them through the interpreter if you want, you don't have to save them as files... this is all sort of questionable though, fun to play around with but probably not good for production
@skiwi is that client honoring cookies?
@DaggNabbit the purpose is to build a script that can then be loaded and used
@DaggNabbit I doubt it
If by honoring you mean I need to send all my cookies at every request?
9:24 PM
I would think you would need something like an "HTTPSession" if such a thing exists
yeah if something tells it to store cookies it needs to do that and then send them back to server with each subsequent request
I've done this kind of thing before in Perl using HTTP::Session
I might be better off by using a prebuilt client
it's nice to have something that manages that for you
but not sure if it still works
9:36 PM
@skiwi I believe Mechanize is the thing that manages the HTTP session there
This library is bad... It's not what I need
I'll find somethign else tomorrow
night now
@MattGiltaji can you go to this post on the Q&A and accept my answer when you have a chance?
sure thing
@bazola doing some Q&A clean-up, can you post what you wrote down in the GDD as an answer to this post if you have a chance? Also accept it (for now) we can always change the GDD after play-testing more
@Phrancis sure I can do that
9:51 PM
@MattGiltaji I think bazola's answer is what we are going for right now, environment shift, as cool as it sounds, may be difficult to implement at first
@DaggNabbit May I suggest to accept your own answer here? Unless anyone objects
yeah, I just need to remember my credentials... annoying to not have my home password manager at work
@bazola mind providing a link to the GDD? I need it for a couple of my own questions
It can wait @MattGiltaji
@Phrancis you are already shared on it?
That's right. My bad
@Phrancis i was hoping that question would spark some discussion, didn't just want to say "these should be the guidelines"
9:58 PM
OK I'll hit it up later, it's TTQW
I'm going to Jay's place in a bit but will be back later
10:36 PM
@DaggNabbit you don't think my creation could be useful in a real scenario? I just successfully created a script, loaded it locally, and executed one of its methods all from inside another script :)
10:50 PM
@bazola ehh, i'm not so sure, but it's fun to play with anyway ;)
just curious, what makes it not production level?
11:09 PM
well here is the question I just posted about it:
Q: Creating New Scripts Dynamically in Lua

bazolaRight now this is just a crazy idea that I had, but I was able to implement the code and get it working properly. I am not entirely sure of what the use cases would be just yet. What this code does is create a new Lua script file in the project directory. The ScriptWriter takes as arguments th...


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