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Agh, I suck at packing
Specifically, the Tag: The Power of Paint dev team.
Ok, really afk now
@Powerlord That's putting it a bit extreme IMHO. Yes, they bought talent with good game ideas, but it's not like they just published the final product.
Also, had any work been done on TF2 before Valve hired the guys behind it?
ya, we need to update the pinned post
@CruelCow I don't think so. But they hired the Team Fortress team to develop Team Fortress Classic, then Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood in Arms.
The latter of which eventually morphed into the Team Fortress 2 we know today.
@GraceNote Can you not have a negative score displayed in primaries?
@ThomasMcDonald You can click on the number to see the up/down-votes
@CruelCow Yeah, but if you vote after splitting the vote counts it will display a negative number (if the user has more dvs than uvs)
Just saying, I guess it's not the intended behaviour
@fredley Wonderful! Got a link for me?
Ah, I haven't downvoted anybody (yet?).
No, I haven't either
@John Ah! Yes of course: goo.gl/T2Y3u
What I find interesting is that anonymous people (and I assume low-rep) don't see a number at all
@ThomasMcDonald Weird. From past elections I remember seeing negative scores. This is either some mad caching going on or a recent change. (@GraceNote?)
To be honest I don't think you should be able to downvote in primaries
That's a whole other can of worms.
@fredley Downloaded. Thanks! I'll try it out and give feedback in a day or so hopefully.
great, thanks!
Negative votes in primaries are shown as 0 to prevent pile-on. That was changed sometime during the first round of SE elections
@AnnaLear This has always happened this way.
@MarkTrapp As 0, actually. Unless you cast a vote.
Sony just chopped the price of the PS3 by $50.
@MarkTrapp But we will get to see them at the end, right?
> The 160GB system will now be $250 in the United States, 250 euros in the European territories, and 24,980 yen in Japan.
@ArdaXi @MarkTrapp Ahh, makes sense.
@ArdaXi Yeah, that's correct
> The PlayStation 3 model with more storage is also seeing its price cut, with the 320GB system now being sold for $300 in the US, 300 euros in European territories, and 29,980 yen.
@ThomasMcDonald They changed it
@John That I'm not sure of. I'm not even sure negative scoring nominees move on. @GraceNote?
We had this during our first election too, has everyone forgotten?
@Powerlord I read that as chopped the price to $50 dollars. :(
@CruelCow Wishful thinking.
Q: Votes for moderator doesn't drop below 0

Ronan FormanI'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that be the number of votes the nominees have doesn't go below 0. Doing the maths the normal view should display -14 but instead it displays 0 Is this done on purpose or a bug?

@MarkTrapp I've never seen there be a case where there are enough negatively scoring moderators for that to actually matter.
@GraceNote So if split the votes, then vote on someone with more downvotes than upvotes, it 'collapses' back together into a negative number rather than 0. ±_±
Well, there's always a first time :P
I forgot I could split the votes! Totally circumvents the whole "Don't display under 0" thing though.
my official title should be minor bug reporter or something
I think the top 10 come through no matter the scores.
My official title is and expert.
@ThomasMcDonald Not very impactful and at that point you could see the breakdown in the first place.
@GraceNote Yeah I know, just sayin'
@Oak - I don't think Valve's going to be able to compete with League of Legends, though.
@RavenDreamer I don't think they can, either. I know they can.
There are a lot of people who refuse to play LoL because it's "dumbed down" and will probably pick DotA 2 right up.
LoL is simply DotA the MMO.
@ArdaXi Let me tell you an interesting story about how powerful "Free to play" is (I'm assuming DotA 2 will not be free to play).
I assume it will be
@RavenDreamer Why assume that?
@RavenDreamer Let me tell you an interesting story about how competition was about how much money you made.
Now that HoN and LoL are both free to play, DotA 2 kind of has to be.
@StrixVaria That depends on the value added.
and Valve aren't exactly opposed to F2P
A while back, Amazon.com switched to offering free shipping on many of its orders. Worldwide, sales increased massively, except for in France.
It's silly to assume Valve won't make a game F2P. Not when they are apparently making money hand over fist doing that with TF2.
@CruelCow How do we know that? We only know Robin Walker isn't.
@ArdaXi Unless DotA 2 is objectively a wholly better experience, which it can't be. I prefer LoL because it removed randomness and stupid denying, and other people prefer DotA because denying is a key skill element to their game.
@RavenDreamer Fairly sure that's Amazon.co.uk.
@StrixVaria How do you know it can't be?
Amazon.co.uk has free shipping on everything (sold by amazon)
I think you should look at TFC vs. TF2.
When Amazon.com marketeers looked at the French site, they noticed that shipping was being charge 1 franc. (A couple of cents). When they went back and removed the price completely, French sales shot up to match the rest of the world.
@ArdaXi Because people prefer different gameplay elements, and they directly conflict each other.
@ArdaXi I doubt Robin Walker has total power over TF2 when it comes to such big changes as going F2P. Steam supports F2P games. Heck, they recently added the ability to trade items from different games
@CruelCow It's just a coincidence that they're testing that feature now, while talking about DOTA 2!!!
How many people still play DotA? I know Riot just announced their 5 million player base (I think)
@StrixVaria Better doesn't mean better for everyone. (Yeah, I know you said objectively, but 'objectively better' is a contradiction anyway')
I'm looking forward to seeing some gameplay footage of tomorrow's tournament, but I'm skeptical that I'll be convinced to switch.
Also, I'm biased against DotA2, simply because they tried to copyright "DotA'.
Even though LoL is free to play, I am already invested in it just because of the time I spent.
@StrixVaria And now you know why WoW has so many players.
If they're offering a tournament, I'm betting they have changed very little. They just made things prettier.
Also, I've never understood why they have a separate shop in the middle of the map for each team.
@RavenDreamer What's really puzzling me is the shop button/quick buy stuff at the bottom right. Can you buy stuff everywhere? That would be a pretty dramatic change.
@RavenDreamer Why, it's so that new players have an even tougher learning curve, of course.
That's one of the things LoL has done right. They took a look at which gamemechanics existed as they did only because of the wc3 hero engine (i.e., STR vs. AGI vs. INT) and innovated.
@RavenDreamer I very much doubt that. Again, look at TFC and TF2.
That's one of the biggest problems in DotA. Agility heroes scale too well and Intelligence heroes don't scale at all. LoL's system is completely improved.
@ArdaXi - I have no idea of the differences between those two games.
They're gigantic, really.
Gameplay in TFC completely revolves around grenades, which don't exist in TF2.
You should really pit Fortress Forever against TF2 then.
Fortress Forever is what TF2 would be if all they did was "make things prettier".
I have nothing bad to say about DotA2 or Valve until I actually see it. I don't like DotA, but who knows what Valve has done to it.
Aside from the irrelevant issue of copyright, I'm in the same boat.
However, judging by the recent screenshot, the heroes have the same skill system, level cap, they use the same STR/AGI/INT and armor stats, etc.
There's no obvious large scale changes that I can see.
Oh, and it looks like Denying is still in.
@Mana you're the only universally non-hated mod candidate!
I was sure they'd keep denying. Most DotA elitists are more adamant about that point than any other.
It's been a while since I played the original dota, is the map the exact same?
@CruelCow to the best of my knowledge, yes.
@RavenDreamer That puts him above everyone from last election
@CruelCow Judging by the mini-map it seems that way.
Oops, I lied. @sjohnston is in the same, universal love boat.
@RavenDreamer dang, you caught your mistake before I could point it out.
Heh, you can tell DotA 2 is based off the TF2 codebase.
Caught and corrected!
@ArdaXi - why?
@RavenDreamer The graphics, the font rendering.
You guys who have played DotA and have opinions on it should do a blog post for during Gamescom that we can supplement with DotA 2 info
@RavenDreamer That puts them above everyone from last election.
Well, I've cast my votes, hope the people I voted for win!
@FallenAngelEyes My opinion is "VIPER ROCKS, ORB WALKING FOR THE WIN".
@FallenAngelEyes I have played DotA. I have opinions on it. I should not be let near a blog post about it.
Viper was the only hero I was ever good as in DotA
Oh snap. I was about to comment on @Mana. I didn't look at my own totals
@StrixVaria Haha, high five then
@GraceNote high five
@RavenDreamer people all over the world, join your hands. let start a love train, a love train
I actually got good with a fair number (Both Nerubians, Obsidian Statue...), but Viper was beyond all else my best. Such a vicious beast. And adorable and huggable, too.
Haha Harbinger was another favorite of mine. I assume that's the same as Obsidian Statue. I really sucked at DotA, though. I played a lot of Keeper of the Light because the less my team relied on me, the better.
I wish you could refresh the election page without it reordering the candidates. If I want to see an update on how someone in particular is doing, I have to search for them each time.
Yeah, Harbinger was the Obsidian Statue. Ooh, how that was fun.
(Not that I'm obsessively refreshing or anything)
I'm obsessively refreshing and I'm not even running.
ha, kind of makes me want to not attend the town hall chat in case I sink my own ship ;)
which...is actually kind of likely :( oh well
@Manaಠдಠ Don't worry, I've got cannons if you need some help with making holes.
@Manaಠдಠ I would, if I didn't feel as though it were already sinking.
All I can do now is grab a couple buckets and try to keep as much water out as possible.
@Arda Oohh...:(
Also, not attending the Town Hall Chat would be like hitting a sea mine.
If you catch my... drift...
So not to be annoying...but...
(don't ya always know what's coming next is going to be annoying... q:)
2 hours ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
Reminder: If you want to ask a question during the town hall chat with the election candidates, you need to add it to the queue. Also, you should star any questions you want to see asked.
@GraceNote :( Consider me sunk then.
2 hours ago, by Rebecca Chernoff

 Gaming Town Hall Chat - Questions for

Proposed questions for the candidates should be asked here. S...
So is everyone pre-writing their answers?
@sjohnston Or just invest in a better ship. If your hull is strong enough, you could withstand getting hit by a train!
@GraceNote It might speed up the sinking. Is there enough time to get to the lifeboats?
@RonanForman I'm going to have to post-write my answers.
@RonanForman Do you think we have nothing better to do?
@GraceNote A...sea train?
@sjohnston Aquatrain.
@sjohnston - I'm in the same boat.
@sjohnston If there was one thing I learned from camping, it's "You can't make a train ramp to try and overcome the Bridge Building simulator's tougher stages"
@RavenDreamer Oh, boat. I get it. Haha.
Ha. Didn't even think of that.
I'm riding a sea train into sjohnston's boat.
taking us both down simultaneously
@FallenAngelEyes "packing" :P
I'm surprised at how many votes have been casted in the primaries already.
I just rebooted Chrome. Where did that address bar come from? :(
@FallenAngelEyes I approve of any event with a Weapon Check
@KevinY Yeah, quite a lot. I'm a little shocked by how many down votes there are though
@ArdaXi I'm trying to reboot Chrome. It won't die!
Kill it with fire. Or... I don't know, melt it.
I'm trying to run "kill" on it, but "ps aux | grep Chrome" can't find it!
Found it. Now, which of the 6 processes should I kill...
Number 5!
Kill all the processes!
the one with the most mem usage (:
@John either all of them or the parent process which will take all others with it
@FallenAngelEyes No lances? Boo!
Wow I hit the parent first try!
All the processes!
@CruelCow Was right. Killing the parent killed them all.
> Batons and thrustings with sharp or blunt metal blade or pointy ends (e.g., katanas, swords, sabres, machetes, hatchets, spiked maces, knifes of all kinds except pocket knifes)
and I thought it was just the UK with extreme gun & knife laws
You better not have any spiked maces in your backpack @Thomas.
@KevinY Actually, ownership of some spiked maces is legal in the UK, if I remember correctly
but butterfly knives are not. :( I want to be like the spy.
:): - bipolar smiley
There was a TV documentary a few years back about what a group of students had managed to import into the country.
They could have easily gotten RPGs in if they had the money, but instead ended up with this vicious looking stick covered in spikes, which turned out to be legal to posses.
of course, this was a long time ago, I could be making it all up..
@ThomasMcDonald I like how "thrustings" is used as a noun there.
@sjohnston I... hadn't noticed that.
> • All clothes should not contain sharp corners or edges
@ThomasMcDonald That has long been my policy
Guys, I have a question. I (unfortunately) signed up for a twitter account so I can follow Gamescom stuff and potentially tweet stuff from the floor if I can with my b/f's cell (my cellphone was stolen and hasn't been replaced yet) Does Gaming.SE have specific hashtags, and if so what are they?
I don't think we do. We just use #gaming.
I'm really new to this whole "twitter" thing
Also, you didn't ask me for my screennames! How am I supposed to throw people off my trail now?
@fredley Was iron 2 supposed to kill me?
Um, not sure off the top of my head
did you find all 3 signs?
You could use #gamingse...
@fredley Um no. I'm at the very beginning. It said pull levers so I tried iron 2 and the floor exploded.
@Fallen @Thomas I like that tag better, as #gaming is probably going to show up in a lot of contexts, but #gamingse is going to be unique to us
@sjohnston Yeah, that's what I mean, #gaming is a relatively busy tag
Ok, I'll use that then
You were supposed to go and find out which ones to pull first!
@fredley re-reads note 1 Oh I'm supposed to explore before randomly pulling levers! Heh-heh
I'm going to try that again...
My new twitter account. I will try to tweet from the floor if I can.
I am a way slower typist on the phone though than on the pc because Jochem's Android is capacitive touch and I hate capacitive touch because I have long fingernails >_< So pre-apologies for typos :P
You just signed up and you're following 64 accounts?
@sjohnston Lots of game publishers and game devs
So I can catch what they tweet from Gamescom as well
then random celebs, authors, musicians, whatev
ok afk for more packing
Okay, so I have decided I will base my moderator votes off who can listen to nyan cat the longest.
@ThomasMcDonald So you are gonna vote for @Gnomeslice?
Oi, damn it. My dad's getting all antsy about his emails not being able to send out, I might get randomly disconnected from here if he starts unplugging things.
Hopefully not.
@Manaಠдಠ that's the best type of diagnostics
@CruelCow As clever as that was, I have to disagree. I don't find nyan cat particularly entertaining.
@ThomasMcDonald I've done a full day.
@GnomeSliceツ But do you find this particularly entertaining?
Literally. 24 hours. For charity.
@GraceNote You're awesome.
@GraceNote ಥ_ಥ
You betray my trust, @Grace.
It's what you get for making me listen to the full 10 hours!
@GraceNote I haven't finished it yet. I'm like 3 hours in.
@fredley I think I'm not encountering all the monsters I'm supposed to judging by the adundance of food, armor, and weapons, and there's a problem with the spider spawner near the diamond equipment. The spiders are rising to the top of their little cave where the opening is too small for them to get out.
I think I'm done packing
hurray, just in time!
Yeh, spawners is one thing I need to sort out
Need quite a few more around the city in general
and maybe less in the final dungeon? (Let me know when you get there)
@Manaಠдಠ What takes me the longest isn't clothes, but rather electronics preparation
@GraceNote Oh, it reset my progress
I was like 30 minutes in
Yeah I was surprised by how much I heard mobs, but never saw them.
Although I did find quite a few spiders.
like charging my portable game systems, loading up books I want to read on the e-book reader, seeing if there's any shows we want to bring on the laptop, etc.
Though we have to use Jochem's work laptop, mine broke a while ago
Don't forget to check if you need an ac-adapter
Oh, Minecraft. There's something we haven't heard in a while.
@CruelCow For Germany? I don't think so.
They use the same Europlug we do.
@CruelCow Nah, same plugs there
We need more Minecraft talk, sparking more Minecraft questions!
@KevinY Naw. More TF2.
@ArdaXi Both.
Oh ok. I know the german ones but not the Netherland ones
Wipqozn's Law away!
How do I convert my minecraft map into a TF2 map?
@CruelCow Then you do.
blah blah blah Minecraft, blah blah blah TF2!
How would win in a fight between a creeper and a pyro?
@GraceNote Darnit, I was going to ask that.
@KevinY is that a corner gas reference ?
@Wipqozn Not intentionally.
@Brant Haha, fat chance I'd let you steal my question!
@KevinY Well, that's what it made me think of anyway.
@CruelCow I'd say the Pyro would win because he / she could keep airblasting the Creeper away.
@KevinY Until you ran out of ammo...
Ahh, good question @Brant.
(And with that I leave to begin my walk home, will catch up when I get home)
What, That's tonight?
Right now.
@GraceNote I've only just realised that What is Love has been playing for the past 15 minutes.
Oh gnome...
@ThomasMcDonald Uehehehehe
@ThomasMcDonald Told you so.
ahh, this is the best bit:
> I actually think this woman is right. Look at the cast of characters and you can see it's the full spectrum of homosexual sub-culture.
I can hardly think of a worse time for Bell to perform emergency maintenance than 6 PM
> From Left to Right: Rubber-suit S&M Fetishist, Construction Worker from the Village People, Man with a Gimp Mask, a shaved-head Bear, Cowboy from the Village People, Anorexic Emo Clubber, Soldier from the Village People, Biker from the Village People, Role-Playing Doctor that Performs Prostate Checks in the 3rd Stall in a Gay Bar Bathroom
@Manaಠдಠ :/
Can we please not bicker in the Town Hall chat? :(
@Manaಠдಠ seriously everyone, be quiet :/
Of course not.
I don't think the new format of Town Hall will last particularly long
@ThomasMcDonald We should probably spam the town hall chat to drag it out, then
in Gaming Town Hall Chat, 42 secs ago, by Grace Note
(@Mana please use the reply arrows in the Town Hall Chat, I know about your left-to-right reading but it really helps for our format to have that direct link)
What is that referencing, or is that personal/private?
@CruelCow Mana doesn't hover over the right side so direct reply is two clicks instead of one
I don't even usually move the mouse when I type a reply.
How many of the running mods are already mods on other sites?
Click the down arrow - click reply to this message. He has a monitor as wide as he is, too, so that also... oh man, I can't make that joke because it's too mean.
@GnomeSliceツ I think 3?
If you go to the nomination page you could find out
@Wipqozn Who?
Or I could just ask you.
@Grace fppppfffft I can take people being mean to me for the sake of a joke.
@GnomeSliceツ Anna and Ivo
@GnomeSliceツ Anna Lear, Ivo, and... I can't think of any ohers. I'm certain there is a fourth though.
in Gaming Town Hall Chat - Questions for Candidates, 25 secs ago, by Thomas McDonald
How will you deal with GnomeSlice's appetite for tagging questions with quite frankly terrible tags?
@Wipqozn Matthew was a mod but he pulled out of the elections.
@GnomeSliceツ Banned
@KevinY okay, that's where I am thinking of.
@GraceNote Yeah, I do that as well, I just can't hover my mouse on the right of the screen
@DaveMcClelland A vote for @Arda/@Mana is a vote against @GnomeSlice.
@GnomeSliceツ You're all going to make terrible mods
in Gaming Town Hall Chat, 20 secs ago, by Mana ಠдಠ
@RebeccaChernoff I would take away questions. While they help to solve a problem (remembering the name of a game), it's a very localized problem (other people might take interest in finding out what game it is, but otherwise don't have the same issue) and so it doesn't really add much content to the site or attract new users.
Nothing a good userscript couldn't fix though, I'll probably add that to what I'm working on now
@mana +100
@DaveMcClelland Why do you think I didn't run?
@Wipqozn Sold.
I'm already a big enough burden to everyone as it is.
We don't need another @badp on our hands.
@GnomeSliceツ Valid point. But if you ran then you could be a burden to yourself!
@DaveMcClelland I actually make a good moderator
But I'm not good enough at SE. I still don't know how much of it works.
@ThomasMcDonald Is SO Live open-source/on Github or something?
in Gaming Town Hall Chat - Questions for Candidates, 56 secs ago, by GnomeSlice ツ
@Anna & @Ivo: You two are already moderators on other Stackexchange sites. How can you direct your full and utter attention to the Gaming community, while also doing so for those of your respective networks?
@ThomasMcDonald Well, you were planning on turning it into an extension, yes?
@ArdaXi I'm planning on integrating it with a series of scripts that will be an extension
Ah. That, is that open-source?
It will be
I was thinking of writing an extension to notify of new questions, but I figured it might suit better integrated into yours.
Using desktop notification?
Using Webkit notifications that is.
Yeah, that would fit pretty nicely into it
I'm rewriting the core code first though, I'm not really happy with the code I wrote to 'register' bits of functionality
Q: Can I sacrifice the old and weak, or is a graveyard necessary in Black and White?

aediaIn Black and White, I've always heard that graveyards are necessary so villagers don't waste too much time mourning the dead. Advice I've newly read suggests, however, that building a graveyard is a waste of time and the old, the dead, even children can be sacrificed with great benefit. I've al...

Q: OpenTTD: Can AIs manage elements of my company for me?

fbreretoI recently found an AI for OpenTTD that sets up feeder bus stops in cities and sends them to an airport. What I'd like to be able do is not compete against this AI, but rather have this AI manage cities for me for which I have an airport built. Is such a thing possible, or do AIs exist strictly a...

@ThomasMcDonald Tell me when there's a repository to fork. :)
Why is this called the Gaming 2011 community moderator election? As far as I can see there already was an election 2011: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1759/…
@CruelCow @Grace was hired by SE and therefore has ascended beyond the scope of our site with a chorus of music notes and @badp is going to be in school in the NL for 6 months
@mana You are hiding here.
@JasperLoy ACtually the town hall chat is going on now.
@FallenAngelEyes That's good reason for a new election, but it's still a bad naming convention.
Mana is running, so he's busy over there
@Wipqozn No wonder Grace is busy too.
> There is not a single controlled Minecraft environment. Every pedophile can start his own Minecraft server and start luring in hundreds of innocent children. He can first let them build for hours and hours and then threaten to destroy their work unless they do his bidding. The Minecraft term for using children as sex slaves is "griefing". There is no protection whatsoever against pornography inside Minecraft and there is no control over what the inside chat function is used for.
> Minecraft is web browser based, so every child who can surf the web, can get lured in by an online pedophile. Since every pedophile can start his own Minecraft server, pedophiles can also track down your children using their IP address!
@ThomasMcDonald "The Minecraft term for using children as sex slaves is "griefing"." Wut.
Is there an de-star?
Click it again
@John You can unstar anything you've already starred. Moderators can also clear stars.
@CruelCow @GraceNote Yeah sorry I meant more like a down-star. Like the opposite of starring. :P
@John You reply to them linking them this.
I just have to post that in reponse to @TomWijsman message
@ThomasMcDonald I have this wonderfully awesome totally relevant link for you!
@John It forgot my progress again. I was up to 30 minutes. ಠ_ಠ
Also, you're probably best off sending that to @GnomeSlice
Whoa just noticed that's a ten hour video...
@John We've been posting that fairly often the past few days
So I think I'm at the 1 hour mark
@Wipqozn I noticed. Just never looked at it. :P

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