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I think I should stop posting answers on SO. Too many clueless people voting and commenting
Databases with large numbers of tables usually have them because they're being programmatically created. That is, planning isn't particularly relevant; tables are being used as the object level of granularity for naturally relational, but atomic (with in the domain) things. I'm thinking of things like result sets for batch processes that may have different shapes, where efficient access to recent data is far more important than dumping many billions of rows into a single overly-wide table. — Barry Kelly 24 mins ago
Ummm... I was talking about planning overhead in queries, which the database does.
1 hour later…
Does Gordon go out of his way to format things terribly?
A: Create unique ID based on grouped UserId

Gordon LinoffHere is a method for getting the new value, assuming the userid is a string select (left(userid, 4)+right(100000 + row_number() over (partition by userid order by datefield), 4) ) You can also use this in an update statement, if you want to change the value...

@AaronBertrand yes. he's big into Excel (amazon.com/dp/0470099518/?tag=stackoverfl08-20)
1 hour later…
frickin' finally
swashheck, it is possible to get to 4096, but is really freakin' hard
I've seen a bot manage an 8192 before
@swasheck Well done! My wife still hasn't cracked it. Driving her nuts. Ha ha ha ha ha
@PaulWhite Driving her nuts - more so than living with you already did? ;)
It's a miracle she's not in a straitjacket
(also: Mike's going to be out here early May - what's your schedule like then?)
I'll be around. Amanda's off to England for a month early May.
2 hours later…
Is it just me that is having issues with syntax highlighting on dba?
It is the same color for string literals as there are for reserved keywords.
Here is the same code in SSMS
3 hours later…
@ChrisTravers I heard rumours about reaching 8192.
@ypercube it ought to be possible with a significant bit of luck
Yeah. With loads of luck, even 65536.
Theoretically, you could do 2^16 with loads of luck
or would it be 2^17 ?
you can get 2 or 4 as a random tile
yeah, true
I have gotten as high as 4096
have you played the 4D version?
that's 3x3x3
and 2048 4D game which is 2x2x2x2
Was I too harsh?
@BarryKelly, actually, anyone knowing anything about database performance (including anyone asking this question) will know what "planning overhead" is in this context. The improvements in the answer are solely useful for people approaching a question like this as a curiosity, lacking the background knowledge sufficient to make a working solution. — Chris Travers 2 mins ago
Do we need this question?
Q: What is the market share of the major Database Management Systems out there?

softwareninjaFrom what I've heard oracle is the most dominant but I have no idea what percentage of market share it or any of the other Database Management Systems.

@ypercube No. Clickety
@GrumpyPhil Oh my. Look at the edit. It's equally vague now, if not more.
1 hour later…
FYI the flaggers on DBA.SE are awesome
Flug the flagging flaggers :)
@JNK Can mods see how many flags a user has raised/been accepted?
@ypercube yeah I think so
You can see your own I think
Yes, I can see mine.
but yes I can see them
@ypercube yes, we can see other users' flags
Others' flag stats are exposed to as only when they suggest themselves for election.
we can see your whole flag history
@AaronBertrand those spam posts you just deleted, I would destroy the users
@JNK okey-done
Do you think the values in the running totals column is not exactly what you would expect them to be? — Mikael Eriksson 17 secs ago
@JNK are you the NSA?
@MikaelEriksson CHECKSUM(Amount)??
@Lamak :). I think that is funny.
This should not have 5 up-votes
A: Displaying the list of all tables in all database

Satheesh VariathYou can use the sp_MSforeachdb procedure to do this create table #tablist(db sysname, tab sysname); exec sp_msforeachdb ' use [?]; insert into #tablist select db_name(),name from sys.tables;' select * from #tablist drop table #tablist

@AaronBertrand There have been some changes to how they track spammers
so destroying the account weights some algorithm
Good to know, thanks. I've got a few mod newsletters in my "to read" folder
@AaronBertrand i wanna see
@Kermit you probably don't, pretty boring stuff on first glance
(Well, aside from the stuff specifically about you :-))
@AaronBertrand is there a section for banned members
i'm glad i have my own section
It actually is pretty boring
"Moderator announcements now come to your inbox!"
when you give an alias do you use AS or = or nothing?
@bluefeet @AaronBertrand will tell you to use 'Alias' = <something>
@bluefeet =
for me it depends on the use case
The community is divided, though.
Just like commas at the beginning or end
Like if it's an INSERT...SELECT I will likely use AS since in that case I think the definition is more important but the alias is a reference
ok thanks
I think the most important thing is to be consistent in that statement
@JNK see even there I still use alias = because (a) it's consistent with all of my other usage and (b) I still want to line up the destination columns and source columns - I am going to match on the alias more likely than the definition (especially if it is a complex expression, constant, etc)
Not trying to change your mind, of course, just pointing out that it is very much a preference
Nothing makes me more bonkers than seeing SELECT Cola = X, Y as 'Colb', 'Colc' = Z, Q 'Cold'
Oh and please don't use single quotes around alias names
That really drives me bonkers - it's deprecated and makes the alias look like a string literal
@AaronBertrand Funny how only SQL-Server and MySQL allow this
would this be an accurate way to get the size of the database?
Q: Select SQL Server database size

Adeel ASIFhow can i query my sql server to only get the size of database? I used this : use "MY_DB" exec sp_spaceused I got this : database_name database_size unallocated space My_DB 17899.13 MB 5309.39 MB It returns me several column that i don't need, maybe there is a trick to sele...

I think the answer sorting algorithm should be revisited. Right now if two answers have the same score (one +3 and the other +5/-2), they are considered "equal" and will sort randomly. I think the one with more down-votes should be sorted lower, even if it has the same overall score.
@AaronBertrand I agree with the algorithm been revisited. But I'm sure it will come to a discussion between: "why the one with more downvotes should be listed last?, it has more upvotes so it should be listed first"
Yeah probably true. I think those arguments though are fueled by the people who just don't want to see anything change, ever
You could think of the algorithm to sort answers being with "most rep obtained first" or something like that (which I don't necessarily agree with), just thinking what people that would prefer sorting by more upvotes would say
@AaronBertrand I agree with that
Perhaps it should be slightly different - same score answers should be listed first by those with 0 down-votes, then randomly among all of those with the same score but 1+ down-votes.
My problem is obviously like in this question where a bad answer was posted, and 5 people lemming up-voted it before anyone bothered pointing out how bad it is.
sounds good to me. But won't to meta
I would not use the PowerShell method myself, but given a choice between PowerShell and sp_msForeachdb, I guess I would choose PowerShell.
It's sad that meta is so predictable that I don't even want to entertain the idea there.
@AaronBertrand Problem solved. 5-3 now.
@ypercube ta
powershell / smo is hella useful though
During our replication debacle last week I was able to do a quick and dirty script to compare every index on our old database to our new database to make sure we had them all (which we didn't)
The DBA™ had a 6000 line script he was reading through to do the same thing
@JNK I would use SQL Compare for that - 0 lines of code for me to write
we used SQL compare
or The DBA™ did
I was just brought in as cleanup at the end
Well if he didn't do it right, shrug he probably wouldn't do PowerShell right either.
other issue he had with SQL Compare was it was showing stuff like constraints we had turned off the in secondary
no he wouldn't
I'm not saying PowerShell isn't useful. Just wouldn't be my go-to.
It's one of those things that's easy to use for a lot if you are comfortable in it but I know what you mean
I grew up using T-SQL and DDL to solve most problems in SQL Server. PowerShell is re-learning, and in most cases it isn't any more efficient to write or execute even when you are comfortable in the language. I think a lot of problems are solved using PowerShell to prove it can be done, rather than because it's better than methods that existed before PowerShell came along.
The biggest benefit I have experienced regarding PS in SQL is being able to operate on multiple servers and simplifying interaction between the database and file system
being able to use .NET libraries is nice too
Yes, for file system stuff, sure. For operating on multiple servers, I used to use tools like SQLFarms Combine for that (I think this was bought by CA and no longer exists). Multi-script from Red Gate does the same. My pain points with PowerShell in this regard is that loading the modules can be tedious and not all properties / features are covered. So in cases where I have to tell PowerShell to execute some T-SQL or DDL, I feel like I'm shoving my head up my ass to find my face
Ultimately almost everything PowerShell is going to do to my SQL Server is something I could have told it directly. There are a few exceptions of course, but I find that most PowerShell advocates want to change everything to use PowerShell, whether it makes sense or not.
It is not always the best tool in the toolbox.
Looks like @MikeFal's PowahShell sense was tingling.
@AaronBertrand As I powershell advocate, I agree it's not the best tool in the toolbox. No, just call it serendipitous timing. :)
The thing is, Powershell gives you a tool outside of SQL server to manage SQL server. I usually find that it's best used when having to manipulate the filesystem in conjunction with SQL Server, since SQL Server sucks at interacting with the filesystem.
Cleaning up old backups, for example. I'd much rather do that in powershell as it is cleaner and more consistent. The tools for SQL Server to do that directly usually break or create security holes.
Oh snap I forgot all about this question and it earned me some sort of badge last night.
Q: ISO Week vs SQL Server Week

ZaneOkay so I have a report that does a this week vs last week comparison and our customer noticed that their data was "funky". Upon further investigation we found it was not doing weeks correctly according to the ISO standards. I ran this script as a test case. SET DATEFIRST 1 SELECT DATEPART(WEEK,...

@MikeFal same
Or for testing stuff, like that lucene jibba jabba I was doing this week
which BTW I loaded 1million rows of a long comments field in and it works just as fast as it did against 7k rows of names
Load and retrieval?
the load took a bit
but it's stored in the file system
the retrieval was instantaneous
I had it populating an autocomplete box of like 100 items and it happens as fast as I can type
Wow, nice
That's webscale for ya' ;)
or something
I'm not planning to use it for data STORAGE but it's nice for stuff like that
from what I have read Lucene has issues scaling out which is when people use like Elasticsearch
@Zane you have a talent for finding those
@JNK useless questions?
@Zane confused ones
@JNK Oh yeah.
Q: Recursive SQL UDF for removing non-alpha-numeric characters

discosammySo I'm trying to create my first recursive udf (using MS SQL) to strip anything that's not letters and numbers from a string. This was inspired by this post (Replace with wildcard, in SQL) CREATE FUNCTION uf_RemoveNonAlphaNumericChar( @p_CharIndex int, @p_V...

How about that guy?
@AaronBertrand would probably like that question.
@MikaelEriksson or whoever is aware: Is there a difference between (./text())[1], as in this answer, and .[1]? I know that particular query works equally well with .[1], I just don't know if the two expressions are completely interchangeable.
@Zane ugh
This kind of question is much less boring
Q: GETDATE() uniqueness when used on INSERT

PaulRecently I was reading this blog post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlazure/archive/2010/05/05/10007304.aspx which contains this section: Picking a Clustered Index There are a couple of strategies for picking your clustered indexes; one of the easiest and best is to add another column o...

@AaronBertrand I was all ready to write an answer from my experience at wand where they were trying to do just that and it bit us in the ass because the precision wasn't enough. Then I saw your answer and decided I'd go lay by my dish.
Do you mean relying on the uniquifier bit you in the ass, or not using the uniquifier? What was the specific issue?
Were you trying to identify individual rows by timestamp alone?
Using just the GETDATE() for uniqueness.
Hopefully they are not trying to identify a single row based on time - they seem to acknowledge that the same value will be "okay" because of the uniquifier.
@Zane but it's not necessarily unique
it's just that a clustered index will use an uniquier when that happens
Essentially digital menu boards would call home and tag a timestamp I don't remember the exact structure but they were getting rounded up/down to be the same time and was causing them some grief.
It was then I explained they needed to go by company/store/menuboard/callhometime to accurately track
Forgive me if I'm missing some details this was 2 years ago by now. Also that database system has so many flaws it's hard to really recall all the fires I put out.
I've seen people write C# apps that say INSERT ... SELECT GETDATE() and then try to find that row by saying SELECT ... WHERE col = GETDATE() facepalm
@AaronBertrand hahaha
amazing ...
@AaronBertrand Did you say "You don't really know what you're doing do you? You're just playing around with your hands aren't ya?"
@AndriyM Yes, there is a difference. If you have an account on SQLServerCentral you can have a go at this QOTD. sqlservercentral.com/questions/XML/106182
When you specify the text() node that is what you get. If you just specify a node like . you will get all text values from that node and that nodes children. Mixed content XML like that is rare but SQL Server has to take care of that when querying for a value and the query plan is more complicated if you only specify a node instead of the text() node. So it can be different in result and it can be different in performance.
declare @XML xml = '

select @XML.value('root[1]', 'varchar(20)')
Result: 198716541321
select @XML.value('(root/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)')
Result: NULL
And check out the difference in query plan for these two...
select @XML.value('(root/item/text())[1]', 'int')
select @XML.value('(root/item)[1]', 'int')
Does anyone think it would be of any value to build a presentation on common problems found on SO? Probably not right? People who do this sort of shit aren't really going to user group meetings.
I think this is as much XML The Heap can handle for one day.
@Zane that's basically what my bad habits presentation is based on
Almost every slide I say "I see people on SO doing this..."
For a while the trend was old join syntax. The current trend of questions I keep seeing is I want to format my dates like X when I insert them.
Heaps of questions where the answer is keep it in the presentation layer.
Q: Three Node Cluster that Allows For Two Failures

Eric EngerWe are creating a three node "active/active/active" cluster with SQL 2008 R2 (not cutting edge, but that is what the application supports) and think it should be able to maintain quorum with two physical nodes down. What is the best way to configure this? My manager has been pushing for a witne...

@MikaelEriksson Ah, I understand now, thank you very much!
It appears he was a little Overactive in his question..... okay I'll leave.
Q: Inserting a 30 million row table from a linked server

Geoff DawdyI have a large table that needs to be updated on a nightly basis from a linked server. Initially I had simply truncated the table and inserted all of the records but this was taking too long. I'm now using a merge statement to copy over only the records that need updating. However this appears...

SSIS candidate methinks.
Whistleblower says UNC put athletes in classes that never met and required only one final paper. This one got an A-. http://t.co/HShyr6ivGm
@Kermit The entire college system is messed up beyond belief. The states give more tax money to the schools every year. They rake in tons of money from athletics and donations. They don't pay adjunct professors anything and tuition is a cost rising higher than any other industry price(including healthcare) in the country. Where does all this money go?
@Zane this country is broke
@Kermit Not going down that road. However I'm curious if anyone's read any sort of report or news story explaining how this is possible.
Yep, that sounds simple and easy to maintain
Well, we have one root SP that then calls 3 primary processing sub-SPs. The 3 sub-SPs all do similar things so those similar functions are broken out in to sub-sub-SPs. Combining everything back in to 1 SP would result in a nightmarishly huge SP that would be impossible to work with. I will try out what you've suggested, thanks! — Caynadian 4 mins ago
@Kermit as a graduate of the UNC system I can totally believe this
A: Inserting a 30 million row table from a linked server

Aaron BertrandMERGE doesn't seem to be what you want here. You're only inserting new rows with a CREATION_DATE from the past 24 hours, right? SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @Yesterday DATE = DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()); INSERT dbo.ANNOUNCEMENTS(column list) SELECT column list FROM [LINKEDSERVER].[DATABASE].[dbo]...

I love this:
> backing up is not an option
Because you're not taking backups already?
I may be wrong on this but if he's doing a high volume of inserts wouldn't SSIS/lookup on key/bulk insert be faster?
@billinkc That's pretty great.
@Zane maybe, my reading is that the table is 30 million rows, not the insert
I'm asking him the insert volume now.
I'm tempted to build him a tutorial but all those screenshots take time. I can't beleive I don't have one on the ready...
Worth testing maybe - given the same table structure, at what point does SSIS outperform a straight insert? My guess would be pretty high.
+ dev time, maybe SSIS isn't installed, etc
It depends on how he's set up too. Sometimes that look-up can be killed by network settings.
You may or may not be amazed how many customer systems I come across where SSIS is simply not available anywhere (bare bones installs).
@billinkc I'm gonna have to buy that
Yeah I suppose my experience is a lot different. People don't usually hire an SSIS developer if they aren't set up for that. :)
@Zane logical
On the sites, though, they're not asking SSIS developers for help. :-)
Well, at least not directly / explicitly.
So I tend to err on the side of "no SSIS expertise in-house; SSIS not even installed"
OP said he was going to work on an SSIS package so I assume he has it. However since his first solution was a linked server merge I fell he may not come up with a very effective package.
The big problem here is it seems he is comparing 30MM rows to 30MM rows (no filters on either side)
Filtering at the source for only the past 24 hours will likely have a dramatic impact, even if he keeps the merge.
Yup. My assumption is the package he makes will be two OLESources that select all 30MM on both sides. Use SSIS MERGE and the conditional split when not found.
he may wanna consider putting the logic on the source machine too
make a TVF or something that he can call
@AaronBertrand I'll have to test that out once I can finally get my server built.
I'm sure there are plenty of ways to further optimize. But a filter on the source will have the most dramatic impact IMHO.
Most definitely. That's pretty sizeable chunk to try to compare for change.
Ugh I feel absolutely miserable.
@Zane have a vodka tonic
@Zane still sick?
@bluefeet I don't know I just feel tired and miserable. My insomnia probably has too many stacks at the moment.
I think it's more and more likely that this kid hasn't a clue as to what he's doing.
I have other tables with the same problem but don't have an updated date field. It seems like I cannot apply the answer to these columns: [STUDENT_ID] ,[SECTION_ID] ,[STUSEC_START_DATE] ,[STUSEC_END_DATE] ,[TERM_CODE] ,[ROOM_NUMBER] ,[BEGIN_PERIOD] ,[END_PERIOD] ,[SCHEDULE_NAME] ,[SCHOOL_NUMBER] ,[SCHOOL_NAME] ,[SASI_COURSE_CODE] ,[COURSE_TITLE] ,[CREDIT_HOURS] ,[INSTRUCT_LANGUAGE_CODE] ,[INSTRUCT_TYPE_CODE] ,[TEACHER_NAME] ,[TERM_CODE_SORT] ,[DPSID] ,[SCHOOL_YEAR] ,[SCHEDULE_STRUCTURE] ,[SECTION_NUMBER] — Geoff Dawdy 4 mins ago
@Zane Kid, age 36.
@ypercube I didn't do my research on him.
@ypercube technical experience wise he appears fairly immature
Q: MSSQL JOIN the two tables below using WHERE

compcobaltHow can I JOIN the two tables below using WHERE ? I tried the following but I don't think that I'm doing it correctly: $query = mssql_query('SELECT T_EQ.[ID],T_ASSIGNED.[ID] FROM [TestTABLE].[dbo].[T_ASSIGNED] WHERE [T_ASSIGNED].[A_T_N]="' . $contact_lastname .'" JOIN T_EQ ON T_ASSIGNED.[ID] = ...

If SO has taught me anything it's that all PHP websites are vulnerable to SQL Injection.
and created by people who wouldn't know a JOIN if it bit them in the ass
I just hit an interview candidate in the face with the RTO/RPO question
@Zane PS did you listen to my RunAs Radio interview yesterday? Or just a coincidence?
@AaronBertrand No but I will now.
@Zane wasn't a shameless plug, just that Richard and I talked specifically about the storing dates as strings issue.
@AaronBertrand Correction wasn't an entirely shameless plug :)
The date thing comes from some knob who seemed to think he needed to have a date in SSIS in a certain format.
Holy geez you did this before Intersection.
@MikeFal You're doing interview at the new gig already?
@Zane Well, I am the only DBA on site, it's a little more convenient to ferret out tech stuff before running him up to the next level.
Otherwise, they'd have to schedule someone from NZ and that gets tricky
Q: Why am I getting inconsistent case statement result based on whether value from rand function is stored in variable

Dan RobertsI am writing a loop to build up and insert random strings with 5 characters. In testing which approach is fasted for building up these string I have run into inconsistent results that hopefully someone can explain to me. The three approaches I am comparing are setting up a table variable with al...

@MikeFal Makes sense.
@Zane VTC dupe
Q: How does this CASE expression reach the ELSE clause?

PaulStockI need to load some test data into the Channel field on my Account table. The Channel can be one of 10 different values, so I thought I'd randomly assign the Channel one of the values using a CASE expression along with ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId())) % 10 like so: SELECT id, name, Channel =...

@MikeFal Did he sink or swim?
@Zane For a mid level? He kept his head above water, but I wouldn't ask him to swim the English Channel.
Well enough to be a viable candidate?
The only thing he could tell me about clustered indexes was you can only have 1 and it's usually the PK. When I asked what the diff types of replication there were, he told me "synchronous and asynchronous"
Also what was the exact question?
@MikeFal I would have stumbled on the replication question - I'd never had to work with it before
Replication is stupid anyway
When I asked him if he could tell me what his favorite new feature in SQL 2012 was, he couldn't think of one.
My last phone interview I ended up rambling on for like 15 minutes about clustered indexes.
@MikeFal lead/lag
@MikeFal That's not fair I've been asking you guys that for about 3 weeks and haven't got an answer.
Yeah, I'm not a fan. I've not done to much, but they use it here and so I expect at least to be able to say snapshot or transactional.
@Zane SQL On Server Core
@AaronBertrand ??
Rather than replication, I would rather do these things, in no certain order:

log shipping
poke my eyes out
@MikeFal that was possible before, just wasn't officially supported
@AaronBertrand I have very limited experience with replication. Wand used it connect to connect to their client sites. It seemed to work okay. Unless the distribution server crapped out.
@AaronBertrand lol
@Zane yeah riding a bike to work works okay too until you get a flat tire or creamed by a bus
@AaronBertrand Picky picky. :)
Well I am the pedantic beaker
Yeah, I have yet to find out how and why they use replication here. I just know it's there.
@AaronBertrand how about bi-directional replication?
But it's always struck me as overcomplicated.
@bluefeet no thank you, that just seems like a nightmare to me
@AaronBertrand we are currently trying to remove it
@MikeFal Oh ho ho. This is going to be fun. :)
They used it to pull transactions from the client to the home server and push DDL changes down to the client.
@SimonRigharts When is it not fun? :D
Q: How to SELECT DISTINCT on 1 key column when querying multiple columns

user3100444I am working in SQL Server 2008 R2. I have a table in which 1 "record" is actually several records due to one of its fields having different values. This table has a lot of fields itself. All of the fields for a given "record" will have the same value, except for the one field that has various...

@AaronBertrand record field field field record.
Please don't, my brain will explode
lol that question has more fields than Iowa. Ba Dum Tish.
column row row column
I'll be here all night folks.
@Zane Fortunately, the rest of us won't.
try the veal
Q: SQLserver query result output to Hive without worrying about columns names

B.Mr.W.I have a pretty complex SQL server query to return a report. I want to move the result table to Hive. I know that SQOOP has free-form query function built in. However, it clearly says that "The facility of using free-form query in the current version of Sqoop is limited to simple queries...

Remember that time today when someone asked a bad question on SO. Man that was a hoot.
@MikeFal Oh my...
I'm unsure how I feel about this
It's Michael Bay, which means "suck" about 80% of the time.
What happened to the puppet suits. That first movie looks great to this day because they did such a great job on those suits.
This may just be because it's the American trailer but it looks like it takes it self super seriously.
@MikeFal I think it means SUCK!!!
because nothing is subtle
Ninja Turtles is supposed to be fun.
I want a Usagi Yojimbo movie
@MikeFal Never read that before. However, since it hasn't already been a movie or tv show it's unlikely to become a movie.
Oh, you should read UY. It's pretty damn awesome.
Ugh. Why do people still choose compact edition?
I'm using SQL Server Compact Edition which doesn't support triggers. — Breems 6 mins ago
@MikeFal A name that is an acronym for words overblown and generic.
@Zane Psh....
I was referring the Michael Bay not to you.
You and your overblown powershell scripts :)
Remove-Item @zane
Oh look it worked.
get-content 'The Heap' | ? {$_.GetType() -eq 'user' -and $_.Name -ne 'Zane'} | %{$_.MakeRoomOwner()}
I told my web devs to stop using inline sql in their pages today and they said OK, which was surprising
Not been on a killing spree for ages. Gathers weapons
I feel so dirty
TRY_CONVERT(datetimeoffset(0), CONCAT(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(T2.POSTPONED_TIMESTAMP, 9, 0, 'T'), 12, 0, ':'), 15, 0, ':'), 18, 0, '.'), 7, 0, '-'), 5, 0, '-'), RIGHT(SYSDATETIMEOFFSET(), 6))) AS [PostponedDateTime]
Oh gross
Source system provides date time as ye big string in local timezone and I get to deal with internationalness
And yes, I have a big disclaimer in the code stating since we don't know have a DST thing, it's going to be wrong twice a year
It's going to be incredibly weird to do a road trip without smoking.
Makes TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP seem sane
If I start saying "zed", I hold @SimonRigharts responsible.
zed is dead, baby

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