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@Unionhawk I ... don't even know what you're trying to say now.
Anyways, FF X has been paused for the last hour and change while I got my thoughts in order! Back to game!
Okay, I gots 4 hours before the deadline.
Well, <4 hours.
Q: Steam keeps making me appear offline in my Friends list

FrankSteam seems to be doing something rather strange. I am always online. I have no issues launching, updating, or playing any game. Every so often, though, it seems to kick me into Appear Offline on my Friends list, though. I don't ever tell it to do that; it just does it automatically. I usual...

okay, I'm good now I think
@FEichinger is SO MEAB
Don't blame me.
Feb 16 at 5:28, by Unionhawk
I assign blame arbitrarily and/or at random
Mar 18 at 13:09, by Unionhawk
While I'm blaming people, I blame @FEichinger
27 secs ago, by Unionhawk
8 mins ago, by Unionhawk
@GnomeSlice O_o why did you ping me with this?
@spugsley "so many caps"
@GnomeSlice oh lol ok
@spugsley tell @FEichinger how meab he is
@FEichinger @Unionhawk says you are meab but I still <3 you :3
<insert @spugsley / @FEichinger OTP quote>
> Sex Epic
@Uni No.
@spugsley >.>
@GnomeSlice It's a four hour long movie which is basically nothing but a long string of sex scenes.
@FEichinger That's just what you think
Basically, Lars Von Trier being Lars Von Trier.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...why?
39 secs ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
Basically, Lars Von Trier being Lars Von Trier.
Oh is that the one where Shia Labeouf said he was going to bang his girlfriend on camera?
On a scale from 1 to holy shit don't let this guy have any caffeine ever, how obviously off-my-meds am I right now?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Cue @GnomeSlice rushing to the closest torrent site.
@GnomeSlice Yes. That's the one.
@Unionhawk 743256
@Unionhawk Yes.
Lars von Trier (; born Lars Trier; 30 April 1956) is a Danish film director and screenwriter. He is closely associated with the Dogme 95 collective – an avant-garde filmmaking movement – although his own films have taken a variety of approaches. His work has frequently divided critical opinion. Von Trier began making films at age eleven. Von Trier suffers periodically from depression, as well as various fears and phobias, including an intense fear of flying. As he quipped in an interview, "basically, I'm afraid of everything in life, except filmmaking." His first publicly released film w...
@FEichinger Wow that one was fast
What? I was cornered. I couldn't keep you on ignore or it'd validate creepy @spugsley.
highfive @spugsley
@Unionhawk YEAH!
@spugsley / @Uni best at annoying/creeping out @FEichinger
@Unionhawk BEST TEAM!
@Unionhawk Did you do it?
@Uni: Like 4, @FEi: Like, still a lot.
@OrigamiRobot I did.
Current bracket status: 6/16, pending the result of the AZ Gonzaga game sportssports
@Unionhawk I think I might have more points than @FEi
@spugsley Probably
Who's keeping score anyway?
Have any of you played 0.A.D?
@Unionhawk you, apparently
I only know my score is low
I savor those victories, since they don't happen often
(shut your face @FEi I don't want to hear it)
If you hadn't pinged me, I wouldn't have said a thing.
Well I did ping you
And stop calling them "victories". They're not "victories" if you inevitably lose within a few minutes anyway.
And told you to shut your face hole
Now, now, that's not nice.
Victories at what?
@OrigamiRobot Iunno
Annoying @feichinge you say? I think we all win that contest.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRob Indeed
You can't "annoy" me, since I'm perpetually annoyed.
@Unionhawk Just so you know, @feichinge loves court based reality tv.
I highly doubt that you are not annoyed by @spugsley
@FEichinger That's why we all win. The collective population of Earth.
@OrigamiRobot That doesn't count. You don't contribute anything!
@FEichinger Challenge accepted.
Bring it.
That's the best I've got
Just, one ping
@FEichinger No ignoring?
@OrigamiRobot Sure. Fair's fair.
Whew. Someone finally took me up on my offer for RoS. Thought I'd have to upgrade to the Collector's Edition or something.
Hmm... anybody relatively good at legalese?
@Yuki MtG comp rules count?
@OrigamiRobot I guess? I just want to figure out whether I can submit both of my auditions at once or if I have to pick one.
So, do you figure it'll be another 20 years before we no longer have old people embarrassing themselves like this:
my grandma got facebook and thinks lol means lots of love http://t.co/65CSQ4A6z4
@LessPop_MoreFizz In that particular way, perhaps, but they will find new ways
@AshleyNunn Well of course.
I'm just hoping that this particular embarrassment will go away sooner than later.
Because... oh god it feels so wrong that I am laughing at it. :(
@Unionhawk D: no, he loves me
He shows his love in grumpiness
Don't worry
@GnomeSlice I think that looks terrible
@spugsley I think I hate you. =[
The knight guy has a funny walk animation though
> Yes, Chaos comes with almost all MOBA
Yeh, NO
@GnomeSlice plus I hate MOBAs
@Unionhawk I think you accidentally some of the sentence.
I stopped reading at "MOBA"
Because I stopped caring
I don't think it's actually a MOBA
I think they're just trying to sell it to people who like MOBAs
It def doesn't look like a MOBA
I don't like people who like mobas, as a general not really true at all rule
I like Airmech okay
not really interested in any other ones though
I've never really understood MOBAs
like as a concept
@Unionhawk thats why you like me so much cause I hate them :D
Speaking of MOBAs, the early feedback from the Heroes of the Storm beta is coming in.
"MOBA" is a stupid term. "Multiplayer online battle arena"
TF2 is a MOBA
Halo is a MOBA
@AshleyNunn It's like multiplayer deathmatch on FPSs with RPG elements.
@Yuki eeeeew. So much things I don't like.
Everything's better with RPG elements!
I have fun with MOBAs, but that's mostly because I play with friends only.
Mario Kart is a MOBA
@Yuki That's the thing
@GnomeSlice Is it a roguelike MOBA?
It's such a dumb phrase.
"Multiplayer online battle arena"
@GnomeSlice I only like Mario Kart because I play it with my family and we throw things at each other and swear and it is great
So, like every FPS ever, for starters.
@Unionhawk Interestingly, a "roguelike MOBA" would actually be a novel concept.
@GnomeSlice It's hard to nail down a descriptive name that would fit.
@FEichinger Yeah, kind of
@FEichinger I agree with you.
And keep it distinct from other genres.
@Yuki But "dota-like" totally describes it!
@FEichinger Yes, it would be novel.
But yeah, it's a stupid name.
It basically means a dota-like
@FEichinger Totally.
It's the worst name.
yes, I agree
@OrigamiRobot You're just replying to everything I say so you can ping me every time, aren't you?
@FEichinger Sure, but that means free advertising for whoever owns the Dota franchise.
Which, at this point, is Valve.
Okay, so it's a LoL-like
Chaos is an heroic fantasy RPG that immerses you in an epic war for survival of Silmerie and Gods themselves.

Alone or with teamates, you will fight dread creatures to the depths of many dungeons, and then defeat the Avatar, a monstrous being, born from the power of Chaos.
CC @spugsley
@FEichinger I can see where you'd think that, but no.
So yeah, calling it a MOBA is full of shit
@Yuki To be fair, the "dota franchise" wasn't even really a thing until Dota 2.
So, the people at LoL and Blizzard don't like that.
@OrigamiRobot I don't believe you.
@FEichinger Well, he said he could see where you'd think that
@FEichinger It really wasn't.
Would "real-time role-playing strategy" be a better genre name?
CC @BenBrocka
@OrigamiRobot cc @FEichinger
@Yuki It's not really "role-playing", though.
Red Goddess looks amazing.
@FEichinger Not at all roleplaying.
@FEichinger It kind of is
@Unionhawk You do realize we don't have a "no-ignore" deal, right?
Well that's just meab
I'm just warning you ahead of time.
@FEichinger The important thing is to distinguish it from other competitive multiplayer games, which at this point would be first-person shooters and real-time strategy.
@FEichinger He really should have thought of that.
@OrigamiRobot I should have
@FEichinger A fair warning, indeed.
And Dota-likes/MOBAs are way more role-playing than those two genres.
@OrigamiRobot And I hope you realize you have to step up your game. It's no fun if I figure out what you're doing so easily.
@FEichinger It's really not
MOBA is a dumb name if read literally, sure, but then, so is RPG in the context of video games; the point is that people using the term know what it means, and more importantly, it is very clearly and specifically and explicitly definable.
Getting all worked up about trying to back-define the words and say "Well that could describe [other thing]" is just wasting your time and being a pedant for no other reason than to make people not like you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is a perfectly cromulent attitude.
@FEichinger I don't think I could do anything that you couldn't figure out.
@FEichinger It really is I agree
@OrigamiRobot That's either self-degradation, or a compliment. Either way, thank you!
@FEichinger You deserve nothing less.
Why does Swipecart look so fun?
Basically, don't do it if you don't want to be like the 4th grader trying to do observational stand up comedy asking why we park our car in the driveway and drive our cars on the parkway.
Q: Why can't I purchase more of the same weapon?

Clockwork-MuseSo I bought Fable: The Lost Chapters on Steam during the year-end sale. However, I can't seem to purchase multiple of the same type of weapon - for weapons I've already purchased, the entry on the vendor list is grayed out. The vendors do have sufficient inventory for me to buy the item. I'm...

Wow, that was delayed in being spit out by a long time. I blame mobile chat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is something you may be interested in: flarerpg.org
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think MOBA tends to be more accurate than RPG most of the time in that sense.
@OrigamiRobot Why isn't Megaman an RPG? I AM PLAYING THE ROLE OF MEGA MAN.
(That's the game) ^
@LessPop_MoreFizz Right.
@LessPop_MoreFizz quests and stuff
Game genre titles are ambiguous either way, so we might as well call it Flurghlewhump. Just as valid.
@FEichinger Quite ambiguous.
@FEichinger No, not nearly as valid. Game genres at least say something. That says literally nothing
@Unionhawk Except "RPG" doesn't tell me jack shit.
@FEichinger Sure, you can do that. But if people don't understand what you mean then no, no you can't.
@FEichinger I disagree
@FEichinger RPG tells me lots of things, because I have some 30 years of games that are widely agreed upon are "RPG's" to look at and develop an understanding based on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was more of a "if we really wanted to disambiguate, we should just use pointless concatenations of random characters."
@Unionhawk Why isn't Call of Duty an RPG? You're playing the role of a soldier.
Stupid names have a habit of becoming commonly used to mean something they shouldn't.
@OrigamiRobot Because that's just dumb
So just use RPG and MOBA I guess
Could you play a tabletop shooter?
@Unionhawk What part of the acronym doesn't fit?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree with you that we should just stick with "MOBA" because it works. This whole "it's ambiguous" stuff is pointless, because existing genres are also ambiguous, so might as well come up with something completely nonsensical and say "to hell with it all".
good jokes
That said, what part of MOBA doesn't fit for CoD?
@GnomeSlice 0.1.8? Strike one. Action RPG? Strike two. I can't tell for sure from looking, and two strikes doesn't make me want to look very hard, but it looks like it is procedurally generated? Because if so, that's strike three.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't think it is.
also fine
You never like anything I show you
@GnomeSlice Either way, Strike one is enough for me to say STOP SUGGESTING UNFINISHED SHIT TO ME. Especially unfinished shit that is unlikely to ever be finished.
@LessPop_MoreFizz UGH
it's open source what do you expect
(Incidentally, this is why I tend to ignore most indie games. Because I like to play things that are finished. And lots of indie devs have an unfortunate tendency, for admittedly very good reasons, to never finish things.)
Audition sent!
@GnomeSlice I expect a game I will never be interested in playing.
@Yuki :D
@GnomeSlice You really need to work on your salesmanship.
"Here, look, I think you might like that!" "No, I don't, and here's why." "Well, what did you expect?"
@FEichinger You unignored @GnomeSlice?
@Unionhawk He reads the transcript so he can mock me
@GnomeSlice How rude
Which is pretty rude
I guess
@GnomeSlice That was pretty fair criticism though.
urmom is rude.
Actually, I don't read the transcript. I use the reply link helper userscript, cause that gives me context for reply links.
@FEichinger Oh
@FEichinger Well then
@LessPop_MoreFizz One of these days I will show you something you will enjoy.
But for the record, I'm not trying to mock you - I'm telling you why you're still not off the list even though you're improving slowly, and I'm telling you how to change that.
@FEichinger If you ignored me because you think I'm stupid then I don't really want to talk to you anyway.
@FEichinger He can improve on that by being @Uni! Then his ignore sentences would be automatically reduced
@Unionhawk Not really, no.
@FEichinger Yes really
@GnomeSlice A good position to have, really.
@FEichinger is just the meabest like that :(
well that was an awkward typo
See, now I'm reading the transcript. No, I haven't ignored you because I think you're stupid. I have ignored you because you keep spamming links to games and bundles with no real reason why, and because I'd rather not have T'n'A on my screen while I'm not in my flat. While the latter is getting better, the former is just slightly less annoying than Alex spamming random pictures and videos - especially when we tell you to rethink what you're doing.
The fact that I'm yet again explaining to you that you're really bad at selling things is kinda the thing I'm talking about: We've been over this stuff so many times.
Don't talk to me then
@FEichinger Copy/paste this for me as well.
@OrigamiRobot You blocked me on Steam too, I think you have other issues with me.
If I have you ignored here, why would I want you to talk to me on Steam?
@OrigamiRobot I unfriended you anyway, since there's no point if I can't interact with you.
You obviously don't want to talk to me
You know I thought we were friends
whoa, this "iWood" (with included stylus) is selling for less than a Macbook; impressive ;)
fully reprogrammable keyboard O_O
Shit, I hit the follow limit on twitter
@ori new meabest user takes @fei's crown
@GnomeSlice It would be higher if you had more followers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not interesting enough for that.
@GnomeSlice get rid of more porn stars?
@spugsley I got rid of a bunch
@GnomeSlice Be more interesting.
I'm following way too many game developers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is there like a switch you can flip for that
(Funnily enough, this is advice that would solve lots of problems!)
@Unionhawk ?
@LessPop_MoreFizz This book sounds awful
@GnomeSlice You could not be more wrong.
The title is cheesy, but the advice is basically timeless.
* Three fundamental techniques in handling people

* The six ways to make people like you

* The twelve ways to win people to you way of thinking

* The nine ways to change people without arousing resentment
@GnomeSlice Hey, some people like their multiples of three.
He could be me. I'm pretty sure I'm more wrong according to @fei >:(
@Unionhawk No, you're just wrong. You know, the opposite of ¬wrong.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Buy me it then
@GnomeSlice I'm fairly certain one of the six ways to make people like you isn't "ask them to buy things for you".
@Yuki I haven't read the book, nerd
@GnomeSlice How does one read a "book nerd"?
@Yuki I forgot a comma
Q: Is it possible to have voice chat on the PS3 go through both the headset AND the TV?

LOL. NO.I'm really curious about this. I'm thinking about going back to livestreaming via my Elgato. However, the thing that's been putting me off for the PS3 side, at least, is not being able to have my voice chat go through both the TV AND headset at the same time. I've been playing more and more TLOU ...

@Yuki Well, I would presume the first step would be to disembowel them in as clean and organized a manner as possible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have you ever played Dungeon Master?
Then you remove the entrails in an orderly fashion, and I guess you start from the top and work your way down? I've never really looked into all of this occult stuff.
@gno you said that already
@Unionhawk No I haven't.
Oh, my internet died and it double posted.
You are excused
On the grounds of shit internets
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, you'd likely want to break it down, that's a lot of meat in one sitting.
@AshleyNunn we're reading them, not eating them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz dungeonkings-game.com
Coming in May for iThingy
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I saw. I'm super picky about dungeon crawls, but I'm hopeful. I just want an Eye of the Beholder reissue. :(
so this lady
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have you tried Coldfire Keep?
It looks pretty good.
Also Dungeon Kings looks like Grimrock: the mobile experience.
Which is good.
@GnomeSlice I haven't, but I have it watch listed for a sale
@LessPop_MoreFizz How do you know about all the things that I know about that you are already interested in.
@GnomeSlice well when it comes to mobile stuff: I do read touch arcade.
Well, I don't.
It's iOS specific, so I'd be surprised if you did.
I do most of my mobile gaming on iOS
I have like 30 GB of apps on my iPod touch
I just never have any iTunes credit
Also, it helps that it seems like you don't have all that firm of a grip on what I'm actually interested in, so when you do manage a hit, it tends to be something less obscure.
@spugs oh wow
@spugsley I like it
@LessPop_MoreFizz What does the 'watch app' feature on TouchArcade do?
I don't have an account, but if it's cool maybe I will make one.
I track tons of shit on indiedb
like way too much
@GnomeSlice tells you whenever the app is updated, has a price change, or is mentioned in an article on touch arcade.
if I refresh like once a minute I get new updates
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, that's pretty cool.
I'll probably sign up for that shit
@LessPop_MoreFizz You should try Codename Cygnus, you don't have to use the microphone.
@spugsley now I'm lost in this side of the internet (again)
@Ktash you're welcome
my head is bleeding
@spugsley I was going to go to bed, you know...
and dream sweet thoughts of you and miss duff
@Ktash Your first mistake was coming here.
@GnomeSlice You should probably get that looked at.
@FEichinger all I was trying to do was close the tab
Or at least try to staunch the flow with a paper towel or something.
@Ktash Still no need to open the tab!
Do you guys think I'm weird
@GnomeSlice I think we're all weird
so yes
@FEichinger So you think
@Ktash I know!
@GnomeSlice Yes, but I don't think that's a bad thing, which you seem to want to assume it is.
@Ktash ;)
@Yuki it stopped
My ice cream melted from the bottom up and it was weird poking my spoon in because the whole thing was weird and heaving like quicksand
@spugsley :P
PSA: You should never feel bad about liking a videogame http://dtoid.it/1kWk7sF
I need to go to bed, what the fuck
I'm going to bed now. G'night all
CC @LessPop_MoreFizz
@GnomeSlice So much no.
@GnomeSlice eeeergh, that makes me feel icky.

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