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@kalina Fine, you win, you're right and perfect and vomit ... Sheesh.
I responded to what you were going to say before you said it. I'm practically the smartest person alive.
@Garan pronounce it.
@Sterno merely typed out lines from the same song, nothing more, stop trying to take additional credit for your averageness!!11one
@FEichinger I understand the phrase, not the usage.
@FEichinger *vomit*?
@Garan it's where two or more people reach the same conclusion/make the same statement at pretty much the same time
@TimStone The only logical conclusion is that we were all tag-teamed by @kalina and @Sterno.
@Garan As with any good question, Yahoo Answers! can tell you
@kalina Ah, thank you.
@OrigamiRobot Both acceptable and yet unacceptable at the same time.
it's typically used by @Unionhawk just before realizing he's wrong, hence "in before"
@kalina Now I can answer! Yes, vomit. I can't publicly praise you like that.
@Sterno Yahoo answers: For all the questions StackExchange doesn't have a category for.
Gosh, I wish this place were more like Yahoo Answers! so I could get the information I need.
@TimStone I am assuming @fei was the most tag-teamed.
@Garan then the person who made the statement first can call inb4 for great internet kudos
which lasts like a split second
but oh well
@kalina How many points doth they receive?
variable depending on circumstance
Well, then.
ranging between zero and... zero
@OrigamiRobot Eww².
Oops, the un-memed one.
@StackExchange Poor @Wipqozn will never be room owner again.
@Sterno @badp still makes me a room owner.
@FEichinger MewTwo's gross cousin
@OrigamiRobot I did!
@badp is my Knight in Diamond Armour.
@Wipqozn So you're my Turtle in Distress?
I wonder why that didn't force a screen refresh on me.
@badp Correct.
Does it only do it if it's your active tab?
@Sterno Not sure. I bet SCIENCE! would yield the answer though.
@Wipqozn And I save you from the great devil Lord Italics?
@Wipqozn Maybe Yahoo Answers! knows.
@badp No, no. The Great Devil Lord Non-italitcs.
@Wipqozn Don't be silly. I'm the good guy here right?
Is my name in italics?
We should consult the Helix Fossil.
@KevinvanderVelden Said? Out loud? With mouth sounds?
@OrigamiRobot Delicious mouth sounds.
@OrigamiRobot no I don't think I've done that. Course we don't actually have Faux news in holland so
@badp No but it's blue. Blue indicates you're a knight of the square table.
@KevinvanderVelden That's what I was referring to.
@Wipqozn free from the clutches of Lord Italics
@Wipqozn surely it'd be the diamond table?
And everyone knows all Knights are pure beings with nothing but goodness in their hearts.
@OrigamiRobot aah, I assumed you meant who said it in this chat
@OrigamiRobot I don't think "say" or "said" requires that a thing be out loud.
@Wipqozn We are both free from the slanted ways of Lord Italics and straight in our ways and heart
That obviously makes us WINNERS FOREVER
@Sterno Your complaint was with pronunciation.
@Sterno technically does
@badp The non-italics indicates balance. Yes, that's it.
I don't know who is pronouncing it wrong.
otherwise it's just typed/written/texted/signed/etc
wait no!
@kalina Are you certain? I just spent 2 whole minutes Googling AND checked Yahoo Answers! and couldn't confirm it
Don't worry your little head, WINNER FOREVER.
one definition is simply "expressed with words", which indeed it is, even in text.
You are safe now
Nooooooooooooooo, I don't want to be a winner!
you checked yahoo answers instead of english language and usage
that's the cause of your issue
@OrigamiRobot Anyone who says it out loud while using finger quotes around "faux"
You should have consulted the Helix Fossil.
*says Faux out loud while doing finger quotes*
@kalina Well, sure. It's a better site with higher quality Q&A content.
@Wipqozn Who's my little WINNER FOREVER Turtle?
@Sterno Right, who exactly is doing that?
Can we just all agree that @KevinvanderVelden is awful and should be shunned?
The real issue with "Faux News" is that the 'x' in "Faux" should be silent
If I'm ever re-added as room owner I'll need to re-add @Sterno. He is my only hope.
@OrigamiRobot Frank Dobbs, who isn't a guy I just made up.
Augh the Theatrythm 3DS XL looks good
@Wipqozn You were totally unprepared for that.
@Sterno We can.
But we won't.
No I just look like a liar due to @badp's trickery.
@Sterno That just supports my theory that it's a problem you made up to complain about.
@Sterno I just opened your name when he removed me
@OrigamiRobot I'm not sure if you're arguing semantics with me or have actually not seen this on the Internet everywhere.
@Sterno who is Frank Dobbs? Sounds like somebody you just made up
@kalina He gets that a lot.
@Sterno I have seen it, yes. That's the whole point. It's not meant to be an audible pun. It's a visual pun.
@DavidM What date?
I was born on the 8th that year.
Anyone who actually says it out loud is dumb and deserves your ridicule.
@GnomeSlice Wow, way to be relevant to the conversation at hand!
@OrigamiRobot So when you read, you don't actually sound out words in your head? My entire complaint is that when reading that sentence, you have to mispronounce the word (in your head) for it to work.
Maybe no one else hears the words in their head when they read. In which case, I am uniquely cursed.
@Sterno I pronounce it properly in my head. The joke still works because it's a visual pun.
@OrigamiRobot I disagree with you forever.
It's the rude way of agreeing to disagree.
... Congratulations, you're approaching the 30 minute mark on this argument.
@Sterno I'm sorry this unique and high-quality brand of humor is so inaccessible to you.
@FEichinger I think they get a prize then.
@Garan nope
It's okay
@Garan Oh no, we have a record of ~3 hours, if I'm not mistaken.
We just need to listen to @Unionhawk's opinion on the topic
if you think 30 minutes is even remotely near to the longest "discussion" in here you're mistaken
@FEichinger Damn.
@FEichinger I don't see anyone else making conversation!
That'll settle things.
We're playing the "ping @uni" game now?
@bad @fei
@uni ♥
Am I doing it right?
@kalina :(
@FEichinger @Sterno likes to complain, I like to discredit his complaints. Both goals are just means of wasting time.
@Garan so it has come to this
You guys are weird
@kalina Indeed.
@GnomeSlice Thank you!
@GnomeSlice it's taken you several years and that's the best you can come up with?
@OrigamiRobot Manufactured Drama > No Drama
oh, you're @GnomeSlice not @fei
@kalina A year?
Meanwhile, @FEichinger just complains about the complaining!
@Sterno Indeed I disagree!
@Sterno I love complaining about the complaining.
@GnomeSlice Nah, more like this: youtube.com/watch?v=RZkIAVGlfWk
@kalina Hey, hey, I've always known you're all weird.
How do you do the link thingy?
weird, a valid chat flag
And you're the weirdest of them all, dear.
@Garan post it by itself, nothing else in the message
Anyone play Thief yet?
(the new one, obviously)
Which I am glad they did not end up naming Thi4f.
@GnomeSlice I mean as with the link anchored to the plain text.
In that case, is anyone else watching True Detective?
@Sterno Thi-four-f?
I'm wearing two pairs of pants.
@Garan [some text](somelink)
And failing that, can we talk about how this place should be more like Yahoo Answers!?
(in that we should have an exclamation point in our name)
Just got emailed a "screenshot" that is a screenshot printed then scanned in and emailed
Good morning, Bridge
@Sterno don't you think we have enough going on with the forced QA in our name
@BenBrocka Well then. It's a literal printscreen.
@Frank Good morning, road.
@Garan are you calling @Frank a road?
@kalina We could be ArQA!de
@kalina Well, he called me a bridge.
@Garan no...
@kalina Worst name ever.
@Sterno ...
@kalina Prove he didn't.
@Sterno Double worst.
@Garan I see, you're one of these people are you
Arqade is worst name.
*adds to the same group as alex/awxwkrwxr/etc*
@kalina No, no, that was Stizzle.
@kalina That kind of logic has screwed over my people for 700 years. I'm against that logic.
The one who kept arguing that the paperbot totally isn't a robot, because proof and shit.
@FEichinger We know who he is.
@GnomeSlice Are you kidding? You get to pronounce an obviously guttural syllable!
@Garan ieufvbwalgbaukwlnvruserjkgbsevzd
@GnomeSlice It's like, the only people that do that anymore are the Arabs!
@FEichinger I must have missed this
And a small amount of Jews!
But only VERY small!
@kalina Well, you should be here more often, then!
@Garan I'm not sure that's accurate.
@FEichinger no
sigh ... It was worth a try.
@GnomeSlice Ok, name a language with a guttural character.
If you had just said 'name a language' I still wouldn't be able to do it.
Is Asian a language
Or European
What about the bushpeople
whatever their language is
The "bushpeople"?
I have no idea who you're talking about.
isn't that a thing
@GnomeSlice People related to President Bush?
The various indigenous hunter-gatherer peoples of southern Africa, whose territory spans Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, are collectively referred to as San people, Bushmen, or Basarwa, all considered pejorative to some degree. There is a significant linguistic difference between the northern people living between the Okavango River in Botswana and Etosha National Park in northwestern Namibia, extending up into southern Angola; the central people of most of Namibia and Botswana, extending into Zambia and Zimbabwe; and the southern people in the central Kala...
@GnomeSlice See, and this is why @GnomeSlice is still staying on my ignore list ...
@FEichinger That's nice. Thank you for sharing.
Even so, their language isn't guttural.
/cc: @AshleyNunn @FAE
Does this look blurry to you guys? vimeo.com/87518012
@GnomeSlice It looks like this
It looked fine to me.
@3ventic Somebody else had that same problem last night... try turning HD off.
It looks okay for me too, but a bit blurry on this monitor.
I need to figure out how to get the bitrate higher.
It came out really really low
Without HD it looks a bit blurry
turn the option labelled bitrate to maximum
@3ventic Try with and fullscreen
@kalina I did.
It still came out much lower than it should
I should focus on scripting ->
multipass when encoding
Premiere estimated the filesize at like 80 MB, and it came out at like 5
I'll figure it out later today
it looks good in fullscreen with HD enabled
Jeah! I'm not being shunned by @FEichinger (for the Faux news incident)
Q: Copying WoW Addon settings between characters

Wayne WeibelI have several alts, and I try to keep all the addon settings consistent between them. With the exception of ones like Gatherer on my tailor/enchanter all the addons are on for all the characters. Certain addons like Recount (and Gatherer) claim to be able to set a profile that can be reference...

Q: Can't connect to any multiplayer online server

PaedowYesterday I filled up my Serverlist in Minecraft 1.7.4 and everything worked just fine. When I started my Computer today I saw that I'm unable to connect to any server in my list. 2 days ago the computers operating system has been freshly installed because of this problem. I tried to kill every t...

@KevinvanderVelden Only because I like driving @Sterno crazy.
@FEichinger good enough, it's not like I'd expect you to be nice to anyone =p
Also, wait @GnomeSlice, were you born on the 8 of april?
@KevinvanderVelden Yes.
Yeah! Me too
@KevinvanderVelden Hey, hey, it's not like I'm ¬nice to everyone.
Really? That's weird.
@GnomeSlice nah, Birthday paradox and all that
who needs insurance?
@kalina Leeloo Dallas multipass!
I was predicted to be born on the first of april. My aunt didn't believe my parents until ~six months pregnancy...
@Arperum I was a week late, my parents were very happy at me not being born on the first of April =p
@KevinvanderVelden I was a bit faster, 22nd of march, my dad is from the 23rd and my mom from the 27nd...
I wish I had been born on February 29th
because then I would have only had 5 birthdays
@kalina Good fix to add content.
@kalina good thing you changed that, it was really difficult to not type the snarky comment
@KevinvanderVelden INB4.
@Arperum naah, different thing
@kalina ... This almost turned creepy.
@KevinvanderVelden Same thing in the end.
@FEichinger You are kinda nice to @spugs, I'm assuming you are creeped out by her living under your bed and all.
@Arperum Wait what? I'm nice to @spugs?
Since when?
@FEichinger kinda
Or I can't see the difference between nice and unnice some hours past midnight.
It's probably that.
Not even @kalina gets "nice" me in here.
what is this "nice" you that you speak of?
more lies and fallacies
well, is obvious, neither @kalina or @FEichinger is "nice"
^ proving his point
Is this "nice" some American slang or something?
@kalina ... Well, yes, I suppose that is mutual.
@Garan no, some weird game between them...
I think both @kalina and @fei are perfectly pleasant.
yes, just some weird game
@Braiam "some weird game" ... I see.
@kalina SCREW YOU.
@Braiam "weird" "game"
@OrigamiRobot I know, we're all awesome and cuddly and friends with each other and everything
except... well, most of you
Uuh, I'm missing something
@KevinvanderVelden You're not the only one.
@KevinvanderVelden That's a good thing.
@RedRiderX ooh good then, they're just being insane again.
@KevinvanderVelden No, no, we're all perfectly sane.
Insanity is more fun.
4 hours ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@FEichinger You're on the bridge, clearly you are at most sane-ish
@KevinvanderVelden Why did this comment not get all the stars?!

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