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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Ugh, messed up on a battle and now I'm one turn off.
when trying to trade on the gts, does anyone else get a crap-ton of communication errors that force you to close the game?
@TrentHawkins I did the first week.
@Yuki i've had exactly one succesful trade
@TrentHawkins I had a few.
not counting pokemon that ive deposited, that is.
ok, now two.
well, that was unnexpected. Turfing a bunch of my honedge breeding surplus though wonder trades and got a fennekin
@TrentHawkins Nice.
Gonna try and get my Mega Ring upgraded tonight.
Jesus, my Goodra is stomping a hole through the Battle Maison.
6 battles and I haven't gone below half health.
Why is Goodra so cute?
Q: If I breed a male Pokemon with a Ditto is the gender going to be male or will the gender be random?

user56652I've got a male Eevee, and a Ditto. I'd like to have a female Eevee so I can have a female Sylveon (note: for those who don't know Eevee will evolve into Sylveon if you level up with maximum Bond in Amie). So if I breed a male with a Ditto will it always come back as a male, or will the gender be...

@Yuki What's your friend code?
@Yuki I'll bookmark that.
Leave your information there too if you want.
@Yuki Will do, once I figure out how to. I haven't played Pokemon much since Heart Gold, so things have changed a bit.
Do I need to have access to the Friend Safari first to add you?
@user56652 No, you can add friends through the main 3DS Friends List.
They get automatically transferred to your Player Search System.
@Yuki ok
@Yuki Alright added.
@user56652 All right, I'll add you soon as I get done with this battle.
@Yuki Ok.
I'll be back in a half-hour or so.
I feel so sorry for Serena every time I beat her...
Quick question: if you have only one pokemon, and none of its skills have any PP, and you have no items, and it is a trainer battle, how can the battle progress, if you can't do any skill to spend your turn?
@Omega If you have no PP, you use a move called Struggle.
It does a certain amount of damage with recoil.
It appears in my skill menu?
As in, replacing my other skills?
@Omega No, if you select the "Fight" option, you automatically use Struggle if none of your moves have PP.
Ahhh.... thanks
@user56652 Is this one yours: 3625-9032-4577?
@Yuki Yes. Also on the AG ID sheet do I have to save it, or is it done on the fly?
@user56652 It's done on the fly.
Was this a decent starter duo: Fennekin (m) / Bulbasaur (m)? I'm more of a casual player to be honest.
@user56652 Honestly, it doesn't really matter. Just keep some type advantages in mind and you should be fine.
As I was saying in The Bridge:
in The Bridge, 37 mins ago, by user56652
Anyway, I've been playing Pokemon X, and it's great. The only thing that I can't stand is the camera, which is completely automated.
in The Bridge, 36 mins ago, by user56652
It loves to try, and get fancy when I do so much as turn a corner. I don't know why they didn't just let as change views with the L/R buttons.
Anyone else not a big fan of the camera? it's not that bad, but still.
I just wish it'd stay at one zoom level, and stop zooming in/out so often.
They do an okay job of handling the camera changes though.
Don't try to anticipate the changes and it's not as annoying.
I mostly have a problem with the camera in Lumiose
everywhere else it's fine
Silly nobles, trying to take on my Elite Four team with L25s.
I understand they wan't to show off the new camera, and the "updated" environment, but some of it seems unneeded (in regards to the camera). I was always happy with the top down style (at an angle).
@Yuki I don't see in my PSS thing.
Nevermind it just updated after I restarted the game.
Hmm... gonna try and get a haircut. See if my stylishness has gone up enough.
If anyone wants to trade me, I'm looking for a female Eevee (my question on SE, probably reflects that though). If not I'll just wait, and see if I can catch a Ditto.
Sadly no. I guess I need to grind more at the restaurants or something.
@user56652 I can trade you a Ditto.
I have three or four lying around, I think.
@Yuki What would you want in return for it?
@user56652 Don't really care. I just like giving people Pokemon.
@Yuki Oh ok, thanks.
I'll go on my 3DS now.
I wouldn't mind a Fennekin at a later date though.
How's that for now?
Let me know if there's a Pokemon you want. I'll see if I can catch/breed one.
Not sure if you can, but let me know if you get ahold of a Vulpix.
Here is my prized possession, even though it's not very rare at all.
And the trade gets interrupted. lol
@user56652 I'll see what I can do. I'll definitely have one by December 11 or whenever Poke Bank comes out.
@user56652 Ah, I figured we were done. Sorry.
@Yuki It's ok. It was just a Skitty anyway.
For whatever reason I've always loved Skitty/Delcatty.
Nothing exceptional, but I usually keep one on my team.
Who are you using for an HM Slave btw? I've been using Hawlucha for utility.
@user56652 I always liked Mawile. Lucky for me, she got a Mega Evolution this gen.
@user56652 Honestly, you don't really need an HM Slave in this gen, I noticed.
I've been using a diggersby; as an added bonus he has Pickup
There's almost no occasion where you absolutely need Cut or Strength to get past an area.
@Yuki I won't go on a rant about it, but I can't really say I'm impressed with the Mega Evolution garbage, at all.
It's just a power up, and more of a gimmicky thing to help sell the games. That's all I'll say on the matter though.
@user56652 I like it just because it means I can bring Mawile into more competitive battles.
Pokemon honestly doesn't need gimmicks to sell the games. They could just remake Red/Blue over and over again and people would keep buying them.
Also, I updated your Friend Safari info.
@Yuki You could, but it's not like ME is the end all be all.
We got a lot of repeat types, I've noticed.
@Yuki Like I said I just don't see Mega Evolution as anything special, but that's just me. Some people like it, but it just wasn't a selling point for me.
Whoa. The Pokemon do a special action if you poke them while on the summary screen.
Actually, it just looks like it's their attack animation.
It's also a bit irritating that the old Pokemon are getting a lot of special treatment. lol
@Yuki You mean the thing where you can feed/pet them?
@user56652 No, their stats screen.
@Yuki I doubt it. Unless they kept adding new Pokemon.
Hmm... Is it wrong that I like Floette more than Florges?
They could sell the remakes to old fans, but they wouldn't be building upon their current fanbase.
@Yuki Not really. Florges looks like something out of a horror film.
Floette's just so cute.
If I use the Moon Stone to evolve Skitty is it consumed or does it just transfer to Delcatty?
@user56652 It's consumed. You use it like you would a Potion or something.
@Yuki Is there a way to get another one or do I just have to rely on breeding?
I don't know if they're sold or not.
@user56652 I think you can buy Moon Stones. I'll have to double-check.
Let me go swap to my laptop.
if you max out your EVs, the 'secret' super training stages give out evolution stones for good times.
@Yuki Keep me posted then :)
@TrentHawkins I need to do the second level secret trainings to see what they give.
@Yuki Shiney, Dawn, wings, wings, Moon/Sun, All previous rewards
How do I setup Pokemon X/Y to reconnect to the internet when I reopen my 3DS?
It's a little bit annoying to have to keep reconnecting manually, is this possible to set in the 3DS's settings or the games?
@user56652 don't think it's possible, as it wants to save before you connect and that requires a prompt...
@TrentHawkins Sometimes when I open the lid it'll say "Error ### - Lost Connection".
Then it'll reconnect on it's own, it's sort of random.
@user56652 I've never seen it reconnect without my direct intervention - either hitting the button or accessing another online thing like the gts
Scatterbug gives you PP Up.
@TrentHawkins Also, you know turning off "Forced Save" in the options menu could remedy that. If you wanted to.
Probopass gives Health Wing? Must be a better reward that I didn't get.
Probably HP Up.
Hydreigon also gave PP Up.
@Yuki I think those might be some of the minor/medium rewards. you have to be /really/ fast for the stones.
Hydreigon should give a chance at moon/sun stones.
@TrentHawkins No, I'm getting the stones.
You can tell which trainings give which evolutionary stones.
How long do eggs generally take to hatch? 300 steps or something like that if I recall.
Because the balloon bots evolve using those stones.
@user56652 Depends on the Pokemon.
And Tyranitar gave me a MooMoo Milk?
Talk about a let-down.
Pikachu (f) with a Eevee (m)?
I got two eggs.
The old man says they don't appear to like each other.
@user56652 That's okay. As long as it doesn't say "they prefer to play with other Pokemon".
You're going to get a Pichu.
You can have them if you want them.
I don't plan on keeping them in my party.
Base steps is 2,560.
Can I use the bike/skates?
@user56652 Yeah.
@user56652 yep
Have either of you found any shiny Pokemon yet? I haven't.
I don't really hunt for them, but sometimes I think about trying for one.
@user56652 I haven't, but I do have a shiny Mienshao in my White version.
@user56652 I have not once found a non-scripted-gyrados shiney
What's the legendary called in Heart Gold? the one on the cover, and start screen.
@user56652 Ho-oh.
Stupid Game Sync servers being busy. I want my 5 Heart Scales.
@Yuki That's it. I remember whenever I used Ho-oh the game always would say "Ho-oh is exerting pressure". What did the game mean?
Although after my DS was stolen along with my copy of diamond, I hacked in a shiny lopunny for myself because screw whomever stole my game with 100s of hours on it.
I think it has to do with PP, but I'm not sure.
@user56652 Its ability, Pressure, causes enemy moves to use 2 PP instead of 1.
That's why most teams use less powerful attacks in Uber-tier, since most Legendaries have Pressure.
@Yuki So it's to shred through the enemies PP?
You never really see Fire Blast and its ilk in Uber-tier battles simply because you only get to use them two or three times thanks to Pressure.
@user56652 Yeah.
Couldn't they just use a PP refill (I forget the name)?
On the other hand they'd lose a move though, right?
If they used that item.
@user56652 Consumable items aren't used in competitive battling.
The only allowable items are held items.
@Yuki Ugh, why not?
Just to make things go faster?
@user56652 Because someone can throw out a tank and use 5 Max Revives on their fainted Pokemon.
@user56652 because every battle between players would be determined by who has the most revives/full restores?
@Yuki It's not like it's against the rules.
Allowing consumables makes the battles way too long and skews the result.
I mean the enemy could also use Full Revives too.
@user56652 It actually is against the rules in competitive battling. If you go to the Battle Tower and its like in the games, you aren't allowed to use consumables.
I do understand why it's held items only though.
Like the Battle Maison in this game (not to be confused with the Battle Chateau next to the Daycare).
@Yuki Well the Pokemon could have heal type moves.
That could make up for the lack of consumables.
@user56652 And that is allowable. Because you sacrifice a move slot for recovery.
And most heal moves have horrible distribution.
And even fewer of the instant-heal variety.
@Yuki Aren't there Pokemon moves that can heal others on the team?
@user56652 Like Heal Pulse, yeah, but Double (and Triple) Battles are geared around this sort of support play.
@Yuki Wan't to battle me? I've got a Skitty (under 50), and I want to see how it'd fair in a battle.
Probably not a good idea. My team is all over 60 except for my Mawile.
Who I'm training right now.
@Yuki battles normalize to lvl 50, i believe
exp share is actually kind of bothering me atm
@TrentHawkins Oh that's right...
I want to level my Pokemon equally, but my main is ahead so I'd have to put him in my PC.
Go ahead and send the challenge if you want then.
@Yuki Do you have an Pokemon under 50 (in the 40's) to make it fair?
I think mine is a 46 or 47.
@user56652 Apparently, they bring everybody to L50.
So lower levels are brought up and higher levels are brought down.
@Yuki granted, fully evolved/ev trained pokemon are still at an advantage, 50 or not.
@TrentHawkins True. And my team is EV trained.
But that's easy to accomplish with Super Training now.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
Actually, sending out Goodra first was probably really unfair.
this is pointless
Wow, I've hatched 92 eggs?
EV Trained > Not EV Trained
Not to mention Goodra has ridiculous base Special Defense.
@user56652 EV Training is actually fairly easily accomplished Super Training now.
You can fully EV train your Pokemon before you hit L2.
Who'd win in a match against two lv. 50 (EV trained) Pikachu's?
With the same moveset.
@user56652 Depends on the EV training.
@Yuki Does EV Training allow you max out everything or how does it work?
@user56652 You can have a maximum of 252 EVs in one stat and 510 EVs in total.
So does battling give any sort of reward or is just for fun?
@user56652 Between real people? Just for fun and e-peen.
@Yuki lol
I prefer to spend my time breeding. I'll still build them with competitive battling sets, but I don't really care for battling.
I might try to set up an Arqade Pokemon tournament in a couple months though.
Want to try battling now, @TrentHawkins? I think I know what went wrong.
Oh damn, crit hit.
wut, still survives with 4 HP?
oh... sap sipper, riiiight
@TrentHawkins So glad I decided to stick with that instead of Hydration.
While I don't really use the Attack boost, negating Grass attacks is nice.
delay! delay foreeeeever.
I like Talonflame simply because he counters the ever-popular Mega Blaziken.
@Yuki indeed.
God, if I got one with Gale Wings...
he also counters my only two ev-trained chesnaught and aegishield.
@TrentHawkins I should've predicted the King's Shield and used Roost instead of Flare Blitz.
Honestly, I was slapping myself upside the head when I saw King's Shield come out.
I was really hoping that attack down would've been enough to survive.
@TrentHawkins Between the EV training, the 2x multiplier, and the sheer base power of Flare Blitz, it wasn't going to do much.
Flare Blitz has a base power of 120, which is ridiculous.
But the recoil is 1/2 damage, I think?
@user56652 This is how ridiculous Goodra's base Special Defense is. Even with a hindering Nature and no EVs, my Goodra still has 3 more Special Defense than it does Special Attack (which I put 252 EVs into).
well, beat up this last countess, then off for bed.
3 hours later…
@Yuki Well after 11 male Eevee's I finally got a female one. It was made possible thanks to your Ditto mate, thanks.
Also, you can blame the poor picture quality on my shaky hands, and the laptops webcam.
@Madara When did you arrive? I haven't seen you around chat much before, but I'm fairly new on SE anyway.
@user56652 Hmm?
I'm a moderator on Anime & Manga. I've arrived in this chat because we talk about the 6th gen Pokemon games here :)
@MadaraUchiha I see. I've just been farming Eevee's for the past hour or so. It's annoying that it has only a 12.5% chance to be a female, but supposedly it's to make it harder.
@user56652 Harder on what? What are you trying to accomplish?
The only thing I don't understand is why would Nintendo want to make females more rare?
If it's all the eevolutions, you don't really need more females than males...
@MadaraUchiha Oops. I've been breeding an Eevee with a Ditto in order to get a female, because I think it fits Sylveon better.
@user56652 If a Sylveon would sneak his(her) way into my party:
@MadaraUchiha I understand that, but I really think that Sylveon was designed as more of a female. Long story short, I think it looks more like a female, and the male icon would haunt me until I fixed it.
@user56652 Surgery :P
@MadaraUchiha Nintendo doesn't have the guts to do anything even remotely controversial, let alone give us a sex change option for our Pokemon lol.
On one hand they should try to be as unbiased as possible, but you can tell when something smells of censorship.
Just a small pet peeve of mine. They're a company so I shouldn't really expect them to risk sales.
6 hours later…
The pain of waiting for your 3DS to charge
@BenBrocka It's not like you can't play it with the charger plugged in. Unless you want to use it on the go.
I sorta wish there was an item (or two) that you could attach to your Pokemon to encourage one gender.
Like a Pink/Blue Bow or something.
@BenBrocka The pain of waiting for your charger t arrive so you can experience the pain of waiting for your 3ds to charge
I'm sad that Gallade didn't get a Mega Evolution. Gender discrimination, people.
Whooo, beat the Elite Four again. Hopefully, I don't have to go through the ending credits and parade again.
It's because Gradevor is more popular than gallage
personally I'm more disappointed gardevoir has legs
@BenBrocka Really? I could've sworn that Gallade was more popular. It's probably the opposite in Japan.
I'm still mad that there's no mega evolution for Dragonite or Metagross.
Times I have heard about Gradevoir: A billion
Times I have heard about Gallade: Maybe two
I don't really like either
The only times I've heard about Gardevoir is in reference to NSFW Pokemon fanart.
Which, to be fair, there is quite a lot.
So Mawile learns Rough Play, the one physical Fairy-type move, at level 60. Which makes me happy.
@Yuki niiice
where are they? I suppose I should fetch one
@BenBrocka Glittering Cave, but they're fairly uncommon.
I have a couple sitting in my box from breeding, I could trade you one.
I get the feeling that Shauna is going to appear in the next gen.
I'll have to save the world first
"Know what? I'm going to go to a faraway region next time!"
does XP share give EVs too? My Sneasel should be pristine but isn't
@BenBrocka Yeah, EXP Share gives EVs.
well I need even more reset bags then, if I bother to EV train
I might just wait until I can transfer my Weavile from gen 4 though
in whatever incredibly roundabout way I'll have to do that
Oh god, I'm getting challenged by the early-game Preschoolers that I skipped on the first Routes.
They have level 5 Pichus going up against my level 77 Talonflame.
I made a point to go back and fight all of them to make sure I saw all of their pokemon
Is Pidgey Replacement 5.0 really that good?
God, I feel like such a jerk every time I win a Pokemon battle against normal trainers.
@BenBrocka Talonflame? I OHKO'd @TrentHawkins's Mega Blaziken last night.
Heck, Talonflame's the perfect counter to Mega Blaziken.
@BenBrocka Yeah. Fire/Flying means that it resists both of Blaziken's STAB moves. And Gale Wings means it can get off a priority Brave Bird regardless of how many Speed Boosts Blaziken gets.
Wow the villian is so polite
@BenBrocka I think he gets worse by the end.
Woo! Just caught a Sneasel with Quick Claw.
Holy crap. Prize power lvl 3 + Luck Incense = 27,600 from a rival battle.
yeah I think prize level 3 might double money?
I must have missed something, what's the story with the two rich kids dressed as super heros with the mask and scarf?
@fbueckert o.0
Also, morning, Kalos
@BenBrocka Don't they look familiar?
hint hint
I know they're the rich kids from before but I totally forget who they were
@BenBrocka Rich kids? No, I thought they were the professor's assistants.
@MadaraUchiha Condomon sounds more like Digimon than Pokemon.
wow the villian story line is pretty dark this time around
@BenBrocka Really? I thought it was, at worse, on-par with last gen's storyline.
I missed gen 5
are you x or y though? It seems like the story might be different
@BenBrocka X. The whole thing about killing everyone that's not Team Flare?
And worse if you're at the point where you about to cap the Legendary?
yeah, but the story the 3000 year old guy in particular
not in geohenge yet
cleaning up the last O powers
I apparently didn't talk to anyone in the town where you get the pokeflute
I need to grind stylishness to get that last O-Power.
Faster hatch rate? I need that.
oh that's nice
what's the best way to grind stylishness?
I really just want those clothes cheaper
MAKE A HUGE SMILE game ignores you
@BenBrocka I still haven't done that mini-game thing.
it's not very accurate to say the least
iis it just me or are there way more new pokemon per area compared to previous gens?
@BenBrocka It sure seems that way, especially at the beginning where previous generations would give you the normal rodent, the flying type, and maybe 1-2 others on a lower encounter rate.
and caves would give you zubats for days until Victory Road
even though there's tons of rock types, ground types and other cave dwellers
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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