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@BenBrocka Might be a bit late, but this says Ambrette Town.
@Yuki Seriously?! I just got the 8th badge I;v'e been missing it for a long time
found it
@BenBrocka Like I said, HM and field moves really aren't required in this gen, which is nice.
@Yuki You say that, but they're still useful for getting into certain areas. However they're no longer "crucial".
@user56652 That's... exactly what I meant.
aren't required.
@Yuki They're only required you really want to get a free item or something that's behind a rock, or whatever.
@user56652 Getting free items, TMs, and whatnot is optional, therefore not required.
@Yuki I'm saying TM's/HM's are required if you are going to get free items. Unless you can magically walk through them, then you're going to need rock smash or cut or whatever the obstacle happens to be.
Some free items are obtainable without having to use a TM/HM, but usually they're behind a tree or rock or whatever.
Well, then that's a completely different definition of "required" than I was going for.
@Yuki It's nice in theory, though to avoid missing TMs I usually carry 1 to 2 HM slaves anyway
Is it wrong that I'm using Blastoise as an HM Slave?
Does anybody know Nintendo/Gamefreak/The Pokemon Company can add content through updates/DLC?
It'd be nice to see more Mega Evolutions.
Whoo, I got Capture Power L3!
@Yuki Yes, the answer is "no."
@Yuki Gratz!
get some Quick Balls and enjoy almost Unlimited Master Balls
@Krazer They said no DLC, not no updates
and for all we know there are mega evolutions like Blaziken that are possible but the stones have to be given from external events
and wasn't Arceus hidden until after the P/D release?
Probably true. They're obligated to patch the Lumiose bug at least
@BenBrocka I do hope they have more Mega Evolutions.
@Yuki I'd personally like more endgame content
I'm conflicted about mega evolutions. For now it seems to greatly restrict all pokemon who don't have a mega evolution...which is like 98% of them
at least for competetive play the base stat increases are pretty crazy
@BenBrocka I want more Mega Evolutions just because they let me bring my more favorite Pokemon into competitive battling.
@Yuki I'd personally like to see the gen 2 starters as megas
@Yuki ...but only if your favorite pokemon happen to be the ones who get mega evolutions, of course
Hmmm.... what to do now..?
I was just wondering, what's the logic behind Fairy's immunity to Dragon?
I can understand how Ghost is immune to Normal and Fighting, and how Steel is immune to Poison.
@Yuki only magic can defeat magic
@Krazer And Steel. But that's because iron is rather famous for being anti-fae.
@Yuki and Poison is super-effective against Fairy because Poison is the opposite of what Fairy stands for, harmful, malicious, pragmatic, etc
I don't understand the exact thought process behind Fairy's matchups to Fire and Bug
@Krazer Bug's type matchups have always been a bit weird.
What I can WMG, it's because Fire and Steel are signs of human civilization.
Two levels until Play Rough...
I think I'm going to go do a couple rounds of restaurant battles for the stylishness.
@Yuki because metagame that's why
@BenBrocka Well, I know the metagame reasons. I was wondering how they thought, "Hmm... we need something that can be immune to Dragons... Fairies?"
I'm fairy-ly certain that the original type concept started with "needs to pwn Dragons". I just wanted to know what made them think to call it Fairy-type.
Well they already had the fairy type egg group
they might have looked to normal type pokemon to see what could be split off further? Several fairies are/were normal type
Even though I know it's programmed dialogue, I kinda want to stop battling at Le Wow because I don't want the owner to nearly drop dead every second time he fight me...
1 hour later…
14 hours later…
Now, to begin the breeding cycle for my team.
@fbueckert What's your final line up going to look like?
@Krazer For now, I'm just breeding my progression team to have proper natures. That's it. I'll worry about an actual competitive team after I beat the game.
@fbueckert Natures are nice, but I never really thought they were that important.
@user56652 They're not, but I figured I'd maximize my capabilities before the Elite Four.
@fbueckert How hard are they? they are only NPC's after all.
@user56652 My original team would probably have been able to do so easily.
Also, if anyone wants a male Eevee let me know. I've got 11-12. Just tell me which nature you want.
Does the daycare man about how many eggs you have or will he just keep giving them to me? I want to be able to have 5 eggs at a time, and hatch them after the other to make things go by faster.
@user56652 That's how it's always worked.
So long as you have at least one pokemon that can fight, you're golden.
@fbueckert I'm trying to figure out how many steps it takes until a new egg is ready for me.
@user56652 Random
@fbueckert I could just run up & down the road, and keep asking him every so often until I'm full.
Sometimes you'll go two or more solid trips back and forth with no egg, and sometimes, you'll get one by heading back into town, and there's another waiting when you get out.
@user56652 He looks down when he has an egg for you.
@fbueckert He does? cool. I noticed that trainers/NPC's will look towards you if you get close, and things like that.
I don't think the older games had that.
@user56652 The older games kept you to the grid.
@fbueckert Well it still feels like you're walking on a grid except now you can move diagonally or weave.
The game changer for breeding this gen is destiny knot imo ... previously you could guarantee a maximum of 2 31 IV's and 1 random from the parents, so now with desnity knot with a normal amount of effort amount of effort you could get a pokemon with 3 perfect IV's, and with effort and a bit o luck you could get 4... with a ditto with 3 perfect ivs you could ideally get 6
@Krazer Where do you get the destiny knot from?
1 hour later…
Q: Does receiving a 'Nice' rating from passersby/accquaintances do anything?

RobotnikOne of the features of the Player Search System (PSS) is the ability to give or receive a 'Nice' rating. If you get one, all it seems to do is play a sound and shoot some stars across the bottom screen, whilst saying something like "Sally said Nice!". But does it have any tangible benefits in-g...

Ugh, time to breed more Rotom.
@user56652 The maid in Cyllage City gives you one
just visiting Hotel Cyllage and talking to the maid on second floor, from the left stairs will do

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