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@ton.yeung Don't be makin' me hungry, boy.
I would always get pepperoni, extra sauce, no cheese
lactose intolerance for the lose
Pepperoni. Only.
Mushrooms are a good way to ruin a pizza, imo.
@ton.yeung Nobody else in my family is, I just suddenly went from milk chugging to complete lactose intolerance when I turned 22
@Danalog o.o
I hope that doesn't happen to me. I just turned 22, and I love cheese.
@ton.yeung I thought I had acid reflux, turns out milk just made me burp so much I would throw up
@ton.yeung ...
@ton.yeung I like pineapple, but only if it's a pineapple-centric pizza.
@Eric We're one of the lowest, but not the absolute lowest. My stats from 7/21 (the most recent ones that I've put into a spreadsheet) have us at 7th from the bottom. If we wanted to reach the median levels, we'd need 0.54 more answers per question.
@LoganM Who are the other 6? Biology and Chemistry were the only others at 1.5, though I didn't check graduated.
Let me go check
CogSci, Chemistry, StackApps, Biology, Cross Validated, and Ask Ubuntu
StackApps doesn't really count though
@LoganM Cross Validated? Whaaaa
@LoganM Weird, CogSci shows up as 1.6.
@Danalog data mining?
However, CogSci has a % Answered of 80%. That likely contributes to the disparity if they count only answered questions.
@Eric I'm calculating the pure #A/#Q ratio, not the weird number they report in area51. Since CogSci only has 82% answered in my stats, they get a significant boost to their answer ratio because of that lower %Ans stat.
Yeah, I hadn't checked that one on my first sweep.
If they had the same number of answers but a 90+% answer ratio like us they'd definitely be at 1.5 or even 1.4.
@Danalog CV is for any sort of statistical questions
@LoganM Ah, ok
I like statistics, but I hated Statistics
Maybe because my professor had just been denied tenure for the third time and was a total bitch to us all semester.
@Danalog Bahaha, same.
Usually if a professor doesn't get tenure they don't get to stay at that university.
@LoganM I don't know if she was still there the semester after that
It's better than my Diff Eq professor, who spent the first five minutes trying to remember what class he was there to teach.. I changed to a different session for that one.
After that semester they moved him down to remedial math. What can you do about tenured professors who are going senile!
I slept through every single lecture of DiffEq because it was too easy. The only times I woke up were when the professor asked me a question. So I don't really know if he was any good or not.
The second professor I had had a thick Russian accent
Most of my problems involved trying to understand what he was telling us
I'm terrible at memorizing equations, so that was my other main problem
@ton.yeung Jackie Chan is the best
I've never been able to memorize much of anything. I still have trouble multiplying numbers much bigger than 4x4.
@LoganM o.O
I didn't do great in Diff Eq since he was big on forcing us to remember the various equations and transformations.
Calculators ftw.
@Eric I also don't really know how to use a calculator very well.
@LoganM How do you do math, then?
Luckily, in order to do well at computer science, you really don't need to know more than algebra, unless you're doing 3d graphics stuff.
@ton.yeung haha
@ton.yeung nice turnaround time!
@ton.yeung You love that picture way too much.
@Eric Depends on the problem. For instance, if you asked me to do 7*8, here's how I'd compute it. I know that 8*8 = 2*2*4*4=2*2*16=(16+16)*2=32*2=(3*10+2)*2=6*10+4=64. 7*8=8*8-8=64-8=50+14-8=50+6=56. I've gotten pretty fast so I can do that in my head in about half a second.
@ton.yeung Let's all reply to this image!
@LoganM That's pretty impressive. I just got used to handling large numbers.
Using a lot of rounding.
@LoganM Huh. 7x8 = 7x10-7x2 = 70 - 14 = 56
@ton.yeung Math just... does itself in my head. I have no idea how I solve most things.
When it gets to things like 72*72, then I have to put in effort.
@Eric For that I have to visualize a whiteboard
72*70+72*2 = 70*70+2*70+72*2 = 4900 + 140 + 144 = 5184
@ton.yeung For things that big I have trouble. It depends on what the context is that I need to know 72*72 though. If I only need an approximation, I have a slide rule handy which is quite effective. If I need it exactly, I'd probably Google for the answer, though if I got desperate I could figure out how to use a calculator or just grab an abacus.
I keep a calculator on my phone for when I have no internet.
Google has gotten pretty good recently. I can just type 72*72 into the search box, and the answer "=5184" pops up without even having to search.
A: Are Den Den Mushis conscious?

BfrankyDen Den Mushi Caller ID! For One Piece and all other Anime/Manga fans!!!! An awesome Android app give it a try!!Here the link where i found the app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.justgnsoft.dendenmushicallerid I dont know about you guys but i find this app just Awesome!!!

I have no internet at home
@ton.yeung lol... I've learned to deal without it. I had no mobile internet when I was in the USA.
I had it at work and home, that was it.
And with 1.5h of commute time every day, I managed.
I think my phone has a calculator, but I don't know how to use it.
Press the buttons! lol
@Eric Too complicated for me.
@LoganM why?
@iKlsR Because he's always at work.
Looking for the most epic shingeki no kyojin battle ost. Cookies and unicorns for the first person who gives it to me
I have a psychological impasse (for lack of a better term) when it comes to technology. I really don't like trusting computers or calculators or anything else with tasks that I can perform by hand. I really only use computers when it's clear that the problem is intractable.
@MadaraUchiha You mean one specific track, or one OST?
@Eric Specific track
@MadaraUchiha ?? animeplaylist.com/series/199 ??
@iKlsR What am I looking at?
Probably that one.
忍法 路傑吐嵐茶!
@MadaraUchiha I had two songs from it in my playlist, thought it might be one. :S
The only music I know from SnK is the OP, but if you want that I can probably find over 100 videos with it.
@Eric When is that played?
I don't recall the battle with this one
@MadaraUchiha No idea. I can try to find out, though.
@Eric I recall soundtracks more epic than that one
(Specifically one with choir)
Where can I find a playlist of all the OST?
@MadaraUchiha That's the thing. They didn't release all of their tracks on the OST.
One sec.
Can anyone recommend a good site for HD anime pics that doesn't require a signup?
@iKlsR What kind of anime pics? Wallpapers, fanart, promo images, or just anything? Also, should it be SFW or is NSFW okay?
@MadaraUchiha Oh, c'mon, that was obvious. You're not even trying. xD
@MadaraUchiha 21st century hover ftw.
@LoganM anything and either in relations to FW
@ton.yeung really -.-
@MadaraUchiha youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBvg_WyIsKYLDnCKodFYRqFfpZrnWQfLZ This has 9 of the 16. Most of them keep getting taken down because of copyright issues. Here is a full list of all the tracks.
@MadaraUchiha I bet you're looking for: youtube.com/watch?v=fr4Al5Zzbfw
I hate when people do that, I know my question was vague but seriously.. :/
@ 2:00, chanting.
@iKlsR Hmm okay here are some that I use: pixiv.net e-shuushuu.net konachan.com danbooru.donmai.us animeartbooks.net zerochan.net safebooru.org maybe others but I only remember those at the moment.
@Eric That's the one!
@LoganM thanks much. I will take a look at them.
Several of those have NSFW images, but all of them should have SFW home pages except maybe danbooru (I think it depends on if you're logged in or not).
Yeah, danbooru (logged out) is NSFW.
When searching IIRC you can search for rating:s for safe images, or -rating:e to exclude those that are explicit.
today is a busy day for spammers i seems
@Krazer I've gotten 4 helpful flags! :D
@Krazer moar?
I thought it was NSFW for me because I'm logged in but the home page for most people should be SFW. I guess they changed that recently.
been getting more then the usual amount across the network it seems
@ton.yeung That's why he's blue
he's a mod here
@Eric same here.
@ton.yeung On Blender
@ton.yeung only in chat.
@ton.yeung only in chat
In chat, yes.
... Damn you, 850ms ping.
@ton.yeung In chat SE all mods for all sites have moderating privileges
@ton.yeung Now pick the best answer and vote it to the top.
... LOL
@Krazer -san nice hat~
@LoganM these links.. are.. glorious.. o.o
@ton.yeung ah. I'm looking at the mini version, it looks like a party cap
@ton.yeung yeah he sucks ;)
wait is Kirby even a he?
@iKlsR he's a marshmallow
@ton.yeung must be the pink coloring your judgement
sometimes you just gotta look past the color to see the big picture~
@iKlsR ._.
What is this I don't even.
@Eric I have no idea either
ah, new avatar should show up in a few.
@LoganM I saw RKBSS episode 6. I have to say, their "teamwork" was much better than it was previously, lol.
@Eric Isn't it a great episode?
@LoganM Hell yes! lol
Somehow I got an invitation to SO careers. Is that actually something worthwhile to do? I'm not particularly in the market for a job (nor am I likely to ever be in the market for any jobs there) but it's a limited time offer so I don't want to pass it up if they're going to send me free stuff or anything like that.
@LoganM What have you to lose?
So we have this user who constantly insists on using <kbd> to present menu items.. :/
@LoganM You can do it, and then set it to "Not currently looking for a job."
Q: What is the markdown for menu options

axrwkrIs there a markdown syntax for menu options? For example if I want to express a keyboard shortcut I can use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> to get Ctrl + C Is there a way to express a menu option such as File → New but using markdown. I checked the the Markdown Help and the official markdown...

@Eric But will they send me free stuff or anything like that?
@LoganM Don't think so. I haven't received any free stuff as of yet.
Okay I tried joining. It is so boring they haven't even sent me cookies yet
@LoganM I can send you cookies if you want, but they'll probably be stale by the time they arrive.
@ton.yeung ... hunger...
it's okay I get free cookies every day with my current job
I made one for now but if they start annoying me with random useless emails to my real email I'll get rid of it. They shouldn't though because I used one of my spam emails to sign up.
@iKlsR Okay, but the hover text gives away your intentions.
McDonald's is gross.
@Eric sadly for both
@ton.yeung Never had Chick-Fil-A.
I could go for one of them... o.O
@ton.yeung .... I hate you so much.
@ton.yeung The fact that I've already taken food out for dinner. :P
I'll probably get pizza this weekend or something to make up for it.
@ton.yeung Refreezing meat is bad.
@ton.yeung Correcto.
... lol
who knows..
@ton.yeung Probably. I mean, look at @iKlsR's name. He can't even spell "Closer" properly.
Or perhaps iCloser?
I don't know.
@Eric heh. it was originally iKluser many years ago
I was close!
it's my alias.. I don't know where it came from.. Kewl Luser
(i) am (K)ew(l) Lu(s)e(R) .. wut?
... lmfao.
I was originally known as Omnipotent
Then Rikudo Sennin
Then Truth
Then Madara Uchiha :)
Though I don't see myself switching to anyone else in the near future. Unless I find someone who's more badass than Madara.
room topic changed to Anime and Manga: General discussion for anime.stackexchange.com and now with more clientsfromhell.net (no tags)
@MadaraUchiha :O
@Eric Can't see the starred messages anymore :X
@MadaraUchiha Turn your monitor 90°.
@Eric No.
oh look, paypal isn't the only place that got pwned by XSS recently pbs.twimg.com/media/BRxpnxaCEAEipmF.jpg:large
@Eric the monitor must turn for Madara-sama!
@Krazer Never.
@Eric it has no choice!
it must obey!
No! Don't give in!
20 hours ago, by Logan M
yesterday, by iKlsR
2 days ago, by Logan M
4 mins ago, by Logan M
Aug 8 at 1:44, by Krazer
mod abuse!
@ton.yeung never like chick-fil-a much
@Krazer Ethically or tastewise?
@Eric taste wise, ethically I'm indifferent
I do like how they use the cool ketchup dispensers and free wet wipes
@Krazer "Cool" dispensers?
Hmm. You could make it appear as though a starred message had way more votes than it really did.
6 like this?
Yeah, exactly like that.
It would break as soon as someone else starred it, though.
7 Thanks everybody for making me so super popular!
You have 2 7 votes.
yeah, super popular!
Yay! \o/
2 7 again!
Oh, back to 7. Oh well.
Man, popularity comes and goes.
Yeah, my 15 minutes of fame
Aww, now I'm not popular at all anymore.
Did you enjoy it while it lasted?
Good! :D
Do removed stars count towards the badge? =P
Nope. xD
999 don't star this!
@Danalog No, only current ones
@iKlsR Okay, I won't.
@iKlsR done and done
@iKlsR Okay not starring
aww, I just need 1 but no more.
Attempting reverse psychology on this channel is basically an impossible feat.
XD I just need 1
@Eric to have it appear but not break. ;)
and future viewers won't star.
I think you can come up with better messages to try than "don't star this"
Indeed. lol
C'mon, do something funny.
Maybe try something like this:
874 Lolis are delicious
@LoganM it looks fake
user image
It shall be forever remembered.
@iKlsR It looks fake because it is fake
@Eric It's over 9000!!!
If you want it to look real, pick a number between 15 and 25, lol. There is zero chance anything is ever going to get voted up over 9000 times on a site with under 2000 users.
@Eric Have we ever had anything with 15 stars?
@LoganM I think we hit 13 once.
47 mins ago, by Logan M
20 hours ago, by Logan M
yesterday, by iKlsR
2 days ago, by Logan M
4 mins ago, by Logan M
Aug 8 at 1:44, by Krazer
mod abuse!
Weird, I guess our max star count was actually 10.
Why didn't that one work?
oh well
Though... this is weird.
oic let me fix
There's 901 total stars also
@LoganM We did that in another chat once until the lines overwrote the text completely over the span of a month.
@iKlsR I have one in the bin that's pretty huge.
too far back. I am lazy. Find it yourself.
Yeah, the highest count was 10 on this message.
Who wrecked that message with the 2nd star?
Self-congratulation always wins out in popularity!
Not sure. But in this case, it kinda works
It looks like 2,874.
Yeah a bit
Jun 7 at 18:28, by iKlsR
user image
It makes it sound like Logan ate 2,874 Lolis
@iKlsR Darn you, repeating images.
Is that actually illegal?
@Eric oops. I meant to post trans link
@iKlsR :P
I should go find people reading 50 shades of gray or whatever and report them to the police.
@LoganM That's just a crime against literature, not porn.
@iKlsR saw it
@LoganM it's on the front page :P
It wasn't when I saw it, but okay.
@MadaraUchiha just got a S+++
@iKlsR Keep playing
@MadaraUchiha I kinda get where is it going or am I thinking a bit out of the box here?
@iKlsR Keep playing.
Here's the character I created:
@MadaraUchiha It assumes I am a male.. lulz
> So.. about that last passage

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