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Oh, I don’t think that matters.
Right, you want explosions, a helicopter, and a dog that doesn't die. Anything else, @Mitch?
A pyrotechnician named Mitch
had a fight with a modern day witch
so he sent for a chopper
asked the pilot to top her
but he just couldn't kill off the b----.
Robbie the Rhymer, he
Lurks in the shadows: our
Éminence grise.

Planning his repartee
Scattering grammar as
’Twere some disease.
@Mitch A poetaster isn't a poet eater. It's a poe eater.
@StackExchange Tumblr is one-boxed?!
You may write it down thus in your log,
Euphemistically, if in a fog,
    That coarse language is rich
    As a son of a bitch
(And that word just means "female dog").
@Mitch Which I take to be a parody eater, I suppose.
posted on July 26, 2013


There once was a raving somnambulist
Who called for a healing evangelist.
He showed her his palm
And laid his hands on
In ways that were naughty and scandalous.
KitFox has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
It's hardly worth it without the pictures.
No kidding.
And thank you.
@Robusto See, I was right!
@tchrist About?
Planning his repartee
Lurks in the shadows
I don't wish to seem grandiose
But this jabber has grown otiose
   So because I am bored
   I'll be cutting the cord
And bidding you all *adios*.
blows kisses
Actually, I wanted to save that for when I actually have to go. But I decided not to save it. I'm still here.
takes kisses back
@Rob Do you know Game of Thrones double-dactyl?
No fair.
@tchrist I do not.
@Robusto Too bad. We're still in disagreement and I'm holding a grudge.
Aerys Targaryen
Couldn’t be troubled to
Hear Branden’s claims.

Summoned the father and
Roasted him slowly, con-
Signed to the flames.
But I'm familiar enough with double dactyls, from hickamore-hackamore to Malachi Mulligan.
Rhaegar Targaryen
Thought he was born of the
Dragon’s own blood.

Rode to the Trident, then
Fell ’neath the hammer and
Drowned in the flood.
@KitFox Well, why don't you just pull out your gun and shoot me. sticks out tongue in a life-threatening way
Robert Baratheon
Drank till he couldn’t sit
Straight on his horse.

Sought to increase his reign’s
Married a bitch, so she
killed him of course.
Yours, or Martin's?
Aemon Targaryen
Forged him a link of
Valyrian steel.

Nothing that he could try
Opened the lock that its
Mysteries conceal.
Renly Baratheon
Married himself to a
Virginal queen.

Better her brother for
Breakfasts of champions:
Finest cuisine.
No magic for you.
@Robusto Your tongue couldn't threaten my ladyparts, much less my life.
Tyrion Lannister
Hid his cheap whore as his
wife’s smiling maid.

After the trial he
Choked her to death cause his
Dad she had laid.
Stannis Baratheon
Traded his gods for a
Cult from the East.

Burned his own subjects up
Feeding the flames of the
Fire god’s priest.
@KitFox Ha, you wish. Mine tongue has laid waste to many a ladypart, and no one ever asked me for a refund.
Probably too busy shutting the door.
Aegon Targaryen
Claims that he’s really Prince
Rhaegar’s dead son.

Despite this dubious
Swift he comes conquering:
Storm’s End’s undone.
Lord Wyman Manderly
Sups with his foes, leaving
Nary a crumb.

Wolvering wolverenes
Tell all who hearken that
Winter is come.
Double dactyls are cool.
I guess, if you don't mind looking weird.
Oh, you're talking about scansion still, aren't you?
Pyromaniacally Apocalyptically Respectability Thaumaturgistically Homoerotically Unsympathetically Ritualistically Chronobiology Incontrovertibly
Those guys’ names work about infinitely better in double dactyls than youse guys’.
Notice how the final pig is saved for the fat man.
Well, I suppose you could use my nickname Catherine.
Yes, that one is better.
Catherine Vulpides.
Many a ladypart
Have I linguistically
Tickled and nibbled till
Juices did flow

Moaning and groaning whilst
I was postponing her
Climax, as onward to
Heaven she'd go.
What was my other...let me find it.
@Robusto Touché.
@Robusto Your guess.
Whoa, double-dactyle porn! Rule 34 really is true!
@tchrist I'll say yours.
@Robusto Wait — where’s the six-syllable word in the 6th or 7th line?
aka Minervatia Vulparcanum (or Corvidrix Vulparcanum).
Too many notes.
@tchrist I am not familiar with the rules. I only play what I hear.
Many a ladypart
Have I linguistically
Tickled and nibbled till
Juices did flow

I was postponing her
Climax, as onward to
Heaven she'd go.
There. Fixed.
No, no, sixth line.
> Like a limerick, [a double dactyl] has a rigid structure and is usually humorous, but the double dactyl is considerably more rigid and difficult to write. There must be two stanzas, each comprising three lines of dactylic dimeter followed by a line consisting of just a choriamb ( ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ).
Aww, you people and your rules.
> The two stanzas have to rhyme on their last lines. The first line of the first stanza is repetitive nonsense. The second line of the first stanza is the subject of the poem, a proper noun. Note that this name must itself be double-dactylic.
> There is also a requirement for at least one line of the second stanza to be entirely one double dactyl word, for example "va-le-dic-tor-i-an". Some purists still follow Hecht and Pascal's original rule that no single six-syllable word, once used in a double dactyl, should ever be knowingly used again.
Many a ladypart
Speaking in tongues did I
Tickle and nibble till
Juices did flow

I was delaying, so
Climax, as onward to
Heaven she'd go.
@Robusto Quite.
Christ. Cunnilingus is easier than double-dactyls. But now that I think on it a bit, one might help the other, yeah? How does a clitoris feel about double dactyls, I wonder.
I like making the first line of repetitive nonsense something that can be slanted to the subject.
Personally, I don't think I'd enjoy double dactyls on my bits.
All those first nonsense lines in the Double-Dactyl of Ice and Fire do so.
I just like cunnilingus. Sue me.
Oh, we're talking about the poetry again?
@Robusto Especially to the tune of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.
O what’s the rhyme to Blackfyre?
Ken ye the rhyme to Blackfyre?
Unworthy Aegon gave his son
The sword his hopes to backfire.
The king across the water bides
Not long ere home again he rides
In glory till at Redgrass Field
A weirwood arrow fate decides.
Beyond the Wall white walkers walk,
Lord Brynden urges ravens talk,
In waters cold lurk dead things bold,
And wolves the sons of men do stalk.
The Children teach young Bran to see
The world from faces in a tree.
Three distant dragons reave and burn
Both friend and foe across the sea.
O who can rhyme Targaryen?
Can any rhyme Targaryen?
Swift Aegon brings the sword of kings
The unburnt queen to marry him.
I have a long commute. I run rhymes through my head.
@Robusto Your lingus will be hearing from my cunning lawyer.
@MετάEd I hope he'll be flying Aer Lingus.
Ere Lingus?
Heir Lingus?
Air on a G-string?
@Robusto He's on his way from Leng.
@KitFox Well, have you tried that? If not, withhold judgment.
Lickety splickety
Velvety Vulpides
Tremulous tickling
Touches her toes

Slowly and certainly,
Offers an orgasm
Written in prose.
Ja, that’s even verse!
I like the ambiguity over whether she's touching her own toes, or somebody else's.
and the general moisture implied by the first line.
I'm unhappy that the last line is not also alliterative.
I shall have to think on it.
Purely in prose!
And bye.
You have to weigh the prose with the connes.
Hoppity poppity
Infamous Zimmerman
Out in the neighborhood
Pulls out a gun

Smart alec seventeen
Most self-defensively
Pulls out his fists but the
Knucklehead won.
I couldn't get the one line as one word.
But that's for @Rob.
A fine effort though!
I can't find out what happened on the interstate on my way home.
I'm feeling quite cross about it.
I was going to say "what happened?" but that would be a stupid question.
Traffic was backed up in both directions. There must have been an accident. Two tow trucks diverted to the northbound side.
So you were severely retarded?
I exited and came around to the next exit, and it was almost empty on my side. The other side was backed up good.
@DavidWallace I wasn't actually.
Only a little retarded.
How long is your journey normally?
@KitFox But the last line is "written in prose" written in prose.
That's perfect.
BUt it meets the rhythm pattern.
I like my "purely in prose".
@DavidWallace Maybe 20 minutes.
That's not so bad.
Oh crap, but I'm supposed to go to my MiL's house. I forgot. Bai!
Mine is much longer - a mixture of feet and trains.
@tchrist Na ja, nicht schlecht.
When you're in Florida
And in white neighborhoods
Everything's fine 'less your
Skin color's brown

Then you're fair game if we
Stalk you and shoot you for
Just being 'round.
Thanks for your advice. — Smith Jun 27 at 23:04
I loled. Gotta give him that.
BTW, I'm re-watching Teh Glories Bastords right now, this time in English.
Still a mixed bag. The things I liked the last time around I now like even more. The things that didn't sit well with me now sit with me even worse.
"One of the . . . striking features of all mining camps in the West, was the respect shown even by the worst characters to decent women. . . . I do not recall ever hearing of a respectable woman or girl . . . insulted or even accosted by the hundreds of dissolute characters that were everywhere. In part, this was due to the respect that depravity pays to decency; in part, to the knowledge that sudden death would follow any other course." Article
@RegDwighт Which didn't sit well before?
"the respect that depravity pays to decency": what the hell does THAT mean, I wonder.
Tarantino is a psychopath. A sick fuck. And I don't really mean it in a good way.
@RegDwighт Yeah, I agree. I kind of feel I'm crossing a moral line when I laugh at some of his sick humor. Still, it's funny.
@Robusto he phantasizes about killing people in the most brutal manner possible. And he found a loophole for getting away with it. Make them nazis, or vampires, or plantation owners, or serial killers.
The scene in the cinema is deeply disturbing. It is not healthy. It is atrocious. And I don't need Aurora to think that. It just is.
I tolerate that stuff for his dialogue. Guilty pleasure.
The closest he actually came to killing actual people was, of course, Natural Born Killers, but there his trick was different, he slapped Oliver Stone's name onto it more prominently than his own.
@RegDwighт Well, yeah. But so is the murder of Brad in Pulp Fiction. It's gratuitous, ugly violence. But we lap it up.
I like Tarantino, he makes/made interesting stuff
@RegDwighт What, Tarantino wrote that? I did not know.
A buddy of mine actually had the book.
I refused to read it.
I did not like that film. But then, Oliver Stone continually disappoints me. His "Untold History" is quite good, though.
Oliver Stone overdid in it what he was pretty good at with U Turn, and peaked at with Any Given Sunday.
So Tarantino supplied the story for Natural Born Killers. Various other writers hacked up the actual script.
I couldn't watch Grindhouse, and the Kill Bills gave me Ill Ills.
@Robusto yeah make no mistake. So do I. But this is where we come right to my next point. It is not entirely his credit.
The film hinges entirely on two people and two people alone. Christoph Waltz and Sally Menke.
Now, Tarantino did acknowledge Waltz to the moon and back, I will give him that. His precise words were, in fact, that Waltz gave him his movie.
Right. Damn. Sorry Christoph.
I guess that was because you brought up Pulp Fiction. What with that other Christopher Wal.
Understandable. Too bad I have to go pick up my wife at the train station. This could have been an interesting conversation. Lator.
Anyway. He gave Waltz all the credit he deserved, but I am not so sure he gave Menke hers. Exhibit A: Django, with which he pretty much spit on her grave.
It would appear that not only didn't he learn anything from her, but he actually did everything wrong she had done right.
@Robusto yeah. CU.
@RegDwighт You’re right. It’s troubling.
I have a couple scenes ahead of me anyway.
@tchrist so. Before I leave, the bets are on: who will he kill off next in the most disgusting manner?
@DavidWallace Nice! I could ask for something else, like a pony, or more cake, but that would be for reality's sake, not the limerick.
@Mitch Close to scanning. Very close.
A: What's the genitive of "someone else"?

John LawlerThe Modern English possessive suffix -'s is not a case any longer. Cases inflect nouns, but the -'s attaches to the end of noun phrases, rather than to their head nouns. Technically, an affix that attaches to a syntactic construction instead of to a word of a particular type is called a clitic ...

@JanusBahsJacquet I doubt that grade-school teachers are allowed to even say the word clitic in class. :) — tchrist 9 mins ago
@MετάEd how do you appeal?
@Jez Generally speaking, appeals can be posted at meta.english.stackexchange.com, posted at meta.stackoverflow.com, or e-mailed to [email protected]. The choice of venue is up to you.
oh great. that'll work well
a few days later someone might respond
Were you flagged by a mod, or was it a group flagging?
i wouldnt call it a group
AFAIK it was 2 people
@Jez Two people cannot successfully flag a chatpost. (Unless one is a mod.)
A flag needs to be ratified by five other users. Also, as many people vote against the flag you need that many more ratifications. Plus every five people in the room who don't vote count as an additional vote against, the so-called "meh" vote.
well that doesn't seem right
considering how quickly it went from "flagged" to "removed & banned"
about 5 seconds
It doesn't take long, if the post is offensive.
well it wasnt
And I'm sure the time of day has an impact also.
I can't argue with you about the flag: I don't know what was said.
Nor do I know whether a mod was involved.
And with that I bid you adieu.
@tchrist I'm a poetaster and I don't know it... aster?
@DavidWallace Wait, wait wait, no one's going to respond to that? Hey man you 're retarded!

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