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Q: How to get to Antarctica without using a travel company

Moses KimI have a dream of skiing across the Antarctica continent. After some research it seems there is no scheduled flight to Antarctica, and the tours out there just reach the entrance of Antarctica and come back. The question is how do the people who cross Antarctica get there?

You seem very unexperienced for something like this. Please stop that suicidal plan until you had some years time to get experience. ... I bet the company mentioned below will plainly refuse to take you there anyways even if you have the money, until you make it believable you're prepared, but still that has to be said here.
Like ... ski 1000km through Russian winter without entering any heated house, and of course start smaller first, and learn some medics, navigation plus emergency contact things, handling/avoiding/eating wildlife (including those of Antartica), ... Do it again. Go up some Himalaya glacier. etc.etc. ... Get permission from some country. ... And don't forget preparing your things at home for your death, because even with the best preparation it's still an extreme plan you have there.
Thank you for your advice. I'll be sure to prepare step by step.
It's been done. There is one section heading "Wake-up calls" but it doesn't mean what I would like you to hear.
I think people with the resources and support to train and equip for skiing across the Antarctic would be able to arrange charter boats and/or ski planes.
Why are you against using a travel company? Unless you own a boat/plane capable of going there yourself (unfeasible to say the least) and pilot it yourself to there (about as unfeasible), you'll have to deal with someone with the right equipment to get you there. Might as well be a travel company.
Possible duplicate of‌​ica but the "no travel company" is a difference.
@deviantfan obviously, the OP is trying to do the research -- that is what asking this question is about in the first place. We all have to start somewhere, right? And why practice skiing through the Russian winter? I can't imagine anyone going to Antarctica and not wanting to do it in (their) summer.
@Jennifer Because the Russian winter (in the warmer parts of the country) may have temperatures comparable to the Antarctic summer. But I would start in Greenland, with trips of 2–5 days onto the ice and off again (IIRC this requires a permit too).
I wish you good luck. Say hello to the penguins for me! :)
Regarding permits I just wouldn't worry about it in this amazing scheme. What's going to happen - they'll arrest you? Who?
@Fattie Law enforcement in your own country, of course. At least in the countries that are part of the relevant treaty. From a quick search, eg. in 2014 a Norwegian had to pay the equivalent of 7000 USD just for being there.
@deviantfan The OP came here to ask a question not to get lectured about the danger of going on a expedition.
It should be noted that "going to" in general and "crossing" are hugely different things. Antarctica is not necessarily that deadly cold near the ocean (can quite possibly be positive Celsius degrees at the right time of the year!). Now, crossing the continent means going through a zone that is consistently approx 50-60°C colder. So if you have 0°C at the coast, it's -50°C or such there, let's not think about the case when it's -30°C at the coast... So well, in one word, while "go to" may be a fun idea, "cross" is just an outright crazy suicide idea in my opinion.
@HermanToothrot If you seriously think that, then I just don't agree. There were already questions on these sites, that were possible without company etc., that would've definitely killed someone if the asker would've tried it. Because the asker simply had no idea of everything, including the own lack of knowledge, and apparently no one in real life could warn before getting more infos here.
@deviantfan who are you the savior of the naive? Are you a san franciscan trying to save the world? Would you feel guilty if you didn't give a lecture to the OP? He/she didn't ask for any of that and doesn't need your armchair advice. Don't you think that the people offering the logistic services would ask a question or two before giving a ride to someone to Antarctica?
@HermanToothrot Sure they will, as written already. ... I feel both sorry and happy for you - happy that you don't need to watch all those naive dead tourists here around, who died because much more simple and unnecessary reasons. This is my last post in this useless discussion.
@gerrit permits might not be required for citizens of some countries:…

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