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@PolyGeo I recommend signing up for the e-mail newsletter for The Genealogist because they will send you news about offers, and tell you other things that are going on like when new records are added. The feature articles that talk about the records are useful even if you can't afford to sub right away.
@PolyGeo Also check with local family history societies to see if they offer discounts to The Genealogist as part of a membership.
Another month, another workshop:
Genealogy Chat 1st week of Month | Monthly Workshop | week of 6 Oct 2017
Q: The Genealogy Conference: topics for focused chats

Jan MurphyAs proposed in Improving the Weekly Chat, we'd like to try something new with the Weekly Genealogy Chat room, which we've re-named as The Conference Room. It appears in the list of chat rooms as Genealogy Conference. Pick a topic you'd like to chat about. Post a question here in Meta announcing...

Here's the problem I'm struggling with right now. I took a class on English Probate Records and discovered there are copies of wills for some localities on microfilm at Family Search. So now I'm trying to review which people might be worth looking for. I already had a project going to keep track of what certificates I wanted to order at the GRO, so I added a Probate folder to that project.
So now I have a rudimentary checklist. I'm trying to find:
1) a ballpark for date and place of death
2) a likely GRO reference
3) a listing in the probate calendar (this should have been item 4)
4) a burial record from the Devon burials at Findmypast (before 1915) if they died in Devon (this should have been item 3)
That checklist is not strictly sequential since I might find the probate calendar first (by finding the named dwelling) and then the other records, but ideally I'd like to have Death Cert, burial, and probate if I could get it.
Then I have to sort out all the probate indexes and see what I can find on FamilySearch, knowing in advance that a goodly portion of what I might want was lost in WWII. I've had remarkably little luck finding anything via the Devon Wills Index.
So I don't know if any new questions will come out of this, but I'll probably be cranking some numbers through @HarryVervet's lovely GRO hack: genealogy.stackexchange.com/q/10355/1006
The annoying new question: one of the Knowles' cousins' probate calendar entries says that his executor was to an Albert Edward Luscombe. I wasn't aware of any previous connections to the Luscombe family so I started digging in the Luscombe families around Slapton, just to see who is there.
One of the candidates for Albert is the son of a Robert Thomas Hext Luscombe. Since I have a couple of different people named Thomas Hext in the database already, this made me sit up and take notice.
That Alfred may be one of 14 siblings, 10 of whom were allegedly still alive at the time of the 1911 census. That sent me off on a chase for GRO birth registrations and baptisms and school records. I did pretty well with the birth registrations (12 of the 14, I think so far?) but finding baptisms, burials, and school records has been gnarly.

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