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Q: Disrespectful employee going above my head and telling me what to do. I am his manager

MetalgearmaycryThis time last year I hired 'Bill', someone a little older than I am, to take over some responsibilities I needed to start delegating. Despite his great interview and full understanding of the job requirements, Bill initially did not appear enthused at all about the job or his position, which is ...

"My boss did not help things when he told Bill 'Bill, you're the guy until OP rolls his lazy butt in at 11:00', and that 'OP is really better behind a desk'." Is this boss the CEO? If not have you talked to this boss about it? I think part of the issue may be that you are being undermined by your superiors.
Yes my boss is the CEO. This is all too common behavior for him; job titles and responsibilities and even comments like the above all get tossed around and doled out depending on how he feels that day.
Can you clarify what sort of influence do you have over Bill's performance reviews, salary raises, promotions, etc? Knowing that might influence some answers. Also - do you think his co-workers have similar impressions?
@Metalgearmaycry If I were you I woud polish my CV. When a CEO behaves like this, it rarely ends well
Did you hear the CEO make those comments, or did they do it in writing? Is it possible you're basing things on second hand information (in which case, consider the source).
“CEO told me to not sit down and talk with Bill about the issue” - How is Bill supposed to know your unhappy if you don’t communicate the fact your unhappy? Actions alone won’t necessarily be enough, depends on the person, some people need to be told in words. However, going against the wishes of your boss can backfire, so you are clearly in a tough spot.
Your CEO is slightly wrong. Respect is either earned or commanded and you don't have to earn a subordinates respect.
As a lifelong night person, I'll add you will never overcome the prejudice of morning people against people "coming in late" even if you are working 80 hours a week. They'll deny it, but most day people haven't even considered it (privilege is being a day person). Regardless of the reason, coming in later than 0800 has put you in the (subconscious) crosshairs and has complicated your professional life. Also, your statement that Bill cannot teach you any social skills is an indicator that you haven't given it serious consideration: Everyone can teach you something if you pay attention.
This company isn't going to be around very long. Start looking for something else.
Bill is in the process of assuming your position with the support of the CEO.
"He has asked during the past week for new responsibilities outside of his wheelhouse and paygrade": the devil on my shoulder suggests thinking up the lowest-level and most 'grunt work' you can find and assigning him those...
@Metalgearmaycry: Have you actually given feedback to your employee on this? If you have not given him feedback and you went directly to your manager (CEO) to complain about a junior level employee which could be acting like that our of inexperience and naivety it shows to your manager that you can't manage your people and can't solve problems. You should be going to your manager with a problem only when you can't solve it yourself despite your attempts If you are finding this out now, may be you should do some self-reflection
What do YOU want for the outcome?
You can learn something from everyone - including what you would NOT do...
@ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere: I was sitting directly across from the CEO when he made those comments.
@Jim: I have not spoken to Bill about these things. I am not sure how to talk about this in a constructive manner, and do not want to squash his desire to grow and learn by saying the wrong thing.
@PeteB.: I am beginning to think this more and more. During my discussion about Bill with CEO, CEO told me that it is okay if Bill forgets things and I have to remind him, because "he sees the big picture", whereas I am "laser-focused" and only give CEO what he asks for. TBQH I think CEO has an image of me that is unfair considering my position and the work I've done for the company. But that is another post.
@Metalgearmaycry I am not condoning the overall behavior of the CEO but you should probably listen to him when he gives you direct feedback such as "You're too laser-focused." You might not consider his perspective fair but that wouldn't make it inaccurate; the fact that you're posting on here asking what to do about this employee's actions instead of what to do about your own even supports it. To me, it sounds like you and Bill actually could learn a lot from one another; you could teach him to be more considerate while he could teach you to be more assertive.
BTW, Bill saying 'I'm just a lowly X' could imply that he feels that the position is beneath him and that would go a long way to explaining things.
@Metalgearmaycry: I think you are shooting yourself in the foot here. As a manager it is your responsibility to manage your team and the includes giving them feedback. Not only you did not do that but you went directly to the CEO with what one can assume an intent to fire the person. Besides the fact that you went to your manager to solve you a problem that is part of your expectations, you are completely breaking any kind of trust your member would have for you. If you can't give constructive feedback without breaking the other person looks like you have a lot of self-reflection to do
@Metalgearmaycry: My suggestion is: Give feedback to your employee as soon as possible.
I'm getting the impression that OP's co-workers don't see OP as being effective and/or as available? Is it possible that whatever medical condition you said you have (or something else) has made you less able to contribute than what you originally thought? In my experience, when I need help with something, I avoid spending my time with people who I'm not convinced will be able to help me accomplish my task(s). It has nothing to do with "disrespect"; it has everything to do with my efficiency and effectiveness. Have you considered this might be a possibility?

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