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8:31 AM
@aparente001 nope. Some people on the network noticed the post (probably through the Hot Network Questions) and saw the Hail Hitler part. They flagged and also reported it to a CM, which came to talk with us moderators
@guifa yes I left the comment and then the CM deleted the post. I agree some time would have helped so you had time to react and change things if you thought it was worth it, but at the same time CMs are typically fast on these things. I understand it must be uncomfortable and I am sorry it came to you in this manner
8 hours later…
4:54 PM
@fedorqui - With your permission, I would like to copy what you wrote here and post at our Meta. Knowing that there was some local moderator involvement changes how I, at least, see and think about what happened.
If you yourself would like to copy what you wrote here and post at our Meta, that would be even better -- but they're your words and you get to decide whether they get posted at Meta or not, and who posts them.

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