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I don't want to really get into a debate or discussion (I doubt my ability to do so productively.), so I won't be responding to replies no matter what. But I did want to note some points I think should be considered.
@Aza This isn't as uncontroversial as it would have been a decade or two ago. Some prominent examples include recent legal action being taken against a florist and a baker for refraining from providing service they found morally objectionable. There's also the issues around the ethics of employers offering abortion and contraceptive coverage. While I wouldn't dare equate those with physical violence, the sociopolitical landscape is clearly shifting.
@Aza I think we have to distinguish between physical violence and disagreement, and likewise we must distinguish between hatred and disagreement (irrespective of what your views on "hate speech" are). These things are never inextricably linked. If you mean psychological harm, consider that suggesting that equating our beliefs about transgender issues with harm may be psychologically harmful to us in turn, but I (or we) nevertheless support your right to express your thoughts on the matter.
18 hours later…
@jpmc26 The recent issue was a director at a funeral home. He apparently came out trans, so began dressing like a woman and asking to be called "she" and a woman's name, etc. The main argument is that the owner decided the director was making people uncomfortable, so terminated employment.
On one hand, the courts generally have supported the idea that public dislike for a protected people class cannot be used as excuse for employment decisions. I guess this only applies if trans is a protected class, which afaik it's not in almost all states.
On the other hand is the argument that employment would have been terminated even if the director wasn't trans. "A guy in a dress" is probably not the image they want to put out right now.
Which means the problem was more about wardrobe than anything else. Even if trans becomes a protected class, does that mean employers can't put wardrobe restrictions on trans employees?
"The girls wear poodle skirts and hair ties, the boys wear slacks and aprons". Apparently this is a problem for trans, as they've defined gender as intimately personal and non-reflective in one's body, of which "gender expression" is the outpouring of that identity.
If your employer rejects that notion, then trans women will be asked to wear slacks and aprons.
Even if you are a trans woman, I think wearing a dress to work at the funeral home is splendidly tone deaf. "Guys dressed up like broads" is a very old joke and still funny to a lot of people. It's outrageous that anyone can't see the problem combining that image with the somber discussions of grandma's casket.

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