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Q: What happened to DSCOVR, what stopped working?

uhohIn Scott Manley's recent video Views Of Earth and the Seasons From A Million Miles Away - DSCOVR & EPIC after about 04:20 he says: …it’s one of my favorite missions because it has this very simple idea of just showing the Earth continuously. So you could browse to a web page and always see wh...

lack of research @uhoh. Gyro failure, plan to jury rig star-tracking, return to service hoped for January
@JCRM oh, like this one. I think there is enough effort and research here to match this site's typical questions, and for this particular question what's important is that a good answer be posted that is of interest to other readers. Since you are in a good position to write an answer, why not write one?
That question showed more research than this one, and I'm happy with my downvote on the question there, and the upvotes on the answers.
@JCRM If I added more research, I'd end up answering the question within the question, which makes it a bad question, deprives people from posting answers, and ultimately bring the information to fewer readers. Not every single question requires a high level of research to be asked. The key is to provide opportunities for good answers. When research is required I do it and I think if you choose any hundred of my 1,600+ questions you'll see they are generally very well-researched. But this one simply needs to be asked as-is to provide a space for an answer to be written. Why not write one?
If you're going to ask a question you intend to answer, answer it.
@JCRM no I don't, that's the opposite of what I just said in the previous comments. I don't see where you're getting that from.
The key is to ask good questions. If it's not a good question I'll downvote it. If 5 minutes research means you've answered the question it's not a good question - it's a conversation starter, When you ask good questions I upvote them.
@JCRM no, the key is to ask questions sufficient to generate good answers. SE is about answers. This is a fundamental precept of Stack Exchange.
@uhoh Just a caution: you're coming across as berating JCRM for their opinion. This runs counter to the idea of promoting commenting reasons for downvotes.
@called2voyage thanks for the caution. You are right that adding comments to down votes is important and welcomed and I shouldn't discourage people from doing so by arguing with the reason once they share it.
I've got a typhoon blowing over my head right now and it always sets me on edge, but that's no excuse.
@uhoh Yikes, stay safe!
They come through here regularly, several a year. Somehow everything is built to just take it. Except for an occasional landslide or someone out when they should have been home, it's fairly uneventful here compared to anywhere else in this part of the world.
Seven-elevens even stay open through typhoons! I think the workers just sleep in the back rather than go home.
But they still scare me every time.

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