How can I take back my sovereignty from the American government and start my own micro nation?
I've read about starting a foreign company with my name in all caps but I want a lawyer's answer.
I'm curious, where are you obtaining your information? Is this an idea that you originated or have you heard about these ideas from a third party source? If the latter, could you please provide a link?
Nations are not made by lawyers. You'll have to win a war of seccession agains US goverment, and then win several wars against entities that would try to conquer you. There are reasons why goverments don't generally stay small.
An interesting question would be what "sovereignty" means to you. If nations are merely contractual entities which you may abstain from, surely "sovereignty" is just a word.
What you are missing is that a nation needs land--and you either find unclaimed land (one guy is doing this due to a border dispute between Egypt and Sudan--they are using conflicting border claims that leave out a little parcel), make land (build it up from the ocean) or go elsewhere (good luck building a permanent habitat off Earth!)
Declaring sovereignty is easy: all you need to do is say you're sovereign. The trick is getting other countries to recognize it, something that usually requires an army.
This comes down to ... how will you make your subjects pay tax to you, instead of to the government of the United States, without risking your entire nation being on the inside of a prison somewhere.
It's an interesting question so no downvote. Is the OP's intention to remain physically in the United States and own or control land notionally within the boundaries of the US, or simply leave and renounce US citizenship? The OP may want to review how the Sioux Nation is prevailing in maintaining sovereignity over land notionally within the Dakotas before proceeding.
The question itself ignores the reality of acquiring goods and services. Unless you plan on finding some sort of currently unclaimed region in which you can be absolutely self-sufficient, no established state will bother with the time and effort it'd take to treat with your essentially non-producing nation. So you are unlikely to have access to any sort of international commerce or travel without keeping some sort of foreign citizenship, getting rid of which is presumably the point, rendering the whole idea fundamentally impractical.
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@user662852 the only goods I've considered exporting are food, natural purified elements, and carbon nano tubes\graphene. But that's just because they are by products of my food growing practices. Which are inhibited by regulations because of their closed cycle and infinite nature.
@EugeneRyabtsev Once he gets an army capable of defending against the USA Army, I would say the rest of the armies are nothing to worry about... It would be more sensible to start the planning for World domination in five years
You have a food-growing process that is closed-cycle yet "infinite" and produces carbon nanotubes as a byproduct? Forget US law, I suspect you're breaking some laws of thermodynamics somewhere...
@LorenPechtel Check out Asgardia for someone actually trying that approach. @ GabrielConnorNelson If "there wouldn't be taxes," how would you pay for defense or other common resources?
When you say that you wish to export food which you claim to grow using practices that are forbidden in the US, is it not also forbidden to import food grown using those practices.