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4 hours later…
Will somebody help me with my math? If I want to watch coverage of the Perseverance Terror Minutes should I "tune in" at about 4:45 AM Friday in UTC +8?
12 hours later…
@uhoh Google agrees with your math google.com/search?q=3%3A30pm+EST+in+china (I think UTC+8 is China)
Medi Gwosdz on February 18, 2021
To move this technology forward, the tools and platforms surrounding it must become more accessible.
3 hours later…
@DigitalTrauma to be clear, I'm in Taipei
Thanks for checking my math!
@uhoh oh - sorry, I thought I'd checked your profile, but apparently completely missed your location, so just took a guess at the largest population
@DigitalTrauma no prob, are you watching the live stream now?
@uhoh yes :)
wow MRO only had signal lock for a minute before losing it due to plasma blackout
now it's back again already!
10 gees of deceleration!
that's gonna hurt
chutes out
I think there will be some early pictures soon
dust cover is still on
@uhoh worth getting up at 4:30 am for ?
@DigitalTrauma absolutely 100% yes!
When I was a kid I got to stay home from school to watch the Apollo missions to the Moon. I grew up watching Walter Cronkite talk us through it all.
A half-century later NASA still delivers a great show, and does a good job covering and explaining themselves now.

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