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The engine that failed to light, causing the crash.
Did not even make a crater this time. Note the lighter coloured square of concrete, bottom leftish? That is the SN8 crater patch.
4 hours later…
I want to add a bounty to this question. It was roomba'ed a few years ago, then had help finding it. I think this will likely have an interesting answer!
This question needs a few more UNDELETE votes!
Q: How to get a link to an old question of mine, possibly deleted?

uhohI am looking for an old question of mine that (I believe) asked about the largest number of different kinds of satellites in one payload. I also believe I included a yellow-room photo of the Kanopus-V-IK "agglomeration" of satellites. I believe that the question might have been auto-deleted due ...

4 hours later…
@uhoh I will an some undel vote at 02/28... :-)
@geoffc I've read that the Raptors are not very stable yet.
But also Falcon had 8 failed landings until the first successful.
6 hours later…
Ben Popper on February 03, 2021
It takes the most exquisite measurements you can imagine, recording the changes in current associated with different bits of DNA.
2 hours later…
> Yes. Sad to see any rocket explosion. I'm sure Gwynne will sort it out
(From Tory Bruno)
2 hours later…
Ok, I read that likely the raptors are the weak point.
4 hours later…
There is an estimation that LOX preburner could have gone, because bubble.

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