Hmm, 14X15 grid top grouping of heat tile hexes - about 200. Next one is 12 tiles, then at the bottom a grooup of 12 tiles, then a 7 tile grouping. Top mounting is in a wide array of pins. The lower ones look glued.
SN10 on the left, SN9 on the right. 2 Starships on the pad. Hey SLS... How many core stages have you built? I see 6 engines on the pad... How many engines have you built new, not reused 1980's built engines?
BN1 is getting really really close. Interestingly, the LOX/CH4 tank seems reversed from Starship. SS - CH4 on top, LOX on bottom. But SH has LOX on top, CH4 on bottom. Wonder why...
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