@geoffc pings to users who haven't been in chat for a while go silently unreceived and fall off the edge of the Earth. Now, about these cookies, I guess you guys ate them all because I can't find any!
The "oldie but goodie" question What are the choices today for orbital mechanics simulation software? has eleven separate community wiki answers (more if you count the deleted ones).
Would the ideal situation be a consolidation of at least all of the short answers into one CW but perhaps leave t...
Starlink launch 5 (6th set of 60) is in 5 min. They just did a job ad for Boca Chica on the webcast. Funny.
5th flight of the booster.
Reflying the fairings. Only second stage is new. Getting closer to full reuse... (Second stage never will on F9 but such a huge improvement over everyone else so yay!)
Interesting. Early engine shutdown on launch. Good to have 9, made orbit no issues, looks like it failed to land, but waiiting for more news on landing.
Open source software is becoming more and more popular. Here’s how you can create a plan to ensure that your open source implementation is secure as well as effective.
if someone coughs on a smooth surface (stainless steel or plastic) there can be enough virus to successfully infect you 24 hours later. See link for details