yeah, i'd say that's clutter. It isn't really telling you anything that the drawing itself isn't telling you. Also, essentially all the objects are labelled twice.
I just found out that Ciolkovskij isn't the only person who's considered the father of rockets. Robert H. Goddard, who I'd never heard about, is also called as such. Mind that they were both active before the war, so it's not just the case of an invention getting independently discovered on the two sides of the Iron Curtain because of lack of communication.
..when going to answer one post about this subject I get a panel which asks me not to give opinions and to back my answer with references etc. What?
I feel therefore I cannot answer!
@RoryAlsop I'm surprised there's been no mention of Wernher Von Braun, he came up in a book I'm reading as the "Father of Rockets" as well as simply googling the term.
I'm not allowed to share exact numbers, but I will say we are doing really well. We have actually maintained a high Q/A rate for most of the last week, not just in the two key days.
If we keep up the question rate, we no doubt will be graduating soon.
@geoffc not only that, 3 Promoter badges. 3! might actually be a measurable factor in maintaining our activity level high enough for graduation.
and you could rack up a ridiculous number of gold badges...
it wouldn't surprise me. wait til google catches up. their algorithms probably downplay one-page sites that just came to be, and that is probably wise in most cases.
ok - yours isn't one page, but you know what i mean
they will list it near the top in due course or my faith will be totally shaken
@kimholder I have said many times before and will say many times again. The HNQ is stupid. I’m not saying the people there are stupid, but that they’re most often the people with basic interest in the pages they’re opening. So the more basic the question the better they’ll do.
My first answer gold badge on SFF was a rather simple question that skyrocketed, at the same time I’ve done an analysis of the 4 versions of Tolkien’s the Hobbit, stretching way back to the original 1938 plot openings (14 years before it was published) on some matter or another and only gotten ~10 upvotes (on a very generous site)
Due to my ignorance with regards to most of the questions here (not being as knowledgeable as you guys, yet or ever), I have to prey on the google-able questions! (Or thenones about seatbelts that we’d already discussed in here!!