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Launch is T-13. Video on webcast was interesting. TEL looks very different still from LC39A. Still a lattice not enclosed. The base was a single hole, vs the width in prep for Heavy.
Throwback support now per article on new TEL.
this one is sort of special. glad i noticed the alert it was going to be on :P
Reused first stage (Previous CRS mission, so RTLS and easy landing) and reused Dragon capsule.
They said they WON'T be cleaning/repainting the first stages n future reuses. Interesting.
i guess they are going for a look :)
Ole Sooty.
it's just cosmetic. maybe even the build-up protects the surfaces more.
and it sure shouts 'this stage is reused'
True enough. I assumed the new TEL would be enclosed like LC39A. Lattice was a surprose t me.
why'd they enclose it?
A better question!
oh, double deluge system
holy crap what a great shot
Camera work is rocking today!
You could see the rotate and boost back of first stage!
Almost every launch recently I've seen when it's in the middle of the first state.
Saw something interesting flying back a moment ago, I guess it was the dragon from the first stage?
eep - the fins took a minute to unfold fully there
The new ones are slower to unfold, as I understand.
These the Ti fins or Al?
Not sure, but I thought most missions were Ti fins these days.
I recall a Mod4 booster that still used Al, theory was they had a bunch they had to use up. Perhaps they have? Also this is a resused stage? Did they change the fins uring refurb?
@PearsonArtPhoto that cap that flew off? a protective nose cone?
There is no protective cone.
Yes, docking port is underneath it on the Dragon.
Will look and see what it was when the launch is over.
Dirty camera lense... Someday they'll have a solution for that.
Stay on target!
Looks like a perfect landing.
Pretty much nailed the X
Theory was AL fins ablated, Ti did not. Think they might have been AL. Size is the give away.
Second pad looked mighty complete!
i didn't know the fuel burned so dirty coming in. lots of smoke.
I like that there wasn't any applause on the landing.
Every landing I see I think, if I was the guys who bullied Musk as a kid needs to be very very scared and make sure he NEVER does anything to remind Musk about it. Programming error and maybe a stage lands on his house. :)
Or maybe that's just because I'm watching the technical webcast.
kerosene burns dirty.
Busy trunk
Let's see. This booster was previous used with SpaceX CRS-11
So unless they upgraded the fins, it would be aluminum.
Agreed. CRS 6 dragon.
Also has to be Mod/Block 3 first stage regardless.
is that elon and gwynne in the front row there?
great shot of the wings unfolding
I guess what I saw was some kind of a nosecone from the Dragon.
In the middle, looks like them.
Dragon nose cap protects the CBM mechanism. Has to eject once out of atmosphere.
Makes sense. When I was just glancing at it, I thought it was the dragon loose, but I wasn't paying close enough attention to it.
7 days to next launch from Vandy!
Solar panels deploy early...
The longer you run on battery, the less time you have to troubleshoot possible issues on battery before they run out.
I know, but still...
I don't remember them deploying that early.
Trust me, I've had a payload on a rocket that I was at least partially responsible for. I know that the solar panels need to deploy quickly:-)
Here is hoping for a F-H static fire before 2018!!!
i'm probably not going to earn many hats this year, so i guess i'll wear what i've got
@kimholder What is the easites hat to get?
I do not see any I am likely to get.
um, i think i got this one for showing up today :P
oh no, wait, it's a secret hat...!
gee. they do have several that can be earned with a bit of effort though, doing things that the site needs more of anyhow. that's nice to see.
the mad hatter, fascinator...
oh - werewolf hunter :)
too cool is a nice one, just have to use the app and vote
2 hours later…
Q: How long does a question ban last here in my case?

MuzeI have posted to many questions that was not high quality. What else can I do to earn to privilege back other than revising my posts? Some of them are as good as I can make them for now.

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