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@JerardPuckett the alpha list? what's that? (sez the mod.) there's nothing in the synonym list or the tag list except
1 hour later…
I listed the tags in alphabetical order.
Sorry, that's how I should have put it before.
By clicking on 'name.'
Then go to page 9.
@JerardPuckett huh, look at that. A new wrinkle. When i searched for everything with 'ion' they didn't come up...
they should indeed by synonyms
let's see... how is this done...
@JerardPuckett ok, those are all now synonyms for . and i even got a badge for it, cuz i'd never done it before :P
Yes, search for 'ion' and you get words with 'nion' & 'tion.'
10 hours later…
The rocket is fueling:-)
SpaceX livestream starting now, at least opening star screen.
Nice that they credit the artist.
It's like the old Windows screensaver, only with a more detailed backdrop.
the music plays much louder on the hosted stream :)
@JerardPuckett i relate it more to star trek :]
13K people watching a blank screen on Youtube...
Definitely meant to be a FTL journey.
And then once the video starts, it only goes up 2K.
cape canaveral is the lightening capital of the US?
Yeah, I caught the same thing...
Q: Is Cape Canaveral really the lightning capital of the US?

PearsonArtPhotoToday's webcast featured an interesting quote, that Cape Canaveral is the lightning capital of the US. Is that really the case? If not, how does it compare in lightning strikes to other areas in the US?

oh, you beat me :D
Half of the reason to watch the webcast is they always have some interesting questions to ask here.
I think I applied to work with the payload from Raytheon they were just talking about.
Our q per day average has been over 5 for 2 months now. i think we are at a new plateau. nice to see.
@PearsonArtPhoto hm, looks like the capital is actually on that bay on the west coast of florida
Yeah, but it's pretty close it seems.
ah yes, you got it in your answer
I notice they didn't show the one leaning on the droneship.
SpaceX is much better at launching on time these days...
The number of launch attempts is going way down.
I love the mist coming off the rocket as it moves faster.
50K people on the YouTube stream...
it sounds like they have sound from the rocket...
The video is choppy... Not the stream, however.
stage heading back
wow, that was a great shot
Yeah, that was pretty cool.
It's interesting how long it takes to separate the fairing...
I saw an upright rocket, but still...
yeah, it seemed good, flames on one of the legs looked in the right spot
Did we land, or get experimental data?
60K viewers now...
On to Elon's twitter feed...
Looks like a landing
Yeah, but that happened for the Vandenburg landing attempt as well.
I say at least 90% the landing was successful, but...
Won't be surprised if F9 fell over after hard landing and knocked out comms.
Looking at the little footage we have, it seems like it had a hard time staying upright, it was wobbling for a few seconds at landing.
The last second of video with the stage had it appearing steady, however...
They have to know, the helicopters must have reported to someone what the status was...
What was the bright light there?
So, the rocket seems to have been lost. Sigh.
Ok, Elon, you made me log into Twitter, dammit.
Twitter: Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 24s25 seconds ago
Ascent phase & satellites look good, but booster rocket had a RUD on droneship
My favorite acronym.
it will be interesting to see the footage. looked like it was close.
Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 12s12 seconds ago
Looks like thrust was low on 1 of 3 landing engines. High g landings v sensitive to all engines operating at max.
i.e., it fell over (?)
Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 14s15 seconds ago
RUD = Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly :)
there should be a tag for that ;)
but it would then need to be made a synonym for
Well, sometimes [launch-failure] could mean did not reach proper orbit.
by the way, the secret sauce is you have to put [tag:tagname] to get it to display all nice
Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 1m1 minute ago
Upgrades underway to enable rocket to compensate for a thrust shortfall on one of the three landing engines. Probably get there end of year.
And once I get one more point, I could write the wiki myself.
@JerardPuckett there :)
Thank you
oh hey yeah - it exists, i forgot, it was the source of my questions about the origin of the term
Coined by Elon? sorry, no...
But it hasn't been used much. and i never fixed the entry.
I was about to say . . .
A: Who coined the phrase 'Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly'?

PearsonArtPhotoSo far as I can tell, it was first a saying used by military personnel as the phrase "Rapid Unintentional Disassembly", for a phrase when a gun broke apart if you misused it. This was used by a book for Navy Personel in 1970, so I suspect it was in use for a while before then. This seems to have ...

yeah, that, exactly
Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 3m3 minutes ago
Landing video will be posted when we gain access to cameras on the droneship later today. Maybe hardest impact to date. Droneship still ok.
no more time today, later all
@JerardPuckett cheers, Jerard
So, I just tumbled down the rabbit hole of John E. Brandenburg...
Sad to see a brilliant scientist drop into pseudoscience
He can still make a convincing sounding argument
@called2voyage yes, i got into that too.
there is enough that seems sound i'd like to hear a solid refutal of it, because i don't know enough to see the holes.
He has a point about the irregular nuclear results, and I hope it gets more serious research.
Even if his assumptions are wrong, I'd like to know the explanation for the observations.
the nuclear stuff is what really turned my head
might be the basis of a good question, if there is enough known to at least put it in context. which i take it there is?
It's like the whole Tabby's star controversy
ah, but Tabby's star is much more intriguing, no? i heard from someone just recently that the current hypotheses all have gaping holes.
Enough unknowns that the stupendous cannot be ruled out
@kimholder agreed, just similar, not the same
What's interesting to me is that Brandenburg claims he did present his findings to the Pentagon.
I'm curious if that's true
We'll probably never have the answer to that
i believe when i looked into it the explanation for the xenon isotopes was the level of cosmic radiation on Mars... but it was a fairly cursory search i did
that the isotopes were deposited by meteorites with a lot of deep space radiation exposure?
Yeah, there are plausible natural explanations, but I think the confidence stands to be improved.
I saw that a few days ago.
1 in 2018, 2 in 2020, and likely increasing from there. Could become very interesting...
kim holder has added an event to this room's schedule.
> Essentially what we’re saying is we’re establishing a cargo route to Mars,” he said. “It’s a regular cargo route. You can count on it. It’s going to happen every 26 months. Like a train leaving the station. And if scientists around the world know that they can count on that, and it’s going to be inexpensive, relatively speaking compared to anything in the past, then they will plan accordingly and come up with a lot of great experiments.
cool :)
> Musk declined to provide too many details, saying he would unveil the system at a conference in September. But he was clearly excited about the prospect and could barely contain himself.

“This is going to be mind blowing,” he said. “Mind blowing. It’s going to be really great.”
That's Elon for you.
Fantastic, when can I book my flight. ;)
Wait, why is there no return ticket?
Seriously, though, someday we'll see the Elon Musk Interplanetary Spaceport on Mars, I bet.
Maybe a B̶i̶g̶e̶l̶o̶w̶ Moonwards spaceport on the moon?
I've seen almost everything in that video, although it was about 2 years ago...
@called2voyage 8] i'm working on it...
@PearsonArtPhoto i'd love to be able to do that. i have thought about putting that cam feed on in the background during the day.
I did it the day before they did the Orion test, NASA has a social media day.
I used this site to get me in to it.
@PearsonArtPhoto HAH... wow, what an incredibly useful bit of information, Pearson :)
At long last, it looks like I'll get my 49th repcap here. Just 1 more to go, and I can finally become Epic.
I know of people who have used SE to get them in to conventions for free as "Media"
I should really try that.
oh... yeah.... hmmmm
so... if we had a blog.... i'd say we get enough hits to be considered 'press'...
Yeah, the blog part is what helps a fair bit.
i could work on a blog... though i have really been trying to get some stuff done on moonwards, i'd have time to do that once that's progressed a little more
We'll get a blog when this site graduates.
I'm content to wait for now.
ah, yes. that wrinkle.
@PearsonArtPhoto I commented on the lightning question
I think we should migrate to Earth Science
Don't forget to explain which webcast
Fair enough.
Looks good, thanks!
Besides, I hit the repcap today, might as well get a bit more reputation somewhere else:-)
That's the spirit! ;)
3 hours later…
Nice! They announced that LIGO detected another gravitational wave event.
Just saw that.
And possibly a third, but not confirmed.

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