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oh wait now there's an hour of complimenting each other
I actually just closed the tab because it seemed all the interesting stuff stopped.
I accidentally did the same :P
They were just talking about how they're all great friends, so I did it on purpose.
Altitude dip: second stage TWR is much less than 1.0, so the rocket falls past apogee before getting up to orbital speed.
I figured that out, but thanks for writing an answer about it. There are probably more people wondering
I didn't figure it out, and was still wondering why.
I'm not an engineer. :(
I'm just a nerd that likes space stuff.
same here ;)
That's a dinky little engine on the second stage. The Merlin on Falcon 9 produces more than 10x the thrust, on a rocket that's a little smaller overall.
Way more fuel-efficient though.
@Hohmannfan basically it's recovering a bit of gravity drag losses by focusing on getting to orbital speed
That doesn't quite seem right. The TWR wouldn't be it alone...
English @Pearson ... English! :)
If TWR was substantially more than 1, it could keep pushing the apogee up. waves hands, creates trigonometry diagrams
It's really hard to put into words what's going on there. The horizontal velocity makes it "gain altitude" by letting the earth curve out from under it, but it's doing so at a slower rate than gravity.
actually, didn't we have a question about that already?
@RussellBorogove Sometimes I wish this chatroom was an actual room.
@duzzy with a whiteboard.
446 s for the HM-7B, compared to 348 s for merlin 1D vacuum.
with all this hand waving, we wouldn't even need AC
Hmm actually putting it in terms of TWR <> 1 is a little misleading, you're right
I may rephrase.
look point is .... waving hands ... see?
A: What is the reason for the Ariane 5 launcher with Intelsat 29e losing altitude?

PearsonArtPhotoWe know that the tough part of getting to space isn't getting there, it's going fast enough to stay there. One of the key reasons is that the rocket is concentrating more on gaining horizontal speed than vertical height. So the rocket will eventually start being pulled down vertically. The atm...

The reason isn't so much the low TWR, it's because the rocket is concentrating more on increasing the horizontal speed.
KSP has taught me something:-)
Even if the TWR was greater than 1, it would still be concentrating it's acceleration horizontally, and might dip.
well yes, and quarter of an orbit later what was before falling towards the surface is now momentum in velocity vector
you know it's a bit like competitive skiing,... you're gonna go a whole lot faster through the track if you can keep close to the gates
or not :)) sorry, I was just looking for a reasonable analogy
Rewrote to avoid the focus on TWR
You guys are awesome. It makes sense to me.
Your answer does make sense now, but I'll leave mine.
Anytime I get to use an XKCD graphic is a win:-)
Yes, leave it. I upvoted both.
Besides, it's one answer closer to that silver badge...
The optimal strategy is to neglect vertical velocity, and ignore friction from crashing into the ground
@PearsonArtPhoto :P
It's a race for me now, get the launch silver tag badge, or Epic.
You could even take advantage of the ground by putting a lithofoil on an extensible arm to produce lift. Lithoplaning.
@PearsonArtPhoto have you tried...
or freehand circles
Actually, I have a fair chance of hitting #48 today, which means that I should be there soon...
owww @Pearson you nuked it.... I actually wanted to stay there with my snark comment :D
for a while at least
I don't respond to enough flags, when I see an easy one, I have to take it;-)
What I do is I downvote it so I later remember that I want my point back :))
Can I "store" reputation as down-votes, in order to workaround the rep-cap? (Not a good idea to mention it with two mods around though..)
@Hohmannfan yes, it is possible, but you'll then have to hope that those posts are either deleted or edited so you can remove your downvote
also, we're mods not SE devs, we don't have to keep bugs a secret :P
but we might have to suspend you if you use them to your advantage LOL
your account at least
mind, you'll also need additional upvotes after you reach rep cap... and it's all for naught if we recalc your rep :P
I didn't think you could...
I've never seen it work, at least...
you get to 200, downvote, you're at 199, someone upvotes you, you're back to 200 ... you undownvote the day after, you get +1 back
I did it once by chance on sec.se
Maybe I've just never seen it. Interesting...
then it was confirmed by the bear that reaches rep cap nearly every day there
5 hours later…
Rudd vs Hawking in Quantum Chess.
I want to play quantum chess.
9 hours later…
@kimholder SpaceX MCT announcement will be at IAC 2016 in Mexico.
"We'll have a next generation rocket and spacecraft beyond the Falcon Dragon series and I'm hoping to describe that architecture later this year at International Aeronautical Congress..."


67th International Aeronautical Congress, Guadalajara Mexico, 26th-30th September 2016
How far is that from you? (Being entirely ignorant of geography in Mexico.)
@geoffc oooohhh mannn..... IAC is expensive.... (fret)
But out of curiosity, how far away is it? I know Mexico is a teeny tiny country the size of Rhode Island or Texas... So how far could it be?
it is about 3.5 hours, and of course we (i? - hubby will not be very interested and likely busy) could stay at a cheaper hotel...
i've already wondered about it, but it is quite expensive. don't remember what the figure is, high enough that i looked at it and said 'well, forget that'...
but it has stayed in the back of my mind. i did mention it to aldo, and he was open to the idea depending on what exactly is going on at the time.
actually looking now i can't find a price. where did i see that? did someone tell me?
yeah, a thousand euros last year in jerusalem.
@geoffc are you thinking of going?
@kimholder Sure... That is likely. Alas. No. Though I am seriously thinking about going to watch a launch out of LC-40/39A...
i'd love to do that too. probably will have to wait a year or two though.
2 hours later…
Answer to the Dreamchaser question: It won't crash.
I actually saw the Dream Chaser prototype that crashed, before it crashed.
Maybe I can start my own space company? I have a barge, so I only need a rocket to crash into it.
@PearsonArtPhoto jealous...
@Hohmannfan You have a barge? I want a barge. How do you get a barge?
@duzzy I built it. I was like ten years old. I am from an island.
You're from an island? I want to be from an island. How do you come from an island?
That is really cool.
Can I come visit?
Why not :)
apparently you are from a grocery store.
also somehow they managed to convince google maps they are at 32 N. this is misleading and i advise caution :P
@kimholder Oups! That was a secret Israeli rocket silo!
I suppose that is actually the case, as they have moved my bookmarked location to a little distance
My barge is visible online!
lol that's awesome.
that is indeed pretty neat. it looks like a lovely place to swim, if maybe you have a thick wetsuit.
Fishing, wetsuit swimming, and that sort of things
@Hohmannfan Wow, UPS must hate you :D
.-'----. ,' . | \ | \ \ _ \ ,\ _ ,'-,/-)\ ( * \ \,' ,' ,'-) `._,) -',-') \/ ''/ ) / / / ,'
@DavidFreitag do i program an ascii art face by entering it line by line?
@kimholder The problem with ascii art is that it's multi-line, and I don't think the input in that window supports multi-line text
ok. i vaguely remembered you saying it can do pictures? does it have to be with imgur or am i doing something else wrong?
ah, okay. maybe i formatted something wrong the other day
@kimholder face lime?
sorry, facepalm
sounds like some shower gels
@kimholder It's a long story, and I almost certainly was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be, but...
oh, that is so much better even :]
did you have a spy camera too? :D
That could have gotten me in some serious trouble, as it was...
In an archived chat, nobody has a spy camera
next time you use speech to text to browse to to Area 51 to see how our site is doing, try to disable your car navigation's speech recognition first
go to Area 51
@TildalWave Especially for us living on the European side of the Atlantic ocean
Wow, we have 36 users with 3K reputation...
I am That #37 below :(
@TildalWave lol
For reference, Dream Chaser is run out of the larger Denver Colorado area, in an unclassified space.
Any recommendations of a SE site where knowing random stuff and things about space is useful?
@Hohmannfan 37 users over 3k tomorrow
3 hours later…
@PearsonArtPhoto It was like the Jason-3 Falcon 9 first stage. It landed, then a leg/wheel collapsed. :)
@Hohmannfan fixed that.
Yay! Nerd number 37!
Not sure if any one has noticed or cares, but Space is about 3 months from hitting 1,000 days in Beta. area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/43283/space-exploration Might be worthy of some type of celebration
How many of you have been here since the commitment? @PearsonArtPhoto for sure, but who else?
I think I was.
And @TildalWave , @RoryAlsop and @SF too.
:-) I blame @TildalWave... I think :-)
Wonder what the longest time in beta is
Congrats on your 3k @Hohmannfan
Definitely going to drink a cup of tea with milk now!
@RoryAlsop Longest time in beta? board and card games 1927 days
@Hohmannfan wow!
actually - even more wow: just noticed @TildalWave has 48k rep! Awesome!
My SE history: Back in June I posted a badly written answer. Then I did not visit the site for nine months. In December I visited again, and saw that my answer got 1 upvote, and some helpful suggestions for improving it. That motivated me to try to contribute to SEx.SE for real, and well, now I am hooked.
@Hohmannfan that's excellent - the best kind of effect an upvote with comments has
Congrats with 48K @TildalWave !
@Hohmannfan the system works, sometimes in mysterious ways :]
oh my god you're teeny weeny!
should i be swearing in front of you? :D
Extreme partying with tea and sticky note!
dude, you are going to be a total uber-nerd in a few years
i think you have to be our youngest regular. maybe you'd have to duke it out with Vedant for that honor.
cheers, man!
"man" is not the right word :P

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