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With a space elevator, a backyard full of solar panels could launch about 500 horses per year, and a large power plant could launch 10 horses per minute.
6 hours later…
This question on History would probably benefit from the attention of people from here: How were the Venera Probe missions received/presented in the western world during the space race?
@Noordung I may have misssed it. But why the name change?
yesterday, by Rory Alsop
@Noordung so anyway - what is Noordung?
and I thought it goes better with my hat :)
@DavidRicherby also note that the first Venera probes were sent after the cold war detente (cooling off period) started, beginning with Khrushchev's leadership in mid 50's, despite Wikipedia failing to observe that fact
meh I have workers at home installing a new kitchen ... and have nothing to do with myself in the meantime LOL
I thought it's gonna go faster ...
1 hour later…
Is Ascension showing anywhere near you guys? Syfy network TV show. Premise is, in 1960's they launched a crew of 600 on a Orion spacecraft to Proxima Centuari.
So they have these people living life culturally still from the 60's. Big secret mission.
Been a lot of fun so far. 3 episode series 1.5, 2, and 2 hours. Twist at the end of the first night was great.
@geoffc I tried to watch it yesternight but fell asleep on it ... not sure if it was too long-winding or I was simply too tired to follow. It had that "Solaris" (the one with Clooney, not the Tarkovsky original) feeling tho.
But BSG reboot also started rather slow, so it's hard to say.
BTW no spoilers please! I still intend to watch it properly ;)
Roger, no spoilers. I actually DVR'ed it watched the first 45 min of #1, then started in on #2, so I missed the fun twist at the end of #1.
Looking forward to part 3 now.
It showed up on my VoD just recently. Didn't even know there's many episodes out already
Only going to be 3 I think. Unless they turn it into a continuing show.
I like the captain. But i cannot help but see him as the goofy ex-husband from Cougar Town.
Though Trisha Helfer plays to her strengths in this one. Classy dresses. :)
Sort of like they are trying to capitilize on MadMen in SSSSPPPAAAAACCCCCCCEEEEE!!!!
2 hours later…
posted on December 17, 2014

City lights shine brighter during the holidays when compared with the rest of the year, as shown using a new analysis of daily data from the NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite. Dark green pixels are areas where lights are 50 percent brighter, or more, during December. This new analysis of holiday lights uses an advanced algorithm, developed at NASA's Godd

2 hours later…
Anyone read Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising? ONe of his first books. Core premise is that Afghans blow up a major Russian oil refinery. Years to rebuild. Will run out of fuel in 6 months. So what is alternate? Beg for help? Nope, invade Middle East. But first distract NATO by invading Germany.
Anyway, core is, they had an oil issue, and chose to invade Europe to distract.
With articles like these:
Does anyone wonder if maybe Russia will make a grab for some Middle East thing to push oil prices back up?
Bit of a stretch?
not a stretch... Putin has already shown some agression by "annexing" Ukraine
all in the name of energy prices
same thing could happen again, and i believe that it is likely.
i wouldn't be surprised if he is presently trying to negotiate with OPEN leaders to cut productions
but once that doesn't work, I am not sure what his next course of action would be
Well written article though. It helps make clear the complicated geopolitical situation that is going on.
@Stu glad to see it is not just me. :)
i meant OPEC* btw
4 hours later…
Just a quick note that I've noticed quite a change in voting habits on our site and there's a lot more competitive and popularity voting than we used to have. I dare say this because I'm probably your most devoted voter (of any and all of you). My opinion is that this might be due to our regulars' voting habits dropping and the "SuperCollider effect" taking over. Please vote (your choice which way). Thanks!
Frankly, I can't even get that 40 votes in a day hat here, because there isn't 40 posts on the whole site I didn't vote on LOL
OK, maybe I didn't read exactly ALL the answers, but I certainly won't be able to find 10 questions to vote on :)

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