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@JonEricson Is there still something not quite settled in me? Just curious ;)
@UndotheSnowman To be honest, I didn't re-evaluate this time around.
Oh, ok.
Just took the 4th place 'finisher' from PT noms?
@UndotheSnowman Well, I was interested in a bit more cross over with Astronomy and I knew @called2voyage would do a great job.
Makes sense.
I'm afraid it's more an art than science.
We really need that.
Absolutely ;)
Thanks - that cleared up some questions I had.
5 hours later…
@Scrooge yay! :)
@called2voyage How are you settling in as a new SEx.SE mod? Any station-keeping yet? :)
1 hour later…
@called2voyage welcome mod :-) Congrats
To all, stats seem to show that our voting habits somewhat dropped, and that's even though we have many more members and some new ones fairly enthusiastic regarding voting on stuff, all of it indicative that our regulars vote less than you used to. Please see if you could vote more (up or down, your choice), and if there's some old questions you didn't accept any answers yet and you might as well. This is most important for new users, so they gain rep to remove new user constraints. Thanks!
@TildalWave sure ....:-))
2 hours later…
in The DMZ, 8 mins ago, by Rory McCune
this is epic
2 hours later…
@ManishEarth already posted a question with a good reply...
@JonEricson good choice
@Scrooge Ah, nice one :)
I'd never put my hand up to be mod - because I seriously doubt that I would be allowed into that position
@UndotheSnowman I also sorta recommended c2v in TL
@ManishEarth i am tryin gto think of another good question
i will be teaching chemistry, alongside physics and maths in my new school
@Scrooge Math? Do you have sufficient armor? :P
@ManishEarth 14 years experience
Words may never hurt you, but Ticonderoga pencils and graph paper may. Be careful, and get some physical armor :P
@Scrooge At what level is this?
senior levels
calculus, trig...all the fun ones
ah. Maybe less armor required.
nothing scares me,for I am a maths teacher
but mind you, the last month has been very trying to say the least
@ManishEarth are reference requests okay on chem.se?
@ManishEarth I am now a member of most of the science sites
Q: Open Projects for Space Exploration

cinicoWhat do you think about the possibility of open projects for space exploration? I imagine a place where people from different areas and expertise could participate in, for instance, a project colonize the moon. I am thinking in the similar way an open source software project works, where at fir...

@Scrooge nah
1 hour later…
Are you ready? We are! It's #FREEFLIGHT Tuesday @NASAKennedy - a beautiful day for it! Safety Brief in progress. http://t.co/gdgbaX8lzL
so this was an hour ago... check this
Arriving at the pad for #freeflight @NASAKennedy http://t.co/itnNaAc2xG
so first they were ready, now they're getting ready too :)
Live stream for the first free-flight of Morpheus Lander is now available on USTREAM and Morpehous Lander pages
1 hour later…
posted on December 10, 2013

This mosaic of images from Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam) shows geological members of the Yellowknife Bay formation. The scene has the Sheepbed mudstone in the foreground and rises up through Gillespie Lake member to the Point Lake outcrop. These rocks record superimposed ancient lake and stream deposits that offered past environmental conditions favorable for microbial life. Rocks here were

1 hour later…
@Tildal In your most recent ad for Astro, those telescope outlines... Can I have them? I have an idea.
@UndotheSnowman Have you seen my new feature request on MSO?
@called2voyage Yes.
Not sure it's really technically possible, but it would be nice.
Yeah, it depends on how they have things configured under the hood.
(in case you haven't noticed, Meta is my evil lair)
I have noticed.
That's why I didn't bother linking you to my post.
I figured you'd already seen it.
I really like your 'join this stack' idea.
(although it should be join this site)
Or even 'create account'
I thought about that
but both of those have some ambiguity to them
they seem to imply that you don't already have a Stack Exchange network account to a new user.
'create site account'?
to a new user "site" could mean Stack Exchange
maybe "join this topic"?
Sounds a little too... reditty.
"Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 111 question and answer sites on diverse topics..."
I'd agree with you if it said
> Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 111 topics
@TildalWave Awesome. Nice and big too. I'll see what I can do ;)
@UndotheSnowman No, I get your point. There's no one clear solution.
Yeah. I bet there is somewhere, but we would really have to think hard on it.
I'm sure the devs would figure something out if they decide to do it.
That's their job.
And the base idea is great.
but you can find many online, just google for "stargazing" set to large and find those that are easy to extract with alpha by luminance
@called (anything that gets over about 25 upvotes on Meta is known as a hit ;))
@UndotheSnowman lol
Ooops, wrong one.
I was wondering.
or if you use PS then magic wand should do it ;)
^ That's it.
@TildalWave I use GIMP. PS too expensive :(
@UndotheSnowman Ha, that's pretty good.
UPDATE: Now estimating ~1:30pm ET ignition for Bravo vehicle's 1st #FREEFLIGHT @NASAKennedy Tune in http://1.usa.gov/17HpVnq to watch LIVE!
@UndotheSnowman Pretty useless too if you ask me. It does nothing that others don't for free. OK, it makes you buy 32GB more of memory...
... and a new proc and a graphics card that's supposed to accelerate it. And you learn many new adjectives :)
@TildalWave Wait, GIMP or PS?
prepares smiting stick
puts away smiting stick
Bart let me borrow his smiting stick for a while - it's pretty nifty.
GIMP is good, and since it's free I'm not complaining
if you like PS style graphic editing, then I suggest inkscape which is free too
@UndotheSnowman // beats @Undo with the same stick...
Starting a chat with actions, I miss our Hissatron :D
This is what happens when I don't restart my machine for a while - thank God for multiple desktops:
@UndotheSnowman amateur :)
I prolly beat you 2-fold... at least
When I start programming and running servers... then it actually gets messy.
Don't I know it :) And they still call them IDEs ... LOL
^ Rev 1. Watcha think? @called2voyage @TildalWave
Oh. C2V isn't here :(
@UndotheSnowman it's a bit ... empty
@TildalWave I call that simple ;)
well, then it's a bit simple :P
But yeah, I would want a starry background or something.
cropping doesn't seem right either, there's something sticking up on the right from the ground, and it could show a bit more of the guy, it looks now like someone died on a refractor
@TildalWave LOL
murder by eyepiece :)
I'll do some thinking on it.
@UndotheSnowman Too monotone.
and flip it, so it looks like he's observing site contents not folk's monitor bezel ;)
Ok, I'll do some work on it.
I like what you're going for but it is a bit bland.
Let me know when you've done some more work on it.
We need an initiation for @called2voyage - a project for him to work on for the improvement of the site.
@UndotheSnowman you mean like moderate the site? ;D
@TildalWave Hmm... but he would need something to moderate
@UndotheSnowman which he does, two sites in beta
Yes, but I haven't been flagging stuff.
I'm sure that you can mend that fast enough
Morpheus is now ready,... about 5 minutes to test
and it flies :)
And that's it... I think... it's not like they said anything
anyone see a resemblance?
that's Fregat upper stage
Q: Allow me to flag my own comments as obsolete

Undo the Snowman note: this is not a dupe of this - that one regards flagging ones comments as offensive because they were in 'a bad mood' when writing them. This request is about flagging my own comments as obsolete. I'm quite active in a public beta site, and it should be enough to say that when a new mod ...

2 hours later…
Q: How does the star tracker lock on specific star

Tomislav MuicHow does the star tracker (such as one on Voyager) lock on to specific star and how reliable it is? Are there more approaches in more modern trackers used such as pattern recognition or other methods which would enable to track more stars to give more reliable fix and avoid problems if tracker m...

Is this question as vague as it seems to me?
It seems a little too general.
Never mind, I talked to the user and updated accordingly
@called2voyage I've seen, cheers for that! ;)
Sounds ominous.
What does?
I've... talked to the user.
Lol, maybe it's just me.
In related news, I've run out of questions to ask.
In less related news, we're on target to hit around 1020 questions by Dec. 31.
@UndotheSnowman Why do American astronauts wear Russian spacesuit in Soyuz? How does that sound?
Because the Russian spacesuit has the right holes in the right places for breathing air and stuff?
Not too difficult to answer but it might be interesting for folks
I think I might have something, just a minute...
@UndotheSnowman heh there's more to it, go and ask it
Ok, if you really want me to... runs off skipping gleefully.
I can't find any references ;(
The Sokol space suit (, Falcon) is a type of Russian space suit, worn by all who fly on the Soyuz spacecraft. It was introduced in 1973 and is still used . The Sokol is described by its makers as a rescue suit, and it is not capable of being used outside the spacecraft in a spacewalk or extra-vehicular activity. Instead, its purpose is to keep the wearer alive in the event of an accidental depressurisation of the spacecraft. In this respect it is similar to the ACES suit that was worn aboard NASA's Space Shuttle during launch and landing. Description The current version of the suit is...
Oh. Can't beleive I didn't find that.
Me neither :D
Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of assembling a launch vehicle horizontally?

UndoWhile reading up on the Soyuz rocket, I noticed this: Soyuz rockets are assembled horizontally in the MIK Building at the launch site. The rocket is then rolled out, and erected on the launch pad. Why is it assembled horizontally, and only righted on the launch pad? What are the advantages ...

^ There's one.
Now the Spacesuit one.
@UndotheSnowman How dare you not link to my questions in it??? I haz pix!!
Q: Do any of the developing space programs use horizontal launcher assembly and launchpad loading?

TildalWaveDo any of the developing space programs (i.e. not NASA, ESA or Roscosmos) use horizontal launcher assembly in the launcher integration building and launchpad loading like the Soyuz at the Baikonur Cosmodrome does and it will also be done with future Guiana Space Centre launches of the Soyuz rocke...

I'll wait with my upvote .... hourglass
frantically incorporates image
working on Sokol question now.
@UndotheSnowman Why not just say "while reading on the Soyuz and related question whether any other space programs use horizontal launch vehicle assembly, I noticed..."
you're ruining my beautiful layout!!
@TildalWave Well, because I didn't notice it while reading the related question. But ok.
I mean of my question :)
Ok, just a minute. Working on spacesuit question.
@UndotheSnowman Ah you didn't? So it's you that didn't research my questions and provide a fabulous answer to it?
... small font: and upvote it
@TildalWave I actually just pulled up Wikipedia and started searching for spacey things.
Q: Do American astronauts wear Sokol space suits when flying on a Soyuz?

UndoThe Wikipedia article on the Sokol space suit seems to suggest that all personel traveling on a Soyuz vehicle must wear a Soviet made spacesuit: Each Soyuz crew member is provided with a made-to-measure suit for flight although, from the numbers made, it appears that the suits provided for gr...

Q: Why is the Sokol spacesuit deemed inadequate for EVA?

UndoAccording to the Wikipedia article on the Sokol spacesuit, The Sokol space suit (Russian: Cокол, Falcon) is a type of Russian space suit, worn by all who fly on the Soyuz spacecraft. It was introduced in 1973 and is still used as of 2013. The Sokol is described by its makers as a rescue suit,...

This is fun.
@UndotheSnowman were ... wear
Already fixed.
1 hour later…
posted on December 10, 2013 by Ben Montet

Today we take a look back to 1916, when distances were measured in light years and uncertainties weren't to be included in publications. The nearly 100-year old discovery of a small star has large implications for our understanding of stellar astrophysics, even today.

posted on December 10, 2013 by Meredith Rawls

Title: Fundamental Stellar Parameters and Metallicities from Bayesian Spectroscopy: Application to Low- and High-Resolution Spectra Authors: Ralph Schönrich and Maria Bergemann First Author’s Institution: The Ohio State University, USA and University of Oxford, United Kingdom The link between a pile of data and a physical explanation is the fun part. Astronomers spend countless hours gath

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