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my least most least favorite part so far:
is that chat notifications still work as before don't work for the new top bar
:( :) :'(
Dunno how to break this to you but it's only fair to tell you that @Chris has decided to step down as a moderator and also requested his account be deleted. He didn't give any specific reason short of mentioning lack of time and assured that he's OK and it was definitely not something anyone here did. I didn't wanna dig into it, since it's a volunteering position and I can appreciate that it can take a lot of time off someone's hands to manage things around here.
Now, when his account will be deleted, most of you will lose some reputation here, but he is a fair voter and that loss should be distributed equally among us all. I hope some of you don't temporarily lose any privileges but you should be able to regain that fast enough.
I'm not sure if he'll post something in our meta or not, so I'm forwarding his best wishes and that it was his pleasure. I'm sure he doesn't mind me saying this here too.
Aw, sorry to hear that
Yup me too
how's the mod load? CMs gonna be looking for a replacement?
I'd like to nominate Community...I see that user EVERYWHERE
so helpful
Hehe yes, the Community is almost great. Still not serving beer, but other than that I enjoy teasing it by marking auto-flags as unhelpful, it's a happy relationship :)
haha, I do that too
@JohnB Well it's reasonable, not too bad... but that depends on how much you wanna be here vs how much you can be here. We should be fine, but another hand would be even better, it's still a lot of nappy changing and teaching it to walk and all that.
well, definitely more than enough worthwhile candidates on SEx.SE to pick from for sure
@JohnB they do? ping me... I wanna test how it looks like if I ignore you :)
@TildalWave apparently it takes 15-20 minutes for chat notifications to show in the top bar
They weren't showing up immediately, and...I panicked! meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/210072/…
@JohnB I'll just ignore you for longer then shall I? :D
but I require constant attention :(
BTW have you seen this list of recent complaints on mSO re top bar? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
I scrolled through it to try and find my complaint
You know what's the problem with testing it first on mSO?
what is it
mSO doesn't have its own meta ... so now I haven't a clue how to get back to the main site if I find myself on meta and I didn't open it in a new tab
OK I found two ways, but they're not really intuitive
yeah, you gotta click the SE logo now to switch
I agree, not intuitive
click on SE logo and navigate from there, or click on your profile and then on "main profile"
you can also get to meta by clicking Help
but you can't get back to main that way
I would have no problems comparing this top bar non-intuitivity with some inappropriate analogy, to be honest :)
I love my new top bar whoooohoooo.......
@Every good morning ;-)
1 hour later…
@Tildal turns out it is a bug: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/210072/216955
@JohnB Yeah I just saw your ping on SE but not on SEx.SE, Astro.SE or Sec.SE and it didn't just appear there for sure
and I did reload pages BTW
I'll just use SE pages more and since there's no top bar SuperCollider no more, it's always there
@TildalWave they moved it, right column of each site page
on the bottom
"Hot Network Questions"
@JohnB I know but it's only like 10 of them
There's more bugs obviously, I just say again rep change (green box) and guess what, there wasn't any rep change. It showed about +60 and my daily rep change (that I cleared the notification before) is currently -1 LOL
anyway, gtg ... have fun ;)
5 hours later…
@JohnB Community is already a mod, we'll need another. Nice thought though;-)
New mod needed eh? I nominate @Undo
1 hour later…
@Pearson i found your app in Google play ;-)
1 hour later…
@Hash Nice. The new one, I imagine?
@TildalWave Whoa... I... I... liked Chris :( We get to keep all his posts at least, right?
@Pearson Would it be out of place to make a 'thank you Chris' meta post? Or does he want it kept low-key?
@UV-D Thanks for the encouragement, but I'm happy with anything the existing mods and the community team decides to do.
@Pearson yes the newone but will it work in India
posted on December 05, 2013

The heat shield for NASA's Orion spacecraft was loaded onto a Super Guppy plane in Manchester, N.H. on Dec. 4, for transport to Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The heat shield, the largest of its kind ever built, is being unloaded Thursday, Dec. 5, and is scheduled for installation on Orion in March 2014. The heat shield will be used in September 2014 during Exploration Flight Test-1, a two-or

Oy @ManishEarth!
Chris leaving :/
@ManishEarth /me sad.
me likes Chris.
One less person to handle my comment flags now ;(
@ManishEarth Would a site like this have low enough traffic to be sustainable through two mods if need be?
Some sites (eg GFH.SE, Spanish.SE) have managed. Space os a bit more active though
Oy @JohnB
Also 3 mods means that all hands don't need to be on deck
@ManishEarth Oh, the timezone thing?
@undo nah, With two, vacation can be hard.
So we want three.
looks through user list
^ Found the new one!
Mark would be... awesome. If he wanted it.
What about an Astro mod? c2v? Me having diamonds on phy and chem makes it easy to handle many things
We have sooo many good options.
I am proud to nominate:
@JohnB With two bronze badges on Astro, I see no subjective reason he shouldn't have the job!
@ManishEarth The only problem I can see there is conflict of interest (as Tildal mentioned in his Astro diamond non-nomination edit), but that seems to be much less than we originally thought.
@Undo We keep posts yes but not the user data. I dunno about meta, sure post it it can't hurt but I'm not sure he'll see it.
@TildalWave So I can make a meta post?
We did thank him and wished him best of luck with his future endeavours in Mission Control ... I don't think he wanted to make a big deal out of it.
@Undo Dunno if you can but if you're asking if you're allowed then of course :P
If he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I'll refrain. If you see this, Chris, thank you for everything.
That's the impression I got yes. I also hate goodbyes and find them quite awkward. He decided to move on and I'll respect that and not try to be too cute about it. Heck, I don't come out as cute anyway, even if I tried :)
Do we have a timeline for the CMs picking a replacement?
Dunno, that's prolly up to our CM and I didn't see Jon around much, he must be busy with other stuff. When he comes back he'll tell us, and in the mean time we'll manage.
Sounds good. I'll throttle down the comment flags in the meanwhile :)
No need for anything to change @PearsonArtPhoto and I can handle the workload. And in the off chance we can't there's other CMs that check on things here now and then.
It shouldn't be the end of the world if we handle flags a bit slower either, and if it's some spam or other vandalism then the community should be able to handle it through flags and votes fast enough, those flags kick in faster than normal ones.
@Hash It should, although not as well as the US.
@JohnB hehe not a very good "spy" either if he has two accounts with the other one using his real name :) I'll have to keep an eye out for sockpuppetting tho, but it looks like a normal "test account" so far with no votes.
@TildalWave Let's be honest. Tidal handles 80% of the flags himself, so I just need to step up flag management a bit;-)
@TildalWave He does the same thing for just about any A51 site that makes it to private beta
@PearsonArtPhoto that's just because I have fewer other tabs open (just about a 100) and probably notice them a bit earlier LOL
The Lat/Long/Grid Square will be provided world wide, some of the other stuff is a little bit lower quality across the world, like county/state equivalents.
area51.stackexchange.com/users search for "A spy", there's a few
@JohnB He's registered only with two with the other account so far, unless he unregisters later on
he only cares about access to the private beta
how dares he :)
which is no longer private anyway, right?
you're here, aren't you? :P
more like "restricted access" beta
why "restricted"?
At least for the Ham beta, anyone could actually view the site instead of the classic "This is a private beta" wall
but only people who committed could have an account
Same for Italian
breaks up wall of blue
Ah that "new policy that we were never told about"?
one of them :)
It's a conspiracy I tell you, they're trying to be awesome behind our backs!
posted on December 05, 2013 by Justin Vasel

Supernovae happen in the Milky Way at a rate of two or three per century. But, will we be able to see it when it happens next, or will dusty galactic center prevent us from studying it?

@ManishEarth I would be willing to take that on if accepted. To be honest, SpaceEx has always been closer to my professional experience than Astronomy.
@called2voyage I'd support you being a mod here.
@Undo If only so you can pester me with more flags, right?
Speaking of which
RhysW is still ahead of me in flags handled (all time) on Astro hint hint
@called2voyage By how much?
I have 15 astro flags.
Now, to find some comments.
I'm bracing myself for losing rep from Chris
@called2voyage Me too. I'm rather sad for him.
Yeah, but hopefully his departure will mean well for him!
For me it should be bearable - I have a decent buffer between me and losing privs. For everyone else...
4k rep will be lost
@JohnB Ugh.
Thankfully large chunks of my rep are from bounties
which Community manages when users get deleted
I wish I had a chance to get to know Chris more - he just never stuck his head in here.
And I can't get in to the places where blue people plot, so...
They're not really that fun. We just put on our mod hats and dance around the room singing 99 bottles.
must get in there
Yeesh, Astro has less than 800 comments. You guys need to pick up the pace.
comments are not the most important thing
we need more questions and answers
All my flagging things are optimized for comments.
Our new viewer rate is steadily increasing though
@Undo Ah
Comments are fairly easy to flag
Yes, but they have to be there. I think I might have already cleaned up all the flaggable ones.
Did your system not catch those?
Yeah, those qualify.
@called2voyage My system is kinda in beta. It's not perfect, and there are soo many different patterns that obsolete comments follow.
And one of my big weights is on length.
@Undo Yeah, it is rather complicated to follow. I'm impressed that your system works so well!
I am too :P
That's enough for today I guess, unless you happen to notice more later.
No need to artificially drum up anything with too much effort.
I'll keep looking...
but Astro doesn't have too many comments to flag.
I hate to see this question sitting around with -2 score:
Q: Do parallel universes exist?

ashuI want to know if other universes like ours exist? If they exist, how do we know that they exist when we have even not seen the ends of our own universe?

too broad
It was one of the early questions on the site when people weren't sure how they felt about theoretical stuff
it's not really too broad
One of those DV's is mine :)
It's an area of theory that can be summed up nicely, as damned truths did.
But yeah, downvote reversed.
Here's another one that I don't feel is exactly fair:
Q: Does the Moon's magnetic field affect Earth's magnetic field?

Afzaal Ahmad ZeeshanI wanted to ask a question; it's simple but I cannot find any possible and perfect solution. Earth has poles, North and South. By which we can get directions using a compass or a needle compass, but that's not the concern. My Question: Would the Moon cause a change in the magnetic field of Ear...

The user confused gravity and magnetism at first.
But now that it has been cleaned up it is actually a fairly nice legitimate question.
@called2voyage reversed mine too, it's better now with the @Undo's edit
@TildalWave Lol, I didn't really edit anything ;)
@Undo Oh now I see it was edited before by @UV-D too... well then it's kudos to him
@TildalWave Thanks
@called2voyage No problem, I downvoted when the question had in it "Please take it easy! I do not know much about astronomy, I am just curious to know about it."
@TildalWave I did what now?
@UV-D hey there, nothing bad I said nice edit ;)
@UV-D Saved a question from certain peril.
such is my power?
Yup :D
which question?
Q: Do parallel universes exist?

ashuDo other universes like ours exist? If they exist, how do we know that they exist when we have even not seen the ends of our own universe?

obviously, they do :)
ooh a parallel parallel question
I've got to go get something done. Bye for now!
meh, I just like to fix people's broken english
I read some funny article about it not too long ago, claiming from the very start "this is not sci-fi this is science" and then of course failed to provide any evidence for it
(one of my qualifications - literacy teacher)
@TildalWave Hm, about parallel universes?
@called2voyage yup
I'll try and find it
@UV-D It's something of an art form--fixing "unrecoverable" questions.
unleashed, the grammar on this site would be shiny
@Undo, your next project should be a bot that scans every question/answer/comment for improper grammar and propose edits to them. Although i don't know about proposing edits to comments...
@UV-D My university tried to hire me as a writing aid for students to help proofread their papers. I was working for IT at the time, though, so I turned them down.
well some news - got a job for next year, getting published again and PhD done... nothing earth shatterin, but what the heck?
@TildalWave Ha! Nice title.
@UV-D Awesome, so we can call you Dr. UV-D now?
You should change your display name.
I am a Dr in atmospheric physics
Why no hat, @UV-D?
why no hat? it would burn on the UV pic of the sun
and bah humbug
@DavidFreitag He's in Australia. It's too hot to wear hats right now.
Just kidding.
@called2voyage that's quite true
Oh, and he would have to have a hat strap.
You know, to keep it from falling off while he's "down under".
Pfft, the one time of year you should be jolly -.-
Ok, that's about all I have for my Aussie jokes.
ha ha ha ha aha ha haaaaaaaaa
every Christmas, I sit on my parents' roof, eagerly anticipating Jolly ol's St. Whatshisface to come on by... I wait with anticipation and with SAMs to say "you forgot my damned bike when I was 3!!!"
Scrooge, before the ghosts is my hero... bah humbug
Santa gets lost down there.
He uses Polaris for navigation.
he gets eaten by a dingo
He's all medieval like that.
a dingo stole my santa
I especially HATE Christmas songs and carols
I should change my screen name to Dr. Bah Humbug
I'm totally ordering a troupe of carolers to your house at midnight on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.
note to self: must buy big bear trap
Bear traps must be expensive in Aus. Unless you use them to catch dingos (dingoes?).
we use them to catch drop-bears
note to self: must watch out for bear trap when caroling at @UV-D's house
You're going to Australia?
or watch out for UV-D wearing a drop bear suit and chasing you around
shhhh, what suit? I swear this blurry video footage is real.
note to self: wear big sombrero while caroling at UV-D's house
You're going to Mexico and then Australia?
You must have quite the holiday budget.
A knockoff sombrero is OK.
I just thought of a revenge to carolers
Oh dear
a great big Mariachi band
I'll pay them to sing Feliz Navidad
just for you
then it will be time for the flame thrower
and the chainsaw of natural selection
note to self: wear bomb disposal suit when caroling
@called2voyage Theory: Undo is Santa Claus.
and UV-D is the Anti Claus
It would explain why UV-D never got that bike.
@Undo I'm calling you St. Undo now.
UV-D = Anti-Claus = Anti-Undo = Redo
where'd I put that cancel stars button?
and @TildalWave is Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer?
Thus, we now have the adventures of St. Undo and Dr. Redo!
@Undo Heh, it's still awesome regardless of the context :]
sooooo tempted to change my screen name
I should put my name as Bah Humbug or just simply Dr Scrooge
@UV-D I vote Scrooge.
But change it only on mSO.
i'll do it!
And associate your chat profile to your mSO account.
how in the heck do I do that?
@UV-D Go here.
Click '[change]' by your parent user, type in Meta Stack Overflow.
done I think
Now, you should show up as 'Scrooge' here in Chat pretty soon.
@Scrooge Yep
Everyone mash F5 it shows up.
@DavidFreitag That's DOCTOR Scrooge, to you.
@Scrooge You should also change your gravatar, Dr.
yes, yes should
i'll do itlater
I got a theory bout those ghosts
they are the product of hallucigenic drugs that tiny Tim put in Scrooge's coffee
No it was his partner Jacob.
He didn't really die.
I LIKE it!
I have changed it on my meta account
What did he do now?
eeek ghosts!
at 12:30pm local time, I officially are on vacation for 6 weeks
6 weeks?!?!?!
6 weeks!
@Scrooge Yes?
bah humbug
I would go insane with that much vacation time.
I already are insane
The most i could do is a month, but it would have to be somewhere tropical. Somewhere with women, and with alcohol. ...and pools, and the ocean...
@Scrooge I am? I don't think that Rudolph has a beard, does he? :P
@TildalWave yes, yes he does
@Scrooge "Scrooge"?
bah humbug
yeah, I am UV-D on most sites, on MSO I have joined the Christmas fad by having a Christmas-related screen name
anyways, I best be going - time to spread joy an cynicism
will be back on later
2 hours later…
TildalWave has added an event to this room's schedule.
TildalWave has added an event to this room's schedule.
1 hour later…
One wouldn't think it would be this hard to just turn off the wireless radio in a modem, right?
@UndotheSnowman ?
"The Snowman"?
@TildalWave Meta fun.
Somehow got out of its Meta cage and into Chat.
@UndotheSnowman watch over your carrot, kids like to reposition it :)
@UndotheSnowman because mSO is your default chat account
@TildalWave Yes.
so what about wireless in your modem?
shouldn't that be in settings on some local IP address?
@TildalWave Should be... but the darn little box won't let me check it!
@UndotheSnowman which one is it?
I think the whole router interface is in Flash or something.
@TildalWave Wifi: (*) enable | () disable
Oh, it's a Qwest brand thing.
might also be only accessible via LAN cable in the first port?
No, I can get in to it... but
Oh, wait, it won't work in Chrome but works fine in other browsers. Odd
Upgrading to one of these:
@UndotheSnowman oh that's common, I also have to fire up IE to setup my router
We only see those like... once a month.
what's odd about that?
I like to handle flags.
I know I flagged a whole bunch of comments when someone wanted to convince me there that I should change my opinion on something
10kers don't see the comment flags.
ah yes I forgot that
It's an NAA
BTW I discovered one more problem with the new top bar and because it was first tested on mSO which doesn't have its own meta... there's no way now to see if you've received any votes on meta sites

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