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A flag worth twenty-four million? eh?
Hm. How much dV does the MMU have? Given the Russians have said ESA/NASA may deorbit on their own if thus inclined (pun intended!), could Karen & Michael return to surface with just a few ideally rated para-chutes, and the MMU?
'o @Mani
'o @Und
@Eve 'o
Hmmm? Did I knock you up?
Comments on the MMU question up there ^^^
5 hours later…
@Undo it didn't show in my mod history yesterday ... probably cache :O
It was there now
4 hours later…
posted on October 31, 2013 by Josh Fuchs

The progenitors of a special type of cataclysmic variable, AM CVn, and possibly supernovae have been found.

2 hours later…
@TildalWave hi
@David your new gravatar looks great O:-)
hey there ;)
@TildalWave how is the site doing ??
visits/day seems to be slowly climbing, but questions/day seems kind of anemic.
yup about like that... slightly going up in members / visits but the new members are on average not as active as us from before of course so ... yeah, not bad but it could be better
one thing I noticed is that the voting went down again but I'm not gonna even bother asking from anyone that would see it here, because I guess you all vote when you read something... not sure how to communicate that need to newcomers tho
we're still far from having some normal number of more privileged users
I mean by rep, so they can access higher rep tools
Only 10 made it this week on the list in voting, and only 7 on Astro
To all: Please add your suggestions for TOTW and vote on already added ones, we need to build a stack of future topics that would be interesting to as many as possible. Cheers!
To all: Please add your suggestions for TOTW and vote on already added ones, we need to build a stack of future topics that would be interesting to as many as possible. Cheers!
quit spamming! some of us are trying to get things done
go ahead ... get things done :P
@JohnB actually, you haven't proposed a single TOTW tag yet :P Go my son, do it now!
Glad to see that ernestopheles took the opportunity to post a drawing of a penis on meta
@JohnB um...?
A: Topic of the Week: [colonization]

ernestophelesspaceart “Space Art” or “Astronomical Art” is the term for a genre of modern artistic expression that strives to show the wonders of the Universe. Like other genres, Space Art has many facets and encompasses realism, impressionism, hardware art, sculpture, abstract imagery, even zoological a...

> Finally, the last drawing in the upper left is by Andy Warhol. He created a stylized version of his initials which, when viewed at certain angles, can appear as a rocket ship or a crudely drawn penis.
i like the mars-one as TOTW, that idea certainly made me nearly sign up infact
A: Topic of the Week: [colonization]

TildalWavemuseum exhibits memorabilia collectibles art There's many wonderful space exploration related museums around the world with fantastic futuristic ideas that never made it, past mission exhibits, space art, e.t.c. and some might even be selling original era memorabilia and collector's items. With ...

how's this one?
we could start collecting :)
@Tildal I... dunno. Shouldn't we be more about the science, not the history?
History is great and all, and we need a few questions about it, but I'm not sure we should actively encourage them over more current science questions.
@Mods Note that with that last comment flag, I will stake everything I have here on the deletion of the comment. It's about as offensive as it gets.
@Undo I don't see the difference really. It's all science
@TildalWave I'm not sure it is - isn't it history?
@Undo of science ...
and "museum" doesn't necessarily mean "history" ;)
It's what immediately jumps to mind, but you have a point.
> Space Exploration is primarily about spacecraft, how to get them to space, and what they do when they get there. Specifically, questions about these are encouraged.
well there's some fantastic exhibits in some, that might still eventually make it to have space application... it's not merely about defunct equipment
Aye, true. I can kind of see it in our on topic page, but it's not clear-cut on topic.
what about some airplane and rockets that tested ramjets for example
Mmm... yes, you're right.
Yep, I'm fine with it. You've enlightened me :)
In other news, I feel really weird giving advice on this kind of subject.
it might be true tho that when you mention "museum" people immediately think "history" ... that's often not even close tho, for example art museums aren't about history of art ... that art might be historic but is art now just as well
@Undo stupid question
@TildalWave I know - but something that will come up again.
@Undo what kind of a boss would hate people seeking knowledge?
@TildalWave Apparently his.
well he should change his boss then
I'm kinda sensing some aversion towards Meta.SO on your part ;)
you would be right :)
Lol - you realize that mSO kind of controls a lot of things, right?
I have yet to see a proof of that :P I still think it's just a polite way of saying "we won't give a damn"
might even be better so
For one, mSO is where feature requests originate...
And are sometimes even implemented. In six to eight weeks.
yes ... and devs implement which ones? the ones with the most support? or the ones they like the most?
And it's a kind of fun place. Especially on holidays.
Q: Quick! Everyone up-o-vote this!

UndoI just failed an audit, just like every month. I'm not here to complain, though - I saw this: STOP! Look and Listen. This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. Your review was inappropriate. This was a high quality post and you should have considere...

doubt it... and personally, I'd rather see that the dev team knows what they're doing on their own
I got #1 on Google for upovote.
it might be an idea cooker, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating
But enough about that.
I'm trying to figure out what to do for halloween.
@Undo go as a Ctrl-Z button
@ManishEarth I was thinking more for my profile on SE... but good idea!
If I hadn't gotten braces yesterday and can't eat anything.
Or Undone?
can I mod-hammer the last question as too broad? Or will you all vote, damnit?
@TildalWave Oooh! I voted!
Really fast so that the hammer doesn't come down on my finger.
Because that would hurt.
You think mashing your thumb with a hammer is bad... imagine getting your index finger mod-hammered. Ouch.
@ManishEarth Is there a recommended size for making original profile pics?
yeah, power of 2 is great
mmmmm, 2
@ManishEarth Peer review?:
seems ok
Too cluttered?
^ I like this one better. Now to figure out how to change avatar...
second is good
any username suggestions for me?
ManishEarth is pretty scary.
Has it updated yet?
There we go.
BTW, @Manish, I've been trying to figure out what your avatar is. An iPad showing a mu (?) with a mod hat and a bed in the background?
My avatar is a mu
At one point, it was a mu with a photoshopped hat.
Now it's a fake mu with a real hat.
When I got the hat, I took a photo of "me" (the iPad-mu) with the real hat, since everyone else was taking mod-hat selfies.
You were at the Arthicast a while back, weren't you?
@Undo yep
still chat with her on occasion
I can't take myself seriously with this avatar.
Can mods change people's avatars?
Actual chat message from @ManishEarth to me: "have fun attempting to hug companies". Brb dying of laughter!
@Undo yep
Yeesh - imagine what CMs can do. Scary.
@Rhys @Tildal new avatar!
Oh, @Manish, decided not to report SQL vuln.
y u no report?
Primarily because I don't have a good relationship with him in the first place.
Oh, the teacher will get angry that you pentested the site in the first place. Typical.
And with my luck the first thing that would happen after I reported it would be someone would take advantage of it... and it would be my fault.
The worst thing is that now I know it's there
And keeping from having fun with it.
Because that would be wrong.
However fun giving myself a 420% would be.
I must not. For he would probably come to my house and bludgeon me to death with something.
It would be worse than reporting a pluralization bug.
Although 1 Times still bugs me a lot.
Hey @Rhys!
its happy
That's the only way I could make it work ;)
@ManishEarth hey, hugging is my thing!
No, it was always Aarthi's. Still is.
@ManishEarth The way that reads it sounds as if she died.
That's better :P
@ManishEarth no
@RhysW Go ask TL
its my thing now
You need mod validation for that. Again, ask TL. Let's see what the verdict is :>
its my thing too then
bad manish
sprays with water bottle
its a trick i learnt from pets.se
@Undo nice ... halloween-ish -:)
@ManishEarth I wonder if I can migrate stuff to TL...
though you can try
actually, try migrating to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/658
@ManishEarth Hm, it makes me search for a room instead of letting me just type an ID in (4). Maddening.
That's what I'm doing.
If I do it, will I get a hoard of mods coming here to kill me?
@Undo nah, that's the trashcan room
Oh, I have to be using Chrome to use its dev tools.
^ That must be it.
I bet it's the to field.
Now, if I could change it...
@Manish getting Oops, something bad happened when trying chat.stackexchange.com/admin/movePosts/9682/ids=11955770&to=4
good server side validation
I do this all the time
Does it work for you?
Well, at least it's their fault.
'Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified.' Oh god.
You were trying to migrate to where???!!!
Yeah, it would probably be easier to just follow mods around until one misplaces a diamond.
Hey @ManishEarth, I have this neat new game called Wireshark! It's about sharks! Click here to install!
@Undo haha
I'm a 3k Information Security user, not gonna get past me that easily
Also, installing Wireshark doesn't make me more vulnerable, it makes all my neighbors vulnerable :P
Hey @ManishEarth, I have this game called SharkWire!
^ Any better?
Maybe I should just go to India and try to steal your cookies.
The FireSheep vuln. is still working, right?
@Undo Firesheep is the same thing as wireshark, really
I'll just tunnel. I usually am on a tunnel anyway
I wonder where the closest mod that isn't security conscious is...
Hey @RhysW! I have a fancy new game called WireShark - it's about sharks with lasers! Want it?
i like lasers
Yeah! It's a game! The only thing is that you have to install it then visit Astro.SE right afterwards, then generate a report and send it to me.
Pretty straightforward.
(right now I look exactly like my avatar)
@Undo also, you forgot something: OpenID is on https.
There's always a catch.
Not much havoc can be wreaked with just a session cookie, if Rhys logs out then game over
Does rhys ever log out?
yeah i dont log out
neither do I, actually :>
Okay, both of you send me a dump of your browser cookies. And don't log out.
Anyway, I'm not after havoc. I'm after... umm... I dunno. But it would be fun!
Probably what I would have to do is log into TL with Rhys' account and spam handbags - it's the only thing to do.
Looking at your gravatar reminds me of @robjohn
@ManishEarth 3k? How in hell did you get 3k there? (joking)
actually, I thought you have more
@TildalWave i hacked it
@TildalWave Hey I have a new game called WireShark! How it's played is you visit Space.SE with it and then generate a report and send it to me. Simple!
deserved then, well done!
@TildalWave nah, I wasn't so interested in rep but I kept seeing crap questions and I was missing the "close" button
now I just read. No time
@Undo I play it every day ;)
Soo... where's my report with your cookies in it?
oh I played it on your computer, sorry
Ah, shoot.
I'm offloading my CPU cycles
There are ~350 mod cookies out there, I should be able to guess one, right?
I need all I can get for solitair
@Undo well you should trigger an alarm soon enough and get kicked out by WAF
@ManishEarth What does Mathematica say the probability of me guessing a mod cookie is?
Um.... 1/ComplexInfinity
That's discouraging.
It can't be SimpleInfinity - it has to be COMPLEX!!
@Undo just multiply length^char_range
Yeah, I give up.
SE: 18347372, Me: 0
a lot more for SE I'm just looking at session cookies
CSR token...
Wow, there are a lot of SE cookies.
Anyway, got to go now. Adios!
A ghost on Saturn's ring
Its all in the 'spirit' of the evening, hehe spirit :P
yup I thought it's cute for that reason too
its quiet
i think its just me and you left
and I'm getting quite sleepy too ...
me too
I think I'll watch some movie or something and fall asleep on it... if they're any good they get this honor to continue playing, and if they're crap I even bother to turn the telly off :)
haha i'm not really in the mood for a film
I didn't say I'm gonna watch it, did I? Oh, I did. How misleading, sorry... what I meant is I'll play a movie...
I watched like this thousands of movies. If you wanna know anything about any movie just ask... someone else than me :)
Agonizing death on an exoplanet: high-energy gamma and x-ray blasts on a pulsar planet http://1.usa.gov/1h3J8DD http://t.co/jXuA6t4PyY
Happy Halloween from NASA! LOL
1 hour later…
@Hash Thanks!

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