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@ManishEarth Yeah thanks for that... it took me one keg of beer to finish reading it you know?
Alright. My extension is getting ridiculous. I'm going to publish it to github if anyone wants to use it.
Was the requirement for it being ridiculous in the contract? Not mocking it, I'm trying to assess your success rate here. If effective, I might subcontract you for the next ridiculous project I'll be involved with. :D
I think I'm going to shoot SE an email... I'm using their icons and their trademarks in this extension, so i just want to make sure it's kosher before i put it up publicly.
Hmm, well it's creative commons so, here. The github address is github.com/dvdfreitag/SE-Chat-MathJax.
cc: @ManishEarth, @TildalWave
The MathJax chat extension is available in Chrome store and github
The crx file is also on the github repo, if you don't care for the chrome store ;]
@UV-D huwha? why me? ;-)
@DavidZ hehe I think it was just a typo ... tho, actually, why not? :P
@DavidFreitag cheers, let's test it now
@TildalWave you may notice a new button in your chat window ;]
$${SEx.SE\ Rules!}$$
hehe nice
@DavidFreitag I did... I put it on 1 second
@TildalWave oh well it looks like UV-D already took care of that (if I've managed to figure out the thread of conversation properly)
@TildalWave Unfortunately you need to set that every time you refresh the page
'o @DavidFreitag @TildalWave et Al
I'm going to add the timer to Sync storage
@Everyone 'ello!
Did someone mention breakfast?
@DavidZ I think you did yup... but still, perhaps some other question? is still the topic of the week... how well would space sickness combine with a hangover? :D
Is alcohol allowed on the ISS?
@DavidFreitag Not if I edit the source :P
@DavidFreitag Who could stop them from bootlegging some?
@TildalWave Well, the next version will use the sync api to keep that setting saved accross all computers
Can www.news.com.au/.../bride...groomsman.../story-fndir2ev-1226740644282 happen aboard ISS? (+:<
@Everyone say what?
the link doesn't work
lol it's not really relevant (+: news.com.au/.../bride...groomsman.../…
when we start sending so stupid people to space, we'll have other things to worry about
unless they're on a one-way trip to some distant place
I wonder whether there really is a 200+mile club ... now that would be a question to ask
@TildalWave well I'm thoroughly unqualified to ask any question of that nature
which would still mean we'll have other things to worry about ... luckily
@TildalWave or guinea pigs. If they're going to be subjected to things like ridiculous levels of radiation, the least we can do is let them be idiots :]
Where do I find the duty rota of the ISS crew?
Yey! @DavidFreitag
@Everyone taped to the refrigerator :p
Seriously now
Ahhhhh, a beer and a tapioca pudding to celebrate the release of my newest extension.
for past ones search NASA for "expedition update"
some would have the schedule, I've seen them but I can't find now any update that would include it :(
@DavidFreitag (+:< You do realize your last comment, in the context of the conversation may be easily misconstrued?
@TildalWave Aw...
@Everyone Get your mind out of the gutter :s
That's not a gutter ! It's the source of the human race! lol ok
searches for the duty rota
isn't there an eclipse today about where @UV- is?
@TildalWave Another side-effect of the extension is that a small amount of javascript is fun every time you load a page. It's basically only one if statement to check the url
But it's a historic record, not prospective
Going by this schedule the SLEEP period lasts from 2130 through 0600; so hopefully they receive at-least 7 hours of down-time in orbit ~ 30% then
I read it as 12 hours of work per day with breaks in between for food and exercise
So @TildalWave, what was that project that you wanted to contract me to do?
@DavidFreitag Wait, let me first get commissioned for some new ridiculous project :P
@TildalWave hehe - okay, let me know.
What looks cool in MathJax?
I forgot
$$@ManishEarth\ get\ your\ {a^{ss}\over{here!}}$$
does he still get the ping?
scared everyone off again... my powers are increasing
$\dfrac{@TildalWave}{You\ Silly\ Goose}$
@UV-D hello to Oz ;)
@UV-D download my mathjax extension! :]
i will when i get home, at my university at the moment
Ah, cool
pinned it ... edited a bit to fit the star wall better
MathJax is the boss
nah. I had to go - use the plumbing
'o @UV-D @Tildal @David et Al
good day
If i make a meta post, which site should i do it on, @TildalWave?
@DavidFreitag stackapps.com?
@TildalWave Concur 12H Work - still the duration betwixt 2130 through 0600 is when their movement is most restricted ; to the sleeping drawer
hmmm this doesn't work?
it's .com not .se
right. bbl, time for B&B
Oh, @TildalWave you fudged the links. They both lead the the chrome store :p
@DavidFreitag sheet
i think i can answer the bone fracture question
@TildalWave should it be the meta site there, or the main site?
@DavidFreitag Dunno I'd say main site, why not? Search for chat extensions, there's already several ones there
I'm running two now
@TildalWave Dunno, i figured i's ask..
I'm just a dev what do I know? :P
by that logic, since @ManishEarth isn't a dev, he should know :)
I expect he'll sleep pretty long today tho since he wrote some War and Peace length novel on mSO late last night
yeah i read it. got my waffel too.
blimey that means you've read it all like I did
just answered the bone fracture question
I have been posting more on here than astro
did I scare everyone off again
Q: Google Chrome Chat MathJax Extension

David FreitagLove typesetting? Then i bet you know exactly what MathJax is, but if you don't already know, MathJax is a javascript-based implementation of LaTeX that is compatable with a few different sets of markup. MathJax is nothing new to the Exchange's chats, ManishEarth wrote a bookmarklet found here...

I like the look of the redacted text in that pic :]
+1 both @UV-D those papers you include are rather surprising to me, especially the non-union incidence is alarmingly high :O Anyway, I'm totally knackered so I'm off to bed ... talk tomorrow ;)
yup, they caught me by surprise too - have a good nights rest
3 hours later…
@UV-D You need to get in on that ^
Ah - @ManishEarth you're around! Excellent.
I released my extension.
You should fire up chrome and check it out
Yeah I saw. Chrome store broken for me, need to restart Chrome
@ManishEarth you can just grab the crx from the git repo
that involves effort
ugh. jquery, i had faith in you but you are really starting to piss me off.
6 hours later…
@TildalWave can mods edit community bulletin ??
1 hour later…
@Hash somewhat yes, but the system decides what will be there, we can only feature some meta threads or add things to the chat room schedule... then it's up to the system which ones will be there, tho it usually makes sense. I'd guess that there's always room for some closest events and a few featured meta threads that are considered "hot"
4 hours later…
c'est terrible
@ManishEarth You awake?
Apparently not ...
@DavidFreitag Bug: Stuff like [abc] is rendered by mathjax
There is a variable that sets the delimeters for TeX. Edit it :)
Did I wake you up? Got a physics question for you
though I have 20 mins of Internet left unless I head over to the dept
'k. I'm toying with the idea of a homebrew solar pressure cooker. Don't want to spoil ma's vessels, so the idea is to use one of these old-fangled glass-jars, and stick a bicycle/motorcycle valve into it upside down. Can you come up with what problem I may face there? Will it be able to relieve the pressure if it exceeds, oh, say 2bar?
@Everyone can't think of anything, but glass may shatter
Yep. Hence the idea to relieve the pressure within. is it possible to make that motorcycle/bicycle valve depress when the pressure within exceeds approximately 2 bar? I'm sure it can withstand more because the tyre pressures are usually 35-50psi ~ 3bar
OH... shatter from the heat, you mean?
Or heat, yes
Dunno about the valve. Not the best person to ask, I'd have to know the exact details of the valve and all.
point me at a person (+:
me no know nobody
pretty please? i'll treat you to a cup of ginger tea by my own hand if you pass nagpur
just got two of these jars around; thick glass ~ 5mm but it wouldn't do to have them shatter during the prototyping (+:
you might have seen some of these jars at the old fashioned groceries; used to store chocolates, and goodies
Would the question be on-topic in the Physics SE, if asked?
it's engineering
uhhh diy.se?
ask BMitch or tester in their chatroom
in the diy room? cool. thanks (+:
/me will be back in 10-15 mins
no worries. tyt.
'o @Undo
ugh sleep catching up with me. 'nini.
'o @Everyone-who-isn't-here-anymore.
2 hours later…
any idea what this one is asking?
Q: ISS attitude during docking

mpvThe ISS is using the Control Moment Gyroscopes to maintain its attitude (the Cupola pointing towards Earth). That means the ISS is slowly rotating with respect to distant stars. What happens during docking of a visiting spacecraft (Soyuz, Progress, ATV, Dragon, etc)? These spacecraft should appro...

@ManishEarth I left that script, accept for the extensions, exactly the same as you have it in your bookmarklet.
@DavidFreitag ah. Change the inline math config to \$ and display math to \$\$ and remove the rest
I'll do the same with mine when I get the time
so, this: inlineMath: [ ["\$", "\$"] ], displayMath: [ ["\$\$","\$\$"] ] (minus the slashes of course)
Anything else you'd like changed off the top of your head?
um, don't update math for the chat sidebar
there's a way to exclude classes from being rendered
What do you mean?
Well, a few hours back someone in the Mathoverflow chatroom posted a matrix and my entire chat sidebar went boom
the div with the id sidebar?
the one where you can see updates of the rooms you're in
add tex2jax_ignore to the sidebar
I don't know that you can find the sidebar with its id, it doesn't have a class.
  tex2jax: {

    ignoreClass: "last-message"
But adding a class with jquery would be stupid simple
an ignoreclass for last-message is all that's necessary
Yeah cause you want the starts from that page to be updated too right?
i still cant believe my other extension has 400 weekly users and over 100 weekly installs..
update published, google says it can take anywhere from immediate to 60 minutes to take effect
@DavidFreitag oh, it'll update automatically for me?
I installed via crx
@ManishEarth Oh, then i don't know. the updated crx is on the github though
[test] $test$
yay thanks
heh, still broken for me :] google is scanning my code with its billion bots to make sure it's not malicious
@ManishEarth Any time - if you find anything else, or want a new feature just let me know
Ah, on chrome you have to hit "update extensions now" otherwise you have to reopen chrome.

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