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3 hours later…
@Hash is on the super-collider (+:
Keep the metronome ticking folks!
I just posted a question on astro
3 hours later…
@Everyone what's a Super collider ??
@UV-D hi
@UV-D I think you changed your gravatar ?
yes, to mars
just posted a question about some controversial-ish research on astro
@UV-D But your Previous Gravatar is great and different
meh, I hve changed a lot on my profile to remove my personality
Q: What evidence is there for the non-existence of the hypothesised planet Tyche in the far distant solar system?

UV-DPlease note, I do not necessarily believe in its existence, just after a scientific (hence, non-Wikipedia) explanation of evidence of the planet's non-existence, other than the "we would have seen it" argument. I am, nor are the articles below, referring to the alleged 'Nemesis' planet, as in th...

that's my question on astro
@Hash stil there?
'o @UV-D
you got yourself a personality wipe?
@Hash super-collider is where all the stack meets. it's like the big black-hole of stack exchange
yes. yes I did
@UV-D What happened with the amino acid discussion earlier today?
amino acid discussion?
Aye. There was a talk up there ^ mine amino acids on a colony planet/whereever
is there such a thing as a typical asteroid orbital velocity?
there were mino acids in my cornflakes I am sure of it
were they blue? (+:
Got to get me eyes some down-time. They're beginning to hurt now. Back in a while, if all goes well
@UV-D yes I am back
@Everyone still cannot able to get the meaning of supe collider
@Hash did you see the question I posted?
2 hours later…
@Hash: That button up on the left corner of the page which carries a feed from all stack exchange sites.
@ManishEarth Where did the Amino acids go yesterday?
the enzyme mining that was going on
posted on October 18, 2013 by Ben Montet

There's a new space telescope on the block, which just might find as many new planet candidates as the Kepler mission.

Q: How can we tell if the asteroid 2013 TV135 will hit Earth in 2032?

called2voyageSome astronauts in Ukraine have estimated that there is a small likelihood (1 in 63,000) that the asteroid 2013 TV135 will strike Earth in 2032. (source) Don Yeoman of NASA JPL says: with more observations, I fully expect we will be able to significantly reduce, or rule out entirely, any i...

2 messages moved to Trashcan
2 hours later…
@Everyone it always makes me giggle when you say in your question/answers a quick gander ... I alway imagine a hasty male goose... and on one of my usual bike routes there is one that matches this description perfectly, always chasing me like nuts LOL :)
... so I'd only have a quick gander at the quick gander and start pushing on pedals stronger LOL
@TildalWave So you try to avoid getting a goose-bump, eh? q+:

@RhysW Would it be acceptable to you if that mention of 24H were to be replaced by, say, 5 orbits or such figure?
2 hours later…
@Everyone To me, the question reads as hinting at what duration could be considered a permanent incommunicado and that there might be procedures in place in case of such an event ... so I don't think that OP's arbitrarily chosen duration should matter much for answers. If that period is shorter, then just mention it so in the answer.
5 ISS orbits is roughly 6 hours ... I think that can be worrying enough to have procedures in place to at least look for clues to restore it elsewhere than simply attributing it to some short lasting cause that might resolve itself
Unless they're already in a progressive shutdown due to a previous warning like CME or a threat of debris breaching the "pizza box" around the ISS and so on... I'd presume incommunicado for these threat management procedures would already be accounted for
Didn't mean it for the answer (+: was hoping to play God i.e. edit the question
To be fair, if they're incommunicado for the entire duration of an orbit that should set flags off
@TildalWave If all modules in the ISS were flooded with water, would the water freeze when in Earth's shadow?
@Everyone Flooded with water? Where from?
flooded by design; told you I let my thoughts freewheel
@Everyone Does the heating system still work?
it just spilled its beans :)
i'm thinking in terms of saving them from all that hard-radiation by flooding the modules with water; keeping the systems water-fight, and using all that bulk water for oxygen, and stuff.
What has me flummoxed is (a) they'll have to use an air-lock to get to the plumbing facilities S+: and (b) the water may freeze

@Undo: Yep
lol @TildalWave; spilt it's beans
If there was so much water onboard the ISS I think they'd have a small microgee pool party :)
'o @RhysW
@TildalWave Let's assume for a moment the water is there (+:
@Everyone yo
it won't freeze then, not if the environmental control systems are still working it wouldn't ... plus they're heavily insulated and not just to prevent heat from radiating in space either
So all they need be worried about is someone doing it in the module instead of using the air-lock to get at the plumbing?
@RhysW: Just floating ideas around
LOL dunno they'd have plenty to worry about for sure like electronics usually don't appreciate water too much
@TildalWave electronics can be made to work. encased in resin, for instance
remember, it's near zero gee... it wouldn't fall anywhere in particular
flooded to capacity wouldn't pool into a sphere, would it?
I'm not sure how big of a bubble of water is stable enough with molecular and surface pressure tho to keep it in one piece and still move around
Hmm. What if it's just their sleeping area that is provided with the correct number of spheres for the off-shift? How much would that reduce their radiation exposure?
there's some thread here that discusses that... i.e. radiation absorption of water
That was James' question
@TildalWave you need lots of water, if i remember rightly
don't remember... I just know there's a few such questions, one asking about ice vs liquid water as well
@RhysW water is pretty efficient in that but yes the thickness of the layer would dictate its efficiency
@RhysW Lots of water to protect them all the time. But instead of trying to shield them all the time, what if they are shielded during their off-shift by means of sleeping in a sphere of water with breathing apparat? That would be atleast 25%less
@TildalWave Liquid water is more effective, iirc ...
they're already pretty well shielded in their bunks being in the middle section and behind all kinds of shielding walls
but it's not enough; they still absorb a lot
@TildalWave: About that radiation absorption of water; 7cm thickness translates to a 3Db reduction
@TildalWave i wonder if hotter or colder water is more efficient at blocking it, I would think a more excited particle would be more likely to block it, but then I also think a more 'relaxed' one would be more suseptible to energy absorbtion
I doubt it matters too much.
@Undo in small quantities no, but in large quantities it might make a noticeable one
all speculation on my behalf of course
Ah. My question is speculation too q+: It doesn't exist in the real world ... yet
there is one way to find out
flood the ISS!
takes up @RhysW's clarion call
On a serious note, how long is the off-shift up there anyway?
the off shift? whenever they want i guess, hard to fire people you can't get to
and if they were shielded during the off-shift, how much of a difference could it make to keeping them in space for a longer duration?
isn't there an official daily rota, or something?
flood the ISS off-shift!
@Everyone good question
@RhysW the one about water shielding off-shift, or the one about the rota? (+:
@RhysW more or less irrelevant ... water doesn't change much in volume at all while still liquid ... and remember, that water ice is actually less dense

... Each astronaut has a “personal sleep station”...
@TildalWave not talking about volume as such, but potential to absorb the radiation energy
OK depends what you mean with "large quantities" but if there's sufficient thickness of it, you'll lower radiation to near zero anyway
@RhysW which would be molecular density * thickness, no?
I meant mainly excitement levels of electrons mostly
dunno I think that doesn't matter that much otherwise we'd be containing radiation in electromagnetic fields instead
or repel it
sure, it works but I mean here for all practicality of it
"Once they are in the sleeping bag they zip themselves in, letting their arms float outside the sleeping bag. They also use a head strap that attaches to the wall with Velcro so that their head doesn’t move. "

So they probably wouldn't feel out of place wearing a mask to skeep
@Everyone different people sleep differently
sleeping bags could be filled with water tho
some float freely, others prefer to strap to wall
no need to "swim in it" LOL
Of course, but ... yep @TildalWave just what I was trying to say
@RhysW hmmm now you're getting ME excited :)
my idea is - reduce their exposure during the sleep period
nevermind the electrons!
hey ... get a room you two!
@Everyone we have plenty! we own all these rooms :P
we don't have any zero gee one
q+: Not when Everyone is in here to stand on ceremony
but ... to get back on topic; does this have the basis for a question?
brb. I need a drink
@TildalWave haha we could always make one!
If what does? Flooding the ISS?
Rather think of ... there's still questions to ask that would fall under that tag
hey @UV-D
Saturday morning here
blimey it's only 10 pm here
not even
Friday BTW
just approaching 6am
hmmm which reminds me I have to set up the launch event
I have been a good electromagnetic radiation section and not gone a'rampagin'
@TildalWave Flooding their sleeping-bag atleast, if not all the ISS
'o @UV-D
@UV-D We were just talking about you (+;
TildalWave has added an event to this room's schedule.
@Everyone were y'all bored?
It's Saturday!
@UV-D Look at the 'starred remarks' widget to the right.
@UV- We were talking about radiation (+:
ah, I see
well, typing
ah, I read
@TildalWave Thought experiment under ?
Of course, they'd emerge shriveled as prunes at the end of the rest-period ((+:
@Everyone You calendar heretic! The Earth is at 289°45' step in the orbit around the Sun... happy now? I actually had to pull my calculator out! :P
Any seconds?
want a cup of tea with that?
as long as it doesn't get creamed
@Everyone 40, no wait 41, hmm no 42... actually 43, blimey 44 already oh shoot no no 45, 46 ..
Keep it away from @TildalWave (+:p He's exhibiting wave-motion
i am a wave motion
@UV-D Hmm? I did mean to ask about the handle, then forgot ...
the handle?
ultraviolet and then the first initial of my name
it's a dorky thing
ultraviolet - as that is my research focus
D - first initial of my name
dorky - cause I am a dork who is dumber than an unwashed sheet
ok. I understand that ... I think
tries to understand "dork who is dumber than an unwashed sheet"
this is making my head hurt; sorry I asked |+:
that is just me stating how dumb I am
oh .. you can't do that! i'm the only one in the pod bay who is allowed to be dumb
I am far dumber
wait your turn in queue!
Are the medicines on board ISS stock, or custom manufactured?
I am about as intelligent as a mouldy batch of cheese
cheese ding
the mouldier the cheese, the better it is; or so a dutch friend told me
cheese.... hiss...... spit
takes a photograph of UV-D
now, you have a broken camera - I am not only dumb, but I am hellishly ugly
methinks @undo doesn't like his photograph tooked
@UV-D: wait your turn in the queue! q+:
this camera took my photograph, and didn't break
it wouldn't
even the thought of taking my photo would start a self destruct sequence in a camera; thus causing it to collapse into a photographic singularity and then collapse even further.
isn't that right, @TildalWave?
i go to a room and scare everyone off.... such is my power
What?! I'm right here
@UV-D you said it no me :P
@TildalWave but it be true
That's hearsay!
You're putting me in impossible position you know? I can't say neither yes nor no and not agree and disagree with you at the same time :P
so ... yesno
Uh. How frequently are the crew aboard ISS rotated?
But hasn't your camera disappeared into its own singularity?
@Everyone it's not a BBQ you know?
@TildalWave yesno goes very well with diurnal isomorphism q+:
@Everyone they are baked 20 minutes on each side...
(+: I meant, replaced by a new crew to man/woman the station
that's a lot of cooking
what to ask? what to ask?
@TildalWave as a follow up to what it would be like to see on Venus, I am thinking of writing about how sound would be distorted.... worth while ?
eh? my question? I just want to know whether the medicine cabinet on board the ISS has the same expiry default of 36 months, or whether the medicines are replaced at every expedition/freight haul
could be interesting!
@UV-D sure, I haven't thought of that at all but it might be worth investigating
e.g. how noisy is the atmosphere on its own
okay, am gonna ask
Right. Either of you think it's worth-while to determine how long medicines retain their potency in space, and want to build the question?
I'm done in. Can't stayu p
you should ask that question @Evryone
no coffee.. out of water
me lseep
@UV-D Hmmm what's your source of sound? Or are you asking about the atmospheric / environmental sounds?
atmospheric /environmental sounds
It should be clarified a bit, but yup that's what I'm curious about too... if there's the buzz on Venus LOL
fixed it
I ws tempted to write "Bonus question: if TildalWave were to break out in song on the surface, how would his voice sound?"
now @TildalWave do you want to tackle Everyone's suggested question?
Cheers! It's a bit tricky tho, because I imagine that any magnet speakers would be affected by radiation a lot more than on Earth so I'd expect the crackling sound which might or might not be due to in air static electricity
@UV-D i would change the title to How What would the atmospheric conditions of Venus sound like on its surface?
@UV-D Flooding the BBQ ISS?
@TildalWave no, the potency of medications on the ISS
@UV-D I swear I know nothing of it :P
If I did it must have stayed in the 80's
@TildalWave so, should I add that?
@UV-D Oh... dunno was that about storage or use?
storage I think
@TildalWave If you use a piezo element-based microphone you shouldn't pick up any magnetic interference i don't think.
I think a more general question should cover both cases ... "How does increased environmental radiation affect medication potency, long and short term?"
sounds good, you going to ask it?
neah a bit pressed with time actually
would you like me to ask it?
or @DavidFreitag or @DavidZ could ask it
sure go ahead ... sorry my mate is waiting for me and look at me, chatting online LOL
@TildalWave hehehe
Davids - do either of you want to post it?
@DavidFreitag would you like to ask it?
@DavidZ would you like to ask it?
Perhaps, I'm quite busy though ;]
hmmm, okay, I am going to go ahead and post it.... hope I do good
now, time for breakfast
Q: How does increased environmental radiation affect medication potency, long and short term?

UV-DThe issue of the effects of radiation on medication potency is not only important for long term stays in the ISS, but also very important for longer duration journeys and even for colonisation. One thing is certain, the chances are that astronauts/colonists will get unwell, not necessarily to th...

1 hour later…
A: Why is Stack Overflow - and Stack Exchange in general - so scary (and filled with crazy people)?

ManishearthThe problem/Motivation Asking I will only do so if I think nobody except the person facing my exact challenge will ever see my answer (i.e. questions with hardly any up-voting or even one with a bit of down-voting). That's interesting. Why? Well, maybe "Why" is not the right question to ...

How to spend friday late night
@ManishEarth Thanks for the waffle. I was starving :x
@ManishEarth Awesome answer.
Whoa, we don't have any active bounties on the site! <pulls out reserved bounty rep>
Q: What is the procedure if communication with the ISS is lost for an extended period?

RhysWBetween ground control and the ISS there is the occasional short communications loss which they are obviously able to deal with, but is there a procedure to follow if the communication is lost for extended periods of time? I know that ground control does relay information such as impending debr...

There. +100, go for it people!

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