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I have officially posted a not-an-answer generating question:
Q: iPhone 5 suddenly wants activated; can't connect to activation server

UndoMy iPhone 5 suddenly wants activated - when unlocked, it shows me my wallpaper. After sliding to unlock, it asks for my passcode. When I enter it, it takes me straight to the 'Activate iPhone' page - like it wants to be set up. The text on the page: This iPhone is currently linked to an Appl...

@TildalWave You here?
hi @Undo
iphone 5 ...hiss.... spit
4 hours later…
@TildalWave is it possible to write html code in notepad and open it in the browser ?
@Hash yep
hi @ManishEarth
how you be?
good good
went on a department trip yesterday
oh? where to?
a nearby place. Bhandardara. Realy beautiful, tere's a big lake and waterfalls and grassy hills and little cliffs
that sounds pretty awesome - why did you all go there?
@UV-D we have a department trip every semester. Good time to hang out, relax, and get to know your seniors/juniors
that is a great idea - sounds like an ideal day in a ideal place
yep. tired myself out while swimming, then later I and a friend were just lying down on a rock
Later I popped out my flute (and he his guitar) and we were playing music :)
that is extremely cool .... haven't had a day like that for years
2 hours later…
@Hash Of course, why not? It's just text
I do it all the time
@Undo I am now, sup?
You're always in the room... But, not when someone wants you :P
Yooouuuu''rrrrrreeee despicable :D
2 hours later…
Crossed the 9K barrier. 1K more to 10K, shouldn't take too long.
Q: about the never mentioned movie

trapoOn these answer: http://space.stackexchange.com/a/2322/55 there's an bad inference to a movie that I never saw. I never thought about that movie when thinking question. I never thought about emergency procedure. The question is about how much it could take to wear an EVA suit on ISS. I really ha...

2 hours later…
I still donno whether my answer to this question is correct
1 hour later…
in other news...
YAAAAAY! LADEE has safely entered orbit at the Moon! http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2013/10060633-congratulations-to-ladee.html #ThingsNASAMightTweet
Not too insensitive, I hope :O
1 hour later…
78 messages moved to Trashcan
And let's just be done with that conversation for now!
im not even going to pretend to know whats going on, so ill just move on.

You guys heard about the supposed new state of matter?
@RhysW Nope, it doesn't matter much to me.
@DavidFreitag badum tsch
@RhysW That's just best. I don't understand it either, and I was in the thick of it.
they basically managed to get photons of light to behave like atoms, and form molecular shapes
@PearsonArtPhoto Likewise. Whatever it is, it's best taken care of quietly methinks.
and when i say basically i mean im using very very basic terms!
I'm actually in a 3 way conversation at the moment trying to do so, so...
Good luck!
Damn 3-ways, they always get so complicated...
depends if its devils or tridents
@RhysW how did they manage that?
really specific conditions! hold on ill find it
Well duh...
ignore that its by a newspaper, they are quoting harvard research, which i havent foud yet, and doubt i have access to anyway
I found this blog this morning. It's particularly hysterical. pipeline.corante.com/archives/things_i_wont_work_with
@RhysW Pretty cool. Have you ever seen the femto photography recording of photons going through a tomato and a coke bottle full of water?
@DavidFreitag no but i want to!
> A laser pulse that lasts less than one trillionth of a second is used as a flash and the light returning from the scene is collected by a camera at a rate equivalent to roughly half a trillion frames per second.
thats a lot of FPS
I can't remember where i read it, but that camera records something like 160TB/s worth of data
Well, it's 500,000,000 images per second
give or take a few handfulls
On average, they take 480 frames, or 1.71 picosecond slices with several different cameras and construct a 2D video with all the data
thats too insane to think about, didnt even realise we could record that high
Yeah, MIT does some crazy sheet.
Nice work on ! We asked 9 questions, putting it on the first page. This week's Topic of the Week is , until October 12th. Next week's topic is .
@PearsonArtPhoto question: what IS juno?
ah its a probe, all my googles turned up with the damn juno films
LOL, sorry 'bout that.
It's the next Jupiter Orbiter, although oddly enough, it doesn't have a single camera on it.
A few spectrum analyzers, but...
2 hours later…
I'm surprised, SES appearantly is still flying on the next Falcon 9... nasaspaceflight.com/2013/10/…
Who here is at Orbital? I forgot...
We have someone at orbital?
I'm a project manager with a small Orbital contract, and they are just down the street from me.
@PearsonArtPhoto I'm pretty sure I saw it mentioned by someone. There's an off chance I confused some other chat with one on SE tho, not 100% certain
*dunno where that typo crawled from sorry
not a freudian slip :P
My company has a fair amount of affiliation with Orbital, I can often get inside info, with a bit of work.
One of my co-workers came over from there 2 months ago, matter of fact.
Sadly, I'm not anywhere close to anything interesting right now. Most of the stuff moved elsewhere with the crisis hitting us hard, and no funds to keep projects alive. There was a fair deal of interesting projects for ESA, also NASA developed here not even a few years back tho. I think they're still keeping that CERN project, but that's not up my alley really ... Manish would probably be really into it tho LOL
Ah no they still work for NASA, but they moved cities
I live about 25 miles west of D.C. There's a ton of interesting businesses here.
Orbital, Lockheed, Raytheon, Orbcomm, Irridium, Geo-eye, and I'm sure a bunch of others that I'm not thinking of.
@PearsonArtPhoto Intelsat, Boeing, ATK, DigitalGlobe... that list could go on for a while
not to mention an interesting gov't agency or two ;)
yeah, rub it in...
Yeah, I'm just talking about the 10 miles nearest my house.
There's a lot more if I'm willing to go 20 miles.
I just found out that the institute I did physics at is still doing the Atlas experiment in CERN :) Yeah, I have something closer than 10 km too!
tho the experiment isn't :(
or maybe that's a good thin, just in case they really make Swiss cheese out of Switzerland with LHC
oh, you're talking in miles ... that's not fair!!
Well, most of those are within 10km too. Not to mention places like Verizon, AOL, etc.
ah I'm not bothered by those, I do have IBM, Microsoft,... some 4 km away
space tech tho... it's kinda left, I've found that institute is likely involved with something, they usually are, and then there's another company about 30 km away (?) that is a contractor for NASA / ESA / ARM / ...
but a lot of our brains just left after all the troubles ... and of course, Murphy at work, I just came back from abroad to see the worst of it :|
I basically live in the East Coast Silicon Valley. which is rumored to be the most important community for the Internet to work anywhere.
@Tildal - I loved the EVA answer you gave. Why did you delete it?
@RoryAlsop hmmm, not sure I'd feel comfortable discussing it here... stuff happened because of it
@RhysW well, we can't really. It's like wagon-wheeling - it's lots of photographs (like video is) but not necessarily ones that would happen consecutively in real life)
@TildalWave oh - hence the deleted. Gotcha - I don't need to know
@TildalWave tildal! hugs
@RhysW hugs back ... awkward! LOL
i felt it was warranted, dont ever expect it again :P
that was your phone in your pocket, right?
um yeah totally
:P so my first question on juno: "Where can I find a dance club to learn the moves they do in juno"
juno who?
juno what, expect lots of more poor jokes :P
and poor grammar to boot!
there's no such thing as poor jokes, just poor reception
well with all the satellites we have the reception should be pretty good
wait what?? ...
2 days ago, by PearsonArtPhoto
LOL. Before that, for a long time, I was an Aardvark.
best quote ever right :D
his gravatar :P
@RhysW didn't see it :(
i forgot until he reminded me :L
if you zoom to when it was posted, he put the picture there
@RhysW I tried, it just displays his current gravatar
hehe nice
so whats up, any awesome questions i should see?
someone say awesome question?
/ very early morning
don't know about awesome, but I wrote a question on space...
what type of question?
its coming up to 9am here
this time tomorrow, I will be back in the classroom teaching
00:00 for me in a little bit
its monday for you right?
very monday
public holiday here
you beat me to it
i was about to ask :P
damn mind link
what were you going to ask?
about to ask why you were going back on a tuesday
man i never should have opened minecraft this weekend
lost entire days to some of these elaborate mods
@UV-D a bit of it is here: space.stackexchange.com/a/1195/49 (tho not delwing into any detail)
I might link it in and state that this is a specific example
@UV-D i could lose entire weeks reading questions and answers on things like your question
that's the purpose
no! i need to go to work! and sleep and stuff!
no, not allowed
@RhysW I've told you this already, sleep is for the dead!
i forgot to eat yesterday already
so ill be one of the dead soon enough!
No way, humans can go without food for weeks.
@TildalWave so good question?
@UV-D they are definitely a viable source of sustainable energy ... there's the kinetic energy of eruptions themselves, then the heat exchange, then the electrostatic charge it produces, sublimation pressure, all kinds of ways to exploit it, depending on which technology converts more of its potential energy into useful one
@DavidFreitag hah, who says im a human!
yes, a good question... but you might wanna make it a bit more specific? Not sure how, tho
hence my 2nd prt to the question - how do they compare to magmatic eruptions
@RhysW the DNA tests i had on you last week.
man i have a hhard enough time figuring out what uv-d writes, let alone when its midnight
@TildalWave perhaps say a future colony on Triton..
Caffeine, it makes all the difference.
@DavidFreitag waaaay ahead of you
be specific about which moon?
still no idea though, something about exploting volcanoes for energy i think
Hmmm... I wonder if Cold can be used to create energy.
@UV-D oh dunno, I didn't wanna suggest you should limit yourself to a particular celestial ... maybe time frame it, to prevent too futuristic speculations?
Er well.. uh... convert energy i should say..
@DavidFreitag nicely backpeddeled
@TildalWave "within the next couple of centuries"
@RhysW Heh - I've been at work for 11 hours now and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep..
@DavidFreitag well any difference at the exchange, and you have your source ... so ... yes?
man, Astro is going very slow
@UV-D my enthusiasm has been curbed ever so slightly
@TildalWave What i mean is, you can use heat to produce steam to turn a turbine to produce electricity.. Can sheer cold be used in the same way?
@RhysW why?
i.e. if the surrounding is 10K and the eruption ejecta is 200K (which is still darn cold), you have 190K of difference to play with
@DavidFreitag sure, heat rises to push a turbine, so put cold at the top and itll do the opposite :P
^Totally made up science
@DavidFreitag there is such a thing as cold? isn't that just the lack of heat?
@TildalWave Well, you know what i mean.
@UV-D hmm, how best to word this, my enjoyment is based mostly off of my interactions with the community, everyone else seems to be less active, hence its reflected on me
@DavidFreitag damn slippery scientists :P
IE, can i coat my space ship in something that allows the flow of electrons because of the lack of heat in my environment
Sort of like a piezo element, but for temperature
aaah, that is the same wit me @RhysW - I enjoyed answering questions and discussing them in chat... what dented my enthusiasm was the constant talk of the site falling
i will be honest though, i dont have much of a formal education, so part of it was just, i dont understand :P
Pah - formal education, who needs one?
it happened here too, i dont understand whats even being written most of the time
That's what they made the internet for.
@DavidFreitag well considering mine really only goes as far as GCSE :P
@RhysW eh?
this will surprise you - asides from me being as dumb as a dead pelican, I am not formally trained in astronomy at all
im not formally trained in anything xD so i dont have a foundation to base knowledge off of
@DavidFreitag you mean superconductors?
I was formally taught english by a pack of rabid sea lions.
@DavidFreitag um GCSE is really basic stuff, given at roughly age 15ish
@DavidFreitag you're just collecting stars now, aren't you?
@TildalWave Uhh.... no, i mean a passive device that produces energy in some form (preferably electron flow)
@DavidFreitag I thinkI was in your class
mine is bad enough that tildal follows me and corrects my posts :P
@DavidFreitag well bose-einstein condensates are rather funny behaving so I wouldn't put it as impossible
usually into making it look like im complimenting him though :P
@UV-D They tried to get me to write with my right hand... it didn't end well for them.
A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (that is, very near or ). Under such conditions, a large fraction of the bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point quantum effects become apparent on a macroscopic scale. These effects are called macroscopic quantum phenomena. Although later experiments have revealed complex interactions, this state of matter was first predicted, generally, in papers by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein in 1924–25. Bose first sent a paper to Einstein on t...
> cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (that is, very near or )
Wouldn't that require that you keep the gas cool?
@DavidFreitag I'm not sure I'm the right one to ask such questions LOL... you want Manish
@TildalWave Well, to be honest I'm not really fishing for answers, I'm just thinking out loud :]
be back later...
damn! mistakenly supplied the wrong card details for my laptop, sigh, now to go through the traumas of customer service, may god have mercy on my soul
wow its quiet here now
in space chat no one can hear you talk?
@RhysW No, that's what we have comms for man.

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