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hahaha e'; DROP TABLE PLANETS;--
I still think having an XKCD feed here could liven up the chat a bit
I wouldn't complain, especially after Google Reader was shut down
I never set up a replacement :\
Yeah, I'm told to check out Old Reader
I was kinda hoping that it was all just a big joke
@TildalWave Deer Hunter leaving isn't connected to me at all, right?
@Undo No ... and I hope he isn't leaving and is all just just something we can all put behind us.
@TildalWave I hope so - he (?) asked some pretty good questions.
Leaving 3 500 rep bounties doesn't bode well, though.
um, oops
don't be mad
@JohnB Uh-oh, what red button did you hit?
@Undo he has enough knowledge up his sleeves to regain that in no time ... he's still been the top rep user for the month, when he started being more active
@Undo "Create User" on the feeds page
lemme just uhhh
@JohnB what does that do?
Let's just watch him suffer.
nothing to see here
You obviously want to tell us about it. What did you do?
There is a button that says "Create User" for feeds, I figured it would pop up a modal dialog if I clicked it
well it doesn't and it did some stuff
Like... ??
so I figure well I'll just destroy the user and it'll revert the change I just did
Well, feeds by default are posted by the "Stack Exchange" user
I guess you can use this to make a little feed user
and name it, and give it an avatar
So... did you delete the Stack user?
haha no, not that bad
@JohnB you should name it "Google Reader"
destroying the user I didn't really mean to create alsooo destroyed that feed
so, I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today
(don't let me touch things)
Don't let JohnB hit buttons?
Sounds good.
I wonder what would happen if you deleted the Stack user?
Would SE explode?
they would probably hire a hit on me
pre-beta private beta
or whatever the phase is called when it's complete commitment but not launched private beta yet
anyone here committed?
But no, not commited.
it must have just launched minutes ago, those were all 0s when I had it up
refreshed and then numbers popped up
@JohnB woooot where did that spike in commitments come from in the last ten days??
Dunno! I was wondering that too
@JohnB Skeet bought a 3D printer? :))
oh hey, Robert Cartaino committed
interesting, first he's committed to
we should follow his commitments ... if he commits next to AI we're in trouble :)
here's something funny: search on A51 for "procrastination", see what result you get LOL
Now I have to go do some busywork preparing for a Latin class. Bla.
I'm supposed to write an introduction. Any suggestions?
How about, 'I like to watch @JohnB push buttons that he probably shouldn't' ?
it's not my fault
@JohnB Well, but it makes a good story, no?
@JohnB The latin class uses a forum. A forum. Eeeek. Going to be a hard year.
hang in there
I'll try....
ULA Launch Readiness Review is complete. #NROL65 set to launch on a #DeltaIV Heavy from VAFB on Aug. 28; launch is planned for 10:52 am PDT
@TildalWave Neato!
yup that's a heavy lifter
classified payload tho
That's what, noon EDT?
(EDT for the next week. Then I go back to MDT)
1:52 PM EDT. Duh.
@Undo I'm gonna make a meta announcement and schedule an event for the chat ... should then display the time in your timezone
@TildalWave Good idea.
earned 182 reputation from suggested edits :D
@Undo You did? Mind that there's a cap on total rep you can gain from suggested edits, IIRC it's a 1000 rep points max ;)
@Tildalwave one good news regarding GSLV D5 :-)
@Hash What is it? From what I understand they found no further problems with the rocket and will replace the 2nd stage with a standby stage.
Q: Live chat room event: Delta IV Heavy to Launch NROL-65 (August 28, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. UTC/GMT)

TildalWaveThis is an invitation to attend our chat room event, where we will be covering the launch of the ULA (United Launch Alliance) Delta IV-Heavy configuration delivering the classified NROL-65 payload to orbit for the United States National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). Chat event will start 20 minu...

@Tildalwave launch date is going to be announced in two days :-)
I think it's a neat little LEO launcher.
And we have some translation to English too :)
no ignition :( blimey, I told them not to use unleaded fuel!!
> "According to the # JAXA, countdown suspended until 15 seconds before the launch, launch battery is not running ..." (2013/8/27 13:56 NHK)
Launch of Japan's #Epsilon rocket has been scrubbed for today. http://www.spaceflightnow.com/epsilon/sprinta/status.html
Take care of the ship for me, I'm off. Don't forget that tomorrow is the BIG one, the Delta IV-Heavy! Similar to the first launch event we had, but with a heavier payload configuration. One of the heaviest currently operational orbital lifters. See a few posts up ^ ;)
Tell @JohnB not to press any buttons!! :P
6 hours later…
@Tildal Will do. It's probably a bad idea to give a ship to to people who can't push any buttons, but whatever.
Oooh - a custom off-topic close reason!
1 hour later…
Would those two scifi questions be a candidate for deletion?
1 hour later…
@Undo one word: inertia :P
@TildalWave this may have been my fault, I fell asleep trying to watch
they had to scrub it as a convenience to me
@JohnB stagefright ;) a young little rocket needs a bit of boosting
> The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) cancelled today's launch of the first Epsilon Launch Vehicle (Epsilon-1) with the Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of Atmosphere (SPRINT-A) onboard from the Uchinoura Space Center, because an automatic stop alarm was issued as an attitude abnormality was detected approximately 19 seconds prior to the liftoff time during the automatic countdown sequence. The launch had been originally scheduled for 1:45:00 p.m. today (Japan Standard Time).
young rocket had an attitude abnormality... go figure LOL
kids these days!!
@JohnB "Does nuclear batteries... " "Grammar fixes" Really? :))
Well I said "Grammar fixes", not "Fixed all the grammar"!
@JohnB Google "Jean Luc Picard Facepalm" :)
found this gem :)
they make good points
you can't explain that
To those there? Impossible!
There is a 70% chance of favorable weather for Wednesday's planned #NROL65 launch on a ULA #DeltaIV.
@Undo i crossed 2k :-)
Well, what can we say....
Cheers :)
Cheers @CrazyBuddy :-)
@Hash Told you!
87.5% accept rate! :)
@Hash You have 22 questions that have answers but you didn't accept any as answering your question. Could I please bother you to go through those and see if some could be accepted, and comment on others, if you think it's necessary? Cheers! (BTW I'm not thinking of those 2 answers of mine, mostly of the other 20 of them) ;)
@ernestopheles You also accepted only 3 answers on your questions so far. If you think they could be answered better, then please comment on them, or edit them to include further clarification what would constitute a good answer. It's also acceptable to post links to some of them here, if you think that'd help them get a proper answer. ;)
/moderator mode
1 hour later…
Arianespace Flight #VA215 is “go” for Thursday’s launch from French Guiana with #EUTELSAT 25B / Es’hail 1 and GSAT-7 http://bit.ly/1aMNz1J
I think I have a 100% accept rate :D
TildalWave has added an event to this room's schedule.
It's so exciting when things work right:-)
#ISS crew recreates @Astro_Luca spacesuit water leak. @AstroKarenN fires up #SPHERES. http://1.usa.gov/150mPU8 http://t.co/FWDreHBQiC
@PearsonArtPhoto It's the second greatest feeling in the universe.
Q: Live chat room event: Ariane 5 ECA rocket (VA215) to launch the Eutelsat 25B and GSAT 7 satellites (Aug. 29, 2013 at 8:10 p.m. UTC/GMT)

TildalWaveThis is an invitation to attend our chat room event, where we will be covering the launch of the Ariane 5 ECA rocket, designated VA215, to launch the Eutelsat 25B and GSAT 7 satellites.     Launch date: Aug. 29, 2013 Launch window: 20:30-21:20 GMT (4:30-5:20 p.m. EDT) Launcher: Ariane 5 ECA roc...

Now I have 1 more day before I have to announce another one... busy launch week :) Maybe I can even squeeze an answer or two for the Q&A in the meantime LOL
also ... where is @RhysW? He just disappeared :O
off sabotaging rocket launches probably
@TildalWave sorry ive been on holiday, just got back today
@Donald.McLean second?
1 hour later…
@RhysW You on holiday? I thought you can't do without your full English breakfast, where were you, Great Yarmouth? :P
If you were, don't worry about it, I was there before too LOL

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