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hehe, i am apparently 21% of the messages here, perhaps i should post less often :L
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@JohnB you have your total SE-wide rep count of 6666 ... which goes really nice with those gallows you've drawn in ASCII art :)
@RhysW dunno, I didn't get the impression you're really trying :P
And then there's some other really lively rooms that get 300+ new posts in 10-15 minutes I'd spend here in this one, so it's actually too quiet even
@TildalWave How's this for a good question?
Q: Once lightyears out of the solar system, could you expect to get feasible propulsion with a solar sail?

UndoIt's been said before that a solar sail could be used for solar and extrasolar missions - if you aren't in a hurry. However, as you can't spell solar sail without the solar part, I'm wondering if you could expect to get reasonable propulsion through the cosmos when you are lightyears away from t...

@Undo I'm not sure we actually know? There might be a bow shock area beyond heliosphere in the direction of the rotation of Milky Way... and I need to read more about it, but you might be met with cosmic dust travelling near the speed of light as a byproduct of exploding supernovae beyond heliosphere? And I guess it would depend on which direction relative to the direction Sun moves in the galaxy you'd be travelling.
but yeah +1 for the question ;)
@TildalWave We should get an interesting answer if it has to take into account multiple theories / conditions!
@Undo Yes I'd presume so. It's a bit over my head TBH, but here's a good starting point (for references at the bottom LOL):
In astronomy, the interstellar medium (or ISM) is the matter that exists in the space between the star systems in a galaxy. This matter includes gas in ionic, atomic, and molecular form, dust, and cosmic rays. It fills interstellar space and blends smoothly into the surrounding intergalactic space. The energy that occupies the same volume, in the form of electromagnetic radiation, is the interstellar radiation field. The interstellar medium is composed of multiple phases, distinguished by whether matter is ionic, atomic, or molecular, and the temperature and density of the matter. The ...
@TildalWave It's way over my head too :)
This is a cool image
What's it mean?
> The distribution of ionized hydrogen (known by astronomers as H II from old spectroscopic terminology) in the parts of the Galactic interstellar medium visible from the Earth's northern hemisphere as observed with the Wisconsin Hα Mapper (Haffner et al. 2003).
English, please :)
@TildalWave We still don't have colored stats on our A51 page. When should be get those?
@Undo I'm not sure either... best you ask @ManishEarth, when he's around
@TildalWave Yes, Manish knows everything about everything for beta sites, doesn't he?
I guess the only thing better would be to get a diamond and ask a community manager.
Or track one down without a diamond...
Anyway, got to go now. Bye!
@Undo Things here can get incredibly complex... when I first joined I thought I was getting the hang of things pretty fast,... then I started having more and more questions. It sometimes feels as almost too complex, too chaotic even. I still often assume something to be one way and then be surprised by the fact that it isn't. We all learn all the time ;)
I mean, why would it be any different for me? But the realisation I know less than I thought I did was a bit of a shocker LOL
@TildalWave 60 or 30 days I think. In the first couple of weeks the colors don't make sense anyway. They don't make sense afterwards too, really -- people get too worked up about them.
15 hours later…
Eeek. 15 hours without a message. Maybe that would be an Eeeeek.
2 hours later…
@Undo thats apparently what happens when i talk less xD hows things going everyone? enjoying the space talk?
@RhysW Yep. Steadily marching toward 2k.
nice going! pearson must almost be at 10k by now with his track record
@RhysW 3.4-ish I think :P
We need to find a way to stop him.
almost double the second person
stop him?! are you crazy! we dont need to slow im down, we need to speed everyone else up!
imagine a site full of pearsons!
@RhysW True.
Wow - a site full of pearsons.
i should probably go have a look at recent questions, havent checked today
We should just force everyone to use all their votes everyday.
i would rather have everyone ask and answer good questions than vote
Yes - maybe force everyone to ask and answer at least ten questions and... wait a minute.
That sounds A-51ish
you have a habbit for wanting to force people to do things undo :P
@RhysW Maybe I should just use the sarcasm tag more often - I'm not being serious
Of course
@Undo i wasnt either :P
disclaimer, very little of what i say is serious
@RhysW About 50% of what I say is serious, give or take 45%.
im curious to ask a question about if there is a currently agreed upon law prohibiting the use of weaponry eithe rin space craft or actually built on them, not sure if something like that would be on topic though
@RhysW It'd probably be off-topic.
I'm not sure, though.

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