Well I decided to delete that question anyway, it's been gathering too many questions regarding it being "too broad" even though I've explicitly mentioned I'm not interested in all, but merely the ones with significant enough budget to actually be worth mentioning in the "exploration" context. And two comments that one Wiki page answers all my questions asked in that post... meh.
@RhysW more members are joining since public beta, and the questions per day count is falling, I've also got 50 "passive" rep points yesterday, new members are browsing through our previous contents and vote as they deem appropriate... you seem 2x more agreeable than I am :)))
it's also sadly true, although not much discussed... but there were some interviews where astronauts were saying that one of the first things you notice while on Mir / ISS is the "BO" :))
@RhysW I'm not that much of a fan of acronyms either... I mostly use them to avoid spelling mistakes, I never remember how many Hs are in "Hitchhiker" :)
@JamesJenkins Oww I'm flattered, thanks James :) I've never been a mod before, or really considered it, so I think I need to think about, as it would certainly involve making slight adjustment to my daily schedule, and I wouldn't want to impose, if I wasn't entirely sure I'd be up to it. I think I need to chat with @RoryAlsop, he's acquainted with my virtual SElf well enough. :) Also, have you considered nominating yourself? It appears SEx.SE is your new favorite SE site?
@CrazyBuddy hehe, i was just about to leave the room when i saw that hapy flower of yours (yeah i know theyre balls but whenever i look quickly it looks like a flower)
@RhysW I'm just picking brains of some mods over at The DMZ where I frequent... I need to establish what my duties would be better than I currently have knowledge of. I think I could be a mod, as I seem to have some qualities required (not my words, I don't want to sound like overly self-possessed, that's not how I roll LOL), but frankly have no idea if that'd hold true also "in the line of fire" :)
part of my clumsy nature XD i could never be good at chemistry, could never hold the damn chemicals still
@TildalWave ive spoken to a few mods before, interested myself, its mostly important to remember that any of your votes end up being final, so you have to be careful when being the first to VTC or delete as it doesnt require other people to agree, it just happens!
@RhysW Meh..! As an engg. undergrad, I've banned chemistry & mech. things already... Now, I'm currently getting rid of other troubles (for instance, my stupid proffs)..! :)
@CrazyBuddy yeah, my eyes unfortunately mean i can never apply to do anything to go into space, had to recall my application to be a mars candidate because of it
@CrazyBuddy true, never found anything fitting though
@RhysW Yup, that's one of possible abuses of mod powers, but I'm not too concerned about that really, more if I'd have the time required and if there's some downsides to it I didn't think of before (besides that I'm no rocket scientist, but that's not really a requirement as long as I'd be able to understand the concepts involved, which I mostly do).
It appears I've been nominated for the mod position on Space Exploration... I'd really like to talk with one of the mods here, preferably @RoryAlsop that's also nominated there, so I get a better impression what all that involves and if I'd be able to deliver :?
i would love to know if we could get a space probe on a meteorite near earth, then let the momentum from the meteorite do al the moving for us, carry the probe into deep space at speed. probably not easy :L
@CrazyBuddy nah, we just take over the chat and change its direction, almost guaranteed if we are in the same chat room
And now we officially have a 2K reputation user...
@RhysW Often moderators go through that problem. Being a mod almost killed my normal user approach of SFF, the number of questions/answers I've had since being a mod is about 5% of what it was before...
I still manage flags though, participate in decisions, and occasionally more.
I think this site will be different, because I know far more and am far more interested in this subject that the other two modships I've had in the past.
Currently, the ISS is resupplied with fresh clothes from the Earth. I remember reading a report on NTRS stating that the requirements for fresh clothes proved to be much higher than expected.
Thus, several related questions:
Will it be feasible to put a washing machine into the ISS?
What kinds...
would it be a good idea to change the title to "in micro-gravity"? Or is that a silly idea since we don't have any artificial gravity space stations yet
its really asking about, washing in no gravity, microgravity, less gravity (mars),and more gravity (europa), so im not sure if we can answer every problem in one answer
e.g solution is different in lighter than it is in heavier i imagine
NASA has actually published a study on this. This study was the primary motivator for Planetary Resources to start its work on mining an asteroid. And there is more work being done by NASA to learn more as well. And there's the approach that Planetary Resources has set in place, which seems to be...
Considering I have almost double the reputation of the next person, that doesn't mean much. It's really only me hitting the reputation cap every day...
ouch :) (you'll notice I'm not replying to anyone, just saying "ouch" with no implied relevance to any previous posts here) ouch again :))
@PearsonArtPhoto What do you mean that doesn't mean much? That means you have a lot more time to dedicate to this site than I do. Having time means much to me. Ergo - it does mean much! :P