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Welcome. Someone will say something nice. (Not me). Someone will say something mean (Likely me). Someone will ignore you.
3 hours later…
@geoffc I think "welcome" is something nice :)
2 hours later…
Q: Is "Relevance to space exploration?" under questions helpful and proper, or does it create a false impression of how SE works?

uhohI've seen the comment Relevance to space exploration? Appear quickly, directly below several question posts over the past several months, and I'll explain why it makes me uncomfortable. It creates the impression that a question asker must demonstrate "relevance" specifically to the exploration...

4 hours later…
@usernumber I found your question fascinating and was planning on putting a bounty on that one myself (I bountify a lot). I think you bountied only 22 minutes after it became possible!
I wanted to add a supplementary answer and that's safe if its my own bounty, but if it's from someone else there is the danger that I might get an auto-award by default (if there are no other answers) and it might discourage other users from posting answers.
Anyway, good luck!
@NikeDattani Your answer looks great to me. The site has a very very wide variety of users, from amateur space enthusiasts to famous astronomers (e.g. 1, 2) to current and retired NASA folks
So one just writes to the scope that one wants to and likely someone will find it useful, and if one throws in a variety of depths then even more people can enjoy.
@uhoh I actually set an alarm for when I could start a bounty on that one: it would be such a cool thing to see :D

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