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Q: How to season a character?

TheikGranny Bells, the Night Hag, has captured a player (half-elf bard) and plans to eat her, as hags are wanton to do. Granny Bells has a preference for sour and bitter food and an extensive array of monster parts and spices available for her cooking adventure. She's originally from Chult, but has si...

Are you just looking for a list of things specifically described as sour and/or bitter?
@NautArch I've reduced the scope to Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation and the rulebooks, because that's the campaign I'm running, and Bells moved from Chult (ToA) to Ravenloft (CoS)
I was going to comment that it takes thyme to become seasoned at something ... then I found out you actually are talking about spices.
That's gonna leave the half-elf's player with a bitter taste in their mouth
@Pyrotechnical And they have to be edible (to a hag, anyway, so human edibility isn't particularly important), but essentially, yes.
Just a user trying to add flavor to their encounters.
Not sure why this is now getting close votes. This is a very tightly bounded list question and is definitely answerable (items/monsters with description as sour or bitter in 5e rulebooks or CoS/ToA).
While I could see why somebody would think the question is too broad, I'm not entirely certain how people think it is opinion based. I do not need anybody's opinion on if the elf-soup will taste good or not, I need objectively bitter/sour tastes.
@NautArch Guess people are pretty salty about this question
When the mods close these comments down it will be a sad day for the internet...
I just love the puns getting peppered in with the comments.
@Theik lol you really want to spice things up after seeing that other question huh ? I love this question !
Not the close-voter, but what's rpg.SE's stance on list-questions? Because I don't see how any non-wiki answer can be anything but half-cooked.
@as.beaulieu We still had good fun, so it'll be a bittersweet ending
@DonFusili Unbounded lists are generally frowned upon. But a tightly bounded list like this is an okay question (but you can still not like it :) )
@NautArch Oh, I like it, just wanted to do my due diligence before upvoting, cheers
I did an edit to make sure that Granny isn't breaking the fourth wall and tossing the player into the stew. ;-)
I did edit the title too
to change "player" with "character'
side note: I enjoy the puns.
I love how my tongue-in-cheek "Related:" comment was not moved with the rest of the puns
Yeah, I approved that edit, but there was the same thing inside the text. I also tossed in a few syntax and completeness bits into the prose.
@PierreCathé Your gloating is noted. I'm not bitter. XD
perfect !
@KorvinStarmast looks like it's staying there, for bitter or for worse
@PierreCathé For lunch, I'd guess that Granny would want to cook up a nice Theik stew or pot of chili, not so much a soup, but it's someone else's question.
@KorvinStarmast Go on and ask if you think you can cook up a better question
Just make sure it's a good one or you'll sour your relations with the mods
@PierreCathé I am sure that if I make something just for curse of strahd, it will have to be beer or coffee - brood is a theme in that setting ... ducks
@PierreCathé Your gloating has indeed been noted ;)

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