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Masterphile, so bounty is now awarded?
@Ante yes
Still working on the integral I mentioned yesterday
That to a side for now. Interesting to checkout nonethelessas a side project I’m also working on Wolfram’s rule 30 problems. But I’ve taken
Ugh StackExchange chat on iPad is worthless
Sentences loop around and I can’t even see what I’m typing
1 hour later…
@Mathphile ?
what's wrong?
are you at computer
I am on my phone rn
@palindromicprime Does that follow from that?
11 hours later…
@Peter the downvote!
Q: Do only multiples of $6$ can satisfy this divisibility condition with $\sigma$ and $\varphi$?

AnteAfter doing some computations of the divisibility of $\sigma(n)$ with $n+ \varphi(n)$, mostly with Peter´s help, we found these solutions: $n=2, 456, 828, 7584 ,33462 , 1357440, 1596048 ,1964544 ,19800384 ,26211264 ,31451136 ,106805184,156868224 ,316113024 ,365395680 ,449746560 ,502349274 ,50329...

now it´s positive score
@Peter Hello Hello Hello! Is anybody in there?
Can I do something more in this expression $$f^{-1} (x) = f \left( f(x) \right) $$?
Can I obtain something from that expression?
is f^{-1} inverse of f?
@Peter i have an idea
What about my problem Ante? :-)
i cannot solve everything
You can !
My problems are much much easier than Bell’s problem which you have aimed to solve
@Ante What is your idea ?
to compute the smallest number w(n) such that sigma(n)/(n+phi(n)+w(n)) is natural number
is that hard?
No, but this does not have a solution in general. If sigma(n) < n+phi(n) , then there is no such w(n). I think, there are some n satisfying this inequality.
then w(n) is negative in that case
OK, in this case, it works. The most efficient way is to factor sigma(n) and to look which divisor comes next to n+phi(n)
Why not determining the near misses where sigma(n) mod n+phi(n) is -1 or 1?
that is even better
Do you think you can program that ?
nope, hardly
You should try it, than you learn much. You only need the for-loop, the command mod and the functions eulerphi and sigma.
ah, hardly now, my head hurts, i have a headache
OK, I will do it ...
I abort my search for examples not divisible by 3 ...
i also stopped the procedure
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+eulerphi(n))==1,print1(n," ")))
1 4 15 903
still in progress
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+eulerphi(n))==-1,print1(n," ")))
1 3 21
still in progress
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+eulerphi(n))==1,print1(n," ")))
1 4 15 903 28611063
more hits than near-misses !
Let us look what Haran can proof...
Do you think that the problem whether there is an odd perfect number is an example for Goedels incompleteness theorem ? Maybe independent of ZFC ?
if they do not exist, then it can be proven
No, the other way round. If there is one, this can be proven.
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+eulerphi(n))==1,print1(n," ")))
1 4 15 903 28611063
The other is still in progress
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+eulerphi(n))==-1,print1(n," ")))
1 3 21
try now sigma(n)/(n+2phi(n))
no near misses, hits, right ?
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n),n+2*eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",sigma(n)/(n+2*eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
10 1 2 2 [2, 1; 5, 1]
44 1 2 3 [2, 2; 11, 1]
184 1 2 4 [2, 3; 23, 1]
752 1 2 5 [2, 4; 47, 1]
3796 1 3 4 [2, 2; 13, 1; 73, 1]
7320 2 4 6 [2, 3; 3, 1; 5, 1; 61, 1]
12224 1 2 7 [2, 6; 191, 1]
19488 2 4 8 [2, 5; 3, 1; 7, 1; 29, 1]
44856 2 4 7 [2, 3; 3, 2; 7, 1; 89, 1]
49024 1 2 8 [2, 7; 383, 1]
221088 2 4 9 [2, 5; 3, 1; 7, 2; 47, 1]
again only even solutions, it seems.
try now (sigma(n)-phi(n))/(n+phi(n))
fractions 1 and 2 so far
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n)-eulerphi(n),n+eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)-eulerphi(n))/(n+eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
1 0 0 0 matrix(0,2)
10 1 2 2 [2, 1; 5, 1]
44 1 2 3 [2, 2; 11, 1]
60 2 3 4 [2, 2; 3, 1; 5, 1]
168 2 3 5 [2, 3; 3, 1; 7, 1]
184 1 2 4 [2, 3; 23, 1]
752 1 2 5 [2, 4; 47, 1]
1530 2 4 5 [2, 1; 3, 2; 5, 1; 17, 1]
3672 2 3 7 [2, 3; 3, 3; 17, 1]
3796 1 3 4 [2, 2; 13, 1; 73, 1]
12224 1 2 7 [2, 6; 191, 1]
there are some "almost-twin" solutions
almost twin ?
yes, close to each other, relatively
and much of solutions for this case
yes :
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n)-eulerphi(n),n+eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)-eulerphi(n))/(n+eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
1 0 0 0 matrix(0,2)
10 1 2 2 [2, 1; 5, 1]
44 1 2 3 [2, 2; 11, 1]
60 2 3 4 [2, 2; 3, 1; 5, 1]
168 2 3 5 [2, 3; 3, 1; 7, 1]
184 1 2 4 [2, 3; 23, 1]
752 1 2 5 [2, 4; 47, 1]
1530 2 4 5 [2, 1; 3, 2; 5, 1; 17, 1]
3672 2 3 7 [2, 3; 3, 3; 17, 1]
3796 1 3 4 [2, 2; 13, 1; 73, 1]
12224 1 2 7 [2, 6; 191, 1]
And this although sigma(n)-eulerphi(n) is much smaller than sigma(n) !
try now (sigma(n)-n)/(n+phi(n))
OK, this seems harder !
? for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n)-n,n+eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)-n)/(n+eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))1 0 0 0 matrix(0,2)
12 1 2 3 [2, 2; 3, 1]
42 1 3 3 [2, 1; 3, 1; 7, 1]
1242 1 3 5 [2, 1; 3, 3; 23, 1]
6137440 1 4 8 [2, 5; 5, 1; 89, 1; 431, 1]
11045760 2 5 11 [2, 7; 3, 1; 5, 1; 11, 1; 523, 1]
maybe, we concentrate on this !
Look it up in OEIS , fun fact : 12,42 and 1242 are the first 3 solutions !
well, you should take a look at this:
for(n=1,10^8,if(Mod(sigma(n)+n,eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)+n)/(eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
(17:53) gp > for(n=1,10^13,if(Mod(sigma(n)+n,eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)+n)/(eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
1 2 0 0 matrix(0,2)
2 5 1 1 Mat([2, 1])
6 9 2 2 [2, 1; 3, 1]
10 7 2 2 [2, 1; 5, 1]
12 10 2 3 [2, 2; 3, 1]
28 7 2 3 [2, 2; 7, 1]
76 6 2 3 [2, 2; 19, 1]
120 15 3 5 [2, 3; 3, 1; 5, 1]
312 12 3 5 [2, 3; 3, 1; 13, 1]
588 13 3 5 [2, 2; 3, 1; 7, 2]
672 14 3 7 [2, 5; 3, 1; 7, 1]
888 11 3 5 [2, 3; 3, 1; 37, 1]
1060 8 3 4 [2, 2; 5, 1; 53, 1]
1264 6 2 5 [2, 4; 79, 1]
quite many solutions
and also high fractions
If this is not in OEIS; it is worth a closer look
it is in oeis
but only 59 terms
in oeis
Hard to find a useful sequence not being in OEIS :(
How many do we have at the moment ?
about 40-45
even more
Just look at the largest in OEIS, and when you have beaten it
how to find non-primes for which this holds:
for(n=2,1000,if(Mod(sigma(n)+n,n-eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)+n)/(n-eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
n-eulerphi(n) is not interesting when n is prime
maybe that holds only for primes!
command is "forcomposite"
? forcomposite(n=2,10^5,if(Mod(sigma(n)+n,n-eulerphi(n))==0,print(n," ",(sigma(n)+n)/(n-eulerphi(n))," ",omega(n)," ",bigomega(n)," ",factor(n))))
12 5 2 3 [2, 2; 3, 1]
247 17 2 2 [13, 1; 19, 1]
261 7 2 3 [3, 2; 29, 1]
270 5 3 5 [2, 1; 3, 3; 5, 1]
1386 5 4 5 [2, 1; 3, 2; 7, 1; 11, 1]
1710 5 4 5 [2, 1; 3, 2; 5, 1; 19, 1]
1817 37 2 2 [23, 1; 79, 1]
2279 49 2 2 [43, 1; 53, 1]
3960 6 4 7 [2, 3; 3, 2; 5, 1; 11, 1]
4469 61 2 2 [41, 1; 109, 1]
6720 6 4 9 [2, 6; 3, 1; 5, 1; 7, 1]
9167 97 2 2 [89, 1; 103, 1]
some composites pass the test
There is a conjecture that phi(n) | n-1 only holds for primes
A counterexample must be a Carmichael number with many factors.
but can phi(n)|n hold?
yes it can
For example for powers of 2
seems that the only possible prime factors are 2 and 3.
Can we prove this ?
both directions?
First that there cannot be prime factors p>=5
If we have at least two odd prime factors, then the valuation with respect to 2 is larger for phi(n) than for n
What about 2^a * p^b with p >= 5 ?
Above is not true, unfortunately, I cannot delete it. I only considered the squarefree case.
So , we start with n = 2^a * 3^b
Then, phi(n) = 2^(a-1) * 2 * 3^(b-1) = 2^a * 3^(b-1) | n , if a >= 1 and b >= 1
now converse
not like that
suppose that n=2^a*3^b*w and show w=1
phi(n) = 2^(a-1) * 2 * 3^(b-1) * phi(w) , if gcd(w,6)=1 and a,b>=1
hence we get phi(w) | w
but phi(w) is even for w>2 and w is odd
now suppose w=2^c * 3^d * r and use infinite descent, and done
or like that
Aren't we already done ? At least with the case a,b >= 1 ?
i think yes
Now, next b = 0
n = 2^a * w , gcd(w,6) = 1
phi(n) = 2^(a-1) * phi(w)
Hence phi(w) | 2w
A moment, above we do not have phi(w) | w , but phi(w) | 3w ...
but 3w is odd as well, so this case remains valid.
but what about phi(w) | 2w ?
i think that can be more easily proven with Euler´s product formula
all of that
we have n / phi(n) = p1 / (p1-1) * ... * pn/(pn-1) and if pn >=5 , this cannot be an integer.
That's it, you were right !
A power of 3 (not being 1) does not satisfy the property
So, necessary and sufficient is that 2 appears and 3 can also appear.
Nice !
we can now dabble about n|sigma(n)
the multi-perfect numbers.
k = 2 is completely clasified for the even numbers, and odd numbers are not known
since there are none, but we do not have a proof
If I am informed right, it is also conjectured that no odd examples exist for larger k.
But I am not sure.
OEIS probably has the entries upto a high limit ...
If I remember right, another conjecture is that there is a k-perfect number for every k >= 2
yes, and none of the odd k-perfects
they are all conjectured to be even
What is the search limit in OEIS ?
not sure
OK, I look it up ...
Hm, I did not find the list of all numbers, only for k = 2 , 3 , ...
Isn't that list in OEIS ? This would be strange !
In mathematics, a multiply perfect number (also called multiperfect number or pluperfect number) is a generalization of a perfect number. For a given natural number k, a number n is called k-perfect (or k-fold perfect) if and only if the sum of all positive divisors of n (the divisor function, σ(n)) is equal to kn; a number is thus perfect if and only if it is 2-perfect. A number that is k-perfect for a certain k is called a multiply perfect number. As of 2014, k-perfect numbers are known for each value of k up to 11.It can be proven that: For a given prime number p, if n is p-perfect and p does...
But this does not summarize all known cases.
Some examples are "numerical monsters"
So , it might be worth to calculate the first examples.
for k=3?
Are the smallest examples known to be the smallest ? Or only the smallest known ?
Most will have k = 3 anyway.
? for(n=2,10^9,s=sigma(n)/n;if(denominator(s)==1,print(n," ",s," ",factor(n))))
6 2 [2, 1; 3, 1]
28 2 [2, 2; 7, 1]
120 3 [2, 3; 3, 1; 5, 1]
496 2 [2, 4; 31, 1]
672 3 [2, 5; 3, 1; 7, 1]
8128 2 [2, 6; 127, 1]
30240 4 [2, 5; 3, 3; 5, 1; 7, 1]
32760 4 [2, 3; 3, 2; 5, 1; 7, 1; 13, 1]
523776 3 [2, 9; 3, 1; 11, 1; 31, 1]
2178540 4 [2, 2; 3, 2; 5, 1; 7, 2; 13, 1; 19, 1]
23569920 4 [2, 9; 3, 3; 5, 1; 11, 1; 31, 1]
33550336 2 [2, 12; 8191, 1]
45532800 4 [2, 7; 3, 3; 5, 2; 17, 1; 31, 1]
this should be in OEIS !?
Are these only the known or do we know that in that range there are no more ?
most probably no more in that ranges
but this is not proven, right ?
well, it is computed
Surely not with brute force !
ah, you think it is done with some shortcuts
We cannot check every number upto this level ! Not the best computers can do that. But there are surely strong heuristics and restrictions.
i do not know, there are some so-called supercomputers and parallel computing
We also know that there are no perfect odd numbers upto 10^1500 , but this range has not been computer-checked, of course.
The numbers here have several hundred digits !
10^18 , maybe can be done with brute force.
Perhaps even 10^21, but 10^100, infeasible.
can you check is w(n)=p_{n+1}p_{n+2}+p_{n+2}p_{n}+p_{n+1}p_{n} "often" prime?
So, 3 consecutive primes a<b<c ?
Is it ab + ac + bc , then ?
the first is already prime ...
and second is
a moment ...
? while(c<1000,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c)==1,print([a,b,c,a*b+a*c+b*c])))
[3, 5, 7, 71]
[5, 7, 11, 167]
[7, 11, 13, 311]
[17, 19, 23, 1151]
[29, 31, 37, 3119]
[37, 41, 43, 4871]
[41, 43, 47, 5711]
[43, 47, 53, 6791]
[67, 71, 73, 14831]
[83, 89, 97, 24071]
[103, 107, 109, 33911]
[137, 139, 149, 60167]
[157, 163, 167, 79031]
[179, 181, 191, 101159]
[181, 191, 193, 106367]
[193, 197, 199, 115631]
[227, 229, 233, 158231]
[277, 281, 283, 235751]
[283, 293, 307, 259751]
in fact many primes !
very much
nice prime generator !
Let us count them !
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<5000,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c)==1,q=q+1;print([q,a,b,c,a*b+a*c+b*c])))
[2, 3, 5, 7, 71]
[3, 5, 7, 11, 167]
[4, 7, 11, 13, 311]
[5, 17, 19, 23, 1151]
[6, 29, 31, 37, 3119]
[7, 37, 41, 43, 4871]
[8, 41, 43, 47, 5711]
[9, 43, 47, 53, 6791]
[10, 67, 71, 73, 14831]
[11, 83, 89, 97, 24071]
[12, 103, 107, 109, 33911]
[13, 137, 139, 149, 60167]
[14, 157, 163, 167, 79031]
[15, 179, 181, 191, 101159]
[16, 181, 191, 193, 106367]
[17, 193, 197, 199, 115631]
119 primes !
yes, very much for so a trivial sequence
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<10^7,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<10^8,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
you can try also ab+bc+ac+a+b+c+1 to compare results
First of all, I have an explanation why the chance to get a prime is good. SInce (a,b,c) are pairwise coprime, every prime dividing a+b , a+c or b+c , cannot divide the sum.
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<10^8,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c+a+b+c+1)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
This is even better !
But here, I have no quick explanation.
it is better by about 50 percent
which is much
In fact, a big difference. Let us look at 10^9
A good question for MSE and MO. Why is this generator superior ?
i wouldn´t ask it on MSE
OK, ask it on MO
10^9 will take a while.
i can wait for the procedure to finish
I have not the result for either generator yet.
not a problem
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<10^9,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c+a+b+c+1)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
that´s a large increase since primes on average get rarer
yes. but only with about log(n)
we didn´t try the simplest ab+a+b+1
with two variables
no, that is vene
so ab+a+b
One after the other ...
You switch faster to a new idea than Enzo Creti :)
well, i did not chat with Enzo, but yes, i have much ideas :)
not bad, but perhaps note those ideas and present them later, that I can keep up.
ah, i write rarer and rarer, you´ll remember what´s most important, i guess, at least some of it
? [a,b,c]=primes(3);q=1;while(c<10^9,[a,b,c]=[b,c,nextprime(c+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a*c+b*c)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
The same generator is again a clear winner !
Why is it better than the other ??
yes, again about 50 percent
try now ab+a+b
i think it will be stunning
or not
? [a,b]=primes(2);q=1;while(b<10^9,[a,b]=[b,nextprime(b+1)];if(ispseudoprime(a*b+a+b)==1,q=q+1));print(q)
OK, I will think about all this. Good night.

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