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I'm out too.
Keerist, are you guys still here? Don't you have anything useful to do?
Well, at least one Commie is still lurking, or so I'm told.
Sounds like a Commie.
They lurk.
That's how they roll.
@Kosmonaut — See, that's just the kind of thing a decent moderator ought to delete with fire. No, better yet, nuke from orbit.
@RegDwight That's right. They roll up for The Magical Misery Tour.
Don't worry, we're about to merge Kosmonaut with his evil twin.
Now that's a nice palindrome.
@RegDwight — Wait, I thought Kosmonaut was the evil twin.
Yeah, I was just being nice. Don't worry, won't happen again.
@Kosmonaut — They leave scars. Very dashing.
[Pause as @RegDwight looks up "dashing" in the dictionary, then heads for a Wikipedia reference.]
Huh? RegDwight is browsing SovMusic right now.
Wow, all two of it?
March of Stalin's Air Force
See, this is why we won the Cold War. An air force is supposed to fly, not march. Geez.
Yeah, right. Like I'm going to download that virus to my computer. Nice try.
Viruses will be delivered directly to your backyard.
Links are safe.
Why they sing in English?
I picked that one for you.
Ah. The version of Russian that only uses English words.
Must be a Western dialect.
Wow they even have one in German...
I... I don't understand a single word.
Well, that's very, uh ... stirring. That and KGB machine guns behind them were no doubt all it took to get the soldiers marching on to victory.
I don't understand a single phoneme.
Choral works with orchestra are like that.
Ah wait, I understood something with "wir haben verstanden" at the beginning of the third couplet...
I can't even understand a lot of choral works in English.
Q: What's the difference between a 'Sourcer' and a 'Recruiter'?

Ralph WintersIn HR terms, what's the difference between a 'Sourcer' and a 'Recruiter'? Why is one preferred over the other?

O God, they even have one in Lithuanian.
And lo and behold, I understand every single phoneme.
The difference is in the anagrams: "Sourcer" anagrams to "courser" and "Recruiter" anagrames to "truer rice".
And I speak like two and a half words worth of Lithuanian.
Apr 19 at 19:32, by Kosmonaut
You're an anagram.
That's 2.5 more than I speak.
In fact, you're an anagram of U.S. ROBOT.
anagrams => ars magna
According to our meta.
@RegDwight — Busted.
Also "so to rub" ...
That explains a lot.
1 hour ago, by RegDwight
People rub stuff too often in this room.
And "S.O.B. Tour"
And "root bus".
That's an awful misspelling of route.
Also "sour bot"
You're a "dreg wight"
yesterday, by RegDwight
@Fx I would prefer RedDwarf, for obvious reasons.
@Martha => "rat ham"
F'x => x'F ... OMG!!!
Kosmonaut is something about US Atom...
Kosmonaut anagrams to "man tookus" — ROFLMAO!!!
Or "tookus man"
Or "Took us, man" — but that's not as funny.
Not bad.
That explains that comment of his that he cowardly deleted.
"@Robusto Sorry, I crap in my sleep sometimes."
RegDwight+Robusto => Outgrows bed girth
That's what he said?
@Robusto Yes.
Mods can still see it, in fact.
-cleans up-
As they can see all of MrD's deleted stuff.
psmears => "as sperm"
Well that one was obvious.
(Where's the second S?)
@RegDwight — Hey, he threw down on me first.
As long as he doesn't throw up on you.
@RegDwight That's fine, of course, just reflexes when I realised my stupidity had* overcome me, once again.

*I've contained it now, ...for now.
@RegDwight "as sperm" doesn't make it any better
@psmears It also doesn't make it any worse.
Also, psmears is "Mr. Passé"
He is totally pwned now.
/resists urge to quote chat context from hours ago in apparent non-sequitur
You have your badge for today, relax.
@Robusto Just watch out. I have kittens and I'm prepared to use them.
23 secs ago, by psmears
/resists urge to quote chat context from hours ago in apparent non-sequitur
Did I do it right?
@psmears — You wouldn't. That would be breaking all kinds of rules.
MrHen anagrams to Commie Mutant Traitor from Texas.
@RegDwight in Texas.
Alain Pannetier => A "Le Nain" painter
The three Le Nain brothers were painters in 17th-century France: Antoine Le Nain (c.1599-1648), Louis Le Nain (c.1593-1648), and Mathieu Le Nain (1607–1677). They produced genre works, portraits and portrait miniatures. Lives and work The Le Nain brothers were born in Laon (Mathieu in 1607; Antoine and Louis were originally believed to have been born in 1588 and 1593, respectively, but those dates have since been disputed: they may have instead been born just before and just after 1600), and by 1630, all three lived in Paris. In 1648 the three brothers were received into the Académie d...
For those who don't get the reference.
<looks around>
Le nain geant is a nice book.
(No accents today, sorry.)
Shit, I wish I could make money with anagrams. It's the only godlike power I possess.
A very interesting book about those chess automatons.
The end was a bit disappointing and rather rushed, but apart from that, a good read.
@RegDwight That's what she said?
You're doing it wrong.
(And that's what she really said.)
No. What she really said was, "Is it in?"
Within you, without you...
With or without you?
Q. What are three words meaning "too small"? A. "Is it in?"
@MrHen Careful, U2 translates to instant kick in this room.
@RegDwight — Is that directed to me?
@RegDwight And by instant you mea-
BTW, @RegDwight, I have failboated The Discovery of Heaven severely.
So I gave it to my wife to read — and she reads anything — and she didn't last five pages.
I find this hard to believe.
I must check what the first five pages are.
But then I gave her a copy of The Eight and she couldn't put it down. Seriously, she was reading it at, like, breakfast.
I think there's some preamble or something before the actual book begins.
@Robusto Still on my list.
Q: Adverb Game: Where language goes to die.

Jack B NimbleI played a game with a group of people in which: one person would leave the room an adverb would be decided with the remaining people the person would return and then ask people perform certain acts if asked to do somethign you would need to do it in the manner of the adverb chosen Things sta...

Oh come on ...
Was ist das?
It's so strange my close skillz are paralyzed.
Na toll, und jetzt kommen die Flags.
Actually, I would like to see how fast this would get closed by the community.
Speaking of which, welcome to the 3k club, @Orbling!
Oh. Too bad it shows 3k. Because the actual number is exactly 3000.
@Robusto, congrats for my anagram, these painters are not so well known outside France (and even inside I must say).
@AlainPannetier — C'est ne fait rien. [I think that's how it goes.]
you probably mean "don't mention it".
@RegDwight — So, what you're saying, if I understand you correctly, is that it would take more than three Orblings to be over 9000!
Hm. I'm holding The Discovery of Heaven right now. I can see how the prologue is not everybody's thing. (Though IIRC it was my thing when I was 15-odd.)
@AlainPannetier — Was trying to say, "It's nothing."
c'est rien
Have you tried skipping directly to the Family Feast?
The first chapter.
@RegDwight — I have not.
Well, I won't coerce you, but...
Partly it's because I've been working so hard lately. I haven't been reading anything. Just working, a little chat, a little video, and a little sleep. And damned little else.
I mean, I found the first chapter of Foucault's Pendulum boring, too.
I will look again when I have a free brain.
I started reading at page 110 or something.
That's what I would always do as a child.
I hated the first chapters of the Three Musketeers, too.
Same about Robinson Crusoe.
Or Swift.
When I was a kid I would get 6 books at a time from the library (the limit) and then I would read a chapter of each before deciding which to read first.
Apr 14 at 13:07, by RegDwight
In fact it might make some sense to take a pause before reading that one.
Three Musketeers, Robinson Crusoe, Swift — liked, liked, liked.
I will take another go at it when I am fresh.
Yes, yes, and yes. But that didn't change my reading habits until very late in life.
Good night all !
Night alls/owls should I probably say ;-)
OK; where is the second reply?
Somebody has hidden the second reply to not let me find it.
I pay a short visit to the fridge, everyone's out, kiamlaluno's in.
And Dori, of course.
Actually, I just noticed the time...
Gonna make my rounds on other sites, then call it a day.
Hey @kiamlaluno, you wanna vote on this one?
@RegDwight I will do it, just if you tell me the answer.
Now I'm confused.
Which answer?
I'm secretive!
I thought visits to the refrigerator would be free.
God, I really have to go to bed, I just misread the title of this question as "What is a good software that allows on-the-fly pooping?"
@RegDwight The answer to the question! Did you give me the link for a online shop that sells bagels?
Q: What is a good software that allows on-the-fly looping?

BeemerGuyI would like to practice playing solo by looping and mixing on the go, especially with a guitar. For an example of that, if anyone knows KT Tunstall's performance of Black Horse and a Cherry Tree, in which she managed to loop the percussion and the supporting strums to free herself for the lea...

True story.
@kiamlaluno The answer is 42.
@RegDwight Is that how much you must pay a visit to the fridge?
Now if only they would finally tell you the answer to your Area51 question...
I have a Fanatic badge there, dammit.
On Area 51? When did you get it?
A while ago.
Like, months.
I asked about those badges, and the fact Area 51 doesn't report how much consecutive days you visited the site, but nothing.
I did notice that they removed that field from the user profile.
But I could never be bothered to ask why.
I have commented on Robert's answer to your question, actually.
Then, it was a relatively recent change.
It was approximately around the time they introduced the discussion zone.
Probably on the same day.
If memory serves me right.
@RegDwight They will not; I am not the 5th user in the rep hit parade.
That would explain the change; I guess that those badges have been removed the same day.
In that case, they should change date format for the activity log.
I read that somebody got that badge on April 29; I would take it means the month of this year.
Well, the badges are still there.
It's just that nobody is getting any new ones.
Q: Isn’t a word missing?

Yoichi OishiI’m quoting a part of the article titled “Pakistan Sees Shared Intelligence Lapse” written by Alan Cowell in today’s (May 4) New York Time’s Asia Pacific section (online edition) simply by cut-and-pasting of the text: “After the meeting, Mr. Gilani that he did not believe the United States ...

Okay, that is too much for me.
I don't mind Yoichi questions... but this is just proofreading.
@RegDwight I do remember you can see the chat history, including the deleted posts. :-)
That is why I commented with "I will delete my post, so @RegDwight will not see I agreed with you." ;-)
@brilliant Because such questions are close to be proof-reading, IMO.
@MrHen Which is the missing word, anyway? ;-)
Okay, party people, I'm out!
@RegDwight Buh bye!
Next time I will pay a refrigerator visit for you.

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